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Distance matrices obtained from allozyme studies on tilapiine fish are analysed by a multivarite approach. A hierarchical clustering procedure facilitated comparison with tree representations. A map-like representation provided information additional to the tree representation. The current belief that Sarotherodon is closer to Oreochromis than to Tilapia is strengthened. But while it may be the link between these genera at the species level, it is not entirely distinct from Oreochromis at the molecular level. Further, Sarotherodon and Oreochromis species may have arisen from Tilapia in several speciation events. Some of the species interrelations agreed with inferences from morphological data, and disagreed with those from a consensus maximum parsimony (MP) tree. It is suggested that both Chromidotilapia guntheri and Tylochromis jentinki are ancestral to diVerent sub-groups of Tilapia , so that inferences from morphological studies and the consensus MP method are both partially correct. The graphical representation also suggests that the Nile tilapia strains in Asia may be derived from Egypt rather than from Ghana. It is advantageous to use the map-like and tree representations together for maximum visual informativeness and inference from the data.  相似文献   
A balance between the synthesis and degradation of active proteins governs diverse cellular processes in plants, spanning from cell‐cycle progression and circadian rhythm to the outcome of several hormone signalling pathways. Ubiquitin‐mediated post‐translational modification determines the degradative fate of the target proteins, thereby altering the output of cellular processes. An equally important, and perhaps under‐appreciated, aspect of this pathway is the antagonistic process of de‐ubiquitination. De‐ubiquitinases (DUBs), a group of processing enzymes, play an important role in maintaining cellular ubiquitin homeostasis by hydrolyzing ubiquitin poly‐proteins and free poly‐ubiquitin chains into mono‐ubiquitin. Further, DUBs rescue the cellular proteins from 26S proteasome‐mediated degradation to their active form by cleaving the poly‐ubiquitin chain from the target protein. Any perturbation in DUB activity is likely to affect proteostasis and downstream cellular processes. This review illustrates recent findings on the biological significance and mechanisms of action of the DUBs in Arabidopsis thaliana, with an emphasis on ubiquitin‐specific proteases (UBPs), the largest family among the DUBs. We focus on the putative roles of various protein–protein interaction interfaces in DUBs and their generalized function in ubiquitin recycling, along with their pre‐eminent role in plant development.  相似文献   
Chondrocytes, the only cell type present in articular cartilage, regulate tissue homeostasis by a fine balance of metabolism that includes both anabolic and catabolic activities. Therefore, the biology of chondrocytes is critical for understanding cartilage metabolism. One major limitation when studying primary chondrocytes in culture is their loss of phenotype. To overcome this hurdle, limited attempts have been made to develop human chondrocyte cell lines that retain the phenotype for use as a good surrogate model. In this study, we report a novel approach to the establishment and characterization of human articular cartilage‐derived chondrocyte cell lines. Adenoviral infection followed by culture of chondrocytes in 3‐dimensional matrix within 48 h post‐infection maintained the phenotype prior to clonal selection. Cells were then placed in culture either as monolayer, or in 3‐dimensional matrix of alginate or agarose. The clones were characterized by their basal gene expression profile of chondrocyte markers. Based on type II collagen expression, 21 clones were analyzed for gene expression following treatment with IL‐1 or BMP‐7 and compared to similarly stimulated primary chondrocytes. This resulted in selection of two clones that retained the chondrocyte phenotype as evidenced by expression of type II collagen and other extra‐cellular matrix molecules. In addition, one clone (AL‐4‐17) showed similar responses as primary chondrocytes when treated with IL‐1 or BMP‐7. In summary, this report provides a novel procedure to develop human articular cartilage‐derived chondrocyte cell lines, which preserve important characteristics of articular chondrocytes and represent a useful model to study chondrocyte biology. J. Cell. Physiol. 