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To obtain specific DNA probes for the identification of the fish pathogen, Renibacterium salmoninarum, a discriminatory recombinant DNA library was constructed using selective fragments of the bacterial genome. Three renibacterial clones, pMAM29, pMAM46 and pMAM77, containing 149, 73, and 154 bp respectively, were isolated and characterized. The specificity of the probes was confirmed by dot-blot and Southern hybridization analyses. Bacterial hybridization experiments revealed that pMAM29 discriminates the R. salmoninarum genome from that of other fish pathogens such as Aeromonas salmonicida, Yersinia ruckeri, Flexibacter columnaris, Lactobacillus piscicola, Vibrio ordalii, Vibrio anguillarum and Aeromonas hydrophila. Thus, this probe may provide a new means to diagnose bacterial kidney disease in asymptomatic fish and ova.The authors are with the instituto de Bioquímica, Universidad Austral de Chile, P.O. Box 567, Valdivia, Chile  相似文献   
We have assigned the human histamine H1-receptor gene to chromosome 3 by Southern blot analysis of a chromosome mapping panel constructed from humanhamster somatic cell hybrids. This assignment was confirmed by in situ hybridization on metaphase chromosomes and involved bands 3p14–p21.  相似文献   
Deletion of a region of the promiscuous plasmid pLS1 encompassing the initiation signals for the synthesis of the plasmid lagging strand led to plasmid instability in Streptococcus pneumoniae and Bacillus subtilis. This defect could not be alleviated by increasing the number of copies (measured as double-stranded plasmid DNA) to levels similar to those of the wild-type plasmid pLS1. Our results indicate that in the vicinity of, or associated with the single-stranded origin region of pLS1 there is a plasmid component involved in its stable inheritance. Homology was found between the DNA gyrase binding site within the par region of plasmid pSC101 and the pLS1 specific recombination site RSR.  相似文献   
A senescence-specific protease has been purified from senescent unpollinated ovaries of Pisum sativum L. cv. Alaska by acidic extraction. (NH4)2SO4 fractionation, ion exchange chromatography on CM-Sephadex, and affinity chromatography on ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco)-Sepharose. Characterization of the purified protease indicated that it is a thiol-endoprotease (EC 3. 4. 22 class) active over a wide pH range. Purified antibodies against this protease inhibit the degradation of Rubisco in autodigested extracts of senescent ovaries, suggesting that Rubisco might be a substrate for the protease in senescent pea ovaries. The relative levels of the protease were determined by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) along the processes of ovary senescence and gibberellic acid (GA)-induced fruit development, indicating its induction at the beginning of senescence and the suppression of its synthesis by GA treatment.  相似文献   
The content of polyamines and proline was much lower in a normal (N) callus of Beta vulgaris L. than in a fully habituated hyperhydric (H) callus. The H callus also contained more glutamate and had a higher glutamate dehydrogenase activity. The excess of glutamate, in this chlorophyll-deficient callus, was linked to accumulation of proline and polyamines. Experiments with α-difluoromethylornithine (DFMO) and α-difluoromethylarginine (DFMA) showed that both ornithine decarboxylase and arginine decarboxylase participated in the synthesis of polyamines (especially spermidine and putrescine) and removal of ammonia. It is hypothesized that the H callus was subjected to ammonia stress from the start of the culture. Experiments with gabaculine, an inhibitor of ornithine aminotransferase, showed that this enzyme linked proline degradation to polyamine synthesis through the production of ornithine. This disturbed nitrogen metabolism appeared to be characteristic of the fully habituated callus and might explain the low growth of this hyperhydric tissue.  相似文献   
This work was designed to determine the role of the acidity and aluminium stress in the selection of partners in the Acacia symbioses with relevance to the persistence of the microsymbiont Bradyrhizobium in the soil and the growth and nodulation of the host plant respectively. Fifteen strains of Bradyrhizobium from Acacia mangium and Faidherbia albida formed a very homogenous acid tolerant group as indicated by their ability to grow better in a medium at pH 4.5 than in a medium at pH 6.8. By contrast, a growth experiment using an acid liquid media (pH 4.5), containing different concentrations of aluminium successfully identified strains sensitive to aluminium toxicity and those able to grow even in the presence of 100 M AlCl3.Our results suggest that high amounts of aluminium in the soil rather than acidity (pH 4.5) were a major soil factor for selection of Bradyrhizobium strains capable of establishing a permanently high population under natural conditions.Unlike the behaviour of the microsymbiont, growth and nodulation of Acacia mangium and Faidherbia albida were not affected by aluminium, even at 100 M, but they might be significantly affected by medium acidity (pH 4.5) depending on plant provenances. It is therefore suggested that ability of the host plant to tolerate acidity stress should be taken into account first when screening effective Acacia-Bradyrhizobium combinations for use in afforestation trials.  相似文献   
