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To encourage nest use in breeder poultry flocks, it is important that nest boxes are attractive. Few studies have evaluated factors affecting nest attractiveness to ducks. We assessed the effects of nest box experience (Experiments 1 and 2) and features of nests, including degree of enclosure (Experiments 1 and 2) and the presence of an egg (Experiment 3), on nest site selection by sexually mature Pekin ducks. The hens were tested individually in pens containing different nest box choices. Nest preferences were determined based on the locations of 14 successively laid eggs. Ducks in Experiment 1 were provided with nest box access prior to the onset of lay (20 weeks of age, EXP group, N = 12) or at the time of preference testing (35 weeks of age, DELAYED-EXP group, N = 12). Delaying nest box access by 15 weeks did not significantly affect the proportion of eggs laid in nest boxes rather than on the floor (P = 0.40). Regardless of experience ducks laid more than 66% of their eggs in nest boxes offering a higher degree of enclosure. Ducks in Experiment 2 were reared with either open-top (OP, N = 12) or closed-top (CL, N = 12) boxes. Regardless of rearing condition, ducks preferred boxes with the highest level of enclosure offered. Ducks laid twice the expected proportion (25%) of eggs in CL boxes with curtains (P = 0.0004). CL boxes without curtains were used as predicted by chance, 25% (P = 0.746), while OP boxes with (P = 0.009) and without (P = 0.015) curtains each contained only half the expected number of eggs. Ducks in Experiment 3 were provided with two nest boxes, one of which contained the egg laid the previous day. Each day, the newly laid egg was marked and either placed back in the nest box where it was found (HANDLED, N = 12) or moved into the adjacent nest box (MOVED, N = 12). Ducks in HANDLED and MOVED laid 97.6% and 79.8%, respectively, of their eggs in boxes containing the previous day's egg. While ducks in HANDLED were consistent in their choice throughout the test, those in MOVED developed the preference over time (P = 0.039), suggesting that the preference for laying in a nest containing an egg may be influenced by experience. These results indicate that nest box enclosure and the presence of an egg are important in determining the nesting choices of Pekin ducks. Incorporating these features into nest boxes may be useful for increasing consistency of nest use in breeder duck flocks.  相似文献   
Effective therapies that prevent chronic inflammation from developing into type 1 diabetes remain elusive. In this study, we show that expression of TGF-β for just 1 wk in inflamed islets of NOD mice significantly delays diabetes development. Time course studies demonstrated that the brief TGF-β pulse protects only if administered when extensive β cell destruction has occurred. Surprisingly, TGF-β-mediated protection is not linked to enhanced Foxp3(+) regulatory T cell activity or to decreased intrapancreatic presentation of islet Ags. Instead, TGF-β disables the transition of primed autoreactive CD8(+) T cells to cytotoxic effectors and decreases generation, or maintenance, of CD8(+) memory T cells within the pancreas, significantly impairing their diabetogenic capacity.  相似文献   
High amylase activity in dogs is associated with a drastic increase in copy numbers of the gene coding for pancreatic amylase, AMY2B, that likely allowed dogs to thrive on a relatively starch‐rich diet during early dog domestication. Although most dogs thus probably digest starch more efficiently than do wolves, AMY2B copy numbers vary widely within the dog population, and it is not clear how this variation affects the individual ability to handle starch nor how it affects dog health. In humans, copy numbers of the gene coding for salivary amylase, AMY1, correlate with both salivary amylase levels and enzyme activity, and high amylase activity is related to improved glycemic homeostasis and lower frequencies of metabolic syndrome. Here, we investigate the relationship between AMY2B copy numbers and serum amylase activity in dogs and show that amylase activity correlates with AMY2B copy numbers. We then describe how AMY2B copy numbers vary in individuals from 20 dog breeds and find strong breed‐dependent patterns, indicating that the ability to digest starch varies both at the breed and individual level. Finally, to test whether AMY2B copy number is strongly associated with the risk of developing diabetes mellitus, we compare copy numbers in cases and controls as well as in breeds with varying diabetes susceptibility. Although we see no such association here, future studies using larger cohorts are needed before excluding a possible link between AMY2B and diabetes mellitus.  相似文献   
