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We show that the MutY protein competes with the MutS-dependent mismatch repair system to process at least some A. C mispairs in vivo, converting them to G. C pairs. In the presence of an increased dCTP pool resulting from the loss of nucleotide diphosphate kinase, the frequency of A. T-->G. C transitions at a hot spot in the rpoB gene is 30-fold lower in a MutY-deficient derivative than in the wild type.  相似文献   
The complex and dynamic pattern of Hoxb3 expression in the developing hindbrain and the associated neural crest of mouse embryos is controlled by three separate cis-regulatory elements: element I (region A), element IIIa, and the r5 enhancer (element IVa). We have examined the cis-regulatory element IIIa by transgenic and mutational analysis to determine the upstream trans-acting factors and mechanisms that are involved in controlling the expression of the mouse Hoxb3 gene in the anterior spinal cord and hindbrain up to the r5/r6 boundary, as well as the associated neural crest which migrate to the third and posterior branchial arches and to the gut. By deletion analysis, we have identified the sequence requirements within a 482-bp element III482. Two Hox binding sites are identified in element III482 and we have shown that in vitro both Hoxb3 and Hoxb4 proteins can interact with these Hox binding sites, suggesting that auto/cross-regulation is required for establishing the expression of Hoxb3 in the neural tube domain. Interestingly, we have identified a novel GCCAGGC sequence motif within element III482, which is also required to direct gene expression to a subset of the expression domains except for rhombomere 6 and the associated neural crest migrating to the third and posterior branchial arches. Element III482 can direct a higher level of reporter gene expression in r6, which led us to investigate whether kreisler is involved in regulating Hoxb3 expression in r6 through this element. However, our transgenic and mutational analysis has demonstrated that, although kreisler binding sites are present, they are not required for the establishment or maintenance of reporter gene expression in r6. Our results have provided evidence that the expression of Hoxb3 in the neural tube up to the r5/r6 boundary is auto/cross-regulated by Hox genes and expression of Hoxb3 in r6 does not require kreisler.  相似文献   
The story of T-lymphocyte subset immunophenotyping technology is reviewed on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of CD4 T-cell enumeration. Over time, immunophenotyping has evolved into precise, reliable, but complicated and expensive technology requiring fresh blood samples. The gating technologies that were universally adapted for clinical flow cytometry for the past decade relied on rapidly deteriorating morphological scatter characteristics of leukocytes. This special issue dedicated to CD4 T-cell enumeration features most of the available new options that will have a significant impact on how this technology will be implemented within the first decade of the 21st century. In a series of original publications, including the new NIH guideline for T-cell subset enumeration, contemporary gating protocols that use immunologically logical parameters are presented as part of the more reliable and affordable immunophenotyping alternative. Some of the improvements addressed here include the costs of the assays and the capacity to monitor interlaboratory and intralaboratory performances. It is clear that an effective attack on the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) epidemic has to embrace resource-poor regions. Reducing the cost of the assay while improving reliability and durability is a move in the right direction.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: In the past decade, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) lymphocyte immunophenotyping has evolved significantly. New fluorochromes, new multicolor reagents, enhanced instruments, and the capacity to provide absolute cell counts using the single-platform technique have all contributed to the reliability of T-cell subset measurements. In this study, four gating protocols were evaluated to select the most robust method for T-cell subset enumeration. METHODS: Peripheral blood specimens from 21 HIV(+) and 20 HIV(-) individuals were monitored up to 96 h. Aliquots of specimens were stored at room temperature and analyzed at 6 (baseline), 48, 72, and 96 h. Aliquots were stained with CD45-fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)/CD3PC5/CD4RD1/CD8ECD. Data analysis was performed with all four gating protocols. RESULTS: Only with fresh blood did all protocols provide similar results. From samples that were 48 h old, the choice of gating strategy had a dramatic impact on immunophenotyping results. The largest deviations from baseline values occurred at 96 h and gating protocols that included dual light scatter gates provided the greatest shift of T-cell subset values over time. The gating protocols that were based exclusively on cell lineage-specific gates gave the most robust T-cell values up to 96 h. CONCLUSION: By selecting the appropriate gating protocol, the temporal integrity of specimens can be extended up to 4 days.  相似文献   
