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Furin is a transmembrane protein that cycles between the plasma membrane, endosomes, and the trans-Golgi network, maintaining a predominant distribution in the latter. It has been shown previously that Tac-furin, a chimeric protein expressing the extracellular and transmembrane domains of the interleukin-2 receptor alpha chain (Tac) and the cytoplasmic domain of furin, is delivered from the plasma membrane to the TGN through late endosomes, bypassing the endocytic recycling compartment. Tac-furin also recycles in a loop between the TGN and late endosomes. Localization of furin to the TGN is modulated by a six-amino acid acidic cluster that contains two phosphorylatable serines (SDSEED). We investigated the role of these serines in the trafficking of Tac-furin by using a mutant chimera in which the SDS sequence was replaced by the nonphosphorylatable sequence ADA (Tac-furin/ADA). Although the mutant construct is internalized and delivered to the TGN, both the postendocytic trafficking and the steady-state distribution were found to differ from the wild-type. In contrast with Tac-furin, Tac-furin/ADA does not enter late endosomes after being internalized. Instead, it traffics with transferrin to the endocytic recycling compartment, and from there it is delivered to the TGN. As with Tac-furin, Tac-furin/ADA is sorted from the TGN into late endosomes at steady state, but its retrieval from the late endosomes to the TGN is inhibited. These results suggest that serine phosphorylation plays an important role in at least two steps of Tac-furin trafficking, acting as an active sorting signal that mediates the selective sorting of Tac-furin into late endosomes after internalization, as well as its retrieval from late endosomes back to the TGN.  相似文献   
Recent adaptive radiations provide excellent model systems for understanding speciation, but rapid diversification can cause problems for phylogenetic inference. Here we use gene genealogies to investigate the phylogeny of recent speciation in the heliconiine butterflies. We sequenced three gene regions, intron 3 ( approximately 550 bp) of sex-linked triose-phosphate isomerase (Tpi), intron 3 ( approximately 450 bp) of autosomal mannose-phosphate isomerase (Mpi), and 1,603 bp of mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunits I and II (COI and COII), for 37 individuals from 25 species of Heliconius and related genera. The nuclear intron sequences evolved at rates similar to those of mitochondrial coding sequences, but the phylogenetic utility of introns was restricted to closely related geographic populations and species due to high levels of indel variation. For two sister species pairs, Heliconius erato-Heliconius himera and Heliconius melpomene-Heliconius cydno, there was highly significant discordance between the three genes. At mtDNA and Tpi, the hypotheses of reciprocal monophyly and paraphyly of at least one species with respect to its sister could not be distinguished. In contrast alleles sampled from the third locus, Mpi, showed polyphyletic relationships between both species pairs. In all cases, recent coalescence of mtDNA lineages within species suggests that polyphyly of nuclear genes is not unexpected. In addition, very similar alleles were shared between melpomene and cydno, implying recent gene flow. Our finding of discordant genealogies between genes is consistent with models of adaptive speciation with ongoing gene flow and highlights the need for multiple locus comparisons to resolve phylogeny among closely related species.  相似文献   
The existence of a continuous array of sympatric biotypes - from polymorphisms, through ecological or host races with increasing reproductive isolation, to good species - can provide strong evidence for a continuous route to sympatric speciation via natural selection. Host races in plant-feeding insects, in particular, have often been used as evidence for the probability of sympatric speciation. Here, we provide verifiable criteria to distinguish host races from other biotypes: in brief, host races are genetically differentiated, sympatric populations of parasites that use different hosts and between which there is appreciable gene flow. We recognize host races as kinds of species that regularly exchange genes with other species at a rate of more than ca. 1% per generation, rather than as fundamentally distinct taxa. Host races provide a convenient, although admittedly somewhat arbitrary intermediate stage along the speciation continuum. They are a heuristic device to aid in evaluating the probability of speciation by natural selection, particularly in sympatry. Speciation is thereby envisaged as having two phases: (i) the evolution of host races from within polymorphic, panmictic populations; and (ii) further reduction of gene flow between host races until the diverging populations can become generally accepted as species. We apply this criterion to 21 putative host race systems. Of these, only three are unambiguously classified as host races, but a further eight are strong candidates that merely lack accurate information on rates of hybridization or gene flow. Thus, over one-half of the cases that we review are probably or certainly host races, under our definition. Our review of the data favours the idea of sympatric speciation via host shift for three major reasons: (i) the evolution of assortative mating as a pleiotropic by-product of adaptation to a new host seems likely, even in cases where mating occurs away from the host; (ii) stable genetic differences in half of the cases attest to the power of natural selection to maintain multilocus polymorphisms with substantial linkage disequilibrium, in spite of probable gene flow; and (iii) this linkage disequilibrium should permit additional host adaptation, leading to further reproductive isolation via pleiotropy, and also provides conditions suitable for adaptive evolution of mate choice (reinforcement) to cause still further reductions in gene flow. Current data are too sparse to rule out a cryptic discontinuity in the apparently stable sympatric route from host-associated polymorphism to host-associated species, but such a hiatus seems unlikely on present evidence. Finally, we discuss applications of an understanding of host races in conservation and in managing adaptation by pests to control strategies, including those involving biological control or transgenic parasite-resistant plants.  相似文献   