Chronic oxidative stress plays an important role in depression. The aim of present study was to examine the stress-induced changes in serum corticosterone (CORT) levels, cytosolic protein carbonyl groups, malondialdehyde (MDA), reduced glutathione (GSH), nitric oxide (NO) and total superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity in the prefrontal cortex versus hippocampus of male Wistar rats exposed to acute (2 h of immobilization or cold), chronic (21d of social isolation) stress, and their combination (chronic + acute stress). The subcellular distribution of nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) and cytosolic cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2) protein expressions were also examined. Depressive- and anxiety-like behaviors were assessed via the forced swim, sucrose preference, and marble burying tests in chronically isolated rats. Although both acute stressors resulted in elevated CORT, increased MDA in the prefrontal cortex and NF-κB activation accompanied by increased NO in the hippocampus were detected only following acute cold stress. Chronic isolation resulted in no change in CORT levels, but disabled appropriate response to novel acute stress and led to depressive- and anxiety-like behaviors. Increased oxidative/nitrosative stress markers, likely by NF-κB nuclear translocation and concomitant COX-2 upregulation, associated with decreased SOD activity and GSH levels, suggested the existence of oxidative stress in the prefrontal cortex. In contrast, hippocampus was less susceptible to oxidative damage showing only increase in protein carbonyl groups and depleted GSH. Taken together, the prefrontal cortex seems to be more sensitive to oxidative stress than the hippocampus following chronic isolation stress, which may be relevant for further research related to stress-induced depressive-like behavior.  相似文献   
Sulfotransferase (SULT)-mediated sulfation represents a critical mechanism in regulating the chemical and functional homeostasis of endogenous and exogenous molecules. The cholesterol sulfotransferase SULT2B1b catalyzes the sulfoconjugation of cholesterol to synthesize cholesterol sulfate (CS). In this study, we showed that the expression of SULT2B1b in the liver was induced in obese mice and during the transition from the fasted to the fed state, suggesting that the regulation of SULT2B1b is physiologically relevant. CS and SULT2B1b inhibited gluconeogenesis by targeting the gluconeogenic factor hepatocyte nuclear factor 4α (HNF4α) in both cell cultures and transgenic mice. Treatment of mice with CS or transgenic overexpression of the CS-generating enzyme SULT2B1b in the liver inhibited hepatic gluconeogenesis and alleviated metabolic abnormalities both in mice with diet-induced obesity (DIO) and in leptin-deficient (ob/ob) mice. Mechanistically, CS and SULT2B1b inhibited gluconeogenesis by suppressing the expression of acetyl coenzyme A (acetyl-CoA) synthetase (Acss), leading to decreased acetylation and nuclear exclusion of HNF4α. Our results also suggested that leptin is a potential effector of SULT2B1b in improving metabolic function. We conclude that SULT2B1b and its enzymatic by-product CS are important metabolic regulators that control glucose metabolism, suggesting CS as a potential therapeutic agent and SULT2B1b as a potential therapeutic target for metabolic disorders.  相似文献   
Bioagriculture and healthy lifestyle are trends of the twenty-first century. Bioagriculture involves the breeding of crops without using modern synthetic substances. Kamut brand wheat is one of the popular biocereals grown mainly in the USA and Europe. This cereal has the status of ancient wheat, not only because it has been grown since the era of the ancient Egyptian civilization, but also for its properties favorable for modern breeding programs and modern food marketing. In spite of Kamut’s® interesting history and stable place in the market, it is not a common subject of genetic studies. It is also interesting that it has not been successfully taxonomically classified yet. There are a few studies which classify this tetraploid wheat as Triticum polonicum L., T. turanicum Jakubz., T. turgidum L. and T. durum Desf. These studies are based on cytological and comparative methods. We chose molecular (transposable element resistance gene analog polymorphism, diversity arrays technology, sequencing of genes SBEIIa, and ψLpx-A1_like) and statistical methods to classify Kamut® wheat. According to our experiments we suggest that Kamut brand wheat originated as a natural hybrid between Triticum dicoccon conv. dicoccon and T. polonicum and is not original ancient Egyptian wheat. We suggest that Etruscan wheat has the same parents as Kamut®.  相似文献   


