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Chromohalobacter salexigens, a Gammaproteobacterium belonging to the family Halomonadaceae, shows a broad salinity range for growth. In order to reveal the factors influencing architecture of protein coding genes in C. salexigens, pattern of synonymous codon usage bias has been investigated. Overall codon usage analysis of the microorganism revealed that C and G ending codons are predominantly used in all the genes which are indicative of mutational bias. Multivariate statistical analysis showed that the genes are separated along the first major explanatory axis according to their expression levels and their genomic GC content at the synonymous third positions of the codons. Both NC plot and correspondence analysis on Relative Synonymous Codon Usage (RSCU) indicates that the variation in codon usage among the genes may be due to mutational bias at the DNA level and natural selection acting at the level of mRNA translation. Gene length and the hydrophobicity of the encoded protein also influence the codon usage variation of genes to some extent. A comparison of the relative synonymous codon usage between 10% each of highly and lowly expressed genes determines 23 optimal codons, which are statistically over represented in the former group of genes and may provide useful information for salt-stressed gene prediction and gene-transformation. Furthermore, genes for regulatory functions; mobile and extrachromosomal element functions; and cell envelope are observed to be highly expressed. The study could provide insight into the gene expression response of halophilic bacteria and facilitate establishment of effective strategies to develop salt-tolerant crops of agronomic value.  相似文献   
Drought is a major limitation for rice production in rainfed ecosystems. Identifying quantitative trait loci (QTLs) linked to drought resistance provides opportunity to breed high yielding rice varieties suitable for drought-prone areas. Although considerable efforts were made in mapping QTLs associated with drought-resistance traits in rice, most of the studies involved indica × japonica crosses and hence, the drought-resistance alleles were contributed mostly by japonica ecotypes. It is desirable to look for genetic variation within indica ecotypes adapted to target environment (TE) as the alleles from japonica ecotype may not be expressed under lowland conditions. A subset of 250 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) of F8 generation derived from two indica rice lines (IR20 and Nootripathu) with contrasting drought-resistance traits were used to map the QTLs for morpho-physiological and plant production traits under drought stress in the field in TE. A genetic linkage map was constructed using 101 polymorphic PCR-based markers distributed over the 12 chromosomes covering a total length of 1,529 cM in 17 linkage groups with an average distance of 15.1 cM. Composite interval mapping analysis identified 22 QTLs, which individually explained 4.8–32.2% of the phenotypic variation. Consistent QTLs for drought-resistance traits were detected using locally adapted indica ecotypes, which may be useful for rainfed rice improvement.  相似文献   
A novel noninvasive genomic DNA isolation protocol from fecal tissue, by the proteinase K digestion and guanidine hydrochloride extraction method, was assessed for the genotyping of cattle and buffalo. The epithelial tissues present on the surface of the feces were used as source for isolation of genomic DNA. The DNA isolated from fecal tissue was found to be similar as those obtained from other body tissues such as skin, brain, liver, kidney, and muscle. The quality of DNA was checked by agarose gel electrophoresis and polymerase chain reaction (PCR). We successfully amplified a 320 bp MHC class II DRB gene and a 125 bp mt-DNA D-loop region from isolated genomic DNA of cattle. Thus, the DNA isolated using this method was suitable for common molecular biology methods, such as restriction enzyme digestion and genotyping of dairy animals through PCR.  相似文献   
Date seeds were sampled at regular intervals from pollination (March) to mature fruit (September) and processed for light microscopy and SDS-PAGE. Seed fresh weight rose until early June and then declined slightly through September due to a continuous decrease in water content. Cell wall formation started in May in the free nuclear endosperm and proceeded centripetally from the inner integument to the seed center. Wall thickening in each cell started in cell corners and showed a layered appearance with calcofluor white staining. It started in early June in the center of the seed and proceeded centrifugally such that the outer cells showed cell wall thickening in late June. Thickened cell walls were soft and PAS positive at inception, but staining disappeared and hardness increased during wall maturation. Cell elongation in the