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Boron is an essential plant micro-nutrient which can be phytotoxic to plants if present in soils in high concentration. Boron toxicity has been recognised as an important problem limiting production in the low rainfall areas of southern Australia, West Asia and North Africa. Genetic variation for boron toxicity tolerance in wheat has been well-characterised. The efficiency of breeding for boron toxicity tolerance could be greatly enhanced by the development of molecular markers associated with QTLs for tolerance in wheat. A population of 161 doubled haploids from a cross between the tolerant cultivar Halberd and the moderately sensitive cultivar Cranbrook was used to identify chromosomal regions involved in boron tolerance. A combined RFLP and AFLP linkage map of the Cranbrook x Halberd population was used to identify chromosomal regions involved in the boron tolerance traits measured. Regions on chromosome 7B and 7D were associated with leaf symptom expression. The region on chromosome 7B was also associated with the control of boron uptake and with a reduction in the effect of boron toxicity on root-growth suppression. RFLP markers at the chromosome 7B and 7D loci were shown to be effective in selecting for improved boron tolerance in an alternative genetic background. Halberd alleles at the chromosome 7B locus were associated with the concentration of boron in whole shoots and grain. The concentration of boron in whole shoots and in grain were both related to grain yield in a field trial conducted on soil containing toxic levels of boron. Implications relating to marker-assisted selection for boron toxicity tolerance in wheat are discussed. Received: 3 September 1999 / Accepted: 12 February 2000  相似文献   
Nanopore sequencing and phylodynamic modeling have been used to reconstruct the transmission dynamics of viral epidemics, but their application to bacterial pathogens has remained challenging. Cost-effective bacterial genome sequencing and variant calling on nanopore platforms would greatly enhance surveillance and outbreak response in communities without access to sequencing infrastructure. Here, we adapt random forest models for single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) polishing developed by Sanderson and colleagues (2020. High precision Neisseria gonorrhoeae variant and antimicrobial resistance calling from metagenomic nanopore sequencing. Genome Res. 30(9):1354–1363) to estimate divergence and effective reproduction numbers (Re) of two methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) outbreaks from remote communities in Far North Queensland and Papua New Guinea (PNG; n = 159). Successive barcoded panels of S. aureus isolates (2 × 12 per MinION) sequenced at low coverage (>5× to 10×) provided sufficient data to accurately infer genotypes with high recall when compared with Illumina references. Random forest models achieved high resolution on ST93 outbreak sequence types (>90% accuracy and precision) and enabled phylodynamic inference of epidemiological parameters using birth–death skyline models. Our method reproduced phylogenetic topology, origin of the outbreaks, and indications of epidemic growth (Re > 1). Nextflow pipelines implement SNP polisher training, evaluation, and outbreak alignments, enabling reconstruction of within-lineage transmission dynamics for infection control of bacterial disease outbreaks on portable nanopore platforms. Our study shows that nanopore technology can be used for bacterial outbreak reconstruction at competitive costs, providing opportunities for infection control in hospitals and communities without access to sequencing infrastructure, such as in remote northern Australia and PNG.  相似文献   
Primary microcephaly is a developmental brain anomaly that results from defective proliferation of neuroprogenitors in the germinal periventricular zone. More than a dozen genes are known to be mutated in autosomal-recessive primary microcephaly in isolation or in association with a more generalized growth deficiency (microcephalic primordial dwarfism), but the genetic heterogeneity is probably more extensive. In a research protocol involving autozygome mapping and exome sequencing, we recruited a multiplex consanguineous family who is affected by severe microcephalic primordial dwarfism and tested negative on clinical exome sequencing. Two candidate autozygous intervals were identified, and the second round of exome sequencing revealed a single intronic variant therein (c.2885+8A>G [p.Ser963] in RTTN exon 