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Simple mono- and bilayers, built of amphiphilic molecules and prepared at air-liquid or solid-liquid interfaces, can be used as models to study such effects as water penetration, hydrocarbon chain packing, and structural changes due to head group modification. In the paper, we will discuss neutron and X-ray reflectometry and grazing incidence X-ray diffraction techniques used to explore structures of such ultra-thin organic films in different environments. We will illustrate the use of these methods to characterize the morphologies of the following systems: (i) polyethylene glycol-modified distearoylphosphatidylethanolamine monolayers at air-liquid and solid-liquid interfaces; and (ii) assemblies of branched polyethyleneimine polymer and dimyristoylphophatidylcholine lipid at solid-liquid interfaces.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Für ein umfassendes Schutzkonzept für den Weißstorch (Ciconia ciconia) im Rahmen der Bonner Konvention entlang der Ostroute von den Brutgebieten über Israel bis in nordostafrikanische Zwischenziele war es erforderlich, den genauen Zugablauf, das Rastverhalten sowie Fragen der Zugenergetik und Zugökologie zu untersuchen. Wir bearbeiteten die Fragen mit Hilfe der Satelliten-Telemetrie (75 Individuen), der Untersuchung von Störchen in Volieren einschließlich der Magnet-Resonanz-(MR-)Tomographie und -Spektroskopie (MRS) (12 Vögel, über 15 Monate) sowie umfangreicher Freilandstudien. Das Hauptergebnis der Untersuchungen ist: Der Weißstorch zeigt — zumindest auf der Ostroute — einen eigenartigen, bisher von keiner anderen Vogelart in dieser Form beschriebenen Zugmodus mit folgenden Charakteristika: 1) sehr zügiges, normalerweise tagtägliches Wandern vom Brutgebiet bis in die nordafrikanischen Zwischenziele, wobei täglich etwa 8–10 Stunden gewandert und 14–16 Stunden gerastet wird. Die rund 4 600 km bis zum 18. Breitengrad werden von Jung- wie Altstörchen im Mittel in 18–19 Tagen bewältigt. 2) Ganz- oder gar mehrtägige Rast wird nur ausnahmsweise eingeschoben und scheint eher durch äußere Umstände erzwungen als im endogenen Zugprogramm vorgegeben zu sein. 3) Körpermasse und Fettdeposition sind während des Wegzugs (und des Heimzugs) niedrig und erreichen Gipfelwerte im Mittwinter, die als Anpassung an unvorhersagbare Bedingungen im Winterquartier gedeutet werden. 4) Zugzeitliche Hyperphagie ist nicht erkennbar, vielmehr nehmen Störche während des Wegzugs Nahrung in Osteuropa wohl v. a. zur Deckung des Unterhaltsbedarfs auf, zum Mittelmeer hin mehr opportunistisch und in Israel so gut wie gar nicht. Dadurch und aus dem Vergleich von Körpermassen in Sachsen-Anhalt und Israel wird wahrscheinlich, dass Störche auf dem Wegzug an Masse verlieren, die dann erst in Afrika wieder aufgefüllt wird. Wir bezeichnen den Zugmodus des überwiegend im Gleitflug wandernden Weißstorchs als MSOM-Typ (von Meist täglich wandernd, Selten ganze Rasttage einlegend, Opportunistisch Nahrung aufnehmend und Maximal Mittelmäßige Fettdepots bildend) und stellen ihm die Typen ILHB (für intermittierend ziehend) sowie NNHB (nonstop wandernd) gegenüber (s. Diskussion). Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit, v. a. über Fettdeposition und Brustmuskelzustand, beruhen ganz wesentlich auf der MR-Tomographie und MR-Spektroskopie, die hier in einer Lang-zeit-Pilotstudie an einer wild lebenden Vogelart zum Einsatz kam und sich als sehr nützlich und vielversprechend erwies (s. die nachfolgende Arbeit).
The migration of the White Stork (Ciconia ciconia): a special case according to new data
Summary To formulate a comprehensive plan for the conservation of the White Stork (Ciconia ciconia) in conformity with the Bonn Convention, along the eastern migration route from the breeding grounds across Israel into the staging areas in northeastern Africa, it was essential to investigate the entire process of migration, including resting behaviour as well as the energetic and ecological aspects. Our approach employed satellite tracking (of 75 individuals), observations of storks in aviaries by methods including magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and spectroscopy (MRS) (12 birds over 15 months), and extensive field studies. The main result of the investigation is that the White Stork exhibits, at least on the eastern route, a particular mode of migration not previously described in this form for any bird species, with the following characteristics: (i) very rapid travel from the breeding region into the North African staging areas, normally with flight periods every day, lasting about 8–10 hours and separated by 14–16 hours of rest. The ca. 4600-km distance to latitude 18°N is covered in an average of 18–19 days by both young and adult storks. (ii) Rest periods of a whole day or even several days are the exception, and their occurrence seems to be prompted by external circumstances rather than prescribed in the endogenous migration program. (iii) Body mass and fat deposition are low during the outward (and the homeward) journey and peak in midwinter, which is interpreted as an adaptation to unpredictable conditions in the winter quarters. (iv) There is no discernible hyperphagia during migration; instead, on the outward journey the storks evidently feed mainly to meet their immediate needs when in eastern Europe, more opportunistically when approaching the Mediterranean Sea, and practically not at all in Israel. According to this observation and the comparison of body weights in Sachsen-Anhalt and Israel, it is likely that storks lose weight on the outward trip and do not regain it until they reach Africa. We call the migration mode of the White Stork, which travels predominantly in gliding flight, the MSOM type (from mostly travelling every day, seldom inserting whole-day rests, opportunistically feeding and moderate or no fat depots developing), and distinguish it from the types ILHB (for intermittently migrating) and NNHB (migrating non stop) (see Discussion). The results of this study, in particular regarding fat deposition and state of breast musculature, are based substantially on MRI and MRS; these methods, tested here in a pioneering long-term study of a bird species living in the wild, have proved extremely useful and show great promise (see following paper).
