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Plants defend themselves against microbial pathogens through a range of highly sophisticated and integrated molecular systems. Recognition of pathogen-secreted effector proteins often triggers the hypersensitive response (HR), a complex multicellular defense reaction where programmed cell death of cells surrounding the primary site of infection is a prominent feature. Even though the HR was described almost a century ago, cell-to-cell factors acting at the local level generating the full defense reaction have remained obscure. In this study, we sought to identify diffusible molecules produced during the HR that could induce cell death in naive tissue. We found that 4-methylsulfinylbutyl isothiocyanate (sulforaphane) is released by Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) leaf tissue undergoing the HR and that this compound induces cell death as well as primes defense in naive tissue. Two different mutants impaired in the pathogen-induced accumulation of sulforaphane displayed attenuated programmed cell death upon bacterial and oomycete effector recognition as well as decreased resistance to several isolates of the plant pathogen Hyaloperonospora arabidopsidis. Treatment with sulforaphane provided protection against a virulent H. arabidopsidis isolate. Glucosinolate breakdown products are recognized as antifeeding compounds toward insects and recently also as intracellular signaling and bacteriostatic molecules in Arabidopsis. The data presented here indicate that these compounds also trigger local defense responses in Arabidopsis tissue.Plants are constantly challenged by pathogenic microorganisms and have developed several detection and defense systems to protect themselves against the invaders. Preformed defenses include the waxy cuticle, thick cell walls, and antimicrobial compounds. After recognition of microbe-associated patterns, defense responses are induced, which include the fortification of cell walls and the production of phytoalexins (Monaghan and Zipfel, 2012). Overcoming the preformed and induced defenses of the plant hosts requires adaptation by the pathogen. Pathogenic bacteria use type III secretion to inject proteins (so-called effectors) into the host cytosol in order to overcome plant defense responses (Bent and Mackey, 2007). In turn, plants have developed systems to recognize the pathogenic effectors and mount defense. Recognition of type III effectors by plant resistance (R) proteins induces robust defense responses that frequently include the hypersensitive response (HR).The HR is a complex defense reaction characterized by the induction of programmed cell death (PCD) in the local host tissue as well as the activation of other defense responses in both local and systemic tissue (Mur et al., 2008; Shah, 2009). Oomycetes and true fungi also secrete proteinaceous effectors that can be recognized by host R proteins (Coates and Beynon, 2010; Hückelhoven and Panstruga, 2011; Feng and Zhou, 2012). The lesions formed during the HR vary in size between different host-pathogen pairs; however, a lesion induced at one or a few cells can spread to surrounding cells (Mur et al., 2008). Since pathogens inducing HR typically fail to proliferate, the first infected cell likely releases a compound that promotes PCD in surrounding cells. This is especially clear in models with oomycete and fungal pathogens, where the localization of the pathogen and the spread of cell death around the infection site can be clearly visualized (Mur et al., 2008; Coates and Beynon, 2010). Trailing necrosis is an incomplete resistance phenotype characterized by cell death that trails, but fails to contain, the filamentous growth of the pathogen. One explanation for trailing necrosis is a failure of infected cells to produce a putative mobile defense signal required to enhance defense in neighboring cells. Farther from the site of PCD, other defense pathways are activated and systemic tissue is primed for defense.The hunt for systemically acting compounds has been intense, and several candidates for this signal have been presented (Dempsey and Klessig, 2012). In contrast, even though the phenomenon of HR as a defense reaction was described almost a century ago (Stakman, 1915; Mur et al., 2008), compounds acting on the local tissue scale of the HR have attracted little attention. We set out to find substances released from cells undergoing the HR that could induce cell death in naive tissue. We report that leaf tissue of the model plant Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) releases the reactive electrophilic compound sulforaphane after bacterial effector recognition. Mutants affected in sulforaphane production as well as other glucosinolate breakdown products showed delayed or reduced cell death after the recognition of pathogenic effectors and decreased resistance to an oomycete pathogen. Moreover, pretreatment of plants with sulforaphane enhanced resistance against a virulent oomycete isolate. Thus, we interpret this as that sulforaphane and likely similar compounds might both possess direct antimicrobial properties and, through a cytotoxic mechanism, act directly on plant cells to trigger defense responses.  相似文献   
Plants recognize many pathogens through the action of a diverse family of proteins called disease resistance (R) genes. The Arabidopsis R gene RPM1 encodes resistance to specific Pseudomonas syringae strains. We describe an RPM1-interacting protein that is an ortholog of TIP49a, previously shown to interact with the TATA binding protein (TBP) complex and to modulate c-myc- and beta-catenin-mediated signaling in animals. Reduction of Arabidopsis TIP49a (AtTIP49a) mRNA levels results in measurable increases of two R-dependent responses without constitutively activating defense responses, suggesting that AtTIP49a can act as a negative regulator of at least some R functions. Further, AtTIP49a is essential for both sporophyte and female gametophyte viability. Thus, regulators of R function overlap with essential modulators of plant development.  相似文献   
