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Neural recognition molecule NB-2/contactin 5 is expressed transiently during the first postnatal week in glutamatergic neurons of the central auditory system. Here, we investigated the effect of NB-2 deficiency on the auditory brainstem in mouse. While almost all principal neurons are wrapped with the calyces of Held in the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body (MNTB) in wild type, 8% of principal neurons in NB-2 knockout (KO) mice lack the calyces of Held at postnatal day (P) 6. At P10 and P15, apoptotic principal neurons were detected in NB-2 KO mice, but not in wild type. Apoptotic cells were also increased in the ventral cochlear nucleus (VCN) of NB-2 KO mice, which contains bushy neurons projecting to the MNTB and the lateral superior olive (LSO). At the age of 1 month, the number of principal neurons in the MNTB and of glutamatergic synapses in the LSO was reduced in NB-2 KO mice. Finally, interpeak latencies for auditory brainstem response waves II-III and III-IV were significantly increased in NB-2 KO mice. Together, these findings suggest that NB-2 deficiency causes a deficit in synapse formation and then induces apoptosis in MNTB and VCN neurons, affecting auditory brainstem function.  相似文献   
In normal epithelial cells, cell-matrix interaction is required for cell survival and proliferation, whereas disruption of this interaction causes epithelial cells to undergo apoptosis called anoikis. Here we show that the small GTPase RhoG plays an important role in the regulation of anoikis. HeLa cells are capable of anchorage-independent cell growth and acquire resistance to anoikis. We found that RNA interference-mediated knockdown of RhoG promoted anoikis in HeLa cells. Previous studies have shown that RhoG activates Rac1 and induces several cellular functions including promotion of cell migration through its effector ELMO and the ELMO-binding protein Dock180 that function as a Rac-specific guanine nucleotide exchange factor. However, RhoG-induced suppression of anoikis was independent of the ELMO- and Dock180-mediated activation of Rac1. On the other hand, the regulation of anoikis by RhoG required phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) activity, and constitutively active RhoG bound to the PI3K regulatory subunit p85alpha and induced the PI3K-dependent phosphorylation of Akt. Taken together, these results suggest that RhoG protects cells from apoptosis caused by the loss of anchorage through a PI3K-dependent mechanism, independent of its activation of Rac1.  相似文献   
Ocular pigment epithelium (PE) cells promote the generation of T regulators (PE-induced Treg cells). Moreover, T cells exposed to PE acquire the capacity to suppress the activation of bystander T cells via TGFbeta. Membrane-bound TGFbeta on iris PE cells interacts with TGFbeta receptors on T cells, leading to the conversion of T cells to CD8(+) Treg cells via a cell contact-dependent mechanism. Conversely, soluble forms of TGFbeta produced by retinal PE cells can convert CD4(+) T cells into Treg cells in a manner that is independent of cell contact. In this study, we looked at the expression of immunoregulatory factors (TGFbeta, thrombospondins, CD59, IL-1 receptor antagonist, etc.) in PE cells as identified via an oligonucleotide microarray. Several thrombospondin-binding molecules were detected, and thus we focused subsequent analyses on thrombospondins. Via the conversion of latent TGFbeta to an active form that appears to be mediated by thrombospondin 1 (TSP-1), cultured iris PE and retinal PE cells induce a PE-induced Treg cell fate. After conversion, both ocular PE and PE-induced Treg cells express TSP-1. Regulatory T cell generation was amplified when the T cells also expressed TSP-1. In addition, PE-induced Treg cells significantly suppressed activation of bystander T cells via TSP-1. These results strongly suggest that the ability of ocular PE and PE-induced Treg cells to suppress bystander T cells depends on their capacity to produce TSP-1. Thus, intraocular TSP-1 produced by both ocular parenchymal cells and regulatory T cells is essential for immune regulation in the eye.  相似文献   
We have recently developed a simplified analog of aplysiatoxin (aplog-1) as an activator of protein kinase C (PKC) with anti-proliferative activity like bryostain 1. To identify sites in aplog-1 that could be readily modified to optimize therapeutic performance and to develop a molecular probe for examining the analog’s mode of action, substituent effects on the phenol ring were systematically examined. Whereas hydrophilic acetamido derivatives were less active than aplog-1 in inhibiting cancer cell growth and binding to PKCδ, introduction of hydrophobic bromine and iodine atoms enhanced both biological activities. The anti-proliferative activity was found to correlate closely with molecular hydrophobicity, and maximal activity was observed at a log P value of 4.0–4.5. On the other hand, an induction test with Epstein–Barr virus early antigen demonstrated that these derivatives have less tumor-promoting activity in vitro than aplog-1 regardless of the hydrophobicity of their substituents. These results would facilitate rapid preparation of molecular probes to examine the mechanism of the unique biological activities of aplog-1.  相似文献   
The capsid of the human polyomavirus JC virus (JCV) consists of 72 pentameric capsomeres of a major structural protein, Vp1. The cysteine residues of the related Vp1 of SV40 are known to contribute to Vp1 folding, pentamer formation, pentamer-pentamer contacts, and capsid stabilization. In light of the presence of a slight structural difference between JCV Vp1 and SV40 counterpart, the way the former folds could be either different from or similar to the latter. We found a difference: an important contribution of Vp1 cysteines to the formation of infectious virions, unique in JCV and absent in SV40. Having introduced amino acid substitution at each of six cysteines (C42, C80, C97, C200, C247, and C260) in JCV Vp1, we found that, when expressed in HeLa cells, the Vp1 level was decreased in C80A and C247A mutants, and remained normal in the other mutants. Additionally, the C80A and C247A Vp1-expressing cell extracts did not show the hemagglutination activity characteristic of JCV particles. The C80A and C247A mutant Vp1s were found to be less stable than the wild-type Vp1 in HeLa cells. When produced in a reconstituted in vitro protein translation system, these two mutant proteins were stable, suggesting that some cellular factors were responsible for their degradation. As determined by their sucrose gradient sedimentation profiles, in vitro translated C247A Vp1 formed pentamers, but in vitro translated C80A Vp1 was entirely monomeric. When individually incorporated into the JCV genome, the C80A and C247A mutants, but not the other Vp1 cysteine residues mutants, interfered with JCV infectivity. Furthermore, the C80A, but not the C247A, mutation prevented the nuclear localization of Vp1 in JCV genome transfected cells. These findings suggest that C80 of JCV Vp1 is required for Vp1 stability and pentamer formation, and C247 is involved in capsid assembly in the nucleus.  相似文献   
Bacterial communities associated with sheaths of Thioploca spp. from two freshwater lakes (Lake Biwa, Japan, and Lake Constance, Germany) and one brackish lake (Lake Ogawara, Japan) were analyzed with denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) of 16S rRNA gene fragments. The comparison between the DGGE band patterns of bulk sediment and Thioploca filaments of Lake Biwa suggested the presence of specific bacterial communities associated with Thioploca sheaths. As members of sheath-associated communities, bacteria belonging to Bacteroidetes were detected from the samples of both freshwater lakes. A DGGE band from Thioploca of Lake Biwa, belonging to candidate division OP8, was quite closely related to another DGGE band detected from that of Lake Constance. In contrast to the case of freshwater lakes, no bacterium of Bacteroidetes or OP8 was detected from Thioploca of Lake Ogawara. However, two DGGE bands from Lake Ogawara, belonging to Chloroflexi, were quite closely related to a DGGE band from Lake Constance. Two DGGE bands obtained from Lake Biwa were closely related to phylogenetically distant dissimilatory Fe(III)-reducing bacteria. Cloning analyses for a dissimilatory sulfite reductase gene were performed on the same samples used for DGGE analysis. The results of the analyses suggest that sheaths of freshwater/brackish Thioploca have little ecological significance for the majority of sulfate reducers.  相似文献   
Cardiomyocytes proliferate during fetal life but lose their ability to proliferate soon after birth and further increases in cardiac mass are achieved through an increase in cell size or hypertrophy. Mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) is critical for cell growth and proliferation. Rheb (Ras homologue enriched in brain) is one of the most important upstream regulators of mTORC1. Here, we attempted to clarify the role of Rheb in the heart using cardiac-specific Rheb-deficient mice (Rheb−/−). Rheb−/− mice died from postnatal day 8 to 10. The heart-to-body weight ratio, an index of cardiomyocyte hypertrophy, in Rheb−/− was lower than that in the control (Rheb+/+) at postnatal day 8. The cell surface area of cardiomyocytes isolated from the mouse hearts increased from postnatal days 5 to 8 in Rheb+/+ mice but not in Rheb−/− mice. Ultrastructural analysis indicated that sarcomere maturation was impaired in Rheb−/− hearts during the neonatal period. Rheb−/− hearts exhibited no difference in the phosphorylation level of S6 or 4E-BP1, downstream of mTORC1 at postnatal day 3 but showed attenuation at postnatal day 5 or 8 compared with the control. Polysome analysis revealed that the mRNA translation activity decreased in Rheb−/− hearts at postnatal day 8. Furthermore, ablation of eukaryotic initiation factor 4E-binding protein 1 in Rheb−/− mice improved mRNA translation, cardiac hypertrophic growth, sarcomere maturation, and survival. Thus, Rheb-dependent mTORC1 activation becomes essential for cardiomyocyte hypertrophic growth after early postnatal period.  相似文献   