The role of pacemaker properties in vertebrate respiratory rhythm generation is not well understood. To address this question from a comparative perspective, brain stems from adult turtles were isolated in vitro, and respiratory motor bursts were recorded on hypoglossal (XII) nerve rootlets. The goal was to test whether burst frequency could be altered by conditions known to alter respiratory pacemaker neuron activity in mammals (e.g., increased bath KCl or blockade of specific inward currents). While bathed in artificial cerebrospinal fluid (aCSF), respiratory burst frequency was not correlated with changes in bath KCl (0.5-10.0 mM). Riluzole (50 microM; persistent Na(+) channel blocker) increased burst frequency by 31 +/- 5% (P < 0.05) and decreased burst amplitude by 42 +/- 4% (P < 0.05). In contrast, flufenamic acid (FFA, 20-500 microM; Ca(2+)-activated cation channel blocker) reduced and abolished burst frequency in a dose- and time-dependent manner (P < 0.05). During synaptic inhibition blockade with bicuculline (50 microM; GABA(A) channel blocker) and strychnine (50 muM; glycine receptor blocker), rhythmic motor activity persisted, and burst frequency was directly correlated with extracellular KCl (0.5-10.0 mM; P = 0.005). During synaptic inhibition blockade, riluzole (50 microM) did not alter burst frequency, whereas FFA (100 microM) abolished burst frequency (P < 0.05). These data are most consistent with the hypothesis that turtle respiratory rhythm generation requires Ca(2+)-activated cation channels but not pacemaker neurons, which thereby favors the group-pacemaker model. During synaptic inhibition blockade, however, the rhythm generator appears to be transformed into a pacemaker-driven network that requires Ca(2+)-activated cation channels.  相似文献   
Gastric cancer is among the leading causes of cancer-related deaths worldwide. While heritable forms of gastric cancer are relatively rare, identifying the genes responsible for such cases can inform diagnosis and treatment for both hereditary and sporadic cases of gastric cancer. Mutations in the E-cadherin gene, CDH1, account for 40% of the most common form of familial gastric cancer (FGC), hereditary diffuse gastric cancer (HDGC). The genes responsible for the remaining forms of FGC are currently unknown. Here we examined a large family from Maritime Canada with FGC without CDH1 mutations, and identified a germline coding variant (p.P946L) in mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 6 (MAP3K6). Based on conservation, predicted pathogenicity and a known role of the gene in cancer predisposition, MAP3K6 was considered a strong candidate and was investigated further. Screening of an additional 115 unrelated individuals with non-CDH1 FGC identified the p.P946L MAP3K6 variant, as well as four additional coding variants in MAP3K6 (p.F849Sfs*142, p.P958T, p.D200Y and p.V207G). A somatic second-hit variant (p.H506Y) was present in DNA obtained from one of the tumor specimens, and evidence of DNA hypermethylation within the MAP3K6 gene was observed in DNA from the tumor of another affected individual. These findings, together with previous evidence from mouse models that MAP3K6 acts as a tumor suppressor, and studies showing the presence of somatic mutations in MAP3K6 in non-hereditary gastric cancers and gastric cancer cell lines, point towards MAP3K6 variants as a predisposing factor for FGC.  相似文献   
Recurrent miscarriage (RM) affects 1% to 5% of couples trying to conceive. Despite extensive clinical and laboratory testing, half of the RM cases remain unexplained. We report the genetic analysis of a couple with eight miscarriages and the search for their potential genetic etiology.  相似文献   
A change of the thermal regime results in a variety of reactions of both abiotic and biotic components of the environment. The aim of this paper is to present new data (on Turbellaria, Oligochaeta, Hirudinea, Coleoptera and Hydracarina) on biological responses to the thermal factor discussed in a broad context of literature and, to evaluate their impact on the subsequent ecosystem development. A theoretical interpretation of all phenomena related to this factor is proposed within a widely-conceived theory of adaptation.  相似文献   
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