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Collagen and elastin are thought to dominate the elasticity of the connective tissue including lung parenchyma. The glycosaminoglycans on the proteoglycans may also play a role because osmolarity of interstitial fluid can alter the repulsive forces on the negatively charged glycosaminoglycans, allowing them to collapse or inflate, which can affect the stretching and folding pattern of the fibers. Hence, we hypothesized that the elasticity of lung tissue arises primarily from 1) the topology of the collagen-elastin network and 2) the mechanical interaction between proteoglycans and fibers. We measured the quasi-static, uniaxial stress-strain curves of lung tissue sheets in hypotonic, normal, and hypertonic solutions. We found that the stress-strain curve was sensitive to osmolarity, but this sensitivity decreased after proteoglycan digestion. Images of immunofluorescently labeled collagen networks showed that the fibers follow the alveolar walls that form a hexagonal-like structure. Despite the large heterogeneity, the aspect ratio of the hexagons at 30% uniaxial strain increased linearly with osmolarity. We developed a two-dimensional hexagonal network model of the alveolar structure incorporating the mechanical properties of the collagen-elastin fibers and their interaction with proteoglycans. The model accounted for the stress-strain curves observed under all experimental conditions. The model also predicted how aspect ratio changed with osmolarity and strain, which allowed us to estimate the Young's modulus of a single alveolar wall and a collagen fiber. We therefore identify a novel and important role for the proteoglycans: they stabilize the collagen-elastin network of connective tissues and contribute to lung elasticity and alveolar stability at low to medium lung volumes.  相似文献   
Reciprocal cell-cell interactions between the ureteric epithelium and the metanephric mesenchyme are needed to drive growth and differentiation of the embryonic kidney to completion. Branching morphogenesis of the Wolffian duct derived ureteric bud is integral in the generation of ureteric tips and the elaboration of the collecting duct system. Wnt11, a member of the Wnt superfamily of secreted glycoproteins, which have important regulatory functions during vertebrate embryonic development, is specifically expressed in the tips of the branching ureteric epithelium. In this work, we explore the role of Wnt11 in ureteric branching and use a targeted mutation of the Wnt11 locus as an entrance point into investigating the genetic control of collecting duct morphogenesis. Mutation of the Wnt11 gene results in ureteric branching morphogenesis defects and consequent kidney hypoplasia in newborn mice. Wnt11 functions, in part, by maintaining normal expression levels of the gene encoding glial cell-derived neurotrophic factor (Gdnf). Gdnf encodes a mesenchymally produced ligand for the Ret tyrosine kinase receptor that is crucial for normal ureteric branching. Conversely, Wnt11 expression is reduced in the absence of Ret/Gdnf signaling. Consistent with the idea that reciprocal interaction between Wnt11 and Ret/Gdnf regulates the branching process, Wnt11 and Ret mutations synergistically interact in ureteric branching morphogenesis. Based on these observations, we conclude that Wnt11 and Ret/Gdnf cooperate in a positive autoregulatory feedback loop to coordinate ureteric branching by maintaining an appropriate balance of Wnt11-expressing ureteric epithelium and Gdnf-expressing mesenchyme to ensure continued metanephric development.  相似文献   
The differential distribution of lipids between apical and basolateral membranes is necessary for many epithelial cell functions, but how this characteristic membrane organization is integrated within the polarity network during ductal organ development is poorly understood. Here we quantified membrane order in the gut, kidney and liver ductal epithelia in zebrafish larvae at 3–11 days post fertilization (dpf) with Laurdan 2‐photon microscopy. We then applied a combination of Laurdan imaging, antisense knock‐down and analysis of polarity markers to understand the relationship between membrane order and apical‐basal polarity. We found a reciprocal relationship between membrane order and the cell polarity network. Reducing membrane condensation by exogenously added oxysterol or depletion of cholesterol reduced apical targeting of the polarity protein, aPKC. Conversely, using morpholino knock down in zebrafish, we found that membrane order was dependent upon the Crb3 and Par3 polarity protein expression in ductal epithelia. Hence our data suggest that the biophysical property of membrane lipid packing is a regulatory element in apical basal polarity.  相似文献   
The side chains of Lys66, Asp66, and Glu66 in staphylococcal nuclease are fully buried and surrounded mainly by hydrophobic matter, except for internal water molecules associated with carboxylic oxygen atoms. These ionizable side chains titrate with pKa values of 5.7, 8.8, and 8.9, respectively. To reproduce these pKa values with continuum electrostatics calculations, we treated the protein with high dielectric constants. We have examined the structural origins of these high apparent dielectric constants by using NMR spectroscopy to characterize the structural response to the ionization of these internal side chains. Substitution of Val66 with Lys66 and Asp66 led to increased conformational fluctuations of the microenvironments surrounding these groups, even under pH conditions where Lys66 and Asp66 are neutral. When Lys66, Asp66, and Glu66 are charged, the proteins remain almost fully folded, but resonances for a few backbone amides adjacent to the internal ionizable residues are broadened. This suggests that the ionization of the internal groups promotes a local increase in dynamics on the intermediate timescale, consistent with either partial unfolding or increased backbone fluctuations of helix 1 near residue 66, or, less likely, with increased fluctuations of the charged side chains at position 66. These experiments confirm that the high apparent dielectric constants reported by internal Lys66, Asp66, and Glu66 reflect localized changes in conformational fluctuations without incurring detectable global structural reorganization. To improve structure-based pKa calculations in proteins, we will need to learn how to treat this coupling between ionization of internal groups and local changes in conformational fluctuations explicitly.  相似文献   