To identify similarities and differences in the clinical features of adult Japanese patients with individual anti-aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase antibodies (anti-ARS Abs).


This was a retrospective analysis of 166 adult Japanese patients with anti-ARS Abs detected by immunoprecipitation assays. These patients had visited Kanazawa University Hospital or collaborating medical centers from 2003 to 2009.


Anti-ARS Ab specificity included anti-Jo-1 (36%), anti-EJ (23%), anti-PL-7 (18%), anti-PL-12 (11%), anti-KS (8%), and anti-OJ (5%). These anti-ARS Abs were mutually exclusive, except for one serum Ab that had both anti-PL-7 and PL-12 reactivity. Myositis was closely associated with anti-Jo-1, anti-EJ, and anti-PL-7, while interstitial lung disease (ILD) was correlated with all 6 anti-ARS Abs. Dermatomyositis (DM)-specific skin manifestations (heliotrope rash and Gottron’s sign) were frequently observed in patients with anti-Jo-1, anti-EJ, anti-PL-7, and anti-PL-12. Therefore, most clinical diagnoses were polymyositis or DM for anti-Jo-1, anti-EJ, and anti-PL-7; clinically amyopathic DM or ILD for anti-PL-12; and ILD for anti-KS and anti-OJ. Patients with anti-Jo-1, anti-EJ, and anti-PL-7 developed myositis later if they had ILD alone at the time of disease onset, and most patients with anti-ARS Abs eventually developed ILD if they did not have ILD at disease onset.


Patients with anti-ARS Abs are relatively homogeneous. However, the distribution and timing of myositis, ILD, and rashes differ among patients with individual anti-ARS Abs. Thus, identification of individual anti-ARS Abs is beneficial to define this rather homogeneous subset and to predict clinical outcomes within the “anti-synthetase syndrome.”  相似文献   
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