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Ross's Gull Rhodostethia rosea is one of the world's least known seabirds; < 1% of the estimated global population can be accounted for at known breeding sites, and its wintering range has never been determined. Anecdotal reports over the last two centuries have prompted extensive speculation as to possible wintering areas used by this species in the north Pacific/Bering Sea region, but none has ever been confirmed. Using satellite and geolocator telemetry, we show that some Ross's Gulls from a colony in the Canadian Arctic winter in a restricted area of the northern Labrador Sea. Our discovery of a wintering area in the northwest Atlantic indicates that Ross's Gulls breeding in the Nearctic may be part of a disjunct population, or that birds breeding in the Palaearctic may winter off the east coast of North America.  相似文献   
Aim To compare the evolutionary and ecological patterns of two extensively studied island biotas with differing geological histories (the Hawaiian Islands and the Greater Antilles). We evaluated the results from PACT (phylogenetic analysis for comparing trees), an innovative approach that has been proposed to reveal general patterns of biotic expansion (between regions) and in situ (within a region) diversification, as well as species–area relationships (SAR) and the taxon pulse dynamic. Location The Hawaiian Islands and Greater Antilles. Methods We used the PACT algorithm to construct general area cladograms and identified biotic expansion and in situ nodes. We analysed the power‐law SAR and relative contribution of biotic expansion and in situ diversification events using power‐law and linear regression analyses. Results Both biotic expansion and in situ nodes were prevalent throughout the PACT general area cladograms (Greater Antilles, 55.9% biotic expansion, 44.1% in situ; Hawaiian Islands, 40.6% biotic expansion, 59.4% in situ). Of the biotic expansion events, both forward and backward events occurred in both regions (Greater Antilles, 85.1% forward, 14.9% backward; Hawaiian Islands, 65% forward, 35% backward). Additionally, there is a power‐law SAR for the Greater Antilles but not for the Hawaiian Islands. However, exclusion of Hawai'i (the youngest, largest Hawaiian Island) produced a power‐law SAR for the Hawaiian Islands. Main conclusions The prevalence of in situ events as well as forward and backward biotic expansion events reveals that both Hawaiian and Greater Antillean biotas have evolved through alternating episodes of biotic expansion and in situ diversification. These patterns are characteristic of the taxon pulse dynamic, for which few data have previously been recorded on islands. Additionally, our analysis revealed that historical influences on the power‐law SARs are pronounced in both assemblages: old, small islands are relatively species rich and young, large islands are relatively species poor. Thus, our PACT results are consistent with hypotheses of geological influence on the evolution of island biotas and also provide greater insight into the role of the taxon pulse dynamic in the formation of island equilibria.  相似文献   
Alkylating agents chemically modify DNA and cause mutations that lead to cancer. In the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, resistance to the alkylating agent methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) is mediated in part by Dap1p (damage resistance protein 1). Dap1p is related to cytochrome b5, which activates cytochrome P450 proteins, elevating the metabolism of lipids and xenobiotic compounds. We have found that Dap1p, like cytochrome b5, binds to heme and that Dap1p targets the cytochrome P450 protein Erg11p/Cyp51p. Genetic analysis indicates that Erg11p acts downstream of Dap1p. Furthermore, Dap1p regulates the stability of Erg11p, and Erg11p is stabilized in dap1Delta cells by the addition of heme. Thus, Dap1p utilizes heme to stabilize Erg11p, which in turn regulates ergosterol synthesis and MMS resistance. Dap1p homologues have been identified in numerous eukaryotes, including mammals, suggesting that the Dap1p-cytochrome P450 protein pathway is broadly conserved in eukaryotic species.  相似文献   
We studied the prevalence and intensity of infestation of ectoparasites on northern fulmars (Fulmarus glacialis L.) from a breeding colony in Arctic Canada in June–August 2003. No fleas or ticks were found on any fulmars, but three species of chewing lice (Phthiraptera) were recorded: Ischnocera: Perineus nigrolimbatus (Giebel 1874), Ischnocera: Saemundssonia occidentalis (Kellogg 1896), and Amblycera: Ancistrona vagelli (Fabricius 1787). Non-breeding birds had a higher prevalence of lice than breeding birds, and prevalence varied markedly among louse species. Our study is an important baseline for the occurrence of ectoparasites on northern fulmars in the high Arctic, a region undergoing extensive environmental change due to global warming, and an area where parasites are expected to extend ranges or increase in prevalence under changing annual temperature regimes.  相似文献   
Executive functions are processes that act in harmony to control behaviors necessary for maintaining focus and achieving outcomes. Executive dysfunction in neuropsychiatric disorders is attributed to structural or functional pathology of brain networks involving prefrontal cortex (PFC) and its connections with other brain regions. The PFC receives innervations from different neurons associated with a number of neurotransmitters, especially dopamine (DA). Here we review findings on the contribution of PFC DA to higher-order cognitive and emotional behaviors. We suggest that examination of multifactorial interactions of an individual's genetic history, along with environmental risk factors, can assist in the characterization of executive functioning for that individual. Based upon the results of genetic studies, we also propose genetic mapping as a probable diagnostic tool serving as a therapeutic adjunct for augmenting executive functioning capabilities. We conclude that preservation of the neurological underpinnings of executive functions requires the integrity of complex neural systems including the influence of specific genes and associated polymorphisms to provide adequate neurotransmission.  相似文献   
The mesothermal outflow zones (50-65°C) of geothermal springs often support an extensive zone of green and orange laminated microbial mats. In order to identify and compare the microbial inhabitants of morphologically similar green-orange mats from chemically and geographically distinct springs, we generated and analyzed small-subunit ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene amplicons from six mesothermal mats (four previously unexamined) in Yellowstone National Park. Between three and six bacterial phyla dominated each mat. While many sequences bear the highest identity to previously isolated phototrophic genera belonging to the Cyanobacteria, Chloroflexi, and Chlorobi phyla, there is also frequent representation of uncultured, unclassified members of these groups. Some genus-level representatives of these dominant phyla were found in all mats, while others were unique to a single mat. Other groups detected at high frequencies include candidate divisions (such as the OP candidate clades) with no cultured representatives or complete genomes available. In addition, rRNA genes related to the recently isolated and characterized photosynthetic acidobacterium "Candidatus Chloracidobacterium thermophilum" were detected in most mats. In contrast to microbial mats from well-studied hypersaline environments, the mesothermal mats in this study accrue less biomass and are substantially less diverse, but have a higher proportion of known phototrophic organisms. This study provides sequences appropriate for accurate phylogenetic classification and expands the molecular phylogenetic survey of Yellowstone microbial mats.  相似文献   


