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Caenorhabditis elegans is a validated model to study bacterial pathogenicity. We report that Yersinia enterocolitica strains W22703 (biovar 2, serovar O:9) and WA314 (biovar 1B, serovar O:8) kill C. elegans when feeding on the pathogens for at least 15 min before transfer to the feeding strain Escherichia coli OP50. The killing by Yersinia enterocolitica requires viable bacteria and, in contrast to that by Yersinia pestis and Yersinia pseudotuberculosis strains, is biofilm independent. The deletion of tcaA encoding an insecticidal toxin resulted in an OP50-like life span of C. elegans, indicating an essential role of TcaA in the nematocidal activity of Y. enterocolitica. TcaA alone is not sufficient for nematocidal activity because E. coli DH5α overexpressing TcaA did not result in a reduced C. elegans life span. Spatial-temporal analysis of C. elegans infected with green fluorescent protein-labeled Y. enterocolitica strains showed that Y. enterocolitica colonizes the nematode intestine, leading to an extreme expansion of the intestinal lumen. By low-dose infection with W22703 or DH5α followed by transfer to E. coli OP50, proliferation of Y. enterocolitica, but not E. coli, in the intestinal lumen of the nematode was observed. The titer of W22703 cells within the worm increased to over 106 per worm 4 days after infection while a significantly lower number of a tcaA knockout mutant was recovered. A strong expression of tcaA was observed during the first 5 days of infection. Y. enterocolitica WA314 (biovar 1B, serovar O:8) mutant strains lacking the yadA, inv, yopE, and irp1 genes known to be important for virulence in mammals were not attenuated or only slightly attenuated in their toxicity toward the nematode, suggesting that these factors do not play a significant role in the colonization and persistence of this pathogen in nematodes. In summary, this study supports the hypothesis that C. elegans is a natural host and nutrient source of Y. enterocolitica.Yersinia enterocolitica belongs to the family of Enterobacteriaceae and is a psychrotolerant human pathogen that causes gastrointestinal syndromes ranging from acute enteritis to mesenteric lymphadenitis (5). It infects a number of mammals, and swine was identified as a major source for human infection (6). A multiphasic life cycle, which comprises a free-living phase and several host-associated phases, including cold-blooded and warm-blooded hosts, appears to be characteristic for biovars 1B and 2 to 5 of Y. enterocolitica (7, 24).Nonmammalian host organisms including Dictyostelium discoideum, Drosophila melanogaster, or Caenorhabditis elegans are increasingly used to study host-pathogen interactions (16, 26). Due to the obvious parallels between the mammalian and invertebrate defense mechanisms, it has been suggested that the bacteria-invertebrate interaction has shaped the evolution of microbial pathogenicity (53). Several human pathogens including Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria infect and kill the soil nematode C. elegans when they are supplied as a nutrient source (42). For example, Streptococcus pneumoniae (4), Listeria monocytogenes (50), extraintestinal Escherichia coli (15), and Staphylococcus aureus (43) but not Bacillus subtilis have been shown to kill the nematode. Upon infection of C. elegans with Enterococcus faecalis, Gram-positive virulence-related factors as well as putative antimicrobials have been identified (20, 35). The extensive conservation in virulence mechanisms directed against invertebrates as well as mammals was demonstrated using a screen with Pseudomonas aeruginosa (30). In this study, 10 of 13 genes whose knockout attenuated the nematode killing were also required for full virulence in a mouse model, confirming the suitability of the C. elegans model to study bacterial pathogenicity. C. elegans is also colonized by Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (S. Typhimurium). This process requires Salmonella virulence factors and was used to study the innate immune response of the nematode (1, 2, 49).The effect of pathogenic Yersinia spp. on C. elegans has also been investigated. It could be demonstrated that both Yersinia pestis and Yersinia pseudotuberculosis block food intake by creating a biofilm around the worm''s mouth (13, 27). This biofilm formation requires the hemin storage locus (hms) and has been suggested to be responsible for the blockage of the digestive tract following uptake by fleas, thus acting as a bacterial defense against predation by invertebrates. In a study with 40 Y. pseudotuberculosis strains, one-quarter of them caused an infection of C. elegans by biofilm formation on the worm head (27). In contrast, a similar effect was not observed following nematode infection with 15 Y. enterocolitica strains. Using a Y. pestis strain lacking the hms genes, it could be demonstrated that this mutant can infect and kill the nematode by a biofilm-independent mechanism that includes the accumulation of Y. pestis in the intestine of the worm (47). This pathogenesis model was applied to show that putative virulence factors such as YapH, OmpT, or a metalloprotease, Y3857, but not the virulence plasmids pCD1 and pPCP1, are required for Y. pestis virulence in C. elegans. Six yet unknown genes required for full virulence in C. elegans were also identified, and one of them appeared to be a virulence factor in the mouse infection model.C. elegans has not been used to study the pathogenicity properties of Y. enterocolitica, mainly due to the fact that many of its virulence factors are upregulated at 37°C in comparison to growth at lower temperatures while C. elegans cannot be cultivated at temperatures above 25°C. In this study, we examined for the first time the infection of C. elegans by Y. enterocolitica strains, demonstrating that this pathogen colonizes and kills C. elegans and that the insecticidal toxin TcaA, which is expressed only at ambient temperature, is required for full nematocidal activity.  相似文献   
