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The effect of sublethal levels of methylparathion (0, 1, 3, 5, 7 mg l–1) on the freshwater rotifer, Brachionus calyciflorus, during their entire life cycle was studied. Rotifers were fed on two species of unicellular algae: Nannochloris oculata and Chlorella pyrenoidosa; both algal concentrations were 5 × 105 cell ml–1.The parameters used to determine the toxicity of this compound were survival, fecundity, net reproductive rate (R)o, generation time (T), intrinsic rate of natural increase (r), reproductive value (V x/Vo) and life expectancy at hatching (eo). All the demographic parameters studied were affected by methyl-parathion exposure on rotifers fed on both species of algae, but the toxic effect was larger when animals were fed on Chlorella pyrenoidosa; in this case, animals showed a decreased in fertility and also a delayed first reproduction. Sublethal methylparathion levels produced a reduction in most of the parameters selected, especially after exposure to 7 mg l–1, where the animals died before reproducing.  相似文献   
The amino acid composition of the diet ingested by reference and cafeteria diet-fed lean and obese Zucker rats has been analyzed from day 30 to 60 after birth. Their body protein amino acid composition was measured, as well as the urinary and faecal losses incurred during the period studied. The protein actually selected by the rats fed the cafeteria diet had essentially the same amino acid composition as the reference diet. The mean protein amino acid composition of the rat showed only small changes with breed, age or diet.Cafeteria-fed rats had a higher dietary protein digestion/absorption efficiency than reference diet-fed rats. Obese rats wasted a high proportion of dietary amino acids when given the reference diet, but not on the cafeteria diet. In all cases, the amino acids lost as such in the urine were a minimal portion of available amino acids.In addition to breed, the rates of protein accretion are deeply influenced by diet, but even more by the age — or size — of the animals: cafeteria-fed rats grew faster, to higher body protein settings, but later protein accrual decreased considerably; this is probably due to a limitation in the blueprint for growth which restricts net protein deposition when a certain body size is attained. Obese rats, however, kept accuring protein with high rates throughout.Diet composition — and not protein availability or quality-induced deep changes in amino acid metabolism. Since the differences in the absolute levels of dietary protein or carbohydrate energy ingested by rats fed the reference or cafeteria diets were small, it can be assumed that high (lipid) energy elicits the changes observed in amino acid metabolism by the cafeteria diet. The effects induced in the fate of the nitrogen ingested were more related to the fractional protein energy proportion than to its absolute values. Cafeteria-fed rats tended to absorb more amino acids and preserve them more efficiently; these effects were shown even under conditions of genetic obesity.There were deep differences in handling of dietary amino acids by dietary or genetically obese rats. The former manage to extract and accrue larger proportions of their dietary amino acids than the latter. The effects of both models of amino acid management were largely additive, suggesting that the mechanisms underlying the development of obesity did not run in parallel to those affecting the control of amino acid utilization. Obesity may be developed in both cases despite a completely different strategy of amino acid assimilation, accrual and utilization. (Mol Cell Biochem121: 45–58, 1993)  相似文献   
At thoracic and lumbar levels the spinal dorsal gray of young specimens of the turtle Chrysemys d'orbigny consists of a cell-free neuropil and an aggregation of perikarya termed here the lateral column of the dorsal horn (LCDH). Nerve cell clusters also occur in the dorsal commissure. The main neuropil area can be divided into a thin superficial layer containing some myelinated fibers (neuropil area Ib) and a compact core composed of unmyelinated axon terminals, dendritic branches, and thin glial processes (neuropil area II). A looser neuropil area is located at the horn base (neuropil area III). The so-called marginal zone of de Lange represents a fourth synaptic field termed here neuropil area Ia. The LCDH consists of neurons of different size and shape. Two peculiar nerve cell types have been recognized in the dorsal horn: giant and bitufted neurons. The former exhibits a large dendritic arbor, which after passing through neuropil areas II and Ib projects into neuropil area Ia and the adjacent white matter. Most frequently Golgi-stained giant neurons have perikarya and dendritic domains on the same side (ipsilateral giant neurons). There are also heterolateral giant neurons whose dendritic branches invade the opposite horn. Bitufted neurons are characterized by the presence of two main dendritic shafts connecting neuropil area II of both dorsal horns. At neuropil levels the major dendritic branches ramify profusely giving rise to short tortuous terminal processes. Perikarya of bitufted neurons occur in the dorsal commissure. The LCDH also contains many small and medium-sized neurons. These are oriented in two main directions: parallel or radial with respect to the dorsal horn surface. The population of horizontally oriented neurons comprises two subtypes termed here alpha and beta. Radially oriented neurons are pleomorphic, defying precise, unequivocal classification.  相似文献   
