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Palatine tonsils are continuously exposed to microorganisms and antigens and secrete antimicrobial peptides as a first line of defense. S100A7 is a protein with antimicrobial and chemotactic properties. Our aim was to investigate how the expression of S100A7 in human palatine tonsils is affected by inflammatory processes. Tonsils obtained from 109 patients undergoing tonsillectomy were divided into groups of infected and noninfected as well as allergic and nonallergic, based on the results from tonsillar core culture tests and Phadiatop analysis, respectively. Western blot and immunohistochemistry were used to assess protein expression and real-time PCR was used to quantify mRNA levels. To explore the induction of S100A7, tonsils were stimulated with lipopolysaccharide in vitro. The immunohistochemical staining for S100A7 was most intense in the tonsillar epithelium, but the protein was also detected in B- and T-cell regions, which was confirmed with Western blot on isolated B and T cells. The S100A7 expression appeared to be the highest in CD8+ T cells. Reduced mRNA levels of S100A7 were detected in infected tonsils as well as in tonsils from allergic individuals. In vitro stimulation of tonsils with lipopolysaccharide did not have any effect on the expression. The results suggest a role for S100A7 in recurrent tonsillitis and allergic disease.  相似文献   
Examining the cross-section of the human cornea with second harmonic-generated (SHG) imaging shows that many lamellae do not lie parallel to the cornea’s anterior surface but have inclined trajectories that take them through the corneal thickness with a depth-dependent distribution. A continuum mechanics-based model of stromal elasticity is developed based on orientation information extracted and synthesized from both X-ray scattering studies and SHG imaging. The model describes the effects of inclined lamella orientation by introducing a probability function that varies with depth through the stroma, which characterizes the range and distribution of lamellae at inclined angles. When combined with the preferred lamellar orientations found from X-ray scattering experiments, a fully 3-D representation of lamella orientation is achieved. Stromal elasticity is calculated by a weighted average of individual lamella properties based on the spatially varying 3-D orientation distribution. The model is calibrated with in vitro torsional shear experiments and in vivo indentation data and then validated with an in vitro inflation study. A quantitative explanation of the experimentally measured depth dependence of mechanical properties emerges from the model. The significance of the 3-D lamella orientation in the mechanics of the human cornea is demonstrated by investigating and contrasting the effects of previous modeling assumptions made on lamella orientation.  相似文献   
The vascular endothelial growth factors VEGFA and VEGFC are crucial regulators of vascular development. They exert their effects by dimerization and activation of the cognate receptors VEGFR2 and VEGFR3. Here, we have used in situ proximity ligation to detect receptor complexes in intact endothelial cells. We show that both VEGFA and VEGFC potently induce formation of VEGFR2/‐3 heterodimers. Receptor heterodimers were found in both developing blood vessels and immature lymphatic structures in embryoid bodies. We present evidence that heterodimers frequently localize to tip cell filopodia. Interestingly, in the presence of VEGFC, heterodimers were enriched in the leading tip cells as compared with trailing stalk cells of growing sprouts. Neutralization of VEGFR3 to prevent heterodimer formation in response to VEGFA decreased the extent of angiogenic sprouting. We conclude that VEGFR2/‐3 heterodimers on angiogenic sprouts induced by VEGFA or VEGFC may serve to positively regulate angiogenic sprouting.  相似文献   
The three-dimensional structure of the large subunit of the first member of a class Ib ribonucleotide reductase, R1E of Salmonella typhimurium, has been determined in its native form and together with three allosteric effectors. The enzyme contains the characteristic ten-stranded alpha/beta-barrel with catalytic residues at a finger loop in its center and with redox-active cysteine residues at two adjacent barrel strands. Structures where the redox-active cysteine residues are in reduced thiol form and in oxidized disulfide form have been determined revealing local structural changes. The R1E enzyme differs from the class Ia enzyme, Escherichia coli R1, by not having an overall allosteric regulation. This is explained from the structure by differences in the N-terminal domain, which is about 50 residues shorter and lacks the overall allosteric binding site. R1E has an allosteric substrate specificity regulation site and the binding site for the nucleotide effectors is located at the dimer interface similarly as for the class Ia enzymes. We have determined the structures of R1E in the absence of effectors and with dTTP, dATP and dCTP bound. The low affinity for ATP at the specificity site is explained by a tyrosine, which hinders nucleotides containing a 2'-OH group to bind.  相似文献   
