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OLAP (On-Line Analytical Processing) is an approach to efficiently evaluate multidimensional data for business intelligence applications. OLAP contributes to business decision-making by identifying, extracting, and analyzing multidimensional data. The fundamental structure of OLAP is a data cube that enables users to interactively explore the distinct data dimensions. Processing depends on the complexity of queries, dimensionality, and growing size of the data cube. As data volumes keep on increasing and the demands by business users also increase, higher processing speed than ever is needed, as faster processing means faster decisions and more profit to industry. In this paper, we are proposing an Adaptive Hybrid OLAP Architecture that takes advantage of heterogeneous systems with GPUs and CPUs and leverages their different memory subsystems characteristics to minimize response time. Thus, our approach (a) exploits both types of hardware rather than using the CPU only as a frontend for GPU; (b) uses two different data formats (multidimensional cube and relational cube) to match the GPU and CPU memory access patterns and diverts queries adaptively to the best resource for solving the problem at hand; (c) exploits data locality of multidimensional OLAP on NUMA multicore systems through intelligent thread placement; and (d) guides its adaptation and choices by an architectural model that captures the memory access patterns and the underlying data characteristics. Results show an increase in performance by roughly four folds over the best known related approach. There is also the important economical factor. The proposed hybrid system costs only 10 % more than same system without GPU. With this small extra cost, the added GPU increases query processing by almost 2 times.  相似文献   


Muscle satellite cells (MSCs) represent a devoted stem cell population that is responsible for postnatal muscle growth and skeletal muscle regeneration. An important characteristic of MSCs is that they encompass multi potential mesenchymal stem cell activity and are able to differentiate into myocytes and adipocytes. To achieve a global view of the genes differentially expressed in MSCs, myotube formed-cells (MFCs) and adipocyte-like cells (ALCs), we performed large-scale EST sequencing of normalized cDNA libraries developed from bovine MSCs.


A total of 24,192 clones were assembled into 3,333 clusters, 5,517 singletons and 3,842contigs. Functional annotation of these unigenes revealed that a large portion of the differentially expressed genes are involved in cellular and signaling processes. Database for Annotation, Visualization and Integrated Discovery (DAVID) functional analysis of three subsets of highly expressed gene lists (MSC233, MFC258, and ALC248) highlighted some common and unique biological processes among MSC, MFC and ALC. Additionally, genes that may be specific to MSC, MFC and ALC are reported here, and the role of dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase2 (DDAH2) during myogenesis and hemoglobin subunit alpha2 (HBA2) during transdifferentiation in C2C12 were assayed as a case study. DDAH2 was up-regulated during myognesis and knockdown of DDAH2 by siRNA significantly decreased myogenin (MYOG) expression corresponding with the slight change in cell morphology. In contrast, HBA2 was up-regulated during ALC formation and resulted in decreased intracellular lipid accumulation and CD36 mRNA expression upon knockdown assay.


In this study, a large number of EST sequences were generated from the MSC, MFC and ALC. Overall, the collection of ESTs generated in this study provides a starting point for the identification of novel genes involved in MFC and ALC formation, which in turn offers a fundamental resource to enable better understanding of the mechanism of muscle differentiation and transdifferentiation.  相似文献   
Napiergrass (Pennisetum purpureum Schum.) is a high-yielding perennial biomass crop that is well adapted to the Southeast USA where poultry litter is readily available. This research was conducted to compare biomass production and nutrient utilization of napiergrass fertilized with either poultry litter or inorganic fertilizer. Each spring, approximately 100 kg ha?1 of N, 40 kg ha?1 P, and 90 kg ha?1 K were applied as poultry litter or equivalent inorganic fertilizer. Biomass was harvested each winter after senescence. For the first 2 years, dry matter yield did not differ among treatments, but in the third and fourth years, yields declined in all treatments and were lowest in the unfertilized treatment. Biomass N concentration and N removal were greatest in the inorganic treatment. In general, N removal exceeded the amount applied, suggesting that higher application rates may be necessary to maintain yields. Biomass P concentration and total P uptake were greatest in the litter fertilized treatment, demonstrating that napiergrass can remove some of the excess P from applied litter. Soil cores were taken periodically to assess changes in soil properties. After 2 years of production, soil pH in the surface layer (0–15 cm) was lower in the inorganic treatment than in the other treatments. After 4 years, total soil C had increased by an average of 3,180 kg ha?1 though fertilizer treatments did not differ. Yield declined in all treatments after 4 years and N supplementation is recommended for production in upland fields.  相似文献   
Abdul Malik  S. A.  Bazire  A.  Gamboa-Muñoz  A.  Bedoux  G.  Robledo  D.  García-Maldonado  J. Q.  Bourgougnon  N. 《Microbiology》2020,89(6):778-788
Microbiology - Macroalgae host a dense bacterial epibiome forming surface biofilms, which act as a biological defense by protecting the surface from macrofoulers. During experimental cultivation of...  相似文献   