Capillarity, fibre types, fibre area and enzyme activities of different skeletal muscles (pectoralis, extensor digitorum longus), tibialis anterior, plantaris and the myocardium were compared in Andean coot (Fulica americana peruviana) native to high altitude (Junín, Perú, 4200 m) and the same species nesting at sea level. Numbers of capillaries per square millimeter were higher in all high-altitude muscles when compared with sea-level muscles (P<0.0001). Moreover, values for capillaries per fibre and capillaries in contact with each fibre were higher in digitorum and tibialis high-altitude muscles. Muscle fibres were classified as Type I, Type IIA or Type IIB on the basis of their myofibrillar ATPase pH lability. Pectoralis muscle of high-altitude and sea-level coots presented only fibres of Type IIA. In contrast, all the leg muscles studied showed a mosaic pattern of the three fibre types. Fibre areas were determined using a Leitz Texture Analysis System. Significant differences in fibre area were observed (P<0.01) between high-altitude and sea-level muscles. Mean muscle fibre diameters were also lower in the high-altitude group than in the sea-level group. The enzyme activities studied were hexokinase, lactate dehydrogenase, citrate synthase and 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA-dehydrogenase. The oxidative capacity, as reflected by citrate synthetase and hydroxyacyl-CoA-dehydrogenase activities, was greater for myocardial and pectoralis than for leg muscles. However, analysis of maximal enzyme activities showed that there were no significant differences between the glycolytic and oxidative enzyme activities of high-altitude and sea-level coots. These results suggest that in Andean coots genetically adapted to high altitude, changes in muscle capillarity and fibre size, in addition to high haemoglobin O2 affinity and low haemoglobin concentration, are sufficient to allow adequate energy production without increases in enzymatic activities.Abbreviations BSA bovine serum albumin - C:F ratio Capillaries per fibre - CAF Capillaries in contact with each fibre - CD capillary density (mm-2) - CS citrate synthetase - EDL muscularis digitorum longus - fra fraction reduction area - HA high altitude - HAD hydroxyacyl-CoA-dehydrogenase - HK hexokinase - LDH lactate dehydrogenase - P 50 PO2 at which hemoglobin is half saturated with O2 - P aO2 arterial partial pressure of oxygen - PAS periodic acid-schiff - PEC muscularis pectoralis - PLA muscularis planaris - P tO2 mean tissue oxygen pressure - P vO2 mixed venous partial pressure of oxygen - SD standard deviation - SL sea level - TA muscularis tibialis anterior - TAS texture analysis system  相似文献   
Thermosensitive mutant strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae that fail to generate an osmotically stable cell wall when grown at a non-permissive temperature release their cell contents upon expression of the mutation. Therefore, they may represent an alternative for the production of homologous or heterologous protein preparations. In order to analyse the expression of two of these mutations, lyt2 and slt2, we grew the corresponding strains under precisely defined conditions in batch and continuous fermentors. A switch in the temperature of batch cultures from 24° C to 37° C determined lysis of the cells with a significant release of intracellular enzymes. These include alkaline phosphatase and periplasmic proteins such as glucan-degrading enzymes, the pattern of cell lysis and protein release being maintained for about 6 h. One-stage continuous cultures of a lyt2 mutant were maintained for long periods at 37° C; a fraction of the population lysed and released the indicated proteins, but eventually a revertant of the lytic phenotype was selected. To avoid this, a two-stage continuous culture system was developed by connecting two fermentors in series, the effluent from the first one at 24°C being fed to the second one adjusted to 37° C. A steady state of cell lysis and protein liberation was reached in the second-stage fermentor without any evidence of selection of revertants. This system can be very useful for developing conditions for the use of yeast strains to produce protein preparations. Correspondence to: C. Nombela  相似文献   
Three new allelic forms of the HLA-G DNA sequence (HLA-G*II, HLA-G*III, and HLA-G*IV) have been identified. With the HLA-G*I sequence (previously designated HLA 6.0) as a reference, HLA-G*II shows a silent (G A) mutation at the third base of codon 57, HLA-G*III bears a non-synonymous (A T), but conservative, (Thr Ser) substitution at the first base of codon 31, and HLA-G*IV shows two silent substitutions: (A T) at the third base of codon 107 and (G A) at the third base of codon 57. A rapid method of singling out each allele on genomic DNA has been developed by using polymerase chain reaction amplification followed by restriction endonuclease treatment. Also, more or less strong linkage disequilibria has been found between most HLA-A alleles and either HLA-G*I or *II, both being the most prevalent alleles in the population, with a genotypic frequency of 0.55 and 0.38, respectively; HLA-G*III is very rare and HLA-G*IV has a genotypic frequency of 0.07. An evolutive classification of HLA-A alleles results according to their association with either HLA-G*I or HLA-G*II, which does not correlate with the classical serological cross-reacting groups classification. The finding of a strong and selective A/G linkage disequilibria with most HLA-A alleles, together with the existence of less frequent random A/G associations, may suggest that there exist in different haplotypes true and varied A/G genetic distances (and not a recombinational hotspot). It may be inferred from preliminary data that in primates HLA-A/G haplotypes bearing G*II may have appeared later than those bearing G*I.The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper have been submitted to the GenBank and EMBL nucleotide sequence databases and have been assigned the following accession numbers: EMBL-X60983 (HLA-G*II), GenBank-M99048 (HLA-G*III), and GenBank-L07784 (HLA-G*IV).The contribution to this paper by P. Morales and A. Corell is equal, and the order of authorship is arbitrary. Correspondence to: A. Arnaiz-Villena.  相似文献   
Complete plants of Lupinus luteus L. cv. Aurea that were regenerated from hypocotyl segments, bloomed, produced seeds and were efficiently nodulated by Bradyrhizobium sp. strains. The highest rates of shoot formation were obtained on A medium plus 1.3% agar with 10.0 M 2-isopentenyladenine (2iP) and 0.11 M naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA); the best rooting was achieved on a medium with 0.5 M NAA plus 0.05 M 2iP. Afterward, plantlets were transferred to either perlite or peat-containing pots and irrigated with a N-free nutrient solution until maturity. Direct rooting of hypocotyls could also be obtained on A medium with 1% agar.  相似文献   
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