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Akt is activated in response to an apoptotic signal   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Akt is a serine-threonine kinase known to exert antiapoptotic effects through several downstream targets. Akt is cleaved during mitochondrial-mediated apoptosis in a caspase-dependent manner. The reason for this is not clear, however, because Akt has not been demonstrated to be activated in response to mitochondrial apoptotic stimuli. Accordingly, we explored whether the well described mitochondrial apoptotic stimuli staurosporine (STS) and etoposide activate Akt and whether such activation impacts apoptosis. Both STS and etoposide activated Akt in NIH 3T3 cells, maximally at 8 and 2 h, respectively, preceding the onset of apoptosis and poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase cleavage. The overexpression of Akt delayed STS-induced apoptosis with an even more pronounced delay observed with overexpression of constitutively active Akt. Akt activation by proapoptotic stimuli lay upstream of mitochondria, because neither caspase inhibitors nor overexpression of Bcl-2 or Bcl-x(L) could prevent it. Activation depended on phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase activity, however. Conversely, inhibition of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase with wortmannin sensitized cells to apoptosis initiated by STS. These data demonstrate that mitochondrial apoptotic stimuli also activate Akt and such activation modulates apoptosis in this setting.  相似文献   
Apaf1 is a critical molecule in the mitochondria-dependent apoptotic pathway. Here we show that Apaf1-deficient embryonic fibroblasts died at a later phase of apoptotic induction, although these cells were resistant to various apoptotic stimulants at an early phase. Neither caspase 3 activation nor nuclear condensation was observed during this cell death of Apaf1-deficient cells. Electron microscopic examination revealed that death in response to apoptotic stimulation resembled necrosis in that nuclei were round and swollen with low electron density. Necrosis-like cell death was also observed in wild-type cells treated with z-VAD-fmk. Mitochondria were not only morphologically abnormal but functionally affected, since mitochondrial transmembrane potential (DeltaPsim) was lost even in cells with intact plasma membrane integrity. These mitochondrial alterations were also observed in the wild-type cells dying of apoptosis. Combined, these data suggest that cells without caspase activation, such as Apaf1-deficient cells or cells treated with caspase inhibitors, die of necrosis-like cell death with mitochondrial damage in response to "apoptotic stimulation."  相似文献   
We tested the hypothesis that key residues in a putative intraluminal loop contribute to determination of ion permeation through the intracellular Ca(2+) release channel (inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptors (IP(3)Rs)) that is gated by the second messenger inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP(3)). To accomplish this, we mutated residues within the putative pore forming region of the channel and analyzed the functional properties of mutant channels using a (45)Ca(2+) flux assay and single channel electrophysiological analyses. Two IP(3)R mutations, V2548I and D2550E, retained the ability to release (45)Ca(2+) in response to IP(3). When analyzed at the single channel level; both recombinant channels had IP(3)-dependent open probabilities similar to those observed in wild-type channels. The mutation V2548I resulted in channels that exhibited a larger K(+) conductance (489 +/- 13 picosiemens (pS) for V2548I versus 364 +/- 5 pS for wild-type), but retained a Ca(2+) selectivity similar to wild-type channels (P(Ca(2+)):P(K(+)) approximately 4:1). Conversely, D2550E channels were nonselective for Ca(2+) over K(+) (P(Ca(2+)):P(K(+)) approximately 0.6:1), while the K(+) conductance was effectively unchanged (391 +/- 4 pS). These results suggest that amino acid residues Val(2548) and Asp(2550) contribute to the ion conduction pathway. We propose that the pore of IP(3)R channels has two distinct sites that control monovalent cation permeation (Val(2548)) and Ca(2+) selectivity (Asp(2550)).  相似文献   
