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Manfred Hauser 《Chromosoma》1972,36(2):158-175
Electron microscope studies on the premetaphase stages of micronuclear divisions of Paracineta limbata and Ichthyophtirius multifiliis showed that spindle material also exists during interphase. In the case of I. multifiliis scattered microtubule fragments persist in the nuclear space; in P. limbata the micronuclei contain a small paracrystalloid which is suggested to be microtubular protein. Wide microtubules, varying in diameter from 300 to 400 Å develop during intranuclear prophase near the nuclear envelope in both cases. There are good reasons to assume that they function as a kind of stem body during the enlargement of the surface area of the nuclear envelope. Later micronuclear prophase stages of both species show a some-what different development. In I. multifiliis, there are scattered groups of short microtubular segments, partly in parallel array, whereas in P. limbata the wide tubules are transformed into normal microtubules of 180–200 Å diameter. The nuclei of both species are similar at late prophase and prometaphase stages. Bundles of interpolar microtubules run between the chromosomes, and single microtubules, presumably induced by the chromosomes, cross them at different angles. The chromosome-induced microtubules appear a short time after the interpolars. At prometaphase stage all microtubules show a highly parallel arrangement and therefore it is suggested that chromosomal tubules reach their final polar orientation by the action of cross-bridges.  相似文献   
Summary The growth of Thelypteris normalis (C. Chr.) Moxley gametophytes is inhibited under T. normalis sporophytes. Competition for minerals, light, change in pH, or microbial inhibitors were experimentally eliminated as causes of the inhibition. This is the first demonstration of allelopathy between a sporophyte and gametophyte in a fern. Two inhibitors, thelypterin A and B, which were released from the roots of the Thelypteris sporophyte, were isolated and a bioassay for the inhibitors was devised. Thelypterin A gave an Ehrlich-positive reaction indicative of secondary aromatic amines and an ultraviolet absorption spectrum indicative of a heterocyclic ring. The inhibitors affected the growth of Thelypteris, Pteris and Phlebodium gametophytes.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die Schnäbel verschiedener Arten von Selenidera, Aulacorhynchus, Pteroglossus und Ramphastos werden in ihrer Form und Größe miteinander verglichen.Die für das soziologische Verhalten der Tukane bedeutsamen Pigmentfelder der Tukanschnäbel zeigen entweder keine erkennbaren Beziehungen zu den verschiedenen Hornlagen und ihren Bildungsstätten, oder aber sie sind in ihrer Ausdehnung als Wurzelbänder, Firststreifen und Farbdifferenzierungen der Schnabelspitzen und -schneiden an die Schnabelgrundstrukturen angelehnt.Außerdem können die Pigmentfelder in besonderen Hornlagen liegen. Auch in diesem Falle wird ein Farbmuster infolge des Hornflusses in mehr proximal gelegenen Teilen des Stratum gerininativum angelegt. Durch Härteunterschiede in den Hornlagen und durch die Abnutzung wird dann das in der Keimschicht angelegte Farbmuster zu dem artspezifischen Zeichnungsmuster des Schnabels. Die Hornzähne auf den Schnabelschneiden werden bei Selenidera maculirostris und bei Pteroglossus torquatus durch hellere Hornteile, die sich durch eine besondere Festigkeit auszeichnen, gebildet. Die dunklen Hornteile sind infolge ihrer weicheren Beschaffenheit einer stärkeren Abnutzung unterworfen.Der im Vergleich zu der Entfernung von der Schnabelbasis aufgezeichnete Abstand der Hornzähne der Schnabelschneiden zeigt trotz der unterschiedlichen Abnutzung häufig eine gleichartige Tendenz des Kurvenverlaufs sowohl bei verschiedenen Individuen der gleichen Art als auch bei einem Vergleich der rechten und linken Schnabelseite, wenn auch Rechts-Links-Verschiedenheiten in der Ausbildung der Hornzähne und der Querbänder beobachtet werden können. Es werden Kurven für die Abstände der Hornzähne von anderen Tukanarten zum Vergleich herangezogen.Für den Schnabel von Selenidera maculirostris wird in Übereinstimmung mit v. Kripp ein bedeutender Schnabelschub bei relativ kleiner Auswirkung der am Quadratum wirksamen Kraft festgestellt. Jedoch besitzt die Jugalspange keinen drehrunden Querschnitt.  相似文献   
Summary A facile system was developed for the quantitative determination of lipase regioselectivities in organic solvents towards the 1(3)-position of glycerides. It was utilized for the measurement of the regioselectivities displayed by lipase preparations fromMucor miehei (Lipozyme),Pseudomonas fluorescens andRhizopus delemar. It was shown that the lipases fromMucor miehei andPseudomonas fluorescens do in fact not display the high 1(3)-specifities reported in the literature for these enzymes.  相似文献   
Two involvements of cellular membranes in slow-wave sleep (SWS) are discussed. In the first the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is focussed upon, and in the second, the plasmalemma, where specific binding sites (receptors?) for promoters of slow-wave sleep are believed to be located. The study concerning the ER focusses on an enzyme in the brain, glucose-6-phosphatase, which, although present at low levels, manifests greatly increased activity during SWS compared to the waking state. The work on the plasmalemma has to do with the specific binding of muramyl peptides, inducers of slow-wave sleep, to various cells, and membrane preparations of various sorts, including those from brain tissue. Such cells as macrophages from mice, B-lymphocytes from human blood, and cells from a cell line (C-6 glioma) have been examined in this context.  相似文献   
Binding of purified monoclonal antibody (moAB) IgM NMS-1 to suspended initially spherical living human PMNLs is not associated with the generation of chemiluminescence but was found to enhance the chemiluminescence response to the N-formyl chemotactic peptide FNLPNTL.