The Precambrian is the cradle of life. With a time span of about 4 Billion years it represents the largest part of earth history. Life changed the planet during the Precambrian by a lot of interactions with plate tectonics and raised into better qualities. A special milestone was the release of free oxygen by the stromatolithes at about 2.5 Billion years. An extreme bottleneck for the evolution of life was the Snowball Earth representing the freezing of the entire earth surface and the covering by an ice sheet. Plate tectonic processes were responsible for the melting of the ice sheet. In the aftermath of that glaciation the rapid radiation of the first complex higher life forms begun. These were represented by the so‐called Ediacara Biota, which occurred in the time span of about 630 and 543 Million years before today. The Ediacara Biota are unique in the evolution of life and existed in a close interaction with a leather‐like biomat at the sea‐floor which provided stability, hide and food. Among the Ediacara Biota the first primitive arthropods, the molluscs and the anthozoans occurred. In addition, in the fossil record are reported a lot of mystic life forms without a good or any classification. The Ediacara Biota represent the critical evolutionary step to pave the way for the explosion‐like radiation of life during the Cambrian that started at 542 Million years before present.  相似文献   
Bacillus anthracis but not always anthrax   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Gram-positive bacilli isolated during epidemiological investigations which, on the basis of conventional tests, resemble Bacillus anthracis but which fail to produce the capsule or to induce anthrax in test animals have long been dismissed in clinical and veterinary laboratories as B. cereus or simply as unidentified Bacillus spp. and thereupon discarded as inconsequential. In this study, the application of newly available DNA probe, polymerase chain reaction and specific toxin antigen detection technology has revealed that a proportion of such strains are B. anthracis which lack the plasmid carrying the capsule gene (pXO2). While these techniques cannot, of course, be used to confirm the identities of strains resembling B. anthracis but which also lack the plasmid carrying the toxin genes (pXO1), the likelihood that these also are bonajide B. anthracis becomes more acceptable. (As yet no naturally occurring pXOl-/2+ strains have been found.) At this point, the significance of the presence of such avirulent forms of B. anthracis in specimens can only be a subject for speculation, but the possibility that they may be indicators of virulent parents somewhere in the system being examined must be considered.  相似文献   
Ogura cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) and its corresponding nuclear fertility restorer gene, Rfo, have been introduced from radish to Brassica species by interspecific crosses. Rfo restores male fertility by altering the translational expression of Orf138, a mitochondrial gene, whose expression results in the male sterile phenotype. This system has been extensively investigated and breeding restorer lines for the Ogura CMS has become a major objective for hybrid seed production in many canola breeding programs. In this study, we have sequenced genomic clones of Rfo amplified from a canola restorer line R2000, licensed from INRA, France, and a Dow AgroSciences non-restorer line Nexera 705 using primers designed from the radish Rfo sequence (GenBank accession AJ550021). Sequence alignment revealed three homologous sequences of Rfo. Two of the sequences were present in both R2000 and Nexera 705 but the third one was present only in R2000. These results suggested that the first two sequences could be the homoeologous sequences of Rfo already existing in the canola genome and the third one could be the radish Rfo introduced into canola. Based on the sequence differences between the restorer and non-restorer lines, Rfo allele-specific PCR markers were developed. We also developed a high throughput, Rfo allele-specific Invader® assay through Third Wave Technologies. Linkage analysis revealed a co-segregation between the allele-specific marker and the phenotypes for fertility restoration. This allele-specific marker has been mapped in the linkage group N19 and proved to be very useful for direct selection of Rfo alleles for fertility restoration during marker-assisted introgression of the Ogura restorer for hybrid development in canola.  相似文献   