The present study was designed to investigate the controversial subject of the existence of a neural input from the pineal organ via the pineal tract to the subcommissural organ (SCO) in teleosts and anurans. Horseradish peroxidase was injected into the pineal organ and pineal tract of Carassius auratus and Rana perezi. Within the pinealofugal fibers the tracer was visualized at the light-and electron-microscopic levels either by immunocytochemistry using an anti-peroxidase serum, or by revealing the enzymatic activity of peroxidase. In both species, labeled myelinated and unmyelinated fibers of the pineal tract were readily traced by means of electron microscopy. In R. perezi, numerous terminals contacting the SCO cells in a synapse-like (synaptoid, hemisynaptic) manner bore the label, whereas a different population of endings was devoid of the tracer, indicating that in this species the SCO receives a dual neural input, one of pineal origin, the other of unknown source and nature. In the SCO of C. auratus, neither labeled nor unlabeled synapse-like contacts were found. Thus, in this latter species, a direct neural input to the SCO is missing. It is concluded that the secretory activity of the SCO can be controlled by different mechanisms in different species, and that more than one neural input mechanism may operate in the same species.  相似文献   
Soil micronutrients are capital for the delivery of ecosystem functioning and food provision worldwide. Yet, despite their importance, the global biogeography and ecological drivers of soil micronutrients remain virtually unknown, limiting our capacity to anticipate abrupt unexpected changes in soil micronutrients in the face of climate change. Here, we analyzed >1300 topsoil samples to examine the global distribution of six metallic micronutrients (Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn, Co and Ni) across all continents, climates and vegetation types. We found that warmer arid and tropical ecosystems, present in the least developed countries, sustain the lowest contents of multiple soil micronutrients. We further provide evidence that temperature increases may potentially result in abrupt and simultaneous reductions in the content of multiple soil micronutrients when a temperature threshold of 12–14°C is crossed, which may be occurring on 3% of the planet over the next century. Altogether, our findings provide fundamental understanding of the global distribution of soil micronutrients, with direct implications for the maintenance of ecosystem functioning, rangeland management and food production in the warmest and poorest regions of the planet.  相似文献   
The strategy of the United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration identifies three pathways for action for overcoming six global barriers thought to hamper upscaling. We evaluated 6,023 peer-reviewed and gray literature papers published over the last two decades to map the information landscape underlying the barriers and associated pathways for action across world regions, terrestrial ecosystem types, restorative interventions and their outcomes. Overall, the literature addressed more the financial and legislative barriers than the technical and research-related ones, supporting the view that social, economic and political factors hamper scaling up ecosystem restoration. Latin America, Africa, and North America were the most prominent regions in the literature, yet differed in the number of publications addressing each barrier. An overwhelming number of publications focused on forests (78%), while grasslands (6%), drylands (3%), and mangroves (2%) received less attention. Across the three pathways for action, the action lines on (1) promoting long-term ecosystem restoration actions and monitoring and (2) education on restoration were the most underrepresented in the literature. In general, restorative interventions assessed rendered positive outcomes except those of a political, legislative or financial nature which reported negative or inconclusive outcomes. Our indicative assessment reveals critical information gaps on barriers, pathways, and types of restorative interventions across world regions, particularly related to specific social issues such as education for ecosystem restoration. Finally, we call for refining “strength of evidence” assessment frameworks that can systematically appraise, synthesize and integrate information on traditional and practitioner knowledge as two essential components for improving decision-making in ecosystem restoration.  相似文献   
Rhodobacter capsulatus E1F1 showed high cytosolic urease activity when growing on urea, purines, and purine metabolites as nitrogen source. Molecular mass ofR. capsulatus enzyme is similar to that of other bacteria and greatly differs from that of jack bean. Kinetic parameters of partially purifiedR. capsulatus enzyme resemble those described in other bacterial ureases. The activity was inhibited by metal-chelating agents and by mercurials. Urease fromR. capsulatus E1F1 was negligible in nitrogen-starved cells or in cells cultured with nitrate, ammonium, or amino acids. Moreover, ammonium inhibited both the urea uptake and the urease activity expression inR. capsulatus cells.  相似文献   