23). RT-PCR confirmed that this change creates a cryptic splice donor and thus causes retention of the intervening 7 bp of the intron and leads to premature truncation. On the basis of this finding, we reanalyzed the exome file of a second consanguineous family affected by a similar phenotype and identified another homozygous change in RTTN as the likely causal mutation. Combined linkage analysis of the two families confirmed that RTTN maps to the only significant linkage peak. Finally, through international collaboration, a Canadian multiplex family affected by microcephalic primordial dwarfism and biallelic mutation of RTTN was identified. Our results expand the phenotype of RTTN-related disorders, hitherto limited to polymicrogyria, to include microcephalic primordial dwarfism with a complex brain phenotype involving simplified gyration.  相似文献   
Previous studies have demonstrated the feasibility of translocator protein (TSPO) imaging to visualize and quantify human breast adenocarcinoma (MDA-MB-231) cells in vivo using a TSPO-targeted near-infrared (NIR) probe (NIR-conPK11195). This study aimed to extend the use of the TSPO-targeted probe to a more biologically relevant and clinically important tumor microenvironment as well as to assess our ability to longitudinally detect the presence and progression of breast cancer cells in the brain. The in vivo biodistribution and accumulation of NIR-conPK11195 and free (unconjugated) NIR dye were quantitatively evaluated in intracranial MDA-MB-231-bearing mice and non-tumor-bearing control mice longitudinally once a week from two to five weeks post-inoculation. The in vivo time-activity curves illustrate distinct clearance profiles for NIR-conPK11195 and free NIR dye, resulting in preferential accumulation of the TSPO-targeted probe in the intracranial tumor bearing hemisphere (TBH) with significant tumor contrast over normal muscle tissue (p < 0.005 at five weeks; p < 0.01 at four weeks). In addition, the TSPO-labeled TBHs demonstrated significant contrast over the TBHs of mice injected with free NIR dye (p < 0.001 at four and five weeks) as well as over the TSPO-labeled non-tumor-bearing hemispheres (NTBHs) of control mice (p < 0.005 at four and five weeks). Overall, TSPO-targeted molecular imaging appears useful for visualizing and quantifying breast cancer xenografts propagated in the murine brain and may assist in preclinical detection, diagnosis and monitoring of metastatic disease as well as drug discovery. Furthermore, these results indicate it should be possible to perform TSPO-imaging of breast cancer cells in the brain using radiolabeled TSPO-targeted agents, particularly in light of the fact that [11C]-labeled TSPO probes such as [11C]-PK 11195 have been successfully used to image gliomas in the clinic.  相似文献   
Sir2 (silent information regulator 2) enzymes catalyze a unique protein deacetylation reaction that requires the coenzyme NAD(+) and produces nicotinamide and a newly discovered metabolite, O-acetyl-ADP-ribose (OAADPr). Conserved from bacteria to humans, these proteins are implicated in the control of gene silencing, metabolism, apoptosis, and aging. Here we examine the role of NAD(+) metabolites/derivatives and salvage pathway intermediates as activators, inhibitors, or coenzyme substrates of Sir2 enzymes in vitro. Also, we probe the coenzyme binding site using inhibitor binding studies and alternative coenzyme derivatives as substrates. Sir2 enzymes showed an exquisite selectivity for the nicotinamide base coenzyme, with the most dramatic losses in binding affinity/reactivity resulting from relatively minor changes in the nicotinamide ring, either by reduction, as in NADH, or by converting the amide to its acid analogue. Both ends of the dinucleotide NAD(+) are shown to be critical for high selectivity and high affinity. Among the NAD(+) metabolites tested none were able to allosterically activate, although all led to various extents of inhibition, consistent with competition at the coenzyme binding site. Nicotinamide was the most potent inhibitor examined, suggesting that cellular nicotinamide levels would provide an effective small molecule regulator of protein deacetylation and generation of OAADPr. The presented findings also suggest that changes in the physiological NAD(+):NADH ratio, without a change in NAD(+), would yield little alteration in Sir2 activity. That is, NADH is an extremely ineffective inhibitor of Sir2 enzymes (average IC(50) of 17 mm). We propose that changes in both free nicotinamide and free NAD(+) afford the greatest contribution to cellular activity of Sir2 enzymes but with nicotinamide having a more dramatic effect during smaller fluctuations in concentration.  相似文献   