High-throughput sequencing has opened up exciting possibilities in population and conservation genetics by enabling the assessment of genetic variation at genome-wide scales. One approach to reduce genome complexity, i.e. investigating only parts of the genome, is reduced-representation library (RRL) sequencing. Like similar approaches, RRL sequencing reduces ascertainment bias due to simultaneous discovery and genotyping of single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and does not require reference genomes. Yet, generating such datasets remains challenging due to laboratory and bioinformatical issues. In the laboratory, current protocols require improvements with regards to sequencing homologous fragments to reduce the number of missing genotypes. From the bioinformatical perspective, the reliance of most studies on a single SNP caller disregards the possibility that different algorithms may produce disparate SNP datasets.


We present an improved RRL (iRRL) protocol that maximizes the generation of homologous DNA sequences, thus achieving improved genotyping-by-sequencing efficiency. Our modifications facilitate generation of single-sample libraries, enabling individual genotype assignments instead of pooled-sample analysis. We sequenced ~1% of the orangutan genome with 41-fold median coverage in 31 wild-born individuals from two populations. SNPs and genotypes were called using three different algorithms. We obtained substantially different SNP datasets depending on the SNP caller. Genotype validations revealed that the Unified Genotyper of the Genome Analysis Toolkit and SAMtools performed significantly better than a caller from CLC Genomics Workbench (CLC). Of all conflicting genotype calls, CLC was only correct in 17% of the cases. Furthermore, conflicting genotypes between two algorithms showed a systematic bias in that one caller almost exclusively assigned heterozygotes, while the other one almost exclusively assigned homozygotes.


Our enhanced iRRL approach greatly facilitates genotyping-by-sequencing and thus direct estimates of allele frequencies. Our direct comparison of three commonly used SNP callers emphasizes the need to question the accuracy of SNP and genotype calling, as we obtained considerably different SNP datasets depending on caller algorithms, sequencing depths and filtering criteria. These differences affected scans for signatures of natural selection, but will also exert undue influences on demographic inferences. This study presents the first effort to generate a population genomic dataset for wild-born orangutans with known population provenance.  相似文献   
Chronically elevated serum levels of serum amyloid A (SAA) are linked to increased risk of cardiovascular disease. However, whether SAA is directly involved in atherosclerosis development is still not known. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of adipose tissue-derived human SAA on atherosclerosis in mice. hSAA1+/− transgenic mice (hSAA1 mice) with a specific expression of human SAA1 in adipose tissue were bred with ApoE-deficient mice. The hSAA1 mice and their wild type (wt) littermates were fed normal chow for 35 weeks. At the end of the experiment, the mice were euthanized and blood, gonadal adipose tissue and aortas were collected. Plasma levels of SAA, cholesterol and triglycerides were measured. Atherosclerotic lesion areas were analyzed in the aortic arch, the thoracic aorta and the abdominal aorta in en face preparations of aorta stained with Sudan IV. The human SAA protein was present in plasma from hSAA1 mice but undetectable in wt mice. Similar plasma levels of cholesterol and triglycerides were observed in hSAA1 mice and their wt controls. There were no differences in atherosclerotic lesion areas in any sections of the aorta in hSAA1 mice compared to wt mice. In conclusion, our data suggest that adipose tissue-derived human SAA does not influence atherosclerosis development in mice.  相似文献   
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