Centchroman (3, 4-trans-2, 2-dimethyl-3-phenyl-4-p-beta-pyrrolidinoethoxy-phenyl-7-methoxy-chroman) , a non-steroidal, estrogen antagonist, injected subcutaneously (2 mg/kg body wt) on days 1, 2 and 3 post-coitum in hamsters, prevented implantation in 70% of the animals. A significant decrease in the circulating levels of estradiol and progesterone was observed on day 4 post-coitum as compared to control animals following the treatment of centchroman. The activities of various lysosomal enzymes were also found diminished in the treated animals. This study shows that centchroman may act as an anti-implantation agent in hamsters indicating that estrogen plays a key role during the process of ovum implantation in this species.  相似文献   
Summary A new method, which employs a sequence of heteronuclear-homonuclear-heteronuclear Hartmann-Hahn (HEHOHEHAHA) cross-polarization steps for obtaining through-bond H-C-C-H correlations in larger proteins (Mr > 15 kDa), is presented. The method has significantly higher sensitivity compared to INEPTHOHAHA-INEPT-based techniques. An additional feature of this experiment is that well-phaseable spectra may be obtained with a minimal (4-step) phase cycle and, consequently, experimental time can be utilized towards obtaining high resolution in indirect dimensions. Results from 2D and 3D HEHOHEHAHA experiments on T4-lysozyme are presented.  相似文献   
A column-switching, reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) method for the determination of a new carbapenem antibiotic assay using ultraviolet detection has been developed for a new carbapenem antibiotic L-749,345 in human plasma and urine. A plasma sample is centrifuged and then injected onto an extraction column using 25 mM phosphate buffer, pH 6.5. After 3 min, using a column-switching valve, the analyte is back-flushed with 10.5% methanol–phosphate buffer for 3 min onto a Hypersil 5 μm C18 BDS 100×4.6 mm analytical column and then detected by absorbance at 300 nm. The sample preparation and HPLC conditions for the urine assay are similar, except for a longer analytical column 150×4.6 mm. The plasma assay is specific and linear from 0.125 to 50 μg/ml; the urine assay is linear from 1.25 to 100 μg/ml.  相似文献   
Previous studies have shown that a large fraction of the host cell deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) polymerase I (EC becomes associated with the cell membrane shortly after infection with bacteriophages T4 and T7. The present investigation of the bound enzyme revealed that the polymerase activity can be eluted from the membrane with chelating agents, and that the material thus obtained shows many properties that distinguish it from purified DNA polymerase I. These include its chromatographic behavior, sedimentation rate, sensitivity to anti-DNA polymerase I antiserum, and activity with synthetic and natural DNA primers. Several of these physical and biological parameters were shown to revert slowly during storage to those exhibited by the purified enzyme. Efforts to determine whether the unusual properties of the membrane enzyme resulted from its association with DNA failed to support that possibility. These observations suggest that either the cause or the result of membrane binding of DNA polymerase I is a transient change in conformation or structure of the enzyme, with a resultant change in its enzymatic activity.  相似文献   
Enzyme activity plays an essential role in many physiological processes and diseases such as pulmonary emphysema. While the lung is constantly exposed to cyclic stretching, the effects of stretch on the mechanical properties of the extracellular matrix (ECM) during digestion have not been determined. We measured the mechanical and failure properties of elastin-rich ECM sheets loaded with static or cyclic uniaxial stretch (40% peak strain) during elastase digestion. Quasistatic stress-strain measurements were taken during 30 min of digestion. The incremental stiffness of the sheets decreased exponentially with time during digestion. However, digestion in the presence of static stretch resulted in an accelerated stiffness decrease, with a time constant that was nearly 3 x smaller (7.1 min) than during digestion alone (18.4 min). These results were supported by simulations that used a nonlinear spring network model. The reduction in stiffness was larger during static than cyclic stretch, and the latter also depended on the frequency. Stretching at 20 cycles/min decreased stiffness less than stretching at 5 cycles/min, suggesting a rate-dependent coupling between mechanical forces and enzyme activity. Furthermore, pure digestion reduced the failure stress of the sheets from 88 +/- 21 kPa in control to 29 +/- 15 kPa (P < 0.05), while static and cyclic stretch resulted in a failure stress of 7 +/- 5 kPa (P < 0.05). We conclude that not only the presence but the dynamic nature of mechanical forces have a significant impact on enzyme activity, hence the deterioration of the functional properties of the ECM during exposure to enzymes.  相似文献   
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