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Decreased placental transfer of 64Cu into both Mobr/Y and Mobr/+ foetuses was apparent after its administration to pregnant Mobr/+ mice. The severity of impairment and the degree of retention and accumulation of 64Cu in the placenta was not as great as has been previously observed in the gut of the suckling Mobr/Y mice.  相似文献   
A simplified mathematical model of the origin of the left-handed asymmetry of proteins in living matter is presented. The model is based on the hypothesis of Vester and Ulbricht that the chirality of (lefthanded) electrons from naturally beta-active elements, e.g.,14C,40K, etc., was the specific source of the asymmetry; it requires for its application data on the interaction of electrons having non-zero chirality with racemic mixtures of amino acids. This interaction is here treated theoretically in an order-of-magnitude calculation. Our analysis yields a very approximate value of the induced steady-state asymmetry in the amino acids at the beginning of protein synthesis and indicates that this asymmetry, though small, may have been suffcient to account for the dominant left-handedness of proteins now observed.  相似文献   
A stable kelp bed ecosystem in St. Margaret's Bay, Nova Scotia (Canada), had as its main producersLaminaria longicruris andL. digita. Most algal production was exported as detritus, but there was a moderate population of herbivores, mainly the sea urchinsStrongylocentrotus droebachiensis. These were eaten by crabs,Cancer irroratus and by lobsters,Homarus americanus. Lobsters also preyed on crabs. Beginning in 1968, sea urchins became locally abundant and overgrazed the kelp beds, converting large areas to urchindominated barren grounds. Almost all kelp beds in St. Margaret's Bay (140 km2) have now been destroyed. During the same period, lobster biomass decreased, and the hypothesis was put forward that reduction in lobster predation led to increased urchin abundance and kelp bed destruction. Evidence is presented for the hypothesis that urchin-dominated barren grounds are a new, stable configuration of the ecosystem, and that a long-term decrease in primary and secondary productivity of these coastal waters can be expected.  相似文献   
Saccharomyces cerevisiae nuclear membranes were prepared from isolated nuclei by digesting chromatin with deoxyribonuclease and ribonuclease, washing of residual nuclei with 0.5 M MgCl2, and discontinuous gradient centrifugation in buffered Ficoll solutions. Electron microscopic examination of the preparations showed single membrane and double membrane vesicles and membrane sheets. Pores or residual pores were often visible. In double membrane profiles the two unit membranes were often separated by the remains of the perinuclear cistern. The nuclear membrane fragments contained 58% protein, 23.8% phospholipid, 6% sterols, 7.1% neutral acylglycerols, 4.8% RNA, and 0.3% DNA. The phospholipid content of the membrane preparations was influenced by a phospholipase activity with acidic pH optimum.  相似文献   
This study was undertaken to determine whether immuno-histochemical staining for DOPA decarboxylase (DDC) is present in axons of rat noradrenergic sympathetic neurons. A sparse plexus of varicose axons exhibiting DDC-like immunoreactivity (DDC-IR) was associated with blood vessels and acini in the submandibular gland, but this was much less extensive than the population that exhibited tyrosine hydroxylase-like immunoreactivity (TH-IR). The varicose terminal TH-IR axons in atrium, spleen, and vas deferens were devoid of DDC-IR both in grown rats and during the post-natal period of axon growth, although weak DDC-IR was seen in large pre-terminal nerve bundles. Similar patterns of staining were seen with paraffin-embedded and with frozen, formaldehyde-fixed material. No enhancement of DDC-IR was seen in any tissue after chronic alteration of catecholamine turnover with reserpine or alpha-methyl-para-tyrosine, and the numbers of submandibular DDC-IR axons were not increased by disruption of axonal transport with colchicine or by decentralization of the superior cervical ganglion. We conclude that terminal noradrenergic axons contain insufficient DDC-IR for microscopic visualization, regardless of their metabolic state, reinforcing previous evidence that DDC-IR can be used as a histochemical marker for dopaminergic axons. By this criterion, the rat submandibular gland may receive a sparse dopaminergic innervation.  相似文献   
