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Mating displays often contain multiple signals. Different combinations of these signals may be equally successful at attracting a mate, as environment and signal combination may influence relative signal weighting by choosy individuals. This variation in signal weighting among choosy individuals may facilitate the maintenance of polymorphic displays and signalling behaviour. One group of animals known for their polymorphic patterning are Batesian mimetic butterflies, where the interaction of sexual selection and predation pressures is hypothesized to influence the maintenance of polymorphic wing patterning and behaviour. Males in the female‐limited polymorphic Batesian mimetic butterfly Papilio polytes use female wing pattern and female activity levels when determining whom to court. They court stationary females with mimetic wing patterns more often than stationary females with non‐mimetic, male‐like wing patterns and active females more often than inactive females. It is unclear whether females modify their behaviour to increase (or decrease) their likelihood of receiving male courtship, or whether non‐mimetic females spend more time in cryptic environments than mimetic females, to compensate for their lack of mimicry‐driven predation protection (at the cost of decreased visibility to males). In addition, relative signal weighting of female wing pattern and activity to male mate selection is unknown. To address these questions, we conducted a series of observational studies of a polymorphic P. polytes population in a large butterfly enclosure. We found that males exclusively courted active females, irrespective of female wing pattern. However, males did court active non‐mimetic females significantly more often than expected given their relative abundance in the population. Females exhibited similar activity levels, and selected similar resting environments, irrespective of wing pattern. Our results suggest that male preference for non‐mimetic females may play an active role in the maintenance of the non‐mimetic female form in natural populations, where males are likely to be in the presence of active, as well as inactive, mimetic and non‐mimetic females.  相似文献   
New insights into community-level responses at the urban fringe, and the mechanisms underlying them, are needed. In our study, we investigated the compositional distinctiveness and variability of a breeding bird community at both sides of established edges between suburban residential areas and woodland reserves in Canberra, Australia. Our goals were to determine if: (1) community-level responses were direct (differed with distance from the edge, independent of vegetation) or indirect (differed in response to edge-related changes in vegetation), and (2) if guild-level responses provided the mechanism underpinning community-level responses. We found that suburbs and reserves supported significantly distinct bird communities. The suburban bird community, characterised by urban-adapted native and exotic species, had a weak direct edge response, with decreasing compositional variability with distance from the edge. In comparison, the reserve bird community, characterised by woodland-dependent species, was related to local tree and shrub cover. This was not an indirect response, however, as tree and shrub cover was not related to edge distance. We found that the relative richness of nesting, foraging and body size guilds also displayed similar edge responses, indicating that they underpinned the observed community-level responses. Our study illustrates how community-level responses provide valuable insights into how communities respond to differences in resources between two contrasting habitats. Further, the effects of the suburban matrix penetrate into reserves for greater distances than previously thought. Suburbs and adjacent reserves, however, provided important habitat resources for many native species and the conservation of these areas should not be discounted from continued management strategies.  相似文献   
As the volume of data relating to proteins increases, researchers rely more and more on the analysis of published data, thus increasing the importance of good access to these data that vary from the supplemental material of individual articles, all the way to major reference databases with professional staff and long‐term funding. Specialist protein resources fill an important middle ground, providing interactive web interfaces to their databases for a focused topic or family of proteins, using specialized approaches that are not feasible in the major reference databases. Many are labors of love, run by a single lab with little or no dedicated funding and there are many challenges to building and maintaining them. This perspective arose from a meeting of several specialist protein resources and major reference databases held at the Wellcome Trust Genome Campus (Cambridge, UK) on August 11 and 12, 2014. During this meeting some common key challenges involved in creating and maintaining such resources were discussed, along with various approaches to address them. In laying out these challenges, we aim to inform users about how these issues impact our resources and illustrate ways in which our working together could enhance their accuracy, currency, and overall value. Proteins 2015; 83:1005–1013. © 2015 The Authors. Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
Campylobacter jejuni is a highly diverse species of bacteria commonly associated with infectious intestinal disease of humans and zoonotic carriage in poultry, cattle, pigs, and other animals. The species contains a large number of distinct clonal complexes that vary from host generalist lineages commonly found in poultry, livestock, and human disease cases to host-adapted specialized lineages primarily associated with livestock or poultry. Here, we present novel data on the ST403 clonal complex of C. jejuni, a lineage that has not been reported in avian hosts. Our data show that the lineage exhibits a distinctive pattern of intralineage recombination that is accompanied by the presence of lineage-specific restriction-modification systems. Furthermore, we show that the ST403 complex has undergone gene decay at a number of loci. Our data provide a putative link between the lack of association with avian hosts of C. jejuni ST403 and both gene gain and gene loss through nonsense mutations in coding sequences of genes, resulting in pseudogene formation.  相似文献   
