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The intracellular K+ concentration and its change in mung bean[Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper] root tips were investigated non-invasivelywith 39K nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy using a membraneimpermeable shift reagent, dysprosium (III) tripolyphosphate[Dy(PPPi)7–2]. The K+ resonance was shifted to highermagnetic field in proportion to the concentration of the shiftreagent. In addition to a reference capillary peak for measuringthe K+ concentration, two well-resolved peaks (intra- and extracellularK+ resonances) were observed in the 39K NMR spectra of mungbean root tips. The intracellular K+ concentration was determinedto be 41 mM, which was similar to the value obtained by flamephotometry. When 20 mM KCl was added to the external medium,the intensity of the intracellular K+ resonance gradually increasedand the net K+ uptake rate was calculated to be 4.1 micromolesper gram fresh weight per hour. After removal of KCl from theperfusion medium, the intracellular K+ concentration considerablydecreased. With 31P NMR method, 2.5 mM Dy(PPPj)7–12 and20 mM KCl had little effect on the ATP level in the cells. Wehave indicated that the 39K NMR method can be used to determinethe K+ levels and net fluxes of the K+ transport in perfusedroot tips successively. (Received April 6, 1988; Accepted September 29, 1988)  相似文献   
Summary Pseudomonas acidovorans DMR-11, capable of oxidizing dimethyl sulfide (DMS), was isolated from peat biofilter. DMS as a sole carbon or energy source was not degraded, but it was co-degraded in the medium containing organic carbon sources. The removal rate of DMS in heat-treated glucose medium was 1.12×10–17 mole/h cell at 30 °C. Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) was the only product of DMS oxidation and was formed stoichiometrically. DMS was reversibly evolved in excess of DMSO. The cell free extract of strain DMR-11 oxidized DMS in presence of NADPH.  相似文献   
Screening for leptomycin B (LMB)-resistant transformants in a gene library constructed in Schizosaccharomyces pombe with the chromosomal DNA of an LMB-resistant mutant of S. pombe and with multicopy plasmid pDB248' as the vector led to the isolation of a gene, named pmd1+, encoding a 1362-amino-acid protein. This protein showed great similarity in amino acid sequence to the mammalian P-glycoprotein encoded by the multidrug resistance gene, mdr, and the Saccharomyces cerevisiae a-factor transporter encoded by STE6. In addition, computer analyses predicted that the protein encoded by pmd1+ formed an intramolecular duplicated structure and each of the halves contained six transmembrane regions as well as two ATP-binding domains, as observed with the P-glycoproteins and the STE6 product. Consistent with this was that S. pombe cells containing the pmd1+ gene on a multicopy plasmid showed resistance not only to LMB but also to several cytotoxic agents. The pmd1 null mutants derived by gene disruption were viable and hypersensitive to these agents. All these data suggest that the pmd1+ gene encodes a protein that is a structural and functional counterpart of mammalian mdr proteins.  相似文献   
The relationship between paracoccidioidomycosis in ddY mouse and its estrous cycle was studied. Adult ddY mice of both sexes were used as experimental animals. Estrous cycle of female mice was examined before inoculation of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis yeast cells and mice were divided into 5 groups such as proestrus, estrus, metestrus-I, metestrus-II and diestrus. Each mouse was inoculated intravenously with 106 P. brasiliensis yeast cell units and sacrificed on day 28 after inoculation. Their internal organs were cultured, and in addition, their histopathologies were studied. As a result, there was no difference in the organ cultures among the male and the female mice of 5 groups. However, histopathologically, the female groups at estrus, metestrus-I and metestrus-II were affected more severely than the male group, and the susceptibility of the female mice to the fungus was closely related to their estrous cycles.Abbreviations BHI-D brain heart infusion agar supplemented with 1.0% of anhydrous dextrose - PAS periodic acid-Schiff techniques - PBS phosphate buffered saline solution - SD standard deviation  相似文献   