The SDF-1alpha/CXCR4 ligand/chemokine receptor pair is required for appropriate patterning during ontogeny and stimulates the growth and differentiation of critical cell types. Here, we demonstrate SDF-1alpha and CXCR4 expression in fetal pancreas. We have found that SDF-1alpha and its receptor CXCR4 are expressed in islets, also CXCR4 is expressed in and around the proliferating duct epithelium of the regenerating pancreas of the interferon (IFN) gamma-nonobese diabetic mouse. We show that SDF-1alpha stimulates the phosphorylation of Akt, mitogen-activated protein kinase, and Src in pancreatic duct cells. Furthermore, migration assays indicate a stimulatory effect of SDF-1alpha on ductal cell migration. Importantly, blocking the SDF-1alpha/CXCR4 axis in IFNgamma-nonobese diabetic mice resulted in diminished proliferation and increased apoptosis in the pancreatic ductal cells. Together, these data indicate that the SDF-1alpha-CXCR4 ligand receptor axis is an obligatory component in the maintenance of duct cell survival, proliferation, and migration during pancreatic regeneration.  相似文献   
Alpha-1 giardin is an immunodominant protein in the intestinal protozoan parasite Giardia lamblia. The Triage((R)) parasite panel, used to detect copro-antigens in stool from giardiasis patients, reacts with an epitope between amino acids 160 and 200 in alpha-1 giardin. This region of the protein is also highly immunogenic during human infections. Alpha-1 giardin is related to annexins and like many other annexins it was shown to be plasma membrane associated. Immunoelectron and immunofluorescence microscopy revealed that some alpha-1 giardin are displayed on the surface of recently excysted cells. Recombinant alpha-1 giardin displayed a Ca(2+)-dependent binding to glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), in particular heparan sulphate, a common GAG in the intestinal tract. Recombinant alpha-1 giardin bound to thin sections of human small intestine, a binding which could be inhibited by adding increasing concentrations of sulphated sugars. A surface associated trypsin activated Giardia lectin (taglin) has been suggested to be important for G. lamblia attachment. In this study we show that a monoclonal antibody that inhibits taglin recognises alpha-1 and alpha-2 giardin. Thus, alpha-1 giardin is a highly immunoreactive GAG-binding protein, which may play a key role in the parasite-host interaction. Our results further show a conserved function of annexins from lower to higher eukaryotes.  相似文献   
We have characterized a novel mutation of the human AR, G577R, associated with partial androgen insensitivity syndrome. G577 is the first amino acid of the P box, a region crucial for the selectivity of receptor/DNA interaction. Although the equivalent amino acid in the GR (also Gly) is not involved in DNA interaction, the residue at the same position in the ER (Glu) interacts with the two central base pairs in the PuGGTCA motif. Using a panel of 16 palindromic probes that differ in these base pairs (PuGNNCA) in gel shift experiments with either the AR DNA-binding domain or the full length receptor, we observed that the G577R mutation does not induce binding to probes that are not recognized by the wild-type AR. However, binding to the four PuGNACA elements recognized by the wild-type AR was affected to different degrees, resulting in an altered selectivity of DNA response element recognition. In particular, AR-G577R did not interact with PuGGACA palindromes. Modeling of the complex between mutant AR and PuGNACA motifs indicates that the destabilizing effect of the mutation is attributable to a steric clash between the C beta of Arg at position 1 of the P box and the methyl group of the second thymine residue in the TGTTCPy arm of the palindrome. In addition, the Arg side chain can interact with G or T at the next position (PuGCACA and PuGAACA elements, respectively). The presence of C is not favorable, however, because of incompatible charges, abrogating binding to the PuGGACA element. Transactivation of several natural or synthetic promoters containing PuGGACA motifs was drastically reduced by the G577R mutation. These data suggest that androgen target genes may be differentially affected by the G577R mutation, the first natural mutation characterized that alters the selectivity of the AR/DNA interaction. This type of mutation may thus contribute to the diversity of phenotypes associated with partial androgen insensitivity syndrome.  相似文献   
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