222: 695–702, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Rat intestinal UDPgalactose: N-acetylglucosaminyl(beta 1----4)galactosyltransferase activity was studied as to its intestinal and villus-to-crypt distribution, and then purified and characterized. Rapid UDPgalactose hydrolysis was noted in the duodenum and jejunum; little to no breakdown was detected in the distal ileum, cecum and proximal colon. Product analysis suggested that UDPgalactose hydrolysis was due to nucleotide-sugar pyrophosphatase and galactose-1-phosphate phosphatase activities; ileum appeared to have little of the first activity and none of the latter. An aboral gradient of galactosyltransferase activity was noted, activity being 3-4-fold higher in the ileum, cecum and proximal colon. Total homogenate exogenous acceptor galactosyltransferase activities showed no villus-crypt differences but activity measured with intact isolated cells demonstrated higher activity with crypt cells; this was particularly evident in the ileum. Galactosyltransferase activity was purified from ileal-colonic mucosa. An over 4000-fold purification with 75 percent yield was achieved. Only one band of approx. 70-75 kDa was noted on sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide electrophoresis. As with other eukaryotic galactosyltransferase activities, there was an absolute requirement for Mn2+; the concentration required for half maximal activity was only 2.5 microM and higher concentrations did not inhibit. The Km for UDPgalactose was 30 microM.  相似文献   
Androgen-dependent synthesis of alpha 2u globulin in the rat liver has been used in our laboratory as a model for studying the effect of sex hormones on hepatic gene expression. alpha 2u Globulin is a group of low molecular weight (Mr approximately 18,000) male specific urinary proteins synthesized and secreted by hepatocytes. In the male rat hepatic synthesis of alpha 2u globulin begins at puberty (approximately 40 days), reaches a peak level (approximately 20 mg/day) at about 75 days and declines during old age. Androgens can induce alpha 2u globulin in ovariectomized female rats in vivo and in the liver perfusion system in vitro. However, both prepubertal and senescent (greater than 800 days) male rats not only do not produce alpha 2u globulin but are also refractory to androgen administration. alpha 2u Globulin is coded by a multigene family comprising about 20-30 gene copies per haploid genome. All of these gene copies seem to express translationally active mRNAs giving rise to individual isoforms of alpha 2u globulin. Appearance and disappearance of the cytoplasmic androgen-binding protein (CAB) correlates with the androgen responsiveness of hepatocytes. Photoaffinity labeling of the hepatic cytosol shows that the biologically active binding protein, found in the cytosol of the mature male rat liver, has a molecular weight of 31 kDa. A molecular transition of the 31-kDa CAB to a biologically inactive 29-kDa form may be the basis of hepatic androgen insensitivity during prepuberty and senescence.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to evaluate a novel combination of Soluplus® and hypromellose acetate succinate (HPMCAS-HF) polymers for solubility enhancement as well as enhanced physicochemical stability of the produced amorphous solid dispersions. This was accomplished by converting the poorly water-soluble crystalline form of carbamazepine into a more soluble amorphous form within the polymeric blends. Carbamazepine (CBZ), a Biopharmaceutics Classification System class II active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) with multiple polymorphs, was utilized as a model drug. Hot-melt extrusion (HME) processing was used to prepare solid dispersions utilizing blends of polymers. Drug loading showed a significant effect on the dissolution rate of CBZ in all of the tested ratios of Soluplus® and HPMCAS-HF. CBZ was completely miscible in the polymeric blends of Soluplus® and HPMCAS-HF up to 40% drug loading. The extrudates were characterized by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and dissolution studies. DSC and XRD data confirmed the formation of amorphous solid dispersions of CBZ in the polymeric blends of Soluplus® and HPMCAS-HF. Drug loading and release of CBZ was increased with Soluplus® (when used as the primary matrix polymer) when formulations contained Soluplus® with 7–21% (w/w) HPMCAS-HF. In addition, this blend of polymers was found to be physically and chemically stable at 40°C, 75% RH over 12 months without any dissolution rate changes.KEY WORDS: carbamazepine, hot-melt extrusion, HPMCAS-HF, Soluplus®, stability  相似文献   
