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We determined the nucleotide sequence of a DNA fragment which contains the replication region of pMSC262, a Mycobacterium scrofulaceum plasmid used to construct the Mycobacterium-Escherichia coli shuttle vector. The complete sequence of the fragment contained 2,504 bp with an overall G+C content of 69.8%. By deletion analysis, we found that the minimum length required for plasmid replication in M. bovis BCG was about 1.6 kb. Within this region, several open reading frames (ORFs) and a putative replication origin (ori) were identified by computer analysis. One of the ORFs, ORF2, which encodes a putative 28.9-kDa basic protein with characteristics of DNA-binding proteins, appeared to be involved in replication of the plasmid in BCG. By separation of ORF2 and the putative ori region, it was revealed that the relative locations of ORF2 and the putative ori region are likely important for replication in BCG. No DNA or amino acid homologies were found between this replication region and that of pAL5000, another mycobacterial plasmid used for vector plasmid construction. In addition, we found that this replicon did not lead to replication in E. coli and was compatible in BCG with pAL5000-derived vector plasmid pYUB75 (R. G. Barletta, D. D. Kim, S. B. Snapper, B. R. Bloom, and W. R. Jacobs, J., J. Gen. Microbiol. 138:23-30, 1992).  相似文献   
Abstract: Tumor necrosis factor-a (TNF-α), interferon-γ (IFN-7), and interleukin-6 (IL-6), but not TNF-β, can induce the in vitro differentiation of the neuroblastoma cell line N103 in a dose-dependent manner. Differentiation of N103 was accompanied by the arrest of cell growth and neurite formation. The induction of neuroblastoma cell differentiation by TNF-α and IFN-γ can be specifically inhibited by a nitric oxide (NO) synthase inhibitor, l -NG-monomethylarginine. In contrast, the differentiation of N103 cells by IL-6 was not affected by l -NG-monomethylarginine. These results indicate that TNF-α and IFN-γ, but not IL-6, induce the differentiation of neuroblastoma cells via NO. This is confirmed by the finding that the culture super- natants of N103 cells induced by TNF-α and IFN-γ, but not that by IL-6, contained high levels of NO2, the production of which was inhibited by l - N G-monomethylarginine. Furthermore, the differentiation of N103 cells can be induced directly in a dose-dependent manner by the addition of nitroprusside, a generator of NO, into the culture medium. These data therefore indicate that NO may be an important mediator in the induction of neuronal cell differentiation by certain cytokines such as TNF-α and IFN-γ and that neuronal cells, in addition to the macrophagelike brain cells, can be induced by immunological stimuli to produce large quantities of NO.  相似文献   
Vertebrate lens tissues contain several species of acidic andneutral glycosphingolipids in relatively high amounts. However,the epithelia with capsule from dog and rhesus monkey lenseshad a simpler composition and lower content of glycosphingolipidsthan whole lenses. Gangliosides and neutral glycosphingolipidsin monolayer cultures of lens epithelial cells were also differentfrom those in whole lenses. Although -galactosyl (Gal1-3Ga1-R)or Lewisx (Galß1-4[Fuc1-3]GlcNAc-R) epitopes werefound in glycosphingolipids from whole lenses, they were notdetected in those from monolayer cultures of dog and rhesusmonkey lens cells. In addition, significant changes in ganglio-seriesgangliosides were induced in monolayer cultures of both cells,where GM3 and GD3 were predominant. Immunofluorescence studyrevealed a characteristic distribution of cell surface gangliosidesin confluent monolayers. These findings suggest that glycosphingolipidsynthesis in lens epithelia is intrinsically different fromthat in cortical and nuclear fibres, and that the expressionof Lewisx and -galactosyl epitopes in glycosphingolipids appearsto be associated with the differentiation of epithelial cellsto fibres. gangliosides glycosphingolipids lens epithelial cells Lewisx rhesus monkey.  相似文献   
Enzyme activity, protein contents, and mRNA contents of group II phospholipase A2 (PLA2) in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) surgically obtained from 8 patients were compared with those in either its neighboring liver tissues or control liver tissues. The PLA2 specific activity towards the mixed micelles of 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-phosphatidylglycerol and cholate was significantly greater in the tumor tissues (6.62 ± 1.46 nmol/min/mg) than those in the surrounding liver tissues (1.33 ± 0.22 nmol/min/mg) and controls (0.43 ± 0.04 nmol/min/mg). The results of immunoblot analysis using a specific anti-human group II PLA2 antibody and of Northern blot analysis using a human group II PLA2 cDNA as a probe demonstrated that group II PLA2 was responsible for the increased enzyme activity. The contents of immunoreactive group II PLA2 in the tumor tissues (8.81 ± 1.24 ng/mg) were significantly higher than those in the surrounding liver tissues (1.77 ± 0.27 ng/mg); those in the control tissues were below the analytical range of the method used. The group II PLA2 mRNA was also significantly increased in the tumor tissues, compared with that in the surrounding liver tissues, whereas it was not detectable in th controls. This indicates that group II PLA2 in HCC is induced at the pretranslational level.  相似文献   
