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As a consequence of both increasing population and industrialization in agro-economic sector, Pakistan has inevitably been confronted by multicomplex environmental challenges. Owing in part to poor regulatory framework, pollution due to persistent organic pollutants (POPs) has caused serious problems throughout the country. Resultantly, extensive use of POPs is causing vigorous deterioration of environment and human health. The current study addresses: (1) the general information on associated ecological effects and toxicity assessment by meta-analysis for local fauna and flora (2) their respective occurrence in living organisms; and (3) sources and distribution patterns of various POPs classes in environmental compartments of Pakistan. Based on the study, it can be concluded that the environment of Pakistan is highly contaminated with organochlorine pesticides (OCPs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), dechlorane plus (DP), and polychlorinated naphthalenes (PCNs), which is further supported with the meta-analysis. Nevertheless, unavailability of environmental quality standards and food safety for POPs render it a forthcoming challenge of multicompartment toxicity exposure. Therefore, strategies must be planned for risk assessment of biologically active POPs, while the POP waste inventory should be elevated, along with the necessary measures to promote appropriate handling and treatment of POP as a matter of prime importance.  相似文献   
Mumps virus (MuV) is highly neurotropic and was the leading cause of aseptic meningitis in the Western Hemisphere prior to widespread use of live attenuated MuV vaccines. Due to the absence of markers of virus neuroattenuation and neurovirulence, ensuring mumps vaccine safety has proven problematic, as demonstrated by the occurrence of aseptic meningitis in recipients of certain vaccine strains. Here we examined the genetic basis of MuV neuroattenuation and neurovirulence by generating a series of recombinant viruses consisting of combinations of genes derived from a cDNA clone of the neurovirulent wild-type 88-1961 strain (r88) and from a cDNA clone of the highly attenuated Jeryl Lynn vaccine strain (rJL). Testing of these viruses in rats demonstrated the ability of several individual rJL genes and gene combinations to significantly neuroattenuate r88, with the greatest effect imparted by the rJL nucleoprotein/matrix protein combination. Interestingly, no tested combination of r88 genes, including the nucleoprotein/matrix protein combination, was able to convert rJL into a highly neurovirulent virus, highlighting mechanistic differences between processes involved in neuroattenuation and neurovirulence.  相似文献   
Cryptococcosis is a fungal infection caused by members of the Cryptococcus gattii and C. neoformans species complexes. The C. gattii species complex has a strong environmental association with eucalypt hollows (particularly Eucalyptus camaldulensis), which may present a source of infection. It remains unclear whether a specific mycobiome is required to support its environmental survival and growth. Conventional detection of environmental Cryptococcus spp. involves culture on differential media, such as Guizotia abyssinica seed agar. Next‐generation sequencing (NGS)‐based culture‐independent identification aids in contextualising these species in the environmental mycobiome. Samples from 23 Australian tree hollows were subjected to both culture‐ and amplicon‐based metagenomic analysis to characterize the mycobiome and assess relationships between Cryptococcus spp. and other fungal taxa. The most abundant genera detected were Coniochaeta, Aspergillus, and Penicillium, all being commonly isolated from decaying wood. There was no correlation between the presence of Cryptococcus spp. in a tree hollow and the presence of any other fungal genus. Some differences in the abundance of numerous taxa were noted in a differential heat tree comparing samples with or without Cryptococcus‐NGS reads. The study expanded the known environmental niche of the C. gattii and C. neoformans species complexes in Australia with detections from a further five tree species. Discrepancies between the detection of Cryptococcus spp. using culture or NGS suggest that neither is superior per se and that, rather, these methodologies are complementary. The inherent biases of amplicon‐based metagenomics require cautious interpretation of data through consideration of its biological relevance.  相似文献   
Trace elements including Al, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, Pb, Sb, Sr, and Zn were analyzed in the scalp hair samples of women with malignant breast lesions, women with benign breast lesions, and healthy donors using atomic absorption spectrophotometric method. In the scalp hair of malignant-tumor patients, the highest average concentration was shown by Ca (1,187 μg/g), followed by Na (655 μg/g), Mg (478 μg/g), Zn (391 μg/g), Sr (152 μg/g), Fe (114 μg/g), and K (89.8), while in the case of benign-tumor patients, the average estimated element levels were 1,522, 1,093, 572, 457, 217, 80.4, and 74.7 μg/g, respectively. Most of the elements exhibited non-normal distribution evidenced by large spread, standard error, and skewness values. Mean concentrations of Ca (634 μg/g), Zn (206 μg/g), Mg (162 μg/g), Fe (129 μg/g), and Na (82.1 μg/g) were noteworthy in the scalp hair of healthy women. Average levels of Na, Sr, K, Cd, Co, Pb, Mg, Ca, Zn, Ni, Sb, and Mn were revealed to be significantly higher in the hair of malignant and benign patients compared to the healthy women; however, Fe, Cu, Al, and Cr were not significantly different in the scalp hair of the three groups. The quartile distributions of Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, Pb, Sb, and Sr revealed maximum spread in the scalp hair of malignant and benign groups; nevertheless, Al, Cu, Fe, and Zn exhibited almost comparable quartile levels in the three groups. Strong correlation coefficients were found between Fe and Cd, Al and Na, Mn and Sr, Co and Cr, Cd and Cr, Pb and K, Pb and Mn, Cu and Na, and Al and Fe in the scalp hair of malignant-tumor patients, while Fe and K, Cd and Co, Na and Co, and Cr and Pb showed strong correlations in the scalp hair of benign-tumor patients, both of which were significantly different compared with the healthy subjects. Multivariate cluster analysis also revealed divergent clustering of the elements in the scalp hair of malignant and benign patients in comparison with the healthy women.  相似文献   