Three strains of Cladosporium carrionii, two human isolates and one from a xerophilous plant, were used to study the effect of culture conditions in 106 newborn ddY mice. Growth in a complex medium (YPG) and a basal synthetic medium (BSM) was compared. Filamentous forms developed during static incubation while conidia were readily formed with shaking. Mice inoculated intraperitoneally were sacrified and autopsied after 4 weeks. Mortality was related only to sporulated exponential phase growing cells. Invasiveness ability was preserved in all experimental conditions. BSM medium that inhibited exopigment formation appeared more suitable than YPG to obtain intact cells for further studies.Biochemical and physiological alteration associated with shape changes during differentiation of vegetative cells into spores could play an important role in virulence of C. carrionii  相似文献   
Biochemical and morphological studies were done on a new trembling mutant hamster CBB. The yield of myelin from the mutant was 30 and 40% of the control at 46 and 140 days of age, respectively, but myelin composition and 2',3'-cyclic nucleotide-3'-phosphohydrolase (CNPase) activity were normal. Morphologically, about 18% of the axons were myelinated in the mutant optic nerve at 46 days of age, in which the myelinated fibers were those with larger diameters (more than 0.6 micron), while the control had a peak at 0.4 micron in diameter. The ultrastructure and thickness of compact myelin lamellae in the mutant were normal. Myelination and the structure of peripheral nerve myelin appeared normal. The results indicate that the essential defect is the delay and arrest of myelination in the CNS, which is probably caused by either a decreased rate of synthesis of myelin components in oligodendrocytes or a defect in the oligodendrocyte-axon recognition in smaller axons.  相似文献   
The effects of (6R)- and (6S)-tetrahydrobiopterin (BPH4), tetrahydroneopterin, and 6-methyltetrahydropterin on the activity of tryptophan hydroxylase were investigated in rat raphe slices. The activity of tryptophan hydroxylase was estimated by measurement of 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) formation under inhibition of aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase with use of HPLC-fluorometric detection. (6R)-BPH4 (the naturally occurring form) at 42 microM, tetrahydroneopterin at 50 microM, and 6-methyltetrahydropterin at 100 microM increased tryptophan hydroxylase activity to 350, 145, and 146% of control values, respectively. (6S)-BPH4, however, had no significant effects on tryptophan hydroxylase activity. These results suggest that tryptophan hydroxylase is subsaturating in vivo for the naturally occurring cofactor, (6R)-BPH4, and that the concentration of (6R)-BPH4 may play an important role for the regulation of tryptophan hydroxylase activity in vivo.  相似文献   
The expression of aldolase A and B mRNAs during azo-dye-induced carcinogenesis in rat liver was examined. After feeding the dye for 18 weeks, the level of aldolase A mRNA increased to about 11 times that in a normal liver, with the concomitant decrease of aldolase B mRNA level to about 25% of that in a normal liver. These changes did not occur progressively during the carcinogenesis, but occurred as an additional phase after 4 week-feeding of the azo-dye. At this stage, the levels of aldolase A and B mRNAs were about 7 times and 45% of that in a normal liver, respectively. This biphasic pattern in the aldolase isozyme expression in the azo-dye-fed rat liver is discussed together with the kinetic data of the enzyme activity.  相似文献   
Cycling of soil carbon in the first year after a clear-felling was compared with that before the felling in a Japanese red pine forest in Hiroshima Prefecture, west Japan. The daily mean temperature at the soil surface in summer was increased after the felling in comparison to that before felling, and the water content of both the A0 layer and the surface mineral soil was decreased due to the loss of the forest canopy. The rate of weight loss of the A0 layer was reduced after felling. However, accumulation of the A0 layer rapidly decreased because of the lack of litter supply to the forest floor. Low soil respiration after felling was mainly caused by the cessation of root respiration. Analysis of annual soil carbon cycling was then conducted using a compartment model. The relative decomposition rate of the A0 layer decreased whereas that of humus and dead roots in mineral soil increased to some extent after felling. The accumulation of carbon in mineral soil, however, increased slightly due to the supply of humus from roots killed by the felling.  相似文献   
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