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Rhodococcus equi is an intracellular pathogen of macrophages, causing disease in young foals, humans, and sporadically other animals. Although R. equi is easy to grow and manipulate, the analysis of virulence is hampered by a lack of molecular tools. This paper describes the development of a number of versatile plasmids for use in R. equi. Plasmids pREV2 and pREV5 use origins of replication derived from the Mycobacterium fortuitum plasmids pAL5000 and pMF1. These plasmids and their derivatives are compatible in R. equi, allowing their use for analysis of gene function in trans. The stability of these plasmids in R. equi in the absence of selection for the plasmid borne antibiotic resistance markers, and their integrity following passage through Escherichia coli and R. equi was determined.  相似文献   
Gene-regulation networks contain recurring elementary circuits termed network motifs. It is of interest to understand under which environmental conditions each motif might be selected. To address this, we study one of the most significant network motifs, a three-gene circuit called the coherent feed-forward loop (FFL). The FFL has been demonstrated theoretically and experimentally to perform a basic information-processing function: it shows a delay following ON steps of an input inducer, but not after OFF steps. Here, we ask under what environmental conditions might the FFL be selected over simpler gene circuits, based on this function. We employ a theoretical cost-benefit analysis for the selection of gene circuits in a given environment. We find conditions that the environment must satisfy in order for the FFL to be selected over simpler circuits: the FFL is selected in environments where the distribution of the input pulse duration is sufficiently broad and contains both long and short pulses. Optimal values of the biochemical parameters of the FFL circuit are determined as a function of the environment such that the delay in the FFL blocks deleterious short pulses of induction. This approach can be generally used to study the evolutionary selection of other network motifs.  相似文献   
Measures of reactive, transmarginal and internal inhibition, inhibitory strength, extraversion (E) and neuroticism (N) were obtained from a sample of 25 Ss. A Principal Components analysis of the data disclosed factors which were identified tentatively as extinctive/reactive inhibition, transmarginal inhibition, and appetitive and aversive inhibitory strength. N loaded the transmarginal inhibition factor, and I(Introversion) the appetitive inhibitory strength factor. It is suggested that the role of E in appetitive CR extinction may be a function of the extent to which inhibitory strength is involved in inhibitory dynamism.  相似文献   
Lagarosiphon major (Ridl.) Moss ex Wager (Hydrocharitaceae), an aquatic macrophyte native to Southern Africa that has become invasive in several countries worldwide, is a potential target for biological control. Biology studies were conducted on Polypedilum (Pentapedilum) n. sp. near reei Oyewo & Sæther (Diptera: Chironomidae), a midge whose larvae were discovered mining the plant's shoot tips in its native range. Field surveys indicated that the midge occurred only at a small number of sites but attained high densities (up to 370 shoots damaged/m2) that prevented further growth from the shoot tips. A population of the midge was imported into quarantine in Ireland to evaluate its potential as a candidate biological control agent. The adult stage is terrestrial and short-lived (4–5 d), with females depositing one–two egg packets into the water bodies. First-instar larvae fed externally on the stems and leaflets. Later instars fed on the apical meristems and burrowed into the shoot tips, with resultant damage stunting the apical growth. Larvae moved readily between shoots to complete their development and pupated within the tunnels excavated by the late instar larvae. Developmental time to adulthood ranged from 31 to 49 days at 20.7°C and a 15 L:9-D cycle. This is the first time that a chironomid has been imported and successfully cultured for consideration as a classical biological control agent. Several aspects of the midge's biology suggest that host specificity testing is warranted to determine its potential as a biocontrol agent of L. major.  相似文献   


In early pregnancy, increased plasma levels of the endocannabinoid anandamide (AEA) are associated with miscarriage through mechanisms that might affect the developing placenta or maternal decidua.


In this study, we compare AEA levels in failed and viable pregnancies with the levels of the trophoblastic hormones (beta-human chorionic gonadotrophin (beta-hCG), progesterone (P4) and (pregnancy-associated placental protein-A (PAPP-A)) essential for early pregnancy success and relate that to the expression of the cannabinoid receptors and enzymes that modulate AEA levels.


