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HERSIM is a program written in BASIC designed to aid the investigatorinterested in determining the substrate conversion in a realhomogeneous isothermal enzymic reactor, for various kineticequations. The program runs after tracer data relative to aDirac impulse to the reactor have been entered, and computesthe two limits of real conversion: total segregation and maximummixedness. The kinetic constants of the reacting system areinput as data, and the variation of conversion with reactortemperature between given limits is computed as accurately asrequested. Received on November 6, 1986; accepted on March 4, 1987  相似文献   
The possibility of solving the mass balances to a multiplicity of substrates within a CSTR in the presence of a chemical reaction following Michaelis-Menten kinetics using the assumption that the discrete distribution of said substrates is well approximated by an equivalent continuous distribution on the molecular weight is explored. The applicability of such reasoning is tested with a convenient numerical example. In addition to providing the limiting behavior of the discrete formulation as the number of homologous substrates increases, the continuous formulation yields in general simpler functional forms for the final distribution of substrates than the discrete counterpart due to the recursive nature of the solution in the latter case.List of Symbols C{N. M} mol/m3 concentration of substrate containing N monomer residues each with molecular weight M - {N, M} normalized value of C{N. M} - C {M} mol/m3 da concentration of substrate of molecular weight M - in normalized value of C {M} at the i-th iteration of a finite difference method - {M} normalized value of C {M} - C 0{N.M} mol/m3 inlet concentration of substrate containing N monomer residues each with molecular weight M - {N ·M} normalized value of C0{N. M} - 0 i normalized value of C 0 {M} at the i-th iteration of a finite difference method - C 0 {M} mol/m3 da initial concentration of substrate of molecular weight M - C tot mol/m3 (constant) overall concentration of substrates (discrete model) - C tot mol/m3 (constant) overall concentration of substrates (continuous model) - D deviation of the continuous approach relative to the discrete approach - i dummy integer variable - I arbitrary integration constant - j dummy integer variable - k dummy integer variable - K m mol/m3 Michaëlis-Menten constant for the substrates - l dummy integer variable - M da molecular weight of substrate - M normalized value of M - M da maximum molecular weight of a reacting substrate - N number of monomer residues of a reacting substrate - N maximum number of monomer residues of a reacting substrate - N total number of increments for the finite difference method - Q m3/s volumetric flow rate of liquid through the reactor - S inert product molecule - S i substrate containing i monomer residues - V m3 volume of the reactor - v max mol/m3 s reaction rate under saturating conditions of the enzyme active site with substrate - v max{N. M} mol/m3 s reaction rate under saturating conditions of the enzyme active site with substrate containing N monomer residues with molecular weight M - max{N · M} dimensionless value of vmax{N. M} (discrete model) - max{M} dimensionless value of v max {M} (continuous model) - mol/m3 s molecular weight-averaged value of vmax (discrete model) - mol.da/m3s molecular weight-averaged value of vmax (continuous model) - v max {M} mol.da/m3s reaction rate under saturating conditions of the enzyme active site with substrate with molecular weight M - max {M} dimensionless value of vmax{M} - max, (i) dimensionless value of vmax{M} at the i-th iteration of a finite difference method - v max mol/m3 s reference constant value of v max Greek Symbols dimensionless operating parameter (discrete distribution) - dimensionless operating parameter (continuous distribution) - M da (average) molecular weight of a monomeric subunit - M selected increment for the finite difference method - auxiliary corrective factor (discrete model)  相似文献   
This paper describes a computational algorithm (STADEERS-STAtisticalDesign of Exeriments in Enzyme ReactorS) for the statisticaldesign of biochemical engineering experiments. The type of experimentthat qualifies for this package involves a batch reaction catalyzedby a soluble enzyme where the activity of the enzyme decayswith time. Assuming that both the catalytic action and the deactivationof the enzyme obey known rate expressions, the present codeis helpful in the process of obtaining estimates of the kineticparameters by providing as output the times at which samplesshould be withdrawn from the reacting mixture. Starting D-optimaldesign is used as a basis for the statistical approach. ThisBASIC code is a powerful tool when fitting a rate expressionto data because it increases the effectiveness of experimentationby helping the biochemical kineticist obtain data points withthe largest possible informa tional content.  相似文献   
F X Malcata 《Biometrics》1992,48(3):929-938
This paper describes a strategy for the starting experimental design of experiments required by general research in the field of biochemical kinetics. The type of experiments that qualify for this analysis involve batch reactions catalyzed by soluble enzymes where the activity of the enzyme decays with time. Assuming that the catalytic action of the enzyme obeys a Michaelis-Menten rate expression and that the deactivation of the enzyme follows a first-order decay, the present analysis employs the dimensionless, integrated form of the overall rate expression to obtain a criterion (based on the maximization of the determinant of the derivative matrix) that relates the a priori estimates of the parameters with the times at which samples should be withdrawn from the reacting mixture. The analysis indicates that the initial concentration of substrate should be as large as possible, and that the samples should be taken at times corresponding to substrate concentrations of approximately 2/3, 1/4, and I/epsilon of the initial concentration (where epsilon should be as large as possible).  相似文献   
