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Epigenetics refers to heritable changes in gene expression that are independent of alterations in DNA sequence. It is now accepted that disruption of epigenetic mechanisms plays a key role in the pathogenesis of cancer: culminating in altered gene function and malignant cellular transformation. DNA methylation and histone modifications are the most widely studied changes but non-coding RNAs such as miRNAs are also considered part of the epigenetic machinery. The insulin-like growth factor (IGF) axis is composed of two ligands, IGF-I and –II, their receptors and six high affinity IGF binding proteins (IGFBPs). The IGF axis plays a key role in cancer development and progression. As IGFBP genes have consistently been identified among the most common to be aberrantly altered in tumours, this review will focus on epigenetic regulation of IGFBP-3 in cancer for which the majority of evidence has been obtained.  相似文献   


Little is known about rheumatoid arthritis in the black, particularly in Congolese, populations. Our objective was to describe the phenotype and genotype of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in Congolese.


All consecutive rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients attending Kinshasa University Hospital in a three-year time period were included. Demographics, clinical features and tobacco consumption were noted. Disease Activity Score (DAS)-28 based on the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ), anti-citrullinated peptide antibodies (CCP) antibodies and rheumatoid factor (RF) were determined. Radiographs were scored according to Sharp-van der Heijde. On a subset of patients and controls HLA-DRB1 typing was performed.


A total of 114 females and 14 males aged 51.2 ± 14.9 were included. Mean duration of symptoms was four years. Moderate tobacco consumption was reported in a minority of patients. DAS-28 at first visit was >5.1 and HAQ ≥0.5 in all patients. X-rays showed joint erosions and/or joint space narrowing, mostly of a moderate grade in 55.8% of patients. Anti-CCP and/or RF were present in 48.6% of patients with available data (n = 72) and in 3.0% of controls (n = 67). Radiographic changes and nodules were more frequent in RF or anti-CCP positive patients. One copy of the shared epitope was found in 13 patients (35.1%) and 3 controls (12.5%). Two copies were found in one patient (2.7%) and in one control (4.2%).


Congolese patients with RA consult long after disease onset. Despite this delay, the majority presents without major damage and is RF, anti-CCP and SE negative. We put forward the hypothesis that besides different environmental factors there is probably also a particular genetic risk profile in Congolese patients, different from the HLA-DRB1 shared epitope.  相似文献   
Mortality from collisions with increasing numbers of wind turbines is a potential hazard to raptor populations, but the actual effects on a population scale have rarely been studied based on field data. We estimated annual collision numbers for Red Kites Milvus milvus in the German federal state of Brandenburg (29,483 km2). A hierarchical model considering carcass persistence rate, searcher efficiency and the probability that a killed animal falls into a searched area was applied to results of carcass searches at 617 turbines. Collision risk varied significantly with season. The model estimated 308 (95% CrI 159–488) Red Kite fatalities at 3044 turbines operating during 2012, representing 3.1% of the estimated post-breeding population of 9972 individuals. Using the potential biological removal (PBR) method, mortality thresholds of 4.0% were obtained for migratory Red Kite populations. This level of mortality may be reached when turbine numbers increase within a few years. Since wind turbine collisions may affect Red Kites throughout the global range, a more detailed assessment of the actual impacts on populations is needed, especially because the PBR does not account for the predominance of adult birds among the collision victims.  相似文献   
Recent progress in bioinformatics research has led to the accumulation of huge quantities of biological data at various data sources. The DNA microarray technology makes it possible to simultaneously analyze large number of genes across different samples. Clustering of microarray data can reveal the hidden gene expression patterns from large quantities of expression data that in turn offers tremendous possibilities in functional genomics, comparative genomics, disease diagnosis and drug development. The k- ¬means clustering algorithm is widely used for many practical applications. But the original k-¬means algorithm has several drawbacks. It is computationally expensive and generates locally optimal solutions based on the random choice of the initial centroids. Several methods have been proposed in the literature for improving the performance of the k-¬means algorithm. A meta-heuristic optimization algorithm named harmony search helps find out near-global optimal solutions by searching the entire solution space. Low clustering accuracy of the existing algorithms limits their use in many crucial applications of life sciences. In this paper we propose a novel Harmony Search-K means Hybrid (HSKH) algorithm for clustering the gene expression data. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm produces clusters with better accuracy in comparison with the existing algorithms.  相似文献   
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are multipotent, can be easily expanded in culture and hence are an attractive therapeutic tool for cardiac repair. MSCs have tremendous potential to transdifferentiate to cardiac lineage both in vitro and in vivo. The present study examined the differentiation capacity of conditioned media derived from ischemic cardiac tissue on human MSCs. Human Bone marrow-derived MSCs after due characterization by immunocytochemistry and flow cytometry for MSC specific markers were induced by culture media derived from ischemic (n = 13) and non-ischemic (n = 18) human cardiac tissue. Parallel cultures were treated with 5-azacytidine (5-azaC), a potent cardiomyogen. MSCs induced with ischemic conditioned media formed myotube like structures, expressed sarcomeric Troponin I, alpha myosin heavy chain proteins and were positive for cardiac specific markers (Nkx2.5, human atrial natriuretic peptide, myosin light chain-2a, GATA-4) as was observed in 5-azaC treated cells. However, uninduced MSCs as well as those induced with non-ischemic cardiac conditioned media still maintained the fibroblast morphology even after 3 weeks post-induction. Transmission electron microscopic studies of cardiomyocyte-like cells derived from MSCs revealed presence of sarcomeric bands but failed to show gap junctions and intercalated discs as of adult cardiomyocytes. These findings demonstrate that ischemic cardiac conditioned media induces morphological and molecular changes in MSCs with cardiac features, but at a primitive stage. Proteomics analysis of the ischemic conditioned media revealed differential expression of three relevant proteins (C-type lectin superfamily member 13, Testis-specific chromodomain protein Y2 and ADP/ATP translocase 1), whose exact role in cardiac regeneration needs further analysis.  相似文献   
We describe here a computational morphology-based approach to the investigation of possible causes of chromatin alterations in sperm. A comprehensive set of state-of-the-art and geometric measures are computationally extracted from toluidine blue stained images and analyzed to infer the possible processes leading to normal and abnormal chromatin formation while seeking a possible taxonomy of chromatin alterations and their influence on sperm head morphology. Using this methodology, we have identified higher chromatin fragility at some specific points of the sperm head. Despite the lack of correlation between morphologies of sperm head and chromatin structure, four main morphological types of chromatin alterations in bull spermatozoa have been identified and their possible causes discussed.  相似文献   