We investigated the role of the main olfactory and accessory olfactory systems (MOS and AOS respectively) in the detection of androstenone. We used the following experimental approaches: behavioral, surgical removal of the vomeronasal organ (VNX) followed by histochemical verification and Fos immunohistochemistry. Using a Y-maze paradigm we estimated sensitivity of NZB/B1NJ and CBA/J mice to androstenone. CBA mice were 2,000-fold more sensitive to androstenone than NZB mice. VNX caused a 4- to 16-fold decre...  相似文献   
From July 1998 through October 2002, radiometric culture (ileocecal lymph node, mesenteric lymph node, and feces) and serologic testing by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) were used to survey white-tailed deer (Odocoilens virgianus) from the soutlheastern United States for infection by Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (Mptb), the causative agent of paratuberculosis (Johne's disease). Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis was isolated from the ileocecal lymph node of one of 313 deer (0.3%) originating from 63 populations in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and West Virginia (USA). Six deer (2%), all from different populations, had ELISA results above a 0.25 sample-to-positive cutoff value, but none of the ELISA reactors originated from the population from which the single Mptb isolation was made. These six deer were seronegative when tested by agar gel immunodiffusion (AGID). Collectively, these data indicate that white-tailed deer currently do not constitute a broad regional reservoir for Mptb; however, further study is warranted to clarify the significance, if any, of infected deer to the epizootiology of paratuberculosis on a local scale. Adaptation and validation of an ELISA or another serologic assay for use with deer and other wildlife would markedly enhance Mptb surveillanece among wild populations and would be a powerful tool for gaining information on the role of wild species in epidemiology of paratuberculosis.  相似文献   
Surveys for Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis infection in free-ranging mammals and birds were conducted on nine dairy and beef cattle farms in Wisconsin and Georgia. Specimens were collected from 774 animals representing 25 mammalian and 22 avian species. Specimens of ileum, liver, intestinal lymph nodes, and feces were harvested from the larger mammals; a liver specimen and the gastrointestinal tract were harvested from birds and small mammals. Cultures were performed by using radiometric culture and acid-fast isolates were identified by 16S/IS900/IS1311 PCR and mycobactin dependency characteristics. M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis was cultured from tissues and feces from 39 samples from 30 animals representing nine mammalian and three avian species. The prevalence of infected wild animals by premises ranged from 2.7 to 8.3% in Wisconsin and from 0 to 6.0% in Georgia. Shedding was documented in seven (0.9%) animals: three raccoons, two armadillos, one opossum, and one feral cat. The use of two highly polymorphic short sequence repeat loci for analysis of 29 of the 39 strains identified 10 alleles. One allelic pattern broadly shared in domestic ruminants ("7,5") appeared in approximately one-third of the wildlife M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis isolates studied. Given the few cases of shedding by free-ranging animals compared to the volume of contaminated manure produced by infected domestic ruminant livestock, contamination of the farm environment by infected wildlife was negligible. Wildlife may, however, have epidemiological significance for farms where M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis recently has been eliminated or on farms free of M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis but located in the geographic vicinity of farms with infected livestock.  相似文献   
目的:探讨280例胃食管反流病(GERD)的分布特点及危险因素。方法:对临床诊断和胃镜确诊的280例GERD患者进行临床和风险因子相关性分析。结果:不论汉族还是维族,男性患者比例均明显高于女性;汉族患者高发年龄段早于维族患者(z=-2.939,P=0.003,);汉族和维族患者占反流性食管炎和Barrett食管比例分别为42.4%、81_3%及56.5%、18.8%,其中汉族患者Barrett食管比例较高(X2=14.358,P=0.000);肥胖、习惯性便秘、重体力活动者、饮食习惯不良在维族患者中的比例较高(P〈0.001)。结论:GERD与性别、年龄密切相关,男性多于女性,汉族患者发病年龄高峰旱于维族患者;汉族患者Barrett食管发生比例高于维族患者;肥胖、习惯性便秘、重体力活动、饮食习惯不良可能是GERD尤其是维族人群GERD的危险因素。  相似文献   
A guild of 20 late spring- and early summer-flowering species ofIridaceae, Geraniaceae andOrchidaceae is pollinated partly or exclusively by the long-proboscid flyMoegistorhynchus longirostris (Nemestrinidae). This large-bodied fly, active in late spring and early summer, has mouthparts 40–70 (90) mm long and forages for nectar from a variety of species. These plants share a suite of convergent floral features including a straight or weakly curved floral tube usually 50–70 mm long but sometimes to 90 mm, relatively short petals or tepal lobes coloured white, cream or salmon with reddish nectar guides, and often violet or red anthers and pollen. Flowers of most species with these characteristics are zygomorphic with the stamens either arcuate (mostIridaceae) or declinate (Geraniaceae and someIridaceae). The flowers are odourless and typically secrete large amounts of nectar of relatively constant sugar concentration, mostly 24–29%, with a high sucrose:hexose ratio. Guild members utilize five separate sites of pollen deposition on the body of the fly, typically utilizing different deposition sites when two or more co-occur, indicating strong selection to aviod pollen contamination.M. longirostris is restricted to the west coast of southern Africa and at least 8 species appear to depend exclusively on the insect for pollination. The remaining species in the guild are pollinated by one or both of the long-proboscid fliesPhiloliche gulosa andP. rostrata (Tabanidae) over other parts of their range. Species and races pollinated entirely byM. longirostris have longer floral tubes which makes nectar unavailable to other insects, including other species of long-proboscid fly. The only insect with mouthparts long enough to forage effectively on these long-tubed flowers isM. longirostris and this fly must be considered a keystone species in the ecosystems in which it occurs.Dedicated to emer. Univ.-Prof. DrFriedrich Ehrendorfer on the occasion of his 70th birthday  相似文献   
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