Aldosterone production occurs in the outer area of the adrenal cortex, the zona glomerulosa. The glucocortocoids cortisol and corticosterone, depending upon the species, are synthesized in the inner cortex, the zona fasciculata. Calf zona glomerulosa cells rapidly lose the ability to synthesize aldosterone when placed in primary culture unless they are incubated in the presence of the antioxidants butylated hydroxyanisol and selenous acid, the radioprotectant DMSO, and the cytochrome P-450 inhibitor metyrapone. In the presence of these additives, calf zona fasciculata cells in primary culture synthesize aldosterone at rates which can approach those from cells isolated from the zona glomerulosa. Calf zona glomerulosa and fasciculata cells both responded well to ACTH and angiotensin II, but the zona fasciculata cells respond very poorly compared to glomerulosa cells to increased potassium in the media. Rat zona fasciculata cells in primary culture under similar conditions did not synthesize aldesterone, suggesting that the regulation of the expression of the enzymes responsible for the biosynthesis of aldosterone in the two species is different. Two distinct cytochrome P-450 cDNAs which hydroxylate deoxycorticosterone at the 11β position have been described in the rat, human and mouse. Both cytochrome P-450 cDNAs have been cloned and expressed in non-steroidogenic cells, but only one is expressed in the zona glomerulosa and only this glomerulosa cytochrome P450 can further hydroxylate deoxycorticosterone to generate aldosterone. Two bovine adrenal cDNAs have been described with 11β-hydroxylase activity and their expression products in transiently transfected COS cells can convert deoxycorticosterone into aldosterone. Both enzymes are expressed in all zones of the adrenal cortex. Zonal regulation of aldosterone synthesis in the bovine adrenal gland may be due to an 11β-hydroxylase with aldosterone synthesizing capacity which has not yet been isolated. Alternatively, a single enzyme might be responsible for the several hydroxylations in the pathway between deoxycorticosterone and aldosterone and zonal synthesis might be controlled by unknown factors regulating the expression of C-18 hydroxylation. The incubation of zona fasciculata with antioxidants and metyrapone results in atypical expression of this activity by an unclear mechanism.  相似文献   
Exopolygalacturonase (exoPG) is a pectin-degrading enzyme abundant in maize pollen. Using immunochemistry and in situ hybridization it is shown that in addition to its presence in pollen, exoPG is also present in sporophytic tissues, such as the tapetum and mesophyll cells. The enzyme is located in the cytoplasm of pollen and of some mesophyll cells. In other mesophyll cells, the tapetum and the pollen tube, exoPG is located in the cell wall. The measurement of enzyme activity shows that exoPG is ubiquitous in the vegetative organs. These results suggest a general function for exoPG in cell wall edification or degradation. ExoPG is encoded by a closely related multigene family. The regulation of the expression of one of the exoPG genes was analyzed in transgenic tobacco. Reporter GUS activity was detected in anthers, seeds and stems but not in leaves or roots of transgenic plants. This strongly suggests that the ubiquitous presence of exoPG in maize is the result of the expression of different exoPG genes.  相似文献   
Frataxin is a kinetic activator of the mitochondrial supercomplex for iron-sulfur cluster assembly. Low frataxin expression or a decrease in its functionality results in Friedreich's Ataxia (FRDA). With the aim of creating new molecular tools to study this metabolic pathway, and ultimately, to explore new therapeutic strategies, we have investigated the possibility of obtaining small proteins exhibiting a high affinity for frataxin. In this study, we applied the ribosome display approach, using human frataxin as the target. We focused on Affi_224, one of the proteins that we were able to select after five rounds of selection. We have studied the interaction between both proteins and discussed some applications of this specific molecular tutor, concerning the modulation of the supercomplex activity. Affi_224 and frataxin showed a KD value in the nanomolar range, as judged by surface plasmon resonance analysis. Most likely, it binds to the frataxin acidic ridge, as suggested by the analysis of chemical shift perturbations (nuclear magnetic resonance) and computational simulations. Affi_224 was able to increase Cys NFS1 desulfurase activation exerted by the FRDA frataxin variant G130V. Importantly, Affi_224 interacts with frataxin in a human cellular model. Our results suggest quaternary addition may be a new tool to modulate frataxin function in vivo. Nevertheless, more functional experiments under physiological conditions should be carried out to evaluate Affi_224 effectiveness in FRDA cell models.  相似文献   
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