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Although certain pollutants can be biologically degraded by microorganisms, rendering their impact short-term, others can not be impaired, such that their effect persists. The present study evaluates the effectiveness of using a field-collected aphid, Aphis gossypii, as a bio-indicator for heavy metals in tomato farms in Riyadh and Hafar Al-Batin, Saudi Arabia. Heavy metals were selected (Cd, Cu, Zn, and Pb) and measured for comparative screening in field-collected plants, soil, and aphids using inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Field-collected aphids from both studied regions were identified as Aphis gossypii. In Riyadh, there was no significant difference observed for Cd, Cu, and Zn for all experimental samples, while, Pb was showed differences among samples especially tomato leaves None of the studied samples in Hafar Al-Batin were showed statistically significant differences in Cd, in reverse to significant differences in the other heavy metals. Comparing concentrations of selected heavy metals between the two studied regions was showed that neither region showed a significant difference in heavy metals except for Cu. This study demonstrates that tomato leaf samples showed the highest concentrations of most studied heavy metals, followed by soil, then aphids. Aphids were utilized as a bio-indicator of heavy metals in the studied regions.  相似文献   

A new photonic crystal fiber (PCF)–based, hollow-core, optical waveguide is proposed and numerically investigated to quickly identify numerous species of cancerous cells in the human body. Typical and cancerous cells have different refractive indices (RIs), and via this characteristic, the other important optical parameters are evaluated. The guiding properties of this proposed cancer cell sensor are analyzed in the COMSOL Multiphysics environment which used the finite element method as mathematical tool to solve differential equations. Furthermore, to ensure the highest simulation accuracy, extremely fine mesh elements are introduced. The simulation studies confirm that the proposed sensor, at 2.5 THz, achieves an extremely high relative sensitivity of almost 98% with negligible loss (< 0.025 dB/cm). Furthermore, a high numerical aperture (NA) and spot size, with low modal area, enhance the propagation characteristics of the sensor to a new height. The sensor’s physical structure is very simple so that it can be easily fabricated with modern fabrication technology. Thus, it seems that this sensor will open a new door in the field of detecting and diagnosing different cancer cells.

In this study, we attempt to target the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) cells using a recombinant anthrax lethal toxin (LeTx). LeTx consists of protective antigen (PrAg) and lethal factor (LF). PrAg binds cells, is cleaved by furin, oligomerizes, binds three to four molecules of LF, and undergoes endocytosis, releasing LF into the cytosol. LF cleaves MAPK kinases, inhibiting the MAPK pathway. We tested potency of LeTx on a panel of 11 human AML cell lines. Seven cell lines showed cytotoxic responses to LeTx. Cytotoxicity of LeTx was mimicked by the specific mitogen-activated protein/extracellular signal-regulated kinase kinase 1/2 (MEK1/2) inhibitor U0126, indicating that LeTx-induced cell death is mediated through the MEK1/2-extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK1/2) branch of the MAPK pathway. The four LeTx-resistant cell lines were sensitive to the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase inhibitor LY294002. Co-treatment of AML cells with both LeTx and LY294002 did not lead to increased sensitivity, showing a lack of additive/synergistic effects when both pathways are inhibited. Flow cytometry analysis of MAPK pathway activation revealed the presence of phospho-ERK1/2 only in LeTx-sensitive cells. Staining for Annexin V/propidium iodide and active caspases showed an increase in double-positive cells and the absence of caspase activation following treatment, indicating that LeTx-induced cell death is caspase-independent and nonapoptotic. We have shown that a majority of AML cell lines are sensitive to the LF-mediated inhibition of the MAPK pathway. Furthermore, we have demonstrated that LeTx-induced cytotoxicity in AML cells is nonapoptotic and dependent on phospho-ERK1/2 levels.  相似文献   
Chronic venous ulcer (CVU) is a major cause of chronic wounds of lower extremities and presents a significant financial and resource burden to health care systems worldwide. Defects in the vasculature, matrix deposition, and re-epithelialization are the main histopathological changes believed to impede healing. Supplementation of the amino acid arginine that plays a crucial role in the interactions that occur during inflammation and wound healing was proven clinically to improve acute wound healing probably through enhancing activity of inducible arginase (AI) locally in the wounds. However, the possible mechanism of arginine action and the potential beneficial effects of AI/arginine in human chronic wounds remain unclear. In the present study, using biopsies, taken under local anesthesia, from adult patients (n = 12, mean age 55 years old) with CVUs in lower extremities, we investigated the correlation between AI distribution in CVUs and the histopathological changes, mainly proliferative and vascular changes. Our results show a distinct spatial distribution of AI along the ulcer in the epidermis and in the dermis with the highest level of expression being at the ulcer edge and the least expression towards the ulcer base. The AI cellular immunoreactivity, enzymatic activity, and protein levels were significantly increased towards the ulcer edge. Interestingly, a similar pattern of expression was encountered in the proliferative and the vascular changes with strong correlations between AI and the proliferative activity and vascular changes. Furthermore, AI cellular distribution was associated with increased proliferative activity, inflammation, and vascular changes. Our findings of differential expression of AI along the CVU base, edge, and nearby surrounding skin and its associations with increased proliferative activity and vascular changes provide further support to the AI implication in CVU pathogenesis. The presence of high levels of AI in the epidermis of chronic wounds may serve as a molecular marker of impaired healing and may provide future targets for therapeutic intervention.  相似文献   
Effect of interactions of Meloidogyne incognita with Ralstonia solanacearum and interaction of M. incognita with Pectobacterium carotovorum were studied in sequential and simultaneous inoculations on potato (Solanum tuberosum). Inoculation of M. incognita caused a lesser reduction in plant growth than caused by R. solanacearum. Inoculation of M. incognita plus R. solanacearum caused a greater reduction in plant growth than the damage caused by either pathogen. Inoculation of M. incognita prior to R. solanacearum resulted in a greater reduction in plant growth than R. solanacearum was inoculated prior to M. incognita. However, inoculation of M. incognita or P. carotovorum caused similar reduction in plant growth. Inoculation of P. carotovorum prior to M. incognita caused lesser reduction in plant growth than simultaneous inoculation of both pathogens. Inoculation of M. incognita caused galling in potato roots but the size of galls was small. Inoculation of P. carotovorum or R. solanacearum with M. incognita had adverse effect on galling and nematode multiplication. Wilting or soft rot index was 3 when R. solanacearum or P. carotovorum was inoculated alone. In other treatments, where R. solanacearum or P. carotovorum was inoculated with M. incognita, wilting or soft rot indices were 5.  相似文献   