Autoimmune responses against post-translationally modified antigens are a hallmark of several autoimmune diseases. In this work, we have studied the changes in alpha-2-macroglobulin (α2M) upon modification by peroxynitrite. Furthermore, we have evaluated the immunogenicity of modified α2M in experimental rabbits and rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients. Peroxynitrite-modified α2M showed disturbed microenvironment and altered aromatic residues under UV and fluorescence studies. Aggregation, reduction in β-sheet content, production of nitrotyrosine and shift in amide I and II bands were observed in the modified α2M by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis besides CD and FTIR spectroscopic analysis. The exposure of hydrophobic clusters and changes in contact positions were observed in ANS and ThT binding assays. Immunological studies using ELISA showed peroxynitrite-modified α2M as highly immunogenic producing high titre of specific antibodies in immunized rabbits. Cross-reactivity studies revealed the polyspecificity of the elicited antibodies. Direct binding ELISA and competitive inhibition studies confirmed the presence of circulating antibodies in the sera of RA patients having high specificity towards the peroxynitrite-modified α2M as compared to the native α2M. Sera from healthy (normal) human subjects showed lower binding with the native and modified protein. This study confirms that peroxynitrite induces structural modifications in α2M and makes it immunogenic. The presence of neo-antigenic determinants on modified α2M with enhanced binding for circulating autoantibodies in RA patients could offer new possibilities for diagnosis and etiopathology of the disease.

Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma  相似文献   
Hydrogen sulphide (H2S) is one of three gaseous signaling molecules after nitric oxide and carbon monoxide. Various H2S donor compounds have been synthesized to study its physiological function. Among these compounds sodium hydrosulphide (NaHS), a donor of releasing H2S rapidly have shown to be protective in certain neuronal cell line but several in vivo studies have generated conflicting data. Furthermore several slow releasing H2S donors have been shown to have positive effects on cells in culture. The intracellular concentration of H2S and hence its rate of production may be a factor in keeping the balance between its neuroprotective and toxic effects. The present study was undertaken to deduce how a rapid releasing H2S donor (NaHS) as opposed to a slow releasing donor (ADTOH), affect oxidative stress related intracellular components and survival of RGC-5 cells. It was concluded that when RGC-5 cells are exposed to the toxic effects of glutamate in combination with buthionine sulfoxime (Glu/BSO), ADTOH was more efficacious in inhibiting apoptosis, scavenging reactive oxygen species (ROS), stimulation of glutathione (GSH) and gluthathione-S-transferase (GST). Western blot and qPCR analysis showed ADTOH increased the levels of Nrf2, HO-1, PKCα, p-Akt, Bcl-2 and XIAP but caused a decrease of Nfκβ and xCT greater than NaHS. This study is first to compare the efficacy of two H2S donor drugs as potential neuroprotectants and demonstrate that slow regulated release of H2S to cell culture can be more beneficial in inhibiting oxidative stress induced cell death.  相似文献   
The liver is considered a radiosensitive organ. However, in rats, high single-dose irradiation (HDI) showed only mild effects. Consequences of fractionated irradiation (FI) in such an animal model have not been studied so far. Rats were exposed to selective liver FI (total dose 60 Gy, 2 Gy/day) or HDI (25 Gy) and were killed three months after the end of irradiation. To study acute effects, HDI-treated rats were additionally killed at several time points between 1 and 48 h. Three months after irradiation, no differences between FI and HDI treatment were found for macroscopically detectable small “scars” on the liver surface and for an increased number of neutrophil granulocytes distributed in the portal fields and through the liver parenchyma. As well, no changes in HE-stained tissues or clear signs of fibrosis were found around the portal vessels. Differences were seen for the number of bile ducts being increased in FI- but not in HDI-treated livers. Serum levels indicative of liver damage were determined for alkaline phosphatase (AP), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), gamma-glutamyltransferase (γGT) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH). A significant increase of AP was detected only after FI while HDI led to the significant increases of AST and LDH serum levels. By performing RT-PCR, we detected up-regulation of matrix metalloproteinases, MMP-2, MMP-9, MMP-14, and of their inhibitors, TIMP-1, TIMP-2 and TIMP-3, shortly after HDI, but not at 3 month after FI or HDI. Overall, we saw punctual differences after FI and HDI, and a diffuse formation of small scars at the liver surface. Lack of “provisional clot”-formation and absence of recruitment of mononuclear phagocytes could be one explanation for scar formation as incomplete repair response to irradiation.  相似文献   
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