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The development of efficient processes for the production of oncolytic viruses (OV) plays a crucial role regarding the clinical success of virotherapy. Although many different OV platforms are currently under investigation, manufacturing of such viruses still mainly relies on static adherent cell cultures, which bear many challenges, particularly for fusogenic OVs. Availability of GMP-compliant continuous cell lines is limited, further complicating the development of commercially viable products. BHK21, AGE1. CR and HEK293 cells were previously identified as possible cell substrates for the recombinant vesicular stomatitis virus (rVSV)-based fusogenic OV, rVSV-NDV. Now, another promising cell substrate was identified, the CCX.E10 cell line, developed by Nuvonis Technologies. This suspension cell line is considered non-GMO as no foreign genes or viral sequences were used for its development. The CCX.E10 cells were thus thoroughly investigated as a potential candidate for OV production. Cell growth in the chemically defined medium in suspension resulted in concentrations up to 8.9 × 106 cells/mL with a doubling time of 26.6 h in batch mode. Cultivation and production of rVSV-NDV, was demonstrated successfully for various cultivation systems (ambr15, shake flask, stirred tank reactor, and orbitally shaken bioreactor) at vessel scales ranging from 15 mL to 10 L. High infectious virus titers of up to 4.2 × 108 TCID50/mL were reached in orbitally shaken bioreactors and stirred tank reactors in batch mode, respectively. Our results suggest that CCX.E10 cells are a very promising option for industrial production of OVs, particularly for fusogenic VSV-based constructs.  相似文献   
The seasonality of blood cholesterol is still not well established. Some have described a seasonal pattern with highest levels during autumn and lowest in summer, whereas others have reported no change. A number of studies showed circannual variations with maximum levels in winter and minimum in summer. The aim of this study was to examine the circannual variation of cholesterol in a large cohort in Israel. In the Israeli CORDIS study, employees of 21 factories were screened for cardiovascular disease risk factors during 1985-7. As part of the information gathered, serum cholesterol and blood counts were available for 3,726 men and 1,514 women. Serum cholesterol levels fit a circannual rhythm assessed by the cosinor analysis. Highest levels of serum cholesterol were found in spring and lowest in summer. We conclude that there is a circannual change of serum cholesterol, which could be partially associated with changes in environmental temperature. The circannual variation in serum cholesterol was considerable and should be taken into account when carrying out clinical evaluation of patients.  相似文献   
Manfred J. Sippl 《Proteins》1993,17(4):355-362
A major problem in the determination of the three-dimensional structure of proteins concerns the quality of the structural models obtained from the interpretation of experimental data. New developments in X-ray crystallography and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy have acceleratedd the process of structure determination and the biological community is confronted with a steadily increasing number of experimentally determined protein folds. However, in the recent past several experimentally determined protein structures have been proven to contain major errors, indicating that in some cases the interpretation of experimental data is difficult and may yield incorrect models. Such problems can be avoided when computational methods are employed which complement experimental structure determinations. A prerequisite of such computational tools is that they are independent of the parameters obtained from a particular experiment. In addition such techniques are able to support and accelerate experimental structure determinations. Here we present techniques based on knowledge based mean fields which can be used to judge the quality of protein folds. The methods can be used to identify misfolded structures as well as faulty parts of structural models. The techniques are even applicable in cases where only the Cα trace of a protein conformation is available. The capabilities of the technique are demonstrated using correct and incorrect protein folds. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
The second part of a pollen profile from Hornstaad/Lake Constance (Germany), containing the Atlantic and Subboreal (6400 cal B.C. to 700 cal B.C.) is presented. The diagram has a sampling interval of 1 cm and an average time resolution of 10 years. The cereal curve provided the basis for cereal zones, which are used to classify the human impact. Twenty-six cereal zones can be distinguished, most of them divided into subzones, from 5500 cal B.C. to 700 cal B.C. They correspond to both known and, mostly, unknown settlements in the surrounding landscape from the Early Neolithic to the Late Bronze Age. Charcoal and chemical analyses as well as sediment accumulation, confirmed by accelerator dates, provide evidence for human impact on the environment.A contribution to the 8th IPC, Aix-en-Provence, Sept. 1992  相似文献   
The present study was conducted to investigate the effect of zinc deficiency on fatty acid desaturation in rats fed two different types of dietary fat, a mixture of coconut oil and safflower oil (7∶1, w/w, “coconut oil diet”) or linseed oil (“linseed oil diet”). In order to ensure an adequate food intake, all rats were force-fed by gastric tube. Zinc deficiency caused statistical significant reducion of Δ9-desaturase activity in liver microsomes of rats fed coconut oil diet and tendencial reduction (p<0.15) in rats fed linseed oil diet compared with control rats fed diets with the same type of fat. In agreement with this effect, zinc deficiency in the rats fed both types of dietary fat increased the ratio between total saturated and total monounsaturated fatty in liver phospholipids and liver microsomes. Zinc deficient rats on the coconut oil diet had unchanged Δ6-desaturase activity with linoleic acid as substrate and lowered activity with α-linolenic acid as substrate. In contrast, zinc deficient rats on the linseed oil diet had increased Δ6-desaturase activity with linoleic acid as substrate and unchanged activity with