The promoter region (?309 to +44) of the Brassica napus storage protein gene napA was studied in transgenic tobacco by successive 5′ as well as internal deletions fused to the reporter gene GUS (β-glucuronidase). The expression in the two main tissues of the seed, the endosperm and the embryo, was shown to be differentially regulated. This tissue-specific regulation within the seed was found to affect the developmental expression during seed development. The region between ?309 to ?152, which has a large effect on quantitative expression, was shown to harbour four elements regulating embryo and one regulating endosperm expression. This region also displayed enhancer activity. Deletion of eight bp from position ?152 to position ?144 totally abolished the activity of the napA promoter. This deletion disrupted a cis element with similarity to an ABA-responsive element (ABRE) overlapping with an E-box, demonstrating its crucial importance for quantitative expression. An internal deletion of the region ?133 to ?120, resulted in increased activity in both leaves and endosperm and a decreased activity in the embryo. Within this region, a cis element similar to the (CA)n element, found in other storage protein promoters, was identified. This suggest that the (CA)n element is important for conferring seed specificity by serving both as an activator and a repressor element.  相似文献   
The lipid phase of the thylakoid membrane is mainly composed of the galactolipids mono‐ and digalactosyl diacylglycerol (MGDG and DGDG, respectively). It has been known since the late 1960s that MGDG can be acylated with a third fatty acid to the galactose head group (acyl‐MGDG) in plant leaf homogenates. In certain brassicaceous plants like Arabidopsis thaliana, the acyl‐MGDG frequently incorporates oxidized fatty acids in the form of the jasmonic acid precursor 12‐oxo‐phytodienoic acid (OPDA). In the present study we further investigated the distribution of acylated and OPDA‐containing galactolipids in the plant kingdom. While acyl‐MGDG was found to be ubiquitous in green tissue of plants ranging from non‐vascular plants to angiosperms, OPDA‐containing galactolipids were only present in plants from a few genera. A candidate protein responsible for the acyl transfer was identified in Avena sativa (oat) leaf tissue using biochemical fractionation and proteomics. Knockout of the orthologous gene in A. thaliana resulted in an almost total elimination of the ability to form both non‐oxidized and OPDA‐containing acyl‐MGDG. In addition, heterologous expression of the A. thaliana gene in E. coli demonstrated that the protein catalyzed acylation of MGDG. We thus demonstrate that a phylogenetically conserved enzyme is responsible for the accumulation of acyl‐MGDG in A. thaliana. The activity of this enzyme in vivo is strongly enhanced by freezing damage and the hypersensitive response.  相似文献   
Biotic and abiotic stress induces the formation of galactolipids esterified with the phytohormones 12-oxo-phytodienoic acid (OPDA) and dinor-oxo-phytodienoic acid (dnOPDA) in Arabidopsis thaliana. The biosynthetic pathways of free (dn)OPDA is well described, but it is unclear how they are incorporated into galactolipids. We herein show that (dn)OPDA containing lipids are formed rapidly after disruption of cellular integrity in leaf tissue. Five minutes after freeze-thawing, 60-70% of the trienoic acids esterified to chloroplast galactolipids are converted to (dn)OPDA. Stable isotope labeling with (18)O-water provides strong evidence for that the fatty acids remain attached to galactolipids during the enzymatic conversion to (dn)OPDA.  相似文献   
Bacterial pathogens deliver type III effector proteins into plant cells during infection. On susceptible host plants, type III effectors contribute to virulence, but on resistant hosts they betray the pathogen to the plant's immune system and are functionally termed avirulence (Avr) proteins. Recognition induces a complex suite of cellular and molecular events comprising the plant's inducible defence response. As recognition of type III effector proteins occurs inside host cells, defence responses can be elicited by in planta expression of bacterial type III effectors. We demonstrate that recognition of either of two type III effectors, AvrRpm1 or AvrRpt2 from Pseudomonas syringae , induced biphasic accumulation of phosphatidic acid (PA). The first wave of PA accumulation correlated with disappearance of monophosphatidylinosotol (PIP) and is thus tentatively attributed to activation of a PIP specific phospholipase C (PLC) in concert with diacylglycerol kinase (DAGK) activity. Subsequent activation of phospholipase D (PLD) produced large amounts of PA from structural phospholipids. This later wave of PA accumulation was several orders of magnitude higher than the PLC-dependent first wave. Inhibition of phospholipases blocked the response, and feeding PA directly to leaf tissue caused cell death and defence-gene activation. Inhibitor studies ordered these events relative to other known signalling events during the plant defence response. Influx of extracellular Ca2+ occurred downstream of PIP-degradation, but upstream of PLD activation. Production of reactive oxygen species occurred downstream of the phospholipases. The data presented indicate that PA is a positive regulator of RPM1- or RPS2-mediated disease resistance signalling, and that the biphasic PA production may be a conserved feature of signalling induced by the coiled-coil nucleotide binding domain leucine-rich repeat class of resistance proteins.  相似文献   
The effect of gangliosides and phenylephrine synchronizing the protein synthesis rhythm was preserved in hepatocytes cultured in the normal serum-free medium for one-two days. Hence, the membrane signal triggers intracellular, as was shown by us earlier, calcium-dependent processes, which regulate the kinetics of protein synthesis for a certain time after the signal perception.  相似文献   
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