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We investigated the covalent binding of intermediates in prostaglandin biosynthesis to tissue macromolecules. Following incubation of [1-14C]arachidonic acid with the microsomal fraction from guinea pig lung, ram or bovine seminal vesicle, human platelets, rabbit kidney, or rat stomach fundus, the amount of covalent binding of arachidonic acid metabolites expressed as percentage of total arachidonic acid metabolized varied from tissue to tissue ranging from 3% in human platelets to 18.2% in ram seminal vesicles. In general, the thromboxane synthesizing tissues had less covalently bound metabolites than the other tissues. The amount of covalently bound metabolites was increased in the guinea pig lung microsomes when the thromboxane synthetase inhibitor, N-0164, was added to the incubation mixture. The covalent binding of arachidonic acid metabolite(s) was greatly reduced by the addition of glutathione to the incubation mixture. In addition to the covalently bound metabolites, water-soluble metabolites derived from arachidonic acid metabolism were also observed. The amount of water-soluble metabolites was small in each tissue except for the rat stomach fundus. In the rat stomach fundus the water-soluble metabolites accounted for over 50% of the total metabolites. Conditions which would tend to increase or decrease the levels of free prostaglandin endoperoxides during the incubation of arachidonic acid with the microsomes gave increased or decreased levels of covalent binding. Our data suggest that the prostaglandin endoperoxides are responsible for the covalent binding observed during prostaglandin biosynthesis. This covalent binding to tissue macromolecules may be of physiological and pathological significance.  相似文献   
The mitotic kinesin KSP (kinesin spindle protein, or Eg5) has an essential role in centrosome separation and formation of the bipolar mitotic spindle. Its exclusive involvement in the mitotic spindle of proliferating cells presents an opportunity for developing new anticancer agents with reduced side effects relative to antimitotics that target tubulin. Ispinesib is an allosteric small-molecule KSP inhibitor in phase 2 clinical trials. Mutations that attenuate ispinesib binding to KSP have been identified, which highlights the need for inhibitors that target different binding sites. We describe a new class of selective KSP inhibitors that are active against ispinesib-resistant forms of KSP. These ATP-competitive KSP inhibitors do not bind in the nucleotide binding pocket. Cumulative data from generation of resistant cells, site-directed mutagenesis and photo-affinity labeling suggest that they compete with ATP binding via a novel allosteric mechanism.  相似文献   
Several benzoylphenyl urea-derived insecticides such as diflubenzuron (DFB, Dimilin) are in wide use to control various insect pests. Although this class of compounds is known to disrupt molting and to affect chitin content, their precise mode of action is still not understood. To gain a broader insight into the mechanism underlying the insecticidal effects of benzoylphenyl urea compounds, we conducted a comprehensive study with the model beetle species and stored product pest Tribolium castaneum (red flour beetle) utilizing genomic and proteomic approaches. DFB was added to a wheat flour-based diet at various concentrations and fed to larvae and adults. We observed abortive molting, hatching defects and reduced chitin amounts in the larval cuticle, the peritrophic matrix and eggs. Electron microscopic examination of the larval cuticle revealed major structural changes and a loss of lamellate structure of the procuticle. We used a genomic tiling array for determining relative expression levels of about 11,000 genes predicted by the GLEAN algorithm. About 6% of all predicted genes were more than 2-fold up- or down-regulated in response to DFB treatment. Genes encoding enzymes involved in chitin metabolism were unexpectedly unaffected, but many genes encoding cuticle proteins were affected. In addition, several genes presumably involved in detoxification pathways were up-regulated. Comparative 2D gel electrophoresis of proteins extracted from the midgut revealed 388 protein spots, of which 7% were significantly affected in their levels by DFB treatment as determined by laser densitometry. Mass spectrometric identification revealed that UDP-N-acetylglucosamine pyrophosphorylase and glutathione synthetase were up-regulated. In summary, the red flour beetle turned out to be a good model organism for investigating the global effects of bioactive materials such as insect growth regulators and other insecticides. The results of this study recapitulate all of the different DFB-induced symptoms in a single model insect, which have been previously found in several different insect species, and further illustrate that DFB treatment causes a wide range of effects at the molecular level.  相似文献   