α-linolenic acid. Because linoleic acid is the main substrate for Δ6-desaturase in the rats fed coconut oil diet, and α-linolenic acid is the main substrate in the rats fed linseed oil diet, it is concluded that in vivo Δ6-desaturation was not changed by zinc deficiency in the rats fed both types of dietary fat. Activity of Δ5-desaturase was also not changed by zinc deficiency in the rats fed both dietary fats. Levels of fatty acids in liver phospholipids and microsomes derived by Δ4-, Δ5-, and Δ6-desaturation were not consistently changed by zinc deficiency in the rats fed both types of dietary fat. Thus, the enzyme studies and also fatty acid composition data of liver phospholipids and microsomes indicate that zinc deficiency does not considerably disturb desaturation of linoleic and α-linolenic acid. Therefore, it is suggested that similarities between deficiencies of zinc and essential fatty acids described in literature are not due to disturbed desaturation of linoleic acid in zinc deficiency. The present study also indicates that zinc deficiency enhances incorporation of eicosapentaenoic acid into phosphatidylcholine of rats fed diets with large amounts ofn-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.  相似文献   
The Ac elements present in the unstable wxm7 and wx-m9 alleles of maize trigger different patterns of Ds excision in trans. To determine whether this differential regulation is a feature of the Ac alleles themselves or is mediated by genetically distinct factors, maize plants heterozygous for the wx-m7 and wx-m9 alleles were crossed to tester strains homozygous for Ds reporter alleles. Kernels showing the variegation pattern characteristic for the Ac elements carried in the wx-m7 and wx-m9 alleles were found to be present in the ratios expected from the genetic constitution of the strains. The aleurone variegation caused by excision of the Ds reporter element and the endosperm variegation caused by excision of Ac from the wx-m7 and wx-m9 alleles themselves segregated with the original wx-m alleles. In addition, stable Wx and wx derivatives of wx-m9 that have lost Ac no longer exert any trans effect on the wx-m7 allele (and vice versa). Therefore it is concluded that the observed variegation patterns are autonomously determined by specific trans effects of the particular Ac element.  相似文献   
TheSaccharomyces cerevisiae killer toxin K1 is a secreted α/β-heterodimeric protein toxin that kills sensitive yeast cells in a receptor-mediated two-stage process. The first step involves toxin binding to β-1,6-d-glucan-components of the outer yeast cell surface; this step is blocked in yeast mutants bearing nuclear mutations in any of theKRE genes whose products are involved in synthesis and/or assembly of cell wall β-d-glucans. After binding to the yeast cell wall, the killer toxin is transferred to the cytoplasmic membrane, subsequently leading to cell death by forming lethal ion channels. In an attempt to identify a secondary K1 toxin receptor at the plasma membrane level, we mutagenized sensitive yeast strains and isolated killer-resistant (kre) mutants that were resistant as spheroplasts. Classical yeast genetics and successive back-crossings to sensitive wild-type strain indicated that this toxin resistance is due to mutation(s) in a single chromosomal yeast gene (KRE12), renderingkrel2 mutants incapable of binding significant amounts of toxin to the membrane. Sincekrel2 mutants showed normal toxin binding to the cell wall, but markedly reduced membrane binding, we isolated and purified cytoplasmic membranes from akrel2 mutant and from an isogenicKre12+ strain and analyzed the membrane protein patterns by 2D-electrophoresis using a combination of isoelectric focusing and SDS-PAGE. Using this technique, three different proteins (or subunits of a single multimeric protein) were identified that were present in much lower amounts in thekre12 mutant. A model for K1 killer toxin action is presented in which the gene product ofKRE12 functions in vivo as a K1 docking protein, facilitating toxin binding to the membrane and subsequent ion channel formation.  相似文献   
Molecular genetic analysis of individuals from 6 Egyptian and 33 German families with fragile X syndrome and 240 further patients with mental retardation was performed applying a completely non-radioactive system. The aim of our study was the development of a non-radioactive detection method and its implementation in molecular diagnosis of the fragile X syndrome. Furthermore, we wanted to assess differences in the mutation sizes between Egyptian and German patients and between Egyptian and German carriers of a premutation. Using non-radioactive polymerase chain reaction (PCR), agarose gel electrophoresis and blotting of the PCR products, followed by hybridisation with a digoxigenin-labelled oligonucleotide probe (CGG)5 and chemiluminescent detection, we identified the fragile X full mutation (amplification of a CGG repeat in the FMR-1 gene ranging from several hundred to several thousand repeat units) in all patients. We observed no differences in the length of the CGG repeat between the Egyptian and German patients and carriers, respectively. However, in one prenatal diagnosis, we detected only one normal sized allele in a female fetus using the PCR-agarose assay, whereas Southern blot analysis with the digoxigenin labelled probe StB 12.3 revealed presence of a full mutation. Our newly established nonradioactive genomic blotting method is based on the conventional radioactive Southern blot analysis. Labelling of the probe StB 12.3 with digoxigenin via PCR allowed the detection of normal, premutated and fully mutated alleles. For exact sizing of small premutated or large normal alleles, we separated digoxigenin labelled PCR products through denaturing poly-acrylamide gelelectrophoresis (PAGE) and transfered them to a nylon membrane using a gel dryer. The blotted PCR-fragments can easily be detected with alkaline phosphate-labelled anti-digoxigenin antibody. The number of trinucleotide repeat units can be determined by scoring the detected bands against a digoxigenated M13 sequencing ladder. Our newly developed digoxigenin/chemiluminescence approach using PCR and Southern blot analysis provides reliable results for routine detection of full fragile X mutations and premutations.  相似文献   
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