Genetic diversity among 45 Indian mustard (Brassica Juncea L.) genotypes comprising 37 germplasm collections, five advance breeding lines and three improved cultivars was investigated at the DNA level using the random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique. Fifteen primers used generated a total of 92 RAPD fragments, of which 81 (88%) were polymorphic. Of these, 13 were unique to accession 'Pak85559'. Each primer produced four to nine amplified products with an average of 6.13 bands per primer. Based on pairwise comparisons of RAPD amplification products, Nei and Li's similarity coefficients were calculated to evaluate the relationships among the accessions. Pairwise similarity indices were higher among the oilseed accessions and cultivars showing narrow ranges of 0.77-0.99. An unweighted pair-group method with arithmetic averages cluster analysis based on these genetic similarities placed most of the collections and oilseed cultivars close to each other, showing a low level of polymorphism between the accessions used. However, the clusters formed by oilseed collections and cultivars were comparatively distinct from that of advanced breeding lines. Genetically, all of the accessions were classified into a few major groups and a number of individual accessions. Advanced breeding lines were relatively divergent from the rest of the accessions and formed independent clusters. Clustering of the accessions did not show any pattern of association between the RAPD markers and the collection sites. A low level of genetic variability of oilseed mustard was attributed to the selection for similar traits and horticultural uses. Perhaps close parentage of these accessions further contributed towards their little diversity. The study demonstrated that RAPD is a simple and fast technique to compare the genetic relationship and pattern of variation among the gene pool of this crop.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to acquire the source and evaluate the risk posed by heavy metals in road dust of steel industrial city (Anshan), Liaoning, Northeast China. Potential ecological risk index (RI), pollution index (PI) and geo-accumulation index (Igeo) were applied to evaluate the heavy metal pollution level, and the carcinogenic risk (RI) and hazard index (HI) were calculated to estimate the human health risk. The geographic information system maps clearly reveal the hot spots of heavy metal spatial distribution. Principle component analysis (PCA) and cluster analysis (CA) classified heavy metals into three groups. The metal Zn and Pb originate from the traffic emission, while Cd, Cr, Fe, Mn, Ni and Sb primarily come from industrial activities. These two pathways were the major source of heavy metals pollution by positive matrix factorization (PMF). The Igeo and PI values of heavy metals were decreased in the following order: Cd?>?Sb?>?Zn?>?Fe?>?Pb?>?Cu?>?Cr?>?Sn?>?Mn?>?Ni. The RI index showed the heavy metals were moderate to very high potential ecological risk. The HI values for children and adults presented a decreasing order of Cr?>?Pb?>?Ni?>?Cu?>?Cd?>?Zn. The HI also predicted a possibility of non-carcinogenic risk for children living in urban areas in comparison with adults.  相似文献   

The present study examined the anti-biofilm efficacy of two short-chain antimicrobial peptides (AMPs), namely, indolicidin and cecropin A (1-7)-melittin (CAMA) against biofilm-forming multidrug-resistant enteroaggregative Escherichia coli (MDR-EAEC) isolates. The typical EAEC isolates re-validated by PCR and confirmed using HEp-2 cell adherence assay was subjected to antibiotic susceptibility testing to confirm its MDR status. The biofilm-forming ability of MDR-EAEC isolates was assessed by Congo red binding, microtitre plate assays and hydrophobicity index; broth microdilution technique was employed to determine minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) and minimum biofilm eradication concentrations (MBECs). The obtained MIC and MBEC values for both AMPs were evaluated alone and in combination against MDR-EAEC biofilms using crystal violet (CV) staining and confocal microscopy-based live/dead cell quantification methods. All the three MDR-EAEC strains revealed weak to strong biofilm-forming ability and were found to be electron-donating and weakly electron-accepting (hydrophobicity index). Also, highly significant (P < 0.001) time-dependent hydrodynamic growth of the three MDR-EAEC strains was observed at 48 h of incubation in Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium (DMEM) containing 0.45% D-glucose. AMPs and their combination were able to inhibit the initial biofilm formation at 24 h and 48 h as evidenced by CV staining and confocal quantification. Further, the application of AMPs (individually and combination) against the preformed MDR-EAEC biofilms resulted in highly significant eradication (P < 0.001) at 24 h post treatment. However, significant differences were not observed between AMP treatments (individually or in combination). The AMPs seem to be an effective candidates for further investigations such as safety, stability and appropriate biofilm-forming MDR-EAEC animal models.