Questions: 1. What is the scale and extent of spatial variability in factors affecting Betula invasion of heaths? 2. How much effect does each factor have on within‐patch patterns of invasion? 3. How can this understanding aid in managing Betula invasions? Location: Lowland heath of southern England. Methods: Determinants of Betula (both B. pubescens and B. pendula) invasion: biomass density, necromass density, mean vegetation height, P‐availability, soil water content and total Betula seed bank density, were measured at two sites on a 5‐ha sampling grid. Spatial pattern was assessed using geostatistics. Contributions of each determinant to within‐site heterogeneity in predicted Betula seedling densities were estimated by varying variables over their full and interquartile ranges in a statistical model derived from experimental data. Results: Salient spatial trends were revealed: strong autocorrelation over distances of < 50 m for soil factors and more extensive autocorrelation (0 to > 150 m) in vegetation variables and Betula seed bank densities. The latter resulted in single across‐site gradients, the former small, distinct patches. All patterns were overlain with variance that was present at distances of < 17.6 m. Variables displaying spatial pattern also accounted for within‐site heterogeneity in predicted Betula seedling densities but their relative contribution to this varied between sites. Conclusions: Identifiable spatial autocorrelation in factors controlling patch‐scale invasion patterns allows managers to target invasion prone patches, potentially reducing management intensities. Furthermore, management effort may be optimised by spatially de‐coupling Betula seed from safe‐sites. This plan may adaptable to the management of other weeds and open‐land ecosystems.  相似文献   
From July 1998 through October 2002, radiometric culture (ileocecal lymph node, mesenteric lymph node, and feces) and serologic testing by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) were used to survey white-tailed deer (Odocoilens virgianus) from the soutlheastern United States for infection by Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (Mptb), the causative agent of paratuberculosis (Johne's disease). Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis was isolated from the ileocecal lymph node of one of 313 deer (0.3%) originating from 63 populations in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and West Virginia (USA). Six deer (2%), all from different populations, had ELISA results above a 0.25 sample-to-positive cutoff value, but none of the ELISA reactors originated from the population from which the single Mptb isolation was made. These six deer were seronegative when tested by agar gel immunodiffusion (AGID). Collectively, these data indicate that white-tailed deer currently do not constitute a broad regional reservoir for Mptb; however, further study is warranted to clarify the significance, if any, of infected deer to the epizootiology of paratuberculosis on a local scale. Adaptation and validation of an ELISA or another serologic assay for use with deer and other wildlife would markedly enhance Mptb surveillanece among wild populations and would be a powerful tool for gaining information on the role of wild species in epidemiology of paratuberculosis.  相似文献   
Tolerance to bacterial cell wall components is an adaptive host response. Endotoxin/LPS tolerance is characterized by a survival advantage against subsequent lethal LPS challenge. However, it is uncertain whether LPS tolerance can afford protection against other septic challenges. In this study, we show that tolerance induced by bacterial lipoprotein (BLP) protects mice against not only BLP-induced lethality, but also LPS-, live bacteria-, and polymicrobial sepsis-induced lethality. In contrast, LPS tolerance offers no survival benefit against the latter two challenges. Furthermore, induction of BLP tolerance results in overexpression of complement receptor type 3 and FcgammaIII/IIR on neutrophils (polymorphonuclear neutrophils) and peritoneal macrophages, with increased bacterial recognition and bactericidal activity, whereas LPS-tolerized mice exhibit an impaired ability to ingest and to kill bacteria. These results indicate that BLP tolerance is a novel adaptive host response associated with a unique protective effect during septic shock.  相似文献   
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