A variety of techniques have been described which introduce scarless, site-specific chromosomal mutations. These techniques can be applied to make point mutations or gene deletions as well as insert heterologous DNA into bacterial vectors for vaccine development. Most methods use a multi-step approach that requires cloning and/or designing repeat sequences to facilitate homologous recombination. We have modified previously published techniques to develop a simple, efficient PCR-based method for scarless insertion of DNA into Salmonella enteritidis chromosome.  相似文献   
The genus Salmonella contains two species, S. bongori and S. enterica. Compared to the well-studied S. enterica there is a marked lack of information regarding the genetic makeup and diversity of S. bongori. S. bongori has been found predominantly associated with cold-blooded animals, but it can infect humans. To define the phylogeny of this species, and compare it to S. enterica, we have sequenced 28 isolates representing most of the known diversity of S. bongori. This cross-species analysis allowed us to confidently differentiate ancestral functions from those acquired following speciation, which include both metabolic and virulence-associated capacities. We show that, although S. bongori inherited a basic set of Salmonella common virulence functions, it has subsequently elaborated on this in a different direction to S. enterica. It is an established feature of S. enterica evolution that the acquisition of the type III secretion systems (T3SS-1 and T3SS-2) has been followed by the sequential acquisition of genes encoding secreted targets, termed effectors proteins. We show that this is also true of S. bongori, which has acquired an array of novel effector proteins (sboA-L). All but two of these effectors have no significant S. enterica homologues and instead are highly similar to those found in enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC). Remarkably, SboH is found to be a chimeric effector protein, encoded by a fusion of the T3SS-1 effector gene sopA and a gene highly similar to the EPEC effector nleH from enteropathogenic E. coli. We demonstrate that representatives of these new effectors are translocated and that SboH, similarly to NleH, blocks intrinsic apoptotic pathways while being targeted to the mitochondria by the SopA part of the fusion. This work suggests that S. bongori has inherited the ancestral Salmonella virulence gene set, but has adapted by incorporating virulence determinants that resemble those employed by EPEC.  相似文献   
Several chemical constituents are important to the fragrance of cooked rice. However, the chemical compound 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline (AP) is regarded as the most important component of fragrance in the basmati- and jasmine-style fragrant rices. AP is found in all parts of the plant except the roots. It is believed that a single recessive gene is responsible for the production of fragrance in most rice plants. The detection of fragrance can be carried out via sensory or chemical methods, although each has their disadvantages. To overcome these difficulties, we have identified an (AT)40 repeat microsatellite or simple sequence repeat (SSR) marker for fragrant and non-fragrant alleles of the fgr gene. Identification of this marker was facilitated through use of both the publicly available and restricted access sequence information of the Monsanto rice sequence databases. Fifty F2 individuals from a mapping population were genotyped for the polymorphic marker. This marker has a high polymorphism information content (PIC = 0.9). Other SSR markers linked to fragrance could be identified in the same way of use in other populations. This study demonstrates that analysis of the rice genome sequence is an effective option for identification of markers for use in rice improvement.  相似文献   
Short-term assays have suggested that RNA interference (RNAi) may be a powerful new method for intracellular immunization against human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection. However, RNAi has not yet been shown to protect cells against HIV-1 in long-term virus replication assays. We stably introduced vectors expressing small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) directed against the HIV-1 genome into human T cells by retroviral transduction. We report here that an siRNA directed against the viral Nef gene (siRNA-Nef) confers resistance to HIV-1 replication. This block in replication is not absolute, and HIV-1 escape variants that were no longer inhibited by siRNA-Nef appeared after several weeks of culture. These RNAi-resistant viruses contained nucleotide substitutions or deletions in the Nef gene that modified or deleted the siRNA-Nef target sequence. These results demonstrate that efficient inhibition of HIV-1 replication through RNAi is possible in stably transduced cells. Therefore, RNAi could become a realistic gene therapy approach with which to overcome the devastating effect of HIV-1 on the immune system. However, as is known for antiviral drug therapy against HIV-1, antiviral approaches involving RNAi should be used in a combined fashion to prevent the emergence of resistant viruses.  相似文献   
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