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Treatment of neonatal rats with repeated doses of monosodium-L-glutamate resulted in changes of morphology and function of alveolar macrophages recovered from adult female rats. Numerous cellular lipid vacuoles and lamellar structures were observed in these alveolar macrophages under transmission electron microscopy. There was approximately 50% increase of cellular total lipid content measured by Oil-Red-O staining and colorimetric method. The yeast phagocytosis and intracellular killing ability, as well as the inhibitory effect on the growth of tumor cells were reduced in alveolar macrophages from neonatal MSG-treated rats.  相似文献   
Calcitonin gene-related peptide vasodilation of human pulmonary vessels   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Human calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) is localized to sensory neurons in pulmonary vessels and is a potent vasodilator. We have characterized the effects of CGRP in human pulmonary vessels and localized the receptors for this peptide by autoradiography. Fresh human lung tissue was obtained from eight patients undergoing surgery and small (200-400 microns ID) pulmonary arteries and veins were dissected free of surrounding connective and pulmonary tissue. Pairs of vessels were studied and in one of each pair the endothelium was left intact and from the other of each pair the endothelium was removed by gentle abrasion. For functional studies arteries (n = 9) and veins (n = 9) were suspended in an organ bath, precontracted with 1 microM prostaglandin F2 alpha. CGRP (10 pM to 10 microM) was added in a cumulative manner. CGRP caused a dose-dependent relaxation of endothelium intact human pulmonary arteries and veins with log EC50 values of -8.01 +/- 0.35 and -8.70 +/- 0.40, respectively (not significant). Removal of the endothelium did not diminish the vasodilator potency of CGRP in either vessel. For autoradiographic studies, cryostat sections of the small human pulmonary vessels with or without endothelium were used. 125I-CGRP densely labeled CGRP receptors on vascular smooth muscle and endothelial removal did not have any effect on grain density. We concluded that CGRP is a potent vasodilator of human pulmonary arteries and veins that is not dependent on an intact endothelium. These functional studies correlate with the distribution of CGRP receptors as localized by autoradiography.  相似文献   
Exposure of hamsters to short days increases sensitivity to the negative feedback effects of testosterone (T) but decreases responsiveness to the behavioral effects of the hormone. Since T is metabolized in the brain to 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and estradiol, which differentially affect gonadotropin secretion and sex behavior, it is reasonable to postulate that daylength can modulate neural responses by quantitative or qualitative alterations in T metabolism and subsequent receptor binding of active hormone. Experiments reported here focused on aromatization and the nuclear accumulation of estrogen receptors. Adult male hamsters were maintained for 6-12 wk in long (14:10 LD) or short (8:16 LD) daily photoperiods. Both intact and castrated animals were used to assess direct effects of short days versus changes due to short-day-induced testicular regression. Discretely dissected regions of the brain (preoptic area, POA; hypothalamus, HTH; and corticomedial amygdala, CMA) or limbic blocks (LIM) comprised of all three regions were assayed for estrogen-synthesizing activity (aromatase) and estrogen-binding activity (receptors). Aromatase was estimated in vitro by conversion of [7-(3)H] androstenedione to [3H] estrogen and in vivo by measuring increases in nuclear estrogen receptor levels after injection of aromatizable androgen. Receptor-binding activity was assayed in crude cytosolic and nuclear extracts by incubating samples with [3H] estradiol +/- 100-fold excess inert estradiol, and separating free and bound steroids by Sephadex LH-20 gel filtration. When aromatase was assayed in homogenates prepared from discrete brain regions of individual hamsters, significantly lower activity was found in the HTH of short-day animals than in long-day controls. This effect was seen in both intact and castrated animals, which indicates that it was not mediated by the testis. Decreased enzyme activity in the POA and CMA of short-day hamsters was not significant, nor was there an effect of castration independent of short days. Low levels of nuclear estrogen receptors were present in LIM of intact males, but these were reduced after castration or concomitant with testicular regression after short-day exposure. This suggests that the hamster testis normally secretes estrogen or aromatizable androgen. A single injection of estradiol or aromatizable androgen (T or androstenedione) increased nuclear receptors in LIM of castrated animals. Cytosolic receptors were not different in short-day vs. long-day hamsters, nor were there differences in nuclear receptor levels after a single estradiol injection.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   