This study investigated the mechanical consequences of differences in dynamic frontal plane alignment of the support limb and the influence of anticipatory muscle activation at the hip and ankle on reducing the potential for non-contact ACL injury during single-limb landing. A frontal plane, three-link passive dynamic model was used to estimate an ACL non-contact injury threshold. This threshold was defined as the maximum axial force that the knee could sustain before the joint opened 8 degrees either medially or laterally, which was deemed sufficient to cause injury. The limb alignment and hip and ankle muscle contractions were varied to determine their effects on the ACL injury threshold. Valgus or varus alignment reduced the injury threshold compared to neutral alignment, but increasing the anticipatory contraction of hip abduction and adduction muscle groups increased the injury threshold. Increasing anticipatory ankle inversion/eversion muscle contraction had no effect. This study provides a mechanical rationale for the conclusion that a neutral limb alignment (compared to valgus or varus) during landing and increasing hip muscle contraction (abductors/adductors) prior to landing can reduce the possibility of ACL rupture through a valgus or varus opening mechanism.  相似文献   
A strain of Pseudomonas putida was found capable of metabolizing p-nitrophenol (PNP) as a sole source of carbon, nitrogen and energy. To explore the applicability of this strain for bioremediation for controlling environmental PNP pollution, its degradation potential at 300 and 500 ppm was examined in a medium devoid of carbon and nitrogen source (minimal medium). At A600, 0.5 OD inoculum, the strain metabolized 300 and 500 ppm within 36 and 72 h, respectively. The degradation was accompanied by release of stoichiometric amount of nitrite. Effect of glucose and nitrogen on PNP degradation under similar conditions revealed that (i) glucose (0.4 g/l) at 20 and 50 ppm PNP did not accelerate the rate of PNP degradation, while glucose (0.4 g/l) at 300 ppm PNP inhibited its degradation, (ii) nitrogen supplement viz. sodium nitrate and ammonium sulphate (0.04 and 0.4 g/l) in minimal medium with PNP (300 ppm) showed no effect on PNP degradation, while glutamate alone (0.04 and 0.4 g/l) showed mere rise in biomass (from 0.5 to 1.6 OD units), and (iii) acidic pH (4.0-6.5) did not support PNP degradation, while alkaline pH (7.5-9.5) significantly enhanced the rate of PNP degradation. The complete degradation of PNP at high concentration (300 ppm) was confirmed by HPTLC analysis. In order to probe root cause of higher PNP degradation, preliminary studies on genetic analysis of P. putida were undertaken, which revealed the prevalence of a degradative plasmid of approximately 15 kb, while cured derivatives of P. putida (PNP-) did not show ability to degrade PNP. Further conjugal transfer of PNP+ phenotype from P. putida to standard strain of E. coli Nova blue (PNP-) confirmed the degradative type of plasmid.  相似文献   
Valgus moments on the knee joint during single-leg landing have been suggested as a risk factor for anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury. The purpose of this study was to test the influence of isolated valgus moment on ACL strain during single-leg landing. Physiologic levels of valgus moments from an in vivo study of single-leg landing were applied to a three-dimensional dynamic knee model, previously developed and tested for ACL strain measurement during simulated landing. The ACL strain, knee valgus angle, tibial rotation, and medial collateral ligament (MCL) strain were calculated and analyzed. The study shows that the peak ACL strain increased nonlinearly with increasing peak valgus moment. Subjects with naturally high valgus moments showed greater sensitivity for increased ACL strain with increased valgus moment, but ACL strain plateaus below reported ACL failure levels when the applied isolated valgus moment rises above the maximum values observed during normal cutting activities. In addition, the tibia was observed to rotate externally as the peak valgus moment increased due to bony and soft-tissue constraints. In conclusion, knee valgus moment increases peak ACL strain during single-leg landing. However, valgus moment alone may not be sufficient to induce an isolated ACL tear without concomitant damage to the MCL, because coupled tibial external rotation and increasing strain in the MCL prevent proportional increases in ACL strain at higher levels of valgus moment. Training that reduces the external valgus moment, however, can reduce the ACL strain and thus may help athletes reduce their overall ACL injury risk.  相似文献   
