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Three new species of monogencans parasitizing hagfish are described: Myxinidocotyle californica gen. et sp.n., M. japonica sp.n. and Lophocotyle novaezeelandica sp.n. The pseudohaptor of Myxinidocotyle has 8+8 transverse ridges that never attain the radial arrangement characterizing Lophocotyle and Acanthocotyle . There are no sclerites in the pseudohaptoral ridges of Myxinidocotyle and Lophocotyle . The male reproductive system of Myxinidocotyle and Lophocotyle differs from that of Acanthocotyle in having a bilateral accessory gland apparatus and an armed copulatory organ. The femrle reproductive system has a large vaginal receptaculum scminis; in Myxinidocotyle with two vagino-intestinal canals. The uterine pore and the male genital pore are close together and the vaginal pore is situated posterior to them, on the left ventral side of the body. We conclude that Myxinidocotyle, Lophocotyle and Acunrkocotyle represent different levels of acanthocotylid evolution. Myxinidocotyle being the most primitive. The family Acanthocotylidac is divided into the subfamilies Myxinidoeutylinae subfam.n., Lophocotylinae and Acanthoeutylinae.  相似文献   
实验测定了不同水温条件下刀鲚(Coilia nasus)幼鱼的耗氧率和窒息点,并对耗氧率的昼夜变化规律以及水温对刀鲚幼鱼血糖及肌肝糖元指标的影响进行了研究,旨在为刀鲚运输、养殖生产中制定合理的放养密度和养殖工艺提供参考依据.结果表明:在试验水温(16℃~28C)条件下,刀鲚幼鱼的耗氧率随水温的升高而增大,耗氧率(R)与水温(T)的回归方程为R=0.988T2-32.36T+343.7,相关系数为0.96;刀鲚幼鱼的耗氧率具有昼夜节律性,耗氧高峰出现在7:00,低谷在21:00;刀鲚幼鱼的窒息点与水温显著相关,窒息点A(mg·L-1)与水温T(℃)的回归关系为A=0.9397T0.8001,R2=0.98.刀鲚幼鱼血清中血糖含量在水温16℃~24℃阶段保持相对稳定,血糖含量在17.24 ~ 19.79 mmol·L-1,肌肉和肝脏糖元含量均呈波浪式变动;但在水温24℃~28℃阶段,血糖含量随水温上升而显著升高,而肌肉和肝脏糖元含量均显著降低.  相似文献   
南方红豆杉人工引种及野生植株活性成分含量与分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南方红豆杉是我国特有的濒危植物,因其具有抗癌药用价值而被过度采集,导致现存种群减少.采用超声辅助提取和HPLC检测人工引种及野生南方红豆杉植株中紫杉醇、7-木糖紫杉醇、三尖杉宁碱等活性成分含量,分析其在不同部位、年限和坡向的分布规律.结果表明:南方红豆杉人工引种后,植株中的紫杉醇、7-木糖紫杉醇和三尖杉宁碱含量变化明显,野生植株中紫杉醇含量显著高于人工栽培植株,约为栽培植株的1.8倍,其他2种物质含量以人工栽培略高.不同部位、冠层样品中3种活性物质含量差异显著,以茎皮、高冠层枝叶含量较高.不同年限南方红豆杉植株中紫杉醇、7-木糖紫杉醇和三尖杉宁碱含量以4年生植株较高,分别为0.08、0.91和0.32 mg·g-1.不同坡向植株中3种活性成分含量以阳坡植株较高,紫杉醇和7-木糖紫杉醇含量差异显著,三尖杉宁碱含量差异不显著.南方红豆杉中3种活性成分的积累与光照条件密切相关,栽培过程中适当增加光照有利于3种活性成分的积累.  相似文献   
BO DU  XIN LU 《Molecular ecology》2009,18(18):3929-3939
In socially monogamous species, males that risk cuckoldry more than others might gain inclusive fitness by yielding paternity to relatives. We tested this prediction in the Tibetan ground tit Pseudopodoces humilis , an unusual facultative cooperative breeder wherein most helpers (87% males) join a mated pair shortly before clutch completion. Extra-pair paternity among bi-parental broods occurred less often (26% of broods, 9% of young) compared with cooperative broods (68%, 25%). In the former, most extra-pair sires (88%) were pair breeders unrelated to the cuckolded males, whereas in the latter, sires (87%) were mainly helpers related to the dominant males. Brood productivity did not differ between the bi-parental and cooperative breeders, but helpers' partitioning over group paternity reduced the realized reproductive success of helped males. After taking inclusive fitness into account, however, there was no difference in success of dominant males between the two social systems. One possible explanation for the differences in the rates of cuckoldry in the two systems was body size, because pair-bond males in bi-parental situations were significantly larger than those in cooperative ones. We propose two alternative strategies for males to maximize fitness: breed as a pair if large to avoid cuckoldry from helpers, or breed cooperatively if small but compromise some paternity to relatives. Our results provide an unusual route to the incidence of cooperative groups, based on constraints imposed by low competitive ability of breeding males rather than some external ecological or demographic factors.  相似文献   