The sperm mitochondria-associated cysteine-rich protein (SMCP) is a cysteine- and proline-rich structural protein that is closely associated with the keratinous capsules of sperm mitochondria in the mitochondrial sheath surrounding the outer dense fibers and axoneme. To investigate the function of SMCP, we generated mice with a targeted disruption of the gene Smcp by homologous recombination. Homozygous mutant males on a mixed genetic background (C57BL/6J x 129/Sv) are fully fertile, while they are infertile on the 129/Sv background, although spermatogenesis and mating are normal. Homozygous Smcp(-/-) female mice are fertile on both genetic backgrounds. Electron microscopical examination demonstrated normal structures of sperm head, mitochondria, and tail. In vivo experiments with sperm of Smcp(-/-) 129/Sv mice revealed that the migration of spermatozoa from the uterus into the oviduct is reduced. This result is supported by the observation that sperm motility as determined by the computer-assisted semen analysis system (CASA) is significantly affected as compared to wild-type spermatozoa. In vitro fertilization assays showed that Smcp-deficient spermatozoa are able to bind to the oocyte but that the number of fertilized eggs is reduced by more than threefold relative to the wild-type control. However, removal of the zona pellucida resulted in an unaffected sperm-egg fusion which was monitored by the presence of pronuclei and generation of blastocyts. These results indicate that the infertility of the male Smcp(-/-) mice on the 129/Sv background is due to reduced motility of the spermatozoa and decreased capability of the spermatozoa to penetrate oocytes.  相似文献   
The disease-associated expansion of (CTG)·(CAG) repeats is likely to involve slipped-strand DNAs. There are two types of slipped DNAs (S-DNAs): slipped homoduplex S-DNAs are formed between two strands having the same number of repeats; and heteroduplex slipped intermediates (SI-DNAs) are formed between two strands having different numbers of repeats. We present the first characterization of S-DNAs formed by disease-relevant lengths of (CTG)·(CAG) repeats which contained all predicted components including slipped-out repeats and slip-out junctions, where two arms of the three-way junction were composed of complementary paired repeats. In S-DNAs multiple short slip-outs of CTG or CAG repeats occurred throughout the repeat tract. Strikingly, in SI-DNAs most of the excess repeats slipped-out at preferred locations along the fully base-paired Watson–Crick duplex, forming defined three-way slip-out junctions. Unexpectedly, slipped-out CAG and slipped-out CTG repeats were predominantly in the random-coil and hairpin conformations, respectively. Both the junctions and the slip-outs could be recognized by DNA metabolizing proteins: only the strand with the excess repeats was hypersensitive to cleavage by the junction-specific T7 endonuclease I, while slipped-out CAG was preferentially bound by single-strand binding protein. An excellent correlation was observed for the size of the slip-outs in S-DNAs and SI-DNAs with the size of the tract length changes observed in quiescent and proliferating tissues of affected patients—suggesting that S-DNAs and SI-DNAs are mutagenic intermediates in those tissues, occurring during error-prone DNA metabolism and replication fork errors.  相似文献   
OPA1, the gene responsible for autosomal dominant optic atrophy, represents a good candidate gene for glaucoma, as there are similarities in the clinical phenotype and OPA1 is expressed in the optic nerve. Single nucleotide polymorphisms on intervening sequence (IVS) 8 of the OPA1gene (genotype IVS8+4 C/T;+32T/C) were recently found to be strongly associated with normal tension glaucoma (NTG). In order to investigate whether this association exists in patients with high-tension glaucoma (HTG), 90 well-characterized HTG patients were examined for the presence of these OPA1polymorphisms by PCR amplification followed by bi-directional sequencing. Five out of 90 HTG subjects (5.6%; 95% CI 1.8-12.5) were found to carry the OPA1 genotype IVS 8+4 C/T; +32 T/C, compared with 32/163 (19.6%; 95% CI 13.8-26.6) NTG subjects [chi(2)=9.2, P=0.002, OR 4.1 (95% CI 1.6-11.1)], and 7/186 (3.8%; 95% CI 1.5-7.6) control subjects [chi(2)=0.47, P=0.49, OR 1.5 (95% CI 0.5-4.9)]. These results indicate that unlike NTG, the OPA1 genotype IVS8+4 C/T,+32T/C is not significantly associated with high-tension primary open angle glaucoma, and suggest genetic heterogeneity between the conditions.  相似文献   
Minichromosome maintenance (MCM) proteins are essential eukaryotic DNA replication factors. The binding of MCMs to chromatin oscillates in conjunction with progress through the mitotic cell cycle. This oscillation is thought to play an important role in coupling DNA replication to mitosis and limiting chromosome duplication to once per cell cycle. The coupling of DNA replication to mitosis is absent in Drosophila endoreplication cycles (endocycles), during which discrete rounds of chromosome duplication occur without intervening mitoses. We examined the behavior of MCM proteins in endoreplicating larval salivary glands, to determine whether oscillation of MCM–chromosome localization occurs in conjunction with passage through an endocycle S phase. We found that MCMs in polytene nuclei exist in two states: associated with or dissociated from chromosomes. We demonstrate that cyclin E can drive chromosome association of DmMCM2 and that DNA synthesis erases this association. We conclude that mitosis is not required for oscillations in chromosome binding of MCMs and propose that cycles of MCM–chromosome association normally occur in endocycles. These results are discussed in a model in which the cycle of MCM–chromosome associations is uncoupled from mitosis because of the distinctive program of cyclin expression in endocycles.  相似文献   
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