Oxidative stress, such as photodynamic therapy with the silicon phthalocyanine Pc 4 (Pc 4-PDT), can induce apoptosis and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF) production. TNF receptors, as well as other death receptors, have been implicated in stress-induced apoptosis. To assess directly the role of FADD, a death receptor-associated protein, in induction of apoptosis post-Pc 4-PDT, embryonic fibroblasts from FADD knock out (k/o) and wild-type (wt) mice were used. Pc 4-PDT induced casp-3 activation and apoptosis in both cell types. In the presence of zVAD, a pancaspase inhibitor, Pc 4-PDT-induced apoptosis was abrogated in both cell lines. Fumonisin B1 (FB), an inhibitor of ceramide synthase, had no effect on apoptosis after Pc 4-PDT in either cell line. Similar to Pc 4-PDT, exogenous C6-ceramide bypassed FADD deficiency and induced zVAD-sensitive apoptosis. In contrast to Pc 4 photosensitization, TNF did not induce either apoptosis or ceramide accumulation in FADD k/o cells. In the absence of FADD deficiency, TNF-induced apoptosis was zVAD-sensitive and FB-insensitive. Induced ceramide levels remained elevated after cotreatment with TNF and zVAD in FADD wt cells. Taken together, these data provide genetic evidence for a lack of FADD requirement in Pc 4-PDT- or C6-ceramide-induced apoptosis. FB-sensitive ceramide production accompanies, but does not suffice, for apoptosis after Pc 4 photosensitization or TNF.  相似文献   
Autoimmune diabetes is characterized by a chronic progressive inflammatory autoimmune reaction that ultimately causes the selective elimination of pancreatic beta cells. To address the question of whether the cell death-inducing cytokines TNF and lymphotoxin alpha are involved in this process, we generated nonobese diabetic (NOD) mice that are deficient for TNF receptor 1 (TNFR1 or TNFRp55). Insulitis developed in these mice similarly to that in normal control NOD mice, but progression to diabetes was completely abrogated. Since this was probably due to the complex immunomodulatory effects of TNF and lymphotoxin alpha signaled via TNFR1 on lymphohemopoietic cells, adoptive transfer experiments with spleen cells from diabetic NOD mice were conducted. It was found that the absence of TNFR1 in recipients delayed diabetes induced by normal control and precluded diabetes induced by perforin-deficient spleen cells. In a CD8+ T cell-mediated model of diabetes, however, diabetes induced by adoptive transfer of TCR transgenic lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus glycoprotein-specific CD8+ T cells was not delayed by the absence of TNFR1 in recipient mice. Together with the described expression patterns of perforin and TNF in the mononuclear islet infiltrates of NOD mice, these results indicate that two diabetogenic effector mechanisms are delivered by distinct cell populations: CD8+ T cells lyse beta cells via perforin-dependent cytotoxicity, whereas CD4+ T cells, macrophages, and dendritic cells contribute to diabetes development via TNFR1-dependent beta cell toxicity.  相似文献   
In contrast to peripheral lymphoid organs, a high percentage of T cells in the liver are CD4+NKT cells. We asked whether adhesion molecules play any role in the accumulation of CD4+NKT cells in the liver. Liver CD4+NKT cells expressed ICAM-1 and high levels of LFA-1. In the livers of LFA-1-deficient mice, the number of CD4+NKT cells was markedly decreased. This reduction was restricted to the liver, and no reduction was found in the other organs analyzed. In contrast, the number of liver CD4+NKT cells in ICAM-1-deficient mice was only marginally reduced. In a reciprocal radiation thymocyte reconstitution system with LFA-1-deficient and wild-type mice, LFA-1 expressed on liver cells other than CD4+NKT cells was required for an accumulation of CD4+NKT cells in the liver. These results demonstrate a crucial role for LFA-1 in the accumulation of CD4+NKT cells in the liver.  相似文献   