Transmission of dengue viruses (DENV), the leading cause of arboviral disease worldwide, is known to vary through time and space, likely owing to a combination of factors related to the human host, virus, mosquito vector, and environment. An improved understanding of variation in transmission patterns is fundamental to conducting surveillance and implementing disease prevention strategies. To test the hypothesis that DENV transmission is spatially and temporally focal, we compared geographic and temporal characteristics within Thai villages where DENV are and are not being actively transmitted.

Methods and Findings

Cluster investigations were conducted within 100 m of homes where febrile index children with (positive clusters) and without (negative clusters) acute dengue lived during two seasons of peak DENV transmission. Data on human infection and mosquito infection/density were examined to precisely (1) define the spatial and temporal dimensions of DENV transmission, (2) correlate these factors with variation in DENV transmission, and (3) determine the burden of inapparent and symptomatic infections. Among 556 village children enrolled as neighbors of 12 dengue-positive and 22 dengue-negative index cases, all 27 DENV infections (4.9% of enrollees) occurred in positive clusters (p < 0.01; attributable risk [AR] = 10.4 per 100; 95% confidence interval 1–19.8 per 100]. In positive clusters, 12.4% of enrollees became infected in a 15-d period and DENV infections were aggregated centrally near homes of index cases. As only 1 of 217 pairs of serologic specimens tested in positive clusters revealed a recent DENV infection that occurred prior to cluster initiation, we attribute the observed DENV transmission subsequent to cluster investigation to recent DENV transmission activity. Of the 1,022 female adult Ae. aegypti collected, all eight (0.8%) dengue-infected mosquitoes came from houses in positive clusters; none from control clusters or schools. Distinguishing features between positive and negative clusters were greater availability of piped water in negative clusters (p < 0.01) and greater number of Ae. aegypti pupae per person in positive clusters (p = 0.04). During primarily DENV-4 transmission seasons, the ratio of inapparent to symptomatic infections was nearly 1:1 among child enrollees. Study limitations included inability to sample all children and mosquitoes within each cluster and our reliance on serologic rather than virologic evidence of interval infections in enrollees given restrictions on the frequency of blood collections in children.


Our data reveal the remarkably focal nature of DENV transmission within a hyperendemic rural area of Thailand. These data suggest that active school-based dengue case detection prompting local spraying could contain recent virus introductions and reduce the longitudinal risk of virus spread within rural areas. Our results should prompt future cluster studies to explore how host immune and behavioral aspects may impact DENV transmission and prevention strategies. Cluster methodology could serve as a useful research tool for investigation of other temporally and spatially clustered infectious diseases.  相似文献   
To determine the extent and structure of genetic variation in dengue viruses (DENV) on a restricted spatial and temporal scale, we sequenced the E (envelope) genes of DENV-1, -2, and -3 isolates collected in 2001 from children enrolled in a prospective school-based study in Kamphaeng Phet, Thailand, and diagnosed with dengue disease. Our analysis revealed substantial viral genetic variation in both time and space, with multiple viral lineages circulating within individual schools, suggesting the frequent gene flow of DENV into this microenvironment. More-detailed analyses of DENV-2 samples revealed strong clustering of viral isolates within individual schools and evidence of more-frequent viral gene flow among schools closely related in space. Conversely, we observed little evolutionary change in those viral isolates sampled over multiple time points within individual schools, indicating a low rate of mutation fixation. These results suggest that frequent viral migration into Kamphaeng Phet, coupled with population (school) subdivision, shapes the genetic diversity of DENV on a local scale, more so than in situ evolution within school catchment areas.  相似文献   
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