We conducted a mixed-methods study to examine serodiscordant and seroconcordant (HIV-positive/HIV-positive) male couples'' PrEP awareness, concerns regarding health care providers offering PrEP to the community, and correlates of PrEP uptake by the HIV-negative member of the couple.


Qualitative sub-study included one-on-one interviews to gain a deeper understanding of participants'' awareness of and experiences with PrEP and concerns regarding health care providers offering PrEP to men who have sex with men (MSM). Quantitative analyses consisted of a cross-sectional study in which participants were asked about the likelihood of PrEP uptake by the HIV-negative member of the couple and level of agreement with health care providers offering PrEP to anyone requesting it.


We used multivariable regression to examine associations between PrEP questions and covariates of interest and employed an inductive approach to identify key qualitative themes.


Among 328 men (164 couples), 62% had heard about PrEP, but approximately one-quarter were mistaking it with post-exposure prophylaxis. The majority of participants had low endorsement of PrEP uptake and 40% were uncertain if health care providers should offer PrEP to anyone requesting it. Qualitative interviews with 32 men suggest that this uncertainty likely stems from concerns regarding increased risk compensation. Likelihood of future PrEP uptake by the HIV-negative member of the couple was positively associated with unprotected insertive anal intercourse but negatively correlated with unprotected receptive anal intercourse.


Findings suggest that those at greatest risk may not be receptive of PrEP. Those who engage in moderate risk express more interest in PrEP; however, many voice concerns of increased risk behavior in tandem with PrEP use. Results indicate a need for further education of MSM communities and the need to determine appropriate populations in which PrEP can have the highest impact.  相似文献   
Treatment of Xenopus laevis oocytes with cholesterol-depleting methyl-β-cyclodextrin (MeβCD) stimulates phosphorylation of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) and oocyte maturation, as reported previously [Sadler, S.E., Jacobs, N.D., 2004. Stimulation of Xenopus laevis oocyte maturation by methyl-β-cyclodextrin. Biol. Reprod. 70, 1685-1692.]. Here we report that treatment of oocytes with MeβCD increased levels of immunodetectable 39-kDa mos protein. The protein synthesis inhibitor, cycloheximide, blocked the appearance of Mos, blocked MeβCD-stimulated phosphorylation of MAPK, and inhibited MeβCD-induced oocyte maturation. These observations suggest that MeβCD activates the progesterone-signaling pathway. Chemical inhibition of steroid synthesis and mechanical removal of follicle cells were used to verify that MeβCD acts at the level of the oocyte and does not require production of steroid by surrounding follicle cells. Cortical Gαs is contained in low-density membrane; and treatment of oocytes with progesterone or MeβCD reduced immunodetectable levels of Gαs protein in cortices and increased internal levels of 45-kDa Gαs in cortical-free extracts. Dose-dependent increases in internal Gαs after treatment of oocytes with progesterone correlated with the steroid-induced maturation response, and the increase in internal Gαs after hormone treatment was comparable to the decrease in cortical Gαs. These results are consistent with a model in which release of Gαs from the plasma membrane is involved in activation of the progesterone-signaling pathway that leads to amphibian oocyte maturation.  相似文献   
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