Cadmium (Cd) is highly toxic metal for plant metabolic processes even in low concentration due to its longer half-life and non-biodegradable nature. The current study was designed to assess the bioremediation potential of a Cd-tolerant phytobeneficial bacterial strain Bacillus sp. SDA-4, isolated, characterized and identified from Chakera wastewater reservoir, Faisalabad, Pakistan, together with spinach (as a test plant) under different Cd regimes. Spinach plants were grown with and without Bacillus sp. SDA-4 inoculation in pots filled with 0, 5 or 10 mg kg−1 CdCl2-spiked soil. Without Bacillus sp. SDA-4 inoculation, spinach plants exhibited reduction in biomass accumulation, antioxidative enzymes and nutrient retention. However, plants inoculated with Bacillus sp. SDA-4 revealed significantly augmented growth, biomass accumulation and efficiency of antioxidative machinery with concomitant reduction in proline and MDA contents under Cd stress. Furthermore, application of Bacillus sp. SDA-4 assisted the Cd-stressed plants to sustain optimal levels of essential nutrients (N, P, K, Ca and Mg). It was inferred that the characterized Cd-tolerant PGPR strain, Bacillus sp. SDA-4 has a potential to reduce Cd uptake and lipid peroxidation which in turn maintained the optimum balance of nutrients and augmented the growth of Cd-stressed spinach. Analysis of bioconcentration factor (BCF) and translocation factor (TF) revealed that Bacillus sp. SDA-4 inoculation with spinach sequestered Cd in rhizospheric zone. Research outcomes are important for understanding morpho-physio-biochemical attributes of spinach-Bacillus sp. SDA-4 synergy which might provide efficient strategies to decrease Cd retention in edible plants and/or bioremediation of Cd polluted soil colloids.  相似文献   
Self‐incompatibility (SI) is the main mechanism that favors outcrossing in plants. By limiting compatible matings, SI interferes in fruit production and breeding of new cultivars. In the Oleeae tribe (Oleaceae), an unusual diallelic SI system (DSI) has been proposed for three distantly related species including the olive (Olea europaea), but empirical evidence has remained controversial for this latter. The olive domestication is a complex process with multiple origins. As a consequence, the mixing of S‐alleles from two distinct taxa, the possible artificial selection of self‐compatible mutants and the large phenological variation of blooming may constitute obstacles for deciphering SI in olive. Here, we investigate cross‐genotype compatibilities in the Saharan wild olive (O. e. subsp. laperrinei). As this taxon was geographically isolated for thousands of years, SI should not be affected by human selection. A population of 37 mature individuals maintained in a collection was investigated. Several embryos per mother were genotyped with microsatellites in order to identify compatible fathers that contributed to fertilization. While the pollination was limited by distance inside the collection, our results strongly support the DSI hypothesis, and all individuals were assigned to two incompatibility groups (G1 and G2). No self‐fertilization was observed in our conditions. In contrast, crosses between full or half siblings were frequent (ca. 45%), which is likely due to a nonrandom assortment of related trees in the collection. Finally, implications of our results for orchard management and the conservation of olive genetic resources are discussed.  相似文献   
Tristeza is a devastating viral disease in all the citrus growing countries throughout the world and has killed millions of citrus trees in severely affected orchards. The citrus species grafted on sour orange rootstock are affected by this disease. Predominantly, the sweet orange, grapefruit and lime trees grafted on sour orange exhibit severe symptoms like quick decline, vein clearing, pin holing, bark scaling and degeneration leading to variable symptoms. Symptomatic expression of Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) in different hosts has been attributed to virus isolates which are from severe to mild. Different serological and molecular assays have been deployed to differentiate the strains of CTV. Citrus tristeza virus is diversified towards its strains on the basis of biological, serological and molecular characterization. Phenotypic expression is due to genetic alteration and different molecular basis have now been adopted for strain differentiation. This review will give a brief idea about the different CTV isolates, their characterization based on nucleic acid and serological assays. Different methods along with salient features for strain characterization has also been reviewed. This review will also open the new aspects towards formulation of management strategies through different detection techniques.  相似文献   
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