There is a need for new analytical approaches to better characterize the nature of the concentration-dependent, reversible self-association (RSA) of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) directly, and with high resolution, when these proteins are formulated as highly concentrated solutions. In the work reported here, hydrogen exchange mass spectrometry (HX-MS) was used to define the concentration-dependent RSA interface, and to characterize the effects of association on the backbone dynamics of an IgG1 mAb (mAb-C). Dynamic light scattering, chemical cross-linking, and solution viscosity measurements were used to determine conditions that caused the RSA of mAb-C. A novel HX-MS experimental approach was then applied to directly monitor differences in local flexibility of mAb-C due to RSA at different protein concentrations in deuterated buffers. First, a stable formulation containing lyoprotectants that permitted freeze-drying of mAb-C at both 5 and 60 mg/mL was identified. Upon reconstitution with RSA-promoting deuterated solutions, the low vs. high protein concentration samples displayed different levels of solution viscosity (i.e., approx. 1 to 75 mPa.s). The reconstituted mAb-C samples were then analyzed by HX-MS. Two specific sequences covering complementarity-determining regions CDR2H and CDR2L (in the variable heavy and light chains, respectively) showed significant protection against deuterium uptake (i.e., decreased hydrogen exchange). These results define the major protein-protein interfaces associated with the concentration-dependent RSA of mAb-C. Surprisingly, certain peptide segments in the VH domain, the constant domain (CH2), and the hinge region (CH1-CH2 interface) concomitantly showed significant increases in local flexibility at high vs. low protein concentrations. These results indicate the presence of longer-range, distant dynamic coupling effects within mAb-C occurring upon RSA.  相似文献   
Many fundamental cellular and extracellular processes in the body are mediated by enzymes. At the single molecule level, enzyme activity is influenced by mechanical forces. However, the effects of mechanical forces on the kinetics of enzymatic reactions in complex tissues with intact extracellular matrix (ECM) have not been identified. Here we report that physiologically relevant macroscopic mechanical forces modify enzyme activity at the molecular level in the ECM of the lung parenchyma. Porcine pancreatic elastase (PPE), which binds to and digests elastin, was fluorescently conjugated (f-PPE) and fluorescent recovery after photobleach was used to evaluate the binding kinetics of f-PPE in the alveolar walls of normal mouse lungs. Fluorescent recovery after photobleach indicated that the dissociation rate constant (koff) for f-PPE was significantly larger in stretched than in relaxed alveolar walls with a linear relation between koff and macroscopic strain. Using a network model of the parenchyma, a linear relation was also found between koff and microscopic strain on elastin fibers. Further, the binding pattern of f-PPE suggested that binding sites on elastin unfold with strain. The increased overall reaction rate also resulted in stronger structural breakdown at the level of alveolar walls, as well as accelerated decay of stiffness and decreased failure stress of the ECM at the macroscopic scale. These results suggest an important role for the coupling between mechanical forces and enzyme activity in ECM breakdown and remodeling in development, and during diseases such as pulmonary emphysema or vascular aneurysm. Our findings may also have broader implications because in vivo, enzyme activity in nearly all cellular and extracellular processes takes place in the presence of mechanical forces.  相似文献   
Keratin 8/18, the predominant keratin pair of simple epithelia, is known to be aberrantly expressed in several squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs), where its expression is often correlated with increased invasion, neoplastic progression, and poor prognosis. The majority of keratin 8/18 structural and regulatory functions are governed by posttranslational modifications, particularly phosphorylation. Apart from filament reorganization, cellular processes including cell cycle, cell growth, cellular stress, and apoptosis are known to be orchestrated by K8 phosphorylation at specific residues in the head and tail domains. Even though deregulation of K8 phosphorylation at two significant sites (Serine73/Serine431) has been implicated in neoplastic progression of SCCs by various in vitro studies, including ours, it is reported to be highly context-dependent. Therefore, to delineate the precise role of Kereatin 8 phosphorylation in cancer initiation and progression, we have developed the tissue-specific transgenic mouse model expressing Keratin 8 wild type and phosphodead mutants under Keratin 14 promoter. Subjecting these mice to 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene/12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate-mediated skin carcinogenesis revealed that Keratin 8 phosphorylation may lead to an early onset of tumors compared to Keratin 8 wild-type expressing mice. Conclusively, the transgenic mouse model developed in the present study ascertained a positive impact of Keratin 8 phosphorylation on the neoplastic transformation of skin-squamous cells.  相似文献   
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