Abstract: Laminin A, B1, and B2 chain mRNA levels in degenerating and regenerating mouse sciatic nerves were examined using northern blot analysis. In normal intact nerves, B1 and B2 mRNA steady-state levels were high, but when the nerves were crushed, the steady-state levels of B1 and B2 mRNA per milligram wet tissue weight of the distal segments of the nerves increased five- to eightfold over that of control levels as the total RNA and β-actin mRNA levels increased, suggesting that these increases were the consequence of Schwann cell proliferation after axotomy. When the steady-state levels of B1 and B2 mRNA were normalized as the ratio to total RNA or β-actin mRNA levels, however, they drastically decreased to about 20% of the normal nerve levels in the nerve segments distal to both the crush and transaction sites 1 day after injury. In the crushed nerves, B1 and B2 mRNA levels gradually increased as the regenerating nerves arrived at the distal segments and reestablished normal axon–Schwann cell contact, and then returned to normal levels on the 21 st day. In the transected nerves, where Schwann cells continued to be disconnected from axons, both B1 and B2 mRNA levels remained low. Cultured Schwann cells expressed detectable levels of B1 and B2 chain mRNA which significantly increased when the cells were cocultured with sensory neurons. However, mRNA for A chain was not detectable in the normal, axotomized nerves or in cultured Schwann cells. These data indicate that Schwann cells express laminin B1 and B2 chain mRNA that are up-regulated by axonal or neuronal contact, but they do not express A chain mRNA.  相似文献   
Laboratory experiments were conducted to test the hypothesis that widelyforaging generalist lizard,Eumeces okadae, visually discriminates palatable queen ants from unpalatable worker ants. The workers ofCamponotus japonicus andLasius niger were rejected on sight, while the queens of both species were eaten with little prior chemical examination by tongue flicks or licks. Comparison of the lizards' responses towards the workers and wingless queens of similar size indicated that neither body size nor presence or absence of wings accounted for difference in responses toward the 2 ant castes. The lizards probably discriminated different ant castes by body proportions.  相似文献   
Obese Zucker rats (fa/fa) have low levels of arachidonic acid (AA) in liver phospholipids (PL). We have previously shown that a 70% gamma-linolenate concentrate (GLA; an AA intermediate) fed at a fixed dose (0.07 g/day) normalized hepatic PL AA and reduced weight gain selectively in the obese animals. In a follow-up study, 16 obese (fa/fa) and 16 lean (Fa/Fa) 4-week-old male rats were randomized into 4 groups of 8 each and gavaged daily with soybean oil (SOY) containing 55% 18:2ω6 (an AA precursor) or GLA, using a progressive dose (≤ 5% of total calories) based on body weight. A defined diet with 11% of energy as SOY was fed ad libitum for 60 days. GLA obese had lower body weight (p<0.0001) and 60-day cumulative food intake (p<0.05) compared to SOY obese, but neither parameter differed between the lean groups. For the last twenty days cumulative food intake was identical for GLA obese and SOY lean, whereas SOY obese consumed 18% more (p<0.05). Thus the progressive dose of GLA selectively suppressed hyperphagia in obese Zucker rats. Erythrocytes collected at 15-day intervals showed parallel increases in AA in both genotypes over time, suggesting normal AA availability during rapid growth. Thus, the reduced PL AA in the livers from the obese rats probably reflects impaired distribution in selected tissues rather than reduced hepatic production. Due to the potential health risks of enriching tissue lipids with AA, great caution is advised in considering GLA as therapy for human obesity.  相似文献   
We examined the molecular mechanisms of resistance to kanamycin and viomycin in Mycobacterium smegmatis. All of the M. smegmatis strains with high-level kanamycin resistance had a nucleotide substitution from A to G at position 1389 of the 16S rRNA gene (rrs). This position is equivalent to position 1408 of Escherichia coli, and mutation at this position is known to cause aminoglycoside resistance. Mutations from G to A or G to T at position 1473 of the M. smegmatis rrs gene were found in viomycin-resistant mutants which had been designated vicB mutants in our earlier studies. Using the M. smegmatis conjugation system, we confirmed that these mutations indeed contributed to kanamycin and viomycin resistance, and kanamycin susceptibility was dominant over resistance in a heterogenomic strain. Additional experiments showed that three of four Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains with high-level kanamycin resistance had a mutation from A to G at position 1400, which was equivalent to position 1389 of M. smegmatis.  相似文献   
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