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The synaptosomal metabolism of glutamine was studied under in vitro conditions that simulate depolarization in vivo. With [2-15N]glutamine as precursor, the [glutamine]i was diminished in the presence of veratridine or 50 mM KCl, but the total amounts of [15N]glutamate and [15N]aspartate formed were either equal to those of control incubations (veratridine) or higher (50 mM [KCl]). This suggests that depolarization decreases glutamine uptake and independently augments glutaminase activity. Omission of sodium from the medium was associated with low internal levels of glutamine which indicates that influx occurs as a charged Na(+)-amino acid complex. It is postulated that a reduction in membrane potential and a collapse of the Na+ gradient decrease the driving forces for glutamine accumulation and thus inhibit its uptake and enhance its release under depolarizing conditions. Inorganic phosphate stimulated glutaminase activity, particularly in the presence of calcium. At 2 mM or lower [phosphate] in the medium, calcium inhibited glutamine utilization and the production of glutamate, aspartate, and ammonia from glutamine. At a high (10 mM) medium [phosphate], calcium stimulated glutamine catabolism. It is suggested that a veratridine-induced increase in intrasynaptosomal inorganic phosphate is responsible for the enhancement of flux through glutaminase; calcium affects glutaminase indirectly by modulating the level of free intramitochondrial [phosphate]. Because phosphate also lowers the Km of glutaminase for glutamine, augmentation of the amino acid breakdown may occur even when depolarization lowers [glutamine]i. Reducing the intrasynaptosomal glutamate to 26 nmol/mg of protein had little effect on glutamine catabolism, but raising the pH to 7.9 markedly increased formation of glutamate and aspartate. It is concluded that phosphate and H+ are the major physiologic regulators of glutaminase activity.  相似文献   
RNases H are involved in the removal of RNA from RNA/DNA hybrids. Type I RNases H are thought to recognize and cleave the RNA/DNA duplex when at least four ribonucleotides are present. Here we investigated the importance of RNase H type I encoding genes for model organism Mycobacterium smegmatis. By performing gene replacement through homologous recombination, we demonstrate that each of the two presumable RNase H type I encoding genes, rnhA and MSMEG4305, can be removed from M. smegmatis genome without affecting the growth rate of the mutant. Further, we demonstrate that deletion of both RNases H type I encoding genes in M. smegmatis leads to synthetic lethality. Finally, we question the possibility of existence of RNase HI related alternative mode of initiation of DNA replication in M. smegmatis, the process initially discovered in Escherichia coli. We suspect that synthetic lethality of double mutant lacking RNases H type I is caused by formation of R-loops leading to collapse of replication forks. We report Mycobacterium smegmatis as the first bacterial species, where function of RNase H type I has been found essential.  相似文献   
Babesia spp. (Apicomplexa, Piroplasmida) are obligate parasites of many species of mammals, causing a malaria-like infection- babesiosis. Three routes of Babesia infection have been recognized to date. The main route is by a tick bite, the second is via blood transfusion. The third, vertical route of infection is poorly recognized and understood. Our study focused on vertical transmission of B. microti in a well-established mouse model. We assessed the success of this route of infection in BALB/c mice with acute and chronic infections of B. microti. In experimental groups, females were mated on the 1st day of Babesia infection (Group G0); on the 28th day post infection (dpi) in the post- acute phase of the parasite infection (G28); and on the 90th and 150th dpi (G90 and G150 group, respectively), in the chronic phase of the parasite infection. Pups were obtained from 58% of females mated in the post-acute phase (G28) and from 33% of females in groups G90 and G150. Mice mated in the pre-acute phase of infection (G0) did not deliver pups. Congenital B. microti infections were detected by PCR amplification of Babesia 18S rDNA in almost all pups (96%) from the experimental groups G28, G90 and G150. Parasitaemia in the F1 generation was low and varied between 0.01–0.001%. Vertical transmission of B. microti was demonstrated for the first time in BALB/c mice.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to compare changes in total oxidative status (TOS), total antioxidative capacity (TAC) and the concentration of VitA, VitE, VitC, uric acid (UA), reduced (GSH) and oxidized glutathione (GSSG) in blood within 24 hours following anaerobic exercise (AnEx) among men and women.