Pertechnetate (99mTcO4-) is a large anion that is thought to be trapped but not organified by the thyroid. In order to determine its usefulness in discriminating trapping from organification in thyroid cell culture, the uptake of 99mTcO4- has been compared to that of 125I- both in sheep thyroid cells and in FRTL5 cells, a functional rat thyroid cell line. We found that uptake of both isotopes was dependent on TSH or agents that raised intracellular cAMP levels and was displaceable with iodide in both cell types. However in rat cell line 99mTcO4- uptake was up to eight-fold higher than 125I- uptake, and 99mTcO4- but not 125I- uptake was doubled by methimazole treatment. A considerable proportion of 99mTcO4- but not 125I- taken up by the FRTL5 cell but not the sheep cells was precipitable with TCA. This proportion was increased by methimazole treatment. We also found marked differences in sensitivity to ouabain between the two cell types. These results illustrate the differences between species in 125I- and 99mTcO4- transport and support the concerns expressed by Socolow and Ingbar (1967) in using 99mTcO4- as a direct and precise indicator of iodide transport activity.  相似文献   
Transport of α-aminoisobutyric acid in cultured hepatocytes is temperature- and energy-dependent, whereas transport of 2-deoxy-D-glucose is not energy-dependent. In early cultures of hepatocytes (day 2) on a collagen gel/nylon mesh, the cells contain few microfilaments and the transport of amino acids and glucose is 5–7 times more than in late cultures of hepatocytes (day 6) which contain an apical, extensive accumulation of microfilaments. Cytochalasin D has little effect on the transport of amino acids and glucose in day 2 cultures of hepatocytes, but enhances transport of both compounds in day 6 cultures. These findings suggest that the microfilament accumulation in cultured hepatocytes inhibits transport of amino acids and glucose.  相似文献   
By averaging the α-helix parameters of Chou &; Fasman (1974) over extended segments of the α-tropomyosin sequence, the maxima and minima of the 7-fold periodicity initially detected by Parry (1975) are observed to correspond approximately to the outer non-polar positive zones of the alternating β and α actin binding sites, respectively, described by McLachlan &; Stewart (1976a). The periodicity is well developed in the NH2-terminal and central regions of the molecule but becomes progressively less distinctive towards the COOH-terminus. Initial cleavage points by trypsin and chymotrypsin occur close to minima in the averaged α-helical parameters.  相似文献   
Summary Seven varieties of long bean, which included three local and four exotic, were crossed in a complete diallel. This was an attempt to study the inheritance of crude protein content, protein yield, flowering date, pod yield and yield components.Both additive and non-additive gene effects were responsible for the genetic variation in the diallel population. However, dominance variance was more important than additive variance in crude protein content, number of pods per plant and number of seeds per pod. For seed weight and pod length, additive variance was more important.The crude protein content, protein yield and number of pods per plant appeared to be controlled by overdominance effects. Partial dominance seemed to be the case for flowering date, pod length and seed weight; complete to overdominance for pod yield. High protein appeared to be associated with recessive genes whereas there was a general trend of high yielding parents carrying more dominant genes.  相似文献   
Conditions are described for the quantitative removal of amino acid residues 274 to 284 from rabbit muscle α-tropomyosin with carboxypeptidase A. The product, non-polymerizable tropomyosin, has a much reduced affinity for the tropomyosinbinding fragment CB1 (residues 1 to 151) of troponin-T. Iodination of α-tropomyosin and non-polymerizable tropomyosin by 125I and lactoperoxidase was carried out in the presence and absence of CB1. Following tryptic digestion and peptide mapping, the radioactivities of the labeled tyrosine peptides were compared. In the presence of CB1, tyrosine residues 261 and 267 were iodinated only to the extent of 30 to 40% as compared with the same tyrosine residues in the absence of CB1, All other tyrosine residues (60, 162, 214 and 221) were iodinated to a similar level in the absence or presence of CB1. With non-polymerizable tropomyosin, the presence of CB1 had a much reduced effect on the level of labeling of the tyrosine residues. We conclude that the highly helical region of troponin-T (residues 71 to 151) binds close to or at the COOH-terminal end of the tropomyosin molecule. Taken together with other considerations and recent observations, the results can be interpreted in terms of the two-site model for troponin attachment to the thin filament. A calcium-insensitive site would involve interaction of the highly helical CB2 region of troponin-T (residues 71 to 151) and the COOH-terminal region of tropomyosin (residues 258 to 284) and perhaps the NH2-terminal overlap region (residues 1 to 9). A calcium-sensitive site would involve the interaction of troponin-T in the neighborhood of cysteine 190 of tropomyosin in F-actin-tropomyosin assemblies both directly and indirectly through the association of its COOH and NH2-terminal regions with the troponin-I and C components.  相似文献   
Sendai virus induced heterokaryocytes of non-permissive BHK21 cells and permissive HEp2 cells were infected with adenovirus Type 12. Neoantigens, virus structural antigens and viral DNA were detected in the BHK21 nuclei as well as the HEp2 nuclei of heterokaryocytes, thus demonstrating positive control of these viral functions by the permissive cell component in the heterokaryocyte.  相似文献   
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