We investigated quantitatively the kinetics of oxygen metabolite generation by PMNLs stimulated with FNLPNTL ± moAB NMS-1 using luminol-dependent chemiluminescence as a very sensitive detection system. Chemiluminescence detection allowed the analysis of the time sequence of onset and development of reactive oxygen metabolites following stimulation of PMNLs by FNLPNTL in the presence of moAB NMS-1. The increase of response of PMNLs stimulated with FNLPNTL in the presence of moAB NMS-1 depended on the concentration of the antibody and the sequence of stimulus addition.

Stimulation of human PMNLs by 10nM FNLPNTL induced a rapid burst of chemiluminescence which peaked ∼5min after stimulus addition. The subsequent addition of moAB NMS-1 (≥2μg/ml DPBS(+)—0.1% HSA, 37°C) to FNLPNTL-stimulated PMNLs—after the FNLPNTL-mediated response had already decayed (16-18 min) - without delay induced a second burst of oxygen metabolite generation. The magnitude of this second peak of activation was dose-dependent.

Treatment of PMNLs with moAB NMS-1 (≥ 1μg/ml DPBS(+)—0.1% HSA, 3 min, 37°C)—prior to FNLPNTL (10nM) stimulation - increased rate and magnitude of the FNLPNTL-mediated response. This response is biphasic with the first peak at the FNLPNTL position and a second, higher peak ∼16 min after FNLPNTL addition. The magnitude of response was dose-dependent. The latency (lag time) of the respone was not changed compared to controls which received no moAB NMS-1 treatment.

The observed moAB NMS-1 dependent increase in FNLPNTL-mediated chemiluminescence is transient (5-60 min), persistent activation was not detected.  相似文献   
Marine bacteria removed two diamines, putrescine and cadaverine, from coastal seawater supplemented only with these compounds. Batch cultures of natural bacterial communities were grown in filtered seawater (0.05 μm) supplemented with 500 μg of putrescine or cadaverine per liter. Increases in bacterial cell number were counted with an epifluorescence microscope after acridine orange staining. Removal of diamines from seawater was monitored by high-performance liquid chromatography. Diamines were removed from the seawater cultures within 48 h with no corresponding increase in bacterial yield, growth rate, or viability relative to control (unsupplemented) cultures. Shipboard experiments with open-ocean deep water (1,500 m) showed similar, if slower, removal of putrescine from seawater. Unlike uptake experiments with amino acids, labeled putrescine experiments indicated that most putrescine carbon is mineralized to CO2 rather than assimilated by the bacteria. After growth in unsupplemented control cultures, the bacteria showed a significant potential to mineralize putrescine, indicating a general degradation potential for this compound by marine bacteria even if the compound was not present during growth. Indicators of metabolic activity such as glucose and glutamic acid uptake and mineralization were not affected by the presence of putrescine. This shows that at the concentrations added, the diamines are not toxic, and therefore detoxification was not the reason for degradation of the diamines by the bacteria.  相似文献   
A Tubular Liquid Film Reactor was designed as a model system to transfer a batch culture kinetic to a continuous cascade. Cell density, product formation and substrate consumption rates were followed during fermentation at two dilution rates. In spite of the high dilution rates effective in each segment by itself high cell densities of up to 107 cells/ml were achieved due to cell sedimentation. The model character of the reactor was taken to determine critical values of substrate concentrations that influence production rates and result in an adaptation of metabolism.Abbreviations TLFR tubular liquid film reactor  相似文献   
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