A novel strain of Bjerkandera sp. (B33/3), with particularly high decolourisation activities upon Poly R-478 and Remazol Brilliant Blue R (RBBR) dyes, was isolated. The role of the ligninolytic extracellular enzymes produced by this strain on decolourisation of RBBR was studied in some depth. The basis of decolourisation is an enzyme-mediated process, in which the main enzyme responsible is a recently described peroxidase with capacity for oxidation of manganese, as well as veratryl alcohol and 2,6-dimethoxyphenol in a manganese-independent reaction.  相似文献   
Adsorption of proteins from a crude preparation containing a lipase from Aspergillus niger on microporous polypropylene hollow fibers was studied at six different temperatures. Langmuir isotherms accurately describe the overall adsorption equilibria. Lipase is selectively adsorbed relative to the other proteins in the crude preparation. Hence, immobilization also provides further purification of the lipase. The predictions of the Langmuir model for the change in the specific activity of lipase upon adsorption are consistent with experimental results. The loading capacity of the hollow fibers decreases and the adsorption constant increases as temperature is increased. This effect is more significant in the case of lipolytic activity than it is for the total amount of adsorbed protein. Small, positive enthalpy changes are associated with the adsorption of lipase on these hydrophobic membranes.  相似文献   
The authors report a clinical case of an isolated oral histoplasmosis in a hemodialysis patient that presented with fever of unknown origin and had an unremarkable physical examination. During the investigation, a Gallium scan showed uptake in the oral cavity and soon after the oral cavity examination revealed a granulomatous lesion on the tooth 26. Histopathologic findings were compatible with histoplasmosis. The treatment regimen included liposomal amphotericin B followed by itraconazole consolidation therapy, and side effects did not occur. Both clinical evolution and outcome were favorable. Oral histoplasmosis in a non-immunosuppressed patient is extremely rare.  相似文献   
One major challenge to industrial microalgal culturing is to devise and develop technical apparata, cultivation procedures and algal strains susceptible of undergoing substantial increases in efficiency of use of solar energy and carbon dioxide. Despite several research efforts developed to date, there is no such thing as "the best reactor system"- defined, in an absolute fashion, as the one able to achieve maximum productivity with minimum operation costs, irrespective of the biological and chemical system at stake. In fact, choice of the most suitable system is situation-dependent, as both the species of alga available and the final purpose intended will play a role. The need of accurate control impairs use of open-system configurations, so current investigation has focused mostly on closed systems. In this review, several types of closed bioreactors described in the technical literature as able to support production of microalgae are comprehensively presented and duly discussed, using transport phenomenon and process engineering methodological approaches. The text is subdivided into subsections on: reactor design, which includes tubular reactors, flat plate reactors and fermenter-type reactors; and processing parameters, which include gaseous transfer, medium mixing and light requirements.  相似文献   
A new protocol for the stabilization of the quaternary structure of multimeric enzymes has been attempted using as model enzyme (tetrameric) L-asparaginase from Escherichia coli. Such strategy is based upon multisubunit covalent immobilization of the enzyme onto activated supports (agarose-glutaraldehyde). Supports activated with different densities of reactive groups were used; the higher the density of groups, the higher the stabilization attained. However, because of the complexity of that enzyme, even the use of the highest densities of reactive groups was not enough to encompass all four subunits in the immobilization process. Therefore, a further chemical intersubunit cross-linking with aldehyde-dextran was pursued; these derivatives displayed a fully stabilized multimeric structure. In fact, boiling the modified enzyme derivative in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate and beta-mercaptoethanol did not lead to release of any enzyme subunit into the medium. Such a derivative, prepared under optimal conditions, retained ca. 40% of the intrinsic activity of the free enzyme and was also functionally stabilized, with thermostabilization enhancements of ca. 3 orders of magnitude when compared with its soluble counterpart. This type of derivative may be appropriate for extracorporeal devices in the clinical treatment of acute leukemia and might thus bring about inherent advantages in that all subunits are covalently bound to the support, with a longer half-life and a virtually nil risk of subunit release into the circulating blood stream.  相似文献   
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