A novel trienzyme sensor for the amperometric determination of lactate was constructed by immobilizing salicylate hydroxylase (SHL, E.C., l-lactate dehydrogenase (LDH, E.C., and pyruvate oxidase (PyOD, E.C. on a Clark-type oxygen electrode. The enzymes were entrapped by a poly(carbamoyl) sulfonate (PCS) hydrogel on a Teflon membrane. LDH catalyzes the specific dehydrogenation of lactate consuming NAD(+). SHL catalyzes the irreversible decarboxylation and the hydroxylation of salicylate in the presence of oxygen and NADH produced by LDH. PyOD decarboxylates pyruvate using oxygen and phosphate. SHL and PyOD force the equilibrium of dehydrogenation of lactate by LDH to the product side by consuming NADH and pyruvate, respectively. Dissolved oxygen acts as an essential material for both PyOD and SHL during their respective enzymatic reactions. Therefore, an amplified signal, caused by the consumptions of dissolved oxygen by the two enzymes, was observed in the measurement of lactate. Regeneration of cofactor was found in the trienzyme system. A Teflon membrane was used to fabricate the sensor in order to avoid interferences. The sensor has a fast response (2s) and short recovery times (2 min). The total test time for a measurement by using this lactate sensor (4 min) was faster than using a commercial lactate testing kit (up to 10 min). The sensor has a linear range between 10 and 400 microM lactate, with a detection limit of 4.3 microM. A good agreement (R2 = 0.9984) with a commercial lactate testing kit was obtained in beverage sample measurements.  相似文献   
It has been suggested that oxidative stress contributes to impaired left ventricular (LV) contractility in the setting of heart failure (HF). To test this hypothesis, we studied the effect of an antioxidant on contractility at rest and in response to dobutamine in 10 HF patients. We hypothesized that vitamin C would augment contractility in HF and that this effect would be of a greater magnitude in HF patients compared with patients with normal LV (NLV) function. Data from 10 patients with NLV function who participated in this study are included in this report and have been published elsewhere. A micromanometer-tipped catheter was introduced into the LV. In the experimental protocol, an infusion catheter was positioned in the left main coronary artery. The peak positive rate of change of LV pressure (LV +dP/dt) was measured in response to the intravenous infusion of dobutamine before and during the intracoronary infusion of vitamin C (96 mg/min). Vitamin C had no effect on basal LV +dP/dt in either HF or NLV groups. The infusion of vitamin C augmented the LV +dP/dt response to dobutamine by 22 +/- 4% in the NLV function group. In contrast, vitamin C had no effect on the inotropic response to dobutamine in the HF group. In the control protocol, without vitamin C, no differences were observed between responses to two sequential dobutamine infusions in either group (HF, n = 11; NLV, n = 9). Therefore, a positive effect of vitamin C on contractility was limited to patients with NLV function. The absence of this effect in HF patients may suggest that normal redox responsiveness is lost in this disease state.  相似文献   
The InsP3R Ca(2+)-release channel has biphasic dependence on cytoplasmic free Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i). InsP3 activates gating primarily by reducing high [Ca2+]i inhibition. To determine whether relieving Ca2+ inhibition is sufficient for activation, we examined single-channels in low [Ca2+]i in the absence of InsP3 by patch clamping isolated Xenopus oocyte nuclei. For both endogenous Xenopus type 1 and recombinant rat type 3 InsP3R channels, spontaneous InsP3-independent activities with low open probability Po (approximately 0.03) were observed in [Ca2+]i < 5 nM, whereas none were observed in 25 nM Ca2+. These results establish the half-maximal inhibitory [Ca2+]i in the absence of InsP3 and demonstrate that the channel can be active when all of its ligand-binding sites are unoccupied. In the simplest allosteric model that fits all observations in nuclear patch-clamp studies, the tetrameric channel can adopt six conformations, the equilibria among which are controlled by two inhibitory, one activating Ca(2+)-binding, and one InsP3-binding sites in a manner similar to the Monod-Wyman-Changeux model. InsP3 binding activates gating by affecting the relative affinity for Ca2+ of one of the inhibitory sites in different channel conformations, transforming it into an activating site. Ca2+ inhibition of InsP3-liganded channels is mediated by an InsP3-independent second inhibitory site.  相似文献   
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