The median plasma AEA level in non-viable pregnancies (1.48 nM; n = 20) was higher than in viable pregnancies (1.21 nM; n = 25; P = 0.013), as were progesterone and beta-hCG levels (41.0 vs 51.5 ng/mL; P = 0.052 for P4 and 28,650 vs 6,560 mIU/L; P = 0.144 for beta-hCG, respectively, but were not statistically significant). Serum PAPP-A levels in the viable group were approximately 6.8 times lower than those in the non-viable group (1.82 vs 12.25 mg/L; P = 0.071), but again these differences were statistically insignificant. In the spontaneous miscarriage group, significant correlations between P4 and beta-hCG, P4 and PAPP-A and AEA and PAPP-A levels were observed. Simultaneously, immunohistochemical distributions of the two main cannabinoid receptors and the AEA-modifying enzymes, fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH) and N-acylphosphatidylethanolamine-phospholipase D (NAPE-PLD), changed within both the decidua and trophoblast.


The association of higher AEA levels with early pregnancy failure and with beta-hCG and PAPP-A, but not with progesterone concentrations suggest that plasma AEA levels and pregnancy failure are linked via a mechanism that may involve trophoblastic beta-hCG, and PAPP-A, but not, progesterone production. Although the trophoblast, decidua and embryo contain receptors for AEA, the main AEA target in early pregnancy failure remains unknown.  相似文献   


Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) improves during pregnancy and flares after delivery. It has been hypothesized that high levels of the complement factor mannose-binding lectin (MBL) are associated with a favourable disease course of RA by facilitating the clearance of pathogenic immunoglobulin G (IgG) lacking galactose sugar moieties. During pregnancy, increased galactosylation of IgG and simultaneously increased MBL levels can be observed, with the latter being strictly related to maternal MBL genotypes. Therefore, increased MBL levels in concert with increased IgG galactosylation may be associated with pregnancy-induced improvement of RA. The objective of this study was to investigate whether MBL genotypes are associated with changes in RA disease activity and with changes in IgG galactosylation during pregnancy and in the postpartum period. We also studied the association between MBL genotypes and pregnancy outcomes in RA.  相似文献   
Encroachment of woody vegetation into grasslands is a widespread phenomenon that alters plant community composition and ecosystem function. Woody encroachment is often the result of fire suppression, but it may also be related to changes in resource availability associated with global environmental change. We tested the relative strength of three important global change factors (CO2 enrichment, nitrogen deposition, and loss of herbaceous plant diversity) on the first 3 years of bur oak (Quercus macrocarpa) seedling performance in a field experiment in central Minnesota, USA. We found that loss of plant diversity decreased initial oak survival but increased overall oak growth. Conversely, elevated CO2 increased initial oak seedling survival and reduced overall growth, especially at low levels of diversity. Nitrogen deposition surprisingly had no net effect on survival or growth. The magnitude of these effects indicates that long-term woody encroachment trends may be most strongly associated with those few individuals that survive, but grow much larger in lower diversity patches. Further, while the CO2 results and the species richness results appear to describe opposing trends, this is due only to the fact that the natural drivers are moving in opposite directions (decreasing species richness and increasing CO2). Interestingly, the mechanisms that underlie both patterns are very similar, increased CO2 and increased species richness both increase herbaceous biomass which (1) increases belowground competition for resources and (2) increases facilitation of early plant survival under a more diverse plant canopy; in other words, both competition and facilitation help determine community composition in these grasslands.  相似文献   
The application of insecticides is an essential component for eradication or management of fruit fly pests. Impact on nontarget organisms and public rejection of areawide pesticide applications have been major concerns in managing these programs. Bait stations have been proposed as alternative treatments in areas where broadcast insecticides are not acceptable. In this study, we defined bait stations as discrete containers of attractants and toxins, which are targeted at specific pests. Tests were carried out using the Mexican fruit fly, Anastrepha ludens (Loew), as the experimental insect. Our first bait station design was a sheet of sponge material fastened to a plastic peaked cover. Liquid bait consisting of protein hydrolyzate, sugar, adjuvants, a photoactive dye toxicant, and other additives was applied to the sponge. This station, when tested in an orchard, reduced sterile released adult populations by 70-90% in 4 d compared with check plots. Other tests in field cages showed that the bait station was approximately 22% less effective in killing adults compared with spot sprays on trees. We formulated a gelled bait by using a more refined hydrolyzed protein, supplemental attractants, feeding stimulants, and additives to protect the bait from drying. A series of experiments were carried out in field cages by using a cylindrical bait station that provided improved protection of the bait. These tests showed that there is a gradual decline in bait effectiveness with age.  相似文献   
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