Six non-native invasive fish species from the Slovak part of the Tisa River basin, namely Carassius gibelio, Pseudorasbora parva, Ameiurus melas, A. nebulosus, Lepomis gibbosus, Perccottus glenii, and three gobiid species from the Danube River, namely Neogobius melanostomus, N. fluviatilis and N. kessleri, were investigated for endohelminth parasites. The expanding Asian cestode Nippotaenia mogurndae (syn. Amurotaenia perccotti) (Nippotaeniidea) has been introduced to Europe with its invasive host P. glenii. Pumpkinseed, Lepomis gibbosus, is a new definitive host of Proteocephalus percae and it is reported as the second intermediate host of the bothriocephalidean cestode Triaenophorus nodulosus in Slovakia.  相似文献   
4种山药多糖的体外发酵特性比较研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
采用体外发酵技术评价分段醇沉得到的4个山药多糖对宁乡猪盲肠食糜体外发酵特性和发酵产物的影响,探讨其用作动物功能性营养调控剂的可行性.乙醇终浓度(%)分别为30、45、60和75时沉淀得到4个山药多糖,用硫酸蒽酮法测得其总多糖含量(%)分别为45.85、56.24、90.91和13.87.选用正常饲喂的肥育宁乡猪,处死后无菌取盲肠食糜作为接种物,分别以4个山药多糖和葡萄糖为底物进行体外发酵.于不同发酵时间点记录产气量,48 h后检测发酵液pH值、NH3和SCFA含量.结果表明,75%醇沉多糖发酵动力学参数最优,并极显著优于葡萄糖组(P<0.01);45%、60%醇沉多糖和葡萄糖组pH值最低,60%、75%醇沉多糖和葡萄糖组的NH3含量最低;葡萄糖组的乙酸、丁酸和异丁酸含量均显著高于其它处理组(P<0.05),60%醇沉多糖组的丙酸含量稍高于、丁酸和异丁酸含量略低于其它3个多糖组.丁酸和异丁酸含量与pH值和NH3含量呈显著相关.提示60%和75%醇沉山药多糖是2种理想的可被宁乡猪盲肠微生物利用的碳源,并可改变微生物产生的SCFA含量与组成.  相似文献   
双波长法测定二元混合体系中戊糖的含量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:针对单波长法在测定己糖和戊糖的混合体系中戊糖含量时出现较大的误差,提出了等吸收双波长法测定二元混合体系中戊糖的含量.方法:通过对己糖(葡萄糖)和戊糖(木糖)的不同含量(5-150μg/体系)与显色剂反应产物在不同波长(500,~700nm)条件下吸光曲线以及显色剂本身吸光曲线进行综合考虑,确定双波长,并对单双波长法测定同样样品的回收率进行了比较分析.结果:确定的测定波长为670nm,参比波长为580nm,双波长法建立的标准曲线方程为:Y=0.0056x-0.0123(y为两个波长下吸光度的差值,x为木糖的含量(μg)).R2=0.9995,线性范围为5-30μg/体系.单波长法对标样和试样的平均回收率分别为116%±15%和89%±13%;双波长法对标样和试样的平均回收率为104%±4%和95%±11%.结论:与单波长和一些其他方法相比,双波长法测定混合体系中戊糖含量较为简便易行且可以提高准确度.  相似文献   
Mitochondrial alternative oxidase (AOX), the unique respiratory terminal oxidase in plants, catalyzes the energy wasteful cyanide (CN)‐resistant respiration and plays a role in optimizing photosynthesis. Although it has been demonstrated that leaf AOX is upregulated after illumination, the in vivo mechanism of AOX upregulation by light and its physiological significance are still unknown. In this report, red light and blue light‐induced AOX (especially AOX1a) expressions were characterized. Phytochromes, phototropins and cryptochromes, all these photoreceptors mediate the light‐response of AOX1a gene. When aox1a mutant seedlings were grown under a high‐light (HL) condition, photobleaching was more evident in the mutant than the wild‐type plants. More reactive oxygen species (ROS) accumulation and inefficient dissipation of chloroplast reducing‐equivalents in aox1a mutant may account for its worse adaptation to HL stress. When etiolated seedlings were exposed to illumination for 4 h, chlorophyll accumulation was largely delayed in aox1a plants. We first suggest that more reduction of the photosynthetic electron transport chain and more accumulation of reducing‐equivalents in the mutant during de‐etiolation might be the main reasons.  相似文献   
采用体外发酵技术评价分段醇沉提取的3种苦瓜多糖(MCP1、MCP2和MCP3,乙醇终浓度分别为45%、60%和75%)对三元猪盲肠食糜的发酵特性和发酵产物的影响。于不同发酵时间点记录产气量,48 h后检测发酵液pH值、NH3和短链脂肪酸(SCFA)含量。结果表明,MCP1和MCP2发酵动力学参数最优,显著优于葡萄糖和空白对照组(P0.05);MCP2和葡萄糖组pH值最低,MCP1和葡萄糖组的NH3含量最低;葡萄糖组的丙酸、异丁酸和SCFA总量显著高于其它各组(P0.05);MCP2的乙酸、异丁酸和SCFA总量显著高于其它多糖组(P0.05)。结果提示,MCP1和MCP2是2种理想的可被盲肠微生物利用的碳源,并可改变微生物发酵产生的SCFA含量与组成。  相似文献   
目的比较实验室条件下饲养的东方田鼠和野外捕捉东方田鼠肝脏的基因表达差异,寻找可能参与肝脏病变的关键基因。方法以实验室条件饲养的东方田鼠和野外捕捉东方田鼠为研究对象,分别抽提RNA,逆转录成cDNA,体外转录为cRNA并进行片段化;利用表达谱芯片分别进行杂交,扫描后筛选差异基因,并应用real-time PCR方法对部分基因的表达水平进行进一步测定,验证芯片数据的结果。结果实验室饲养东方田鼠肝组织与野外捕捉东方田鼠相比,共有99个基因和41个EST差异表达。其中参与机体代谢的基因占主导,约占35.4%;其次为参与信号通路的基因,约占24.2%;参与细胞周期和免疫的基因分别占6.1%和3.0%。结论利用基因表达谱芯片初步筛选了可能参与东方田鼠脂肪肝形成过程的基因,发现机体代谢通路的基因占主导,肝脏中细胞色素家族基因表达差异明显。  相似文献   
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