radial direction accompanied wall thickening. Protein body formation started after cell wall thickening and followed the same centrifugal developmental pattern. Mature protein bodies occurred in even the outermost cells by early July. No further structural changes occurred after this time. The high molecular weight storage proteins appeared in late June, which is when protein bodies had formed in all but the outer endosperm cells; however, these proteins did not appear simultaneously and minor changes in protein bands continued until maturation. α-Galactosidase activity was present in the developing endosperm and peaked at 13 wk after pollination. The data suggest that the thickened wall is deposited as a highly substituted galactomannan, but that most of the galactose side branches are clipped off presumably by α-galactosidase during cell wall polymerization.  相似文献   
Catalytic proteins such as human protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B), with conserved and highly polar active sites, warrant the discovery of druggable nonactive sites, such as allosteric sites, and potentially, therapeutic small molecules that can bind to these sites. Catalyzing the dephosphorylation of numerous substrates, PTP1B is physiologically important in intracellular signal transduction pathways in diverse cell types and tissues. Aberrant PTP1B is associated with obesity, diabetes, cancers, and neurodegenerative disorders. Utilizing clustering methods (based on root mean square deviation, principal component analysis, nonnegative matrix factorization, and independent component analysis), we have examined multiple PTP1B structures. Using the resulting representative structures in different conformational states, we determined consensus clustroids and used them to identify both known and novel binding sites, some of which are potentially allosteric. We report several lead compounds that could potentially bind to the novel PTP1B binding sites and can be further optimized. Considering the possibility for drug repurposing, we discovered homologous binding sites in other proteins, with ligands that could potentially bind to the novel PTP1B binding sites.  相似文献   
alpha 1-Antichymotrypsin mRNA was isolated by specific polysome immunoprecipitation from turpentine-treated baboon liver. The highly enriched mRNA was used for synthesis and cloning of the corresponding cDNA. Baboon alpha 1-antichymotrypsin cDNA clones were identified by hybrid-selected translation, and the insert DNA fragment from one of the putative clones was used as a probe to screen a human liver cDNA library comprised of 40 000 independent transformants. One of the human cDNA clones was unambiguously identified to contain alpha 1-antichymotrypsin DNA sequences by comparison of its 5'-terminal nucleotide sequence with the N-terminal amino acid sequence of the protein. This cDNA clone, designated phACT235, contains 1524 base pairs of human DNA, which was sequenced in its entirety. The inserted DNA codes for a 25 amino acid signal peptide sequence and the entire mature alpha 1-antichymotrypsin of 408 amino acid residues. Comparison of the amino acid sequence of alpha 1-antichymotrypsin with that of the human alpha 1-antitrypsin has revealed a homology level similar to that between chymotrypsin and trypsin.  相似文献   
Neuronal calcium sensor-1 (NCS-1) interacts with many membranes and cytosolic proteins, both in a Ca2+-dependent and in a Ca2+-independent manner, and its physiological role is governed by its N-terminal myristoylation. To understand the role of myristoylation in altering Ca2+ response and other basic biophysical properties, we have characterized the Ca2+ filling pathways in both myristoylated (myr) and non-myristoylated (non-myr) forms of NCS-1. We have observed that Ca2+ binds simultaneously to all three active EF-hands in non-myr NCS-1, whereas in the case of myr NCS-1, the process is sequential, where the second EF-hand is filled first, followed by the third and fourth EF-hands. In the case of myr NCS-1, the observed sequential Ca2+ binding process becomes more prominent in the presence of Mg2+. Besides, the analysis of 15N-relaxation data reveals that non-myr NCS-1 is more dynamic than myr NCS-1. The overall molecular tumbling correlation time increases by approximately 20% upon myristoylation. Comparing the apo forms of non-myr NCS-1 and myr NCS-1, we found the possibility of existence of some substates, which are structurally closer to the holo form of the protein. There are more such substates in the case of non-myr NCS-1 than in the case of the myr NCS-1, suggesting that the former accesses larger volumes of conformational substates compared with the latter. Further, the study reveals that the possibility of Ca2+ binding simultaneously to different parts of the protein is more favourable in non-myr NCS-1 than in myr NCS-1.  相似文献   
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