The last two decades have witnessed a break-through in identifying and understanding the functions of both the proteins and lipids of bacterial membranes. This development was parallelled by increasing insights into the biogenesis, topology, transport and sorting of membrane proteins. However, progress in research on the membrane distribution and transport of lipids in bacteria has been slow in that period. The development of novel biochemical in vitro approaches and recent genetic studies have increased our understanding of these subjects. The aim of this review is to present an overview of the current knowledge of the distribution and transport of lipids in both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. Special attention is paid to recently obtained results, which are expected to inspire further research to finally unravel these poorly understood phenomena.  相似文献   
Pyruvate: metabolic protector of cardiac performance   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Pyruvate, a metabolic product of glycolysis and an oxidizable fuel in myocardium, increases cardiac mechanical performance and energy reserves, especially when supplied at supraphysiological concentrations. The inotropic effects of pyruvate are most impressive in hearts that have been reversibly injured (stunned) by ischemia/reperfusion stress. Glucose appears to be an essential co-substrate for pyruvate's salutary effects in stunned hearts, but other fuels including lactate, acetate, fatty acids, and ketone bodies produce little or no improvement in postischemic function over glucose alone. In contrast to pharmacological inotropism by catecholamines, metabolic inotropism by pyruvate increases cardiac energy reserves and bolsters the endogenous glutathione antioxidant system. Pyruvate enhancement of cardiac function may result from one or more of the following mechanisms: increased cytosolic ATP phosphorylation potential and Gibbs free energy of ATP hydrolysis, enhanced sarcoplasmic reticular calcium ion uptake and release, decreased cytosolic inorganic phosphate concentration, oxyradical scavenging via direct neutralization of peroxides and/or enhancement of the intracellular glutathione/NADPH antioxidant system, and/or closure of mitochondrial permeability transition pores. This review aims to summarize evidence for each of these mechanisms and to consider the potential utility of pyruvate as a therapeutic intervention for clinical management of cardiac insufficiency.  相似文献   
Senile plaques are neuropathological manifestations in Alzheimer's disease (AD) and are composed mainly of extracellular deposits of amyloid beta-peptide (Abeta). Various data suggest that the accumulation of Abeta may contribute to neuronal degeneration and that Abeta neurotoxicity could be mediated by oxygen free radicals. Removal of free radicals by antioxidant scavengers or enzymes was found to protect neuronal cells in culture from Abeta toxicity. However, the nature of the free radicals involved is still unclear. In this study, we investigated whether the neuronal overexpression of glutathione peroxidase (GPx), the major hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)-de-grading enzyme in neurons, could increase their survival in a cellular model of Abeta-induced neurotoxicity. We infected pheochromocytoma (PC12) cells and rat embryonic cultured cortical neurons with an adenoviral vector encoding GPx (Ad-GPx) prior to exposure to toxic concentrations of Abeta(25-35) or (1-40). Both PC12 and cortical Ad-GPx-infected cells were significantly more resistant to Abeta-induced injury. These data strengthen the hypothesis of a role of H2O2 in the mechanism of Abeta toxicity and highlight the potential of Ad-GPx to reduce Abeta-induced damage to neurons. These findings may have applications in gene therapy for AD.  相似文献   
A new human endogenous retrovirus (HERV) family, termed HERV-W, was recently described (J.-L. Blond, F. Besème, L. Duret, O. Bouton, F. Bedin, H. Perron, B. Mandrand, and F. Mallet, J. Virol. 73:1175-1185, 1999). HERV-W mRNAs were found to be specifically expressed in placenta cells, and an env cDNA containing a complete open reading frame was recovered. In cell-cell fusion assays, we demonstrate here that the product of the HERV-W env gene is a highly fusogenic membrane glycoprotein. Transfection of an HERV-W Env expression vector in a panel of cell lines derived from different species resulted in formation of syncytia in primate and pig cells upon interaction with the type D mammalian retrovirus receptor. Moreover, envelope glycoproteins encoded by HERV-W were specifically detected in placenta cells, suggesting that they may play a physiological role during pregnancy and placenta formation.  相似文献   
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