10 women and 10 men performed a 20-second bicycle sprint (AnEx). Concentrations of oxidative stress indicators were measured before AnEx and 3, 15 and 30 minutes and 1 hour afterwards. UA, GSH and GSSH were also measured 24 hours after AnEx. Lactate and H+ concentrations were measured before and 3 minutes after AnEx.


The increase in lactate and H+ concentrations following AnEx was similar in both sexes. Changes in the concentrations of all oxidative stress indicators were significant and did not differ between men and women. In both sexes, TOS, TAC, TOS/TAC and VitA and VitE concentrations were the highest 3 minutes, VitC concentration was the highest 30 minutes, and UA concentration was the highest 1 hour after AnEx. GSH concentration was significantly lower than the initial concentration from 15 minutes to 24 hour after AnEx. GSSG concentration was significantly higher, while the GSH/GSSG ratio was significantly lower than the initial values 1 hour and 24 hour after AnEx.


With similar changes in lactate and H+ concentrations, AnEx induces the same changes in TAC, TOS, TOS/TAC and non-enzymatic antioxidants of low molecular weight in men and women. Oxidative stress lasted at least 24 hours after AnEx.  相似文献   
In nature, plants are challenged by constantly changing light conditions. To reveal the molecular mechanisms behind acclimation to sometimes drastic and frequent changes in light intensity, we grew Arabidopsis thaliana under fluctuating light conditions, in which the low light periods were repeatedly interrupted with high light peaks. Such conditions had only marginal effect on photosystem II but induced damage to photosystem I (PSI), the damage being most severe during the early developmental stages. We showed that PROTON GRADIENT REGULATION5 (PGR5)-dependent regulation of electron transfer and proton motive force is crucial for protection of PSI against photodamage, which occurred particularly during the high light phases of fluctuating light cycles. Contrary to PGR5, the NAD(P)H dehydrogenase complex, which mediates cyclic electron flow around PSI, did not contribute to acclimation of the photosynthetic apparatus, particularly PSI, to rapidly changing light intensities. Likewise, the Arabidopsis pgr5 mutant exhibited a significantly higher mortality rate compared with the wild type under outdoor field conditions. This shows not only that regulation of PSI under natural growth conditions is crucial but also the importance of PGR5 in PSI protection.  相似文献   
Information is nowadays one of the crucial elements of contemporary life, and its accessibility affects frequently the possibility of decision making and management – at the top administration level as well as at the level of a particular system user. Modern agriculture, as other spheres of activity, needs actual information supporting end users (farmers and agricultural advisors) in their decisions and activities. Agrometeorological services facilitates better use of meteorological conditions in planning individual works and more efficient plant protection. Furthermore this data can lead also to yield increase. In Poland, the agrometeorological service is provided by the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management – National Research Institute (IMGW-PIB). In the article, the Polish Agrometeo service and its planned development is described in details. Also some problems and recommendations concerning the service development are listed.  相似文献   
The changes in water distribution in maturing lupin (Lupinus luteus L.) seeds were visualized with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). MRI data showed local inhomogeneities of water distribution inside the seed. At the late seed-filling stage the most intense signal was detected in the seed coat and the outer parts of cotyledons in the hilum area, but during maturation drying the decline in MR image intensity was faster in the outer part of the seed than in the central part. The changes in water status were characterized by NMR spectroscopy. Analyses of T(2) relaxation times revealed a three-component water proton system in maturing lupin seeds. Three populations of protons found during seed maturation, each with a different magnetic environment causing a different relaxation rate, were correlated with three fractions of water (structural, intracellular, and extracellular) that were observed during seed germination. This study provides evidence that lupin seeds have similar states of the different water components with regard to seed moisture content at two distinct physiological stages, seed maturation and germination. The unique feature of maturing lupin seeds is the presence of the high (1)H-NMR signal in areas corresponding to the vascular bundles. Tissue localization of dehydrins showed the presence of dehydrin protein in the area of vascular tissue. An anti-dehydrin antibody detected three polypeptides in lupin embryos with molecular masses of 73, 43 and 28 kDa, respectively. The temporal pattern of dehydrin protein accumulation correlates well with seed desiccation.  相似文献   