A cytosolic glutathione S-transferase from pig lung was purified 210-fold to apparent homogeneity. The enzyme was classified as a class pi isoenzyme on the basis of its physical and chemical properties. It is homodimeric with a subunit Mr of 23,500, has a pI of 7.2, and shows a high specific activity towards ethacrynic acid. The glutathione analogues, S-hexylglutathione and glutathione sulfonate, were strong reversible inhibitors. The enzyme's primary structure, established entirely by protein chemical methods, consists of 203 amino acids and is highly similar (82-84% residue identity) to the rat and human class pi isoenzymes. Furthermore, there was no evidence of microheterogeneity or post-translational modifications. Each subunit contains a highly reactive cysteine residue, the modification of which leads to enzyme inactivation. None of the cysteine residues in the pig enzyme appear to form intramolecular disulfide bonds. Singel crystals of the glutathione-S-transferase-glutathione-sulfonate complex were obtained by the hanging-drop method of vapour diffusion from poly(ethylene glycol) 4000 solutions. The crystals belong to the orthorhombic space group P212121 with unit cell dimensions of a = 10.125 nm, b = 8.253 nm and c = 5.428 nm and diffract to better than 0.22 nm.  相似文献   
The alpha-subunit of an abundant chick gizzard integrin was isolated (T. Kelly, L. Molony, and K. Burridge, 1987, J. Biol. Chem. 262, 17,189-17,199) and fragmented by proteolytic digestion. The N-terminal sequences of the intact polypeptide and of several internal peptides were determined and were found to be highly homologous to the mammalian integrin alpha 1-subunit. Monoclonal antibodies to the chick integrin beta 1-chain react on immunoblots with the gizzard integrin beta-subunit (U. Hofer, J. Syfrig, and R. Chiquet-Ehrismann, 1990, J. Biol. Chem. 265, 14,561-14,565). The chain composition of the abundant chick gizzard integrin is therefore alpha 1 beta 1. Polyclonal antibodies to the avian integrin alpha 1-subunit block attachment of embryonic gizzard cells to human and chick collagen IV completely and inhibit attachment to mouse Engelbreth-Holm-Swarm (EHS) tumor laminin partially. In ELISA-style receptor assays, the isolated alpha 1 beta 1 integrin bound to human and chick collagen IV and to mouse EHS tumor and chick heart laminin. While the binding to collagen IV was abolished by removal of divalent cations, the binding to laminin was not sensitive to EDTA under the conditions used. Collagen I bound the isolated avian alpha 1 beta 1 integrin only weakly. As collagen IV was the only extracellular matrix protein for which a consistent, divalent cation-dependent, binding to the avian alpha 1 beta 1 integrin could be demonstrated in both cellular and molecular assays we suggest that it is a preferred ligand for this integrin.  相似文献   
The structure and crystal chemical properties of iron cores of reconstituted recombinant human ferritins and their site-directed variants have been studied by transmission electron microscopy and electron diffraction. The kinetics of Fe uptake have been compared spectrophotometrically. Recombinant L and H-chain ferritins, and recombinant H-chain variants incorporating modifications in the threefold (Asp131----His or Glu134----Ala) and fourfold (Leu169----Arg) channels, at the partially buried ferroxidase sites (Glu62,His65----Lys,Gly), a putative nucleation site on the inner surface (Glu61,Glu64,Glu67----Ala), and both the ferroxidase and nucleation sites (Glu62,His65----Lys,Gly and Glu61,Glu64,Glu67----Ala), were investigated. An additional H-chain variant, incorporating substitution of the last ten C-terminal residues for those of the L-chain protein, was also studied. Most of the proteins assimilated iron to give discrete electron-dense cores of the Fe(III) hydrated oxide, ferrihydrite (Fe2O3.nH2O). No differences were observed for variants modified in the three- or fourfold channels compared with the unmodified H-chain ferritin. The recombinant L-chain ferritin and H-chain variant depleted of the ferroxidase site, however, showed markedly reduced uptake kinetics and comprised cores of increased diameter and regularity. Depletion of the inner surface Glu residues, whilst maintaining the ferroxidase site, resulted in a partially reduced rate of Fe uptake and iron cores of wider particle size distribution. Modification of both ferroxidase and inner surface Glu residues resulted in complete inhibition of iron uptake and deposition. No cores were observed by electron microscopy although negative staining showed that the protein shell was intact. The general requirement of an appropriate spatial charge density across the cavity surface rather than specific amino acid residues could explain how, in spite of an almost complete lack of identity between the amino acid sequences of bacterioferritin and mammalian ferritins, ferrihydrite is deposited within the cavity of both proteins under similar reconstitution conditions.  相似文献   
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