The biological effect of plant extracts on the two predators C. carnea and C. undecimpunctata was studied in the laboratory. Treated B. brassicae was offered to the newly hatched larvae of the two predators. The rate of prey consumption and duration of the larval instars of the two predators were slightly affected as a result of the treatments of the plant extracts. Adults of the aphid parasite D. Rapae and the whitefly parasite E. Mundus were exposed to the plant extracts via feeding on treated honey droplets or parasitized treated hosts. Mortality percentages of D. Rapae fed on honey contaminated with plant extracts were 50 and 80% for extracts of Melia fruits in ethanol and in petroleum ether, respectively. Mortalities in parasites developed in hosts treated with plant extracts of Neem fruits in ethanol and Melia flowers in petroleum ether in were 33.3 and 81.5%, respectively. Similar results were obtained when E. Mundus received the same treatments of the plant extracts.  相似文献   
Biocontrol of wilt disease complex of pea caused by the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita and Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. pisi was studied on pea (Pisum sativum L.) using plant growth-promoting rhizobacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens and root nodule bacterium Rhizobium sp. Inoculation of M. incognita and F.oxysporum alone caused significant reductions in plant growth over un-inoculated control. Reduction in plant growth caused by M. incognita was statistically equal to that caused by F. oxysporum. Inoculation of M. incognita plus F. oxysporum together caused a greater reduction in plant growth than the sum of damage caused by these pathogens singly. Inoculation of P. fluorescens and Rhizobium sp. individually or both together increased plant growth in pathogen inoculated and un-inoculated plants. Inoculation of P. fluorescens to pathogen-inoculated plants caused a greater increase in plant growth than caused by Rhizobium sp. Application of Rhizobium plus P. fluorescens caused a greater increase in plant growth than caused by each of them singly. Inoculation of P.fluorescens caused higher reduction in galling and nematode multiplication than caused by Rhizobium sp. Use of Rhizobium plus P. fluorescens caused higher reduction in galling and nematode multiplication than their individual inoculation. Plants inoculated with both pathogens plus Rhizobium showed less nodulation than plants inoculated with single pathogen plus Rhizobium. Inoculation of Rhizobium plus P. fluorescens resulted in higher root-nodulation than inoculated only with Rhizobium. Wilting indices were 4 and 5, respectively, when plants were inoculated with F. oxysporum and F. oxysporum plus M. incognita. Wilting indices were reduced maximum to 1 and 2, respectively, when plants inoculated with F.oxysporum and plants with both pathogens were treated with P. fluorescens plus Rhizobium.  相似文献   
The efficacy of different concentrations of the commercial neem-based insecticide, Nimbicidine® and the ecdysone agonist compound Methoxyfenozide (RH-2485), was evaluated against larvae of Spodoptera littoralis (Boisduval) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). RH-2485 and Nimbicidine® significantly (p?<?0.001) reduced adult longevity by 2.7 and 1.9 d at the higher concentrations tested, respectively, but no significant differences were observed at low concentration. The tested compounds strongly affected the reproduction of S. littoralis by producing a high percentage of sterility. Fecundity and fertility were significantly affected by both insecticides. No egg laying has been recorded with the higher concentration 0.5% of Nimbicidine® and 0.1?ppm of RH-2485, while no significant (p?>?0.05) difference was noticed on total number of eggs laid by the female when lower concentration 0.0001?ppm of RH-2485 was applied in the same stage as compared to the control. In the second part of this study, the invasion rate of Steinernema feltiae was affected by the addition of both Nimbicidine and RH-2485 to the diet of experimental host. At higher concentration of both compounds, the invasion rate was decreased despite the infection rate, while the percentage of invading nematodes increase to 56.7% with the combination treatment indicating a considerable improvement in the efficacy of S. feltiae nematode applied in combination with the lower concentration of Nimbicidine® over that of nematode alone. On the other hand, the invasion of S. feltiae to the insects that were fed on the diet with the addition of ecdyson compound was strongly decreased with increasing concentration of RH-2485 in host diet.  相似文献   
The neuroprotective effect of Nigella sativa (NS) on amino acid neurotransmitters alteration in pentylenetetrazole (PTZ) and ciprofloxacin (CFX) treated rats in different brain regions was examined. The oral administration of NS induced an elevation in aspartate and glutamate contents, whereas the levels of GABA and glycine were decreased. Furthermore, the treated groups with PTZ and CFX caused a decrease in aspartate, glutamate and total antioxidant capacity levels, while the concentrations of GABA and glycine were increased after 14 days. Moreover, the pre- and post-treatment with NS in PTZ and CFX treated rats return the levels of these parameters near control values. So, it could be concluded that the treatment with CFX induced imbalance between the excitatory and the inhibitory amino acids which may lead to the initiation of epileptic seizures and the treatment with NS was found to ameliorate these neurological defects which reflect its potent antiepileptic activity.  相似文献   
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