Aerenchyma tissues form gas-conducting tubes that provide roots with oxygen under hypoxic conditions. Although aerenchyma have received considerable attention in Zea mays, the signaling events and genes controlling aerenchyma induction remain elusive. Here, we show that Arabidopsis thaliana hypocotyls form lysigenous aerenchyma in response to hypoxia and that this process involves H(2)O(2) and ethylene signaling. By studying Arabidopsis mutants that are deregulated for excess light acclimation, cell death, and defense responses, we find that the formation of lysigenous aerenchyma depends on the plant defense regulators LESION SIMULATING DISEASE1 (LSD1), ENHANCED DISEASE SUSCEPIBILITY1 (EDS1), and PHYTOALEXIN DEFICIENT4 (PAD4) that operate upstream of ethylene and reactive oxygen species production. The obtained results indicate that programmed cell death of lysigenous aerenchyma in hypocotyls occurs in a similar but independent manner from the foliar programmed cell death. Thus, the induction of aerenchyma is subject to a genetic and tissue-specific program. The data lead us to conclude that the balanced activities of LSD1, EDS1, and PAD4 regulate lysigenous aerenchyma formation in response to hypoxia.  相似文献   
Eukaryotic chromosomes are duplicated during S phase and transmitted to progeny during mitosis with high fidelity. Chromosome duplication is controlled at the level of replication initiation, which occurs at cis-acting replicator sequences that are spaced at intervals of approximately 40 kb along the chromosomes of the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Surprisingly, we found that derivatives of yeast chromosome III that lack known replicators were replicated and segregated properly in at least 96% of cell divisions. To gain insight into the mechanisms that maintain these "originless" chromosome fragments, we screened for mutants defective in the maintenance of an "originless" chromosome fragment, but proficient in the maintenance of the same fragment that carries its normal complement of replicators (originless fragment maintenance mutants, or ofm). We show that three of these Ofm mutations appear to disrupt different processes involved in chromosome transmission. The OFM1-1 mutant seems to disrupt an alternative initiation mechanism, and the ofm6 mutant appears to be defective in replication fork progression. ofm14 is an allele of RAD9, which is required for the activation of the DNA damage checkpoint, suggesting that this checkpoint plays a key role in the maintenance of the "originless" fragment.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was establishing the basic energetic parameters of amoeba Acanthamoeba castellanii mitochondria respiring with malate and their response to oxidative stress caused by hydrogen peroxide in the presence of Fe(2+) ions. It appeared that, contrary to a previous report (Trocha LK, Stobienia O (2007) Acta Biochim Polon 54: 797), H(2)O(2)-treated mitochondria of A. castellanii did not display any substantial impairment. No marked changes in cytochrome pathway activity were found, as in the presence of an inhibitor of alternative oxidase no effects were observed on the rates of uncoupled and phosphorylating respiration and on coupling parameters. Only in the absence of the alternative oxidase inhibitor, non-phosphorylating respiration progressively decreased with increasing concentration of H(2)O(2), while the coupling parameters (respiratory control ratio and ADP/O ratio) slightly improved, which may indicate some inactivation of the alternative oxidase. Moreover, our results show no change in membrane potential, Ca(2+) uptake and accumulation ability, mitochondrial outer membrane integrity and cytochrome c release for 0.5-25 mM H(2)O(2)-treated versus control (H(2)O(2)-untreated) mitochondria. These results indicate that short (5 min) incubation of A. castellanii mitochondria with H(2)O(2) in the presence of Fe(2+) does not damage their basic energetics.  相似文献   
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