Novel racemic 1-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-2-[3-(substituted phenoxy)-2-hydroxy-1-propyl]aminopropan-1-ol hydrochlorides (9a-h) were synthesized by condensing racemic 1-(p-hydroxyphenyl)-2-aminopropan-1-ol hydrochloride (6) with substituted aryloxymethyloxiranes (8a-h) in DMF in presence of anhydrous potassium carbonate and then reacting with dry hydrogen chloride gas. They were evaluated for uterine relaxant activity in vitro on isolated rat uterus and in vivo in pregnant rats. Their cAMP releasing potential was studied using rat uterus tissue homogenates by cAMP [3H] assay and cardiac stimulant potential was evaluated in dog. All compounds exhibited potent uterine relaxant activity in vitro and produced a significant delay in the onset of labour in pregnant rats; their cAMP releasing potential was higher than isoxsuprine hydrochloride except for 9b and 9c. Finally insignificant cardiac stimulant potential was noted for these compounds when compared to isoxsuprine hydrochloride.  相似文献   
The molecular conformation of certain therapeutic agents has been shown to affect the ability to gain access to target cells, suggesting potential value in defining conformation of candidate molecules. This study explores how the shape and size of poly‐γ‐glutamyl‐glutamate paclitaxel (PGG‐PTX), an amphiphilic polymer‐drug with potential chemotherapeutic applications, can be systematically controlled by varying hydrophobic and hydrophilic entities. Eighteen different formulations of PGG‐PTX varying in three PTX loading fractions (fPTX) of 0.18, 0.24, and 0.37 and six spatial arrangements of PTX (‘clusters’, ‘ends’, ‘even’, ‘middle’, ‘random’, and ‘side’) were explored. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of all‐atom (AA) models of PGG‐PTX were run until a statistical equilibrium was reached at 100 ns and then continued as coarse‐grained (CG) models until a statistical equilibrium was reached at an effective time of 800 ns. Circular dichroism spectroscopy was used to suggest initial modeling configurations. Results show that a PGG‐PTX molecule has a strong tendency to form coil shapes, regardless of the PTX loading fraction and spatial PTX arrangement, although globular shapes exist at fPTX = 0.24. Also, less uniform PTX arrangements such as ‘ends’, ‘middle’, and ‘side’ produce coil geometries with more curvature. The prominence of coil shapes over globules suggests that PGG‐PTX may confer a long circulation half‐life and high propensity for accumulation to tumor endothelia. This multiscale modeling approach may be advantageous for the design of cancer therapeutic delivery systems. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 93: 936–951, 2010.  相似文献   
Thiocyanate-degrading microbial co-culture was isolated from thiocyanate-contaminated site and tested for thiocyanate degradation potential and thiocyanate-toxicity tolerance and identified as Klebsiella pneumoniae and Ralstonia sp. by 16S rDNA sequencing. The co-culture was able to degrade thiocyanate with degradation rate of 500 mg L−1d−1 at 2,500 mg L−1 thiocyanate concentration at pH 6.0 and 37oC following thiocyanate hydrolase pathway. The Haldane kinetic model elucidates the growth and thiocyanate biodegradation kinetics of the co-culture with Ki value of 1,876 mg L−1. The thiocyanate biodegradation kinetics was not affected by the additional supply of glucose. The very high activities of thiocyanate hydrolase, cyanide oxygenase, and cytochrome P-450 content during growth on thiocyanate were observed, showing the induction mechanism.  相似文献   
The baiting bag method was found to be useful for isolating antagonistic actinomycetes from terrestrial habitat. Out of total 110 actinomycetes isolated from rhizospheric and non-rhizospheric soil of Indo Gangetic Plains (IGP) of India, 9 isolates exhibited aggressive antagonism against Rhizoctonia solani, screened through dual culture, well diffusion and sealed plate technique. Maximum growth inhibition was recorded up to 50% under well diffusion (S. toxytricini vh22) and 52.6% in a direct confrontation (Actinomycetales bacterium vh41). Whereas maximum disease suppression (53.33%) under green house condition was achieved on seedling treated with S. tricolor vh85. Scanning electron microscopy of antagonists and pathogen interaction exhibited pore formation and hyphal degradation of test pathogen. Physiological and molecular characterization of selected isolates showed wide diversity and uncommon species has been encountered through the selective isolation technique.  相似文献   
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