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In growing Escherichia coli K12 cells, the cryptic bgl operon is activated 98% of the time by insertions of IS1 or IS5 into the control region, designated bglR. The activated bgl operon permits utilization of the beta-glucoside sugar arbutin as a sole carbon and energy source. The bgl operon is also activated by late-occurring mutations during prolonged selection on arbutin. The late-occurring mutations that occurred during prolonged carbon starvation in the presence of arbutin were "adaptive mutations" because they were specific to the presence of arbutin, and they did not occur during prolonged starvation in the absence of arbutin. The spectrum of late-arising mutations differed from that of early-arising, growth-dependent mutations in that 20% of the late-arising mutants resulted from mutations at the hns locus. This provides the first direct evidence for adaptive mutagenesis mediated by the insertion of IS elements. Because no special genetic background is required to select Bgl+ mutants, this affords the opportunity to study IS-element-mediated adaptive mutagenesis in a variety of genetic backgrounds, including the backgrounds of natural isolates of E. coli.   相似文献   
The selectins interact in important normal and pathological situations with certain sialylated, fucosylated glycoconjugate ligands containing sialyl Lewisx(Neu5Acalpha2-3Galbeta1-4(Fucalpha1-3)GlcN Ac). Much effort has gone into the synthesis of sialylated and sulfated Lewisxanalogs as competitive ligands for the selectins. Since the natural selectin ligands GlyCAM-1 and PSGL-1 carry sialyl Lewisxas part of a branched Core 2 O-linked structure, we recently synthesized Galbeta1-4(Fucalpha1-3)GlcNAcbeta1-6(SE-3Galbeta1++ +-3)GalNAc1alphaOMe and found it to be a moderately superior ligand for L and P-selectin (Koenig et al. , Glycobiology 7, 79-93, 1997). Other studies have shown that sulfate esters can replace sialic acid in some selectin ligands (Yeun et al. , Biochemistry, 31, 9126-9131, 1992; Imai et al. , Nature, 361, 555, 1993). Based upon these observations, we hypothesized that Neu5Acalpha2-3Galbeta1-3GalNAc might have the capability of interacting with L- and P-selectin. To examine this hypothesis, we synthesized Galbeta1-4(Fucalpha1-3)GlcNAcbeta1-6(Neu5Acalpha2++ +-3Galbeta1-3)- GalNAc alpha1-OB, which was found to be 2- to 3-fold better than sialyl Lexfor P and L selectin, respectively. We also report the synthesis of an unusual structure GalNAcbeta1-4(Fucalpha1- 3)GlcNAcbeta1-OMe (GalNAc- Lewisx-O-methyl glycoside), which also proved to be a better inhibitor of L- and P-selectin than sialyl Lewisx-OMe. Combining this with our knowledge of Core 2 branched structures, we have synthesized a molecule that is 5- to 6-fold better at inhibiting L- and P-selectin than sialyl Lewisx-OMe, By contrast to unbranched structures, substitution of a sulfate ester group for a sialic acid residue in such a molecule resulted in a considerable loss of inhibition ability. Thus, the combination of a sialic acid residue on the primary (beta1-3) arm, and a modified Lexunit on the branched (beta1-6) arm on an O-linked Core 2 structure generated a monovalent synthetic oliogosaccharide inhibitor superior to SLexfor both L- and P-selectin.   相似文献   
A monoclonal antibody, B1C1, binding to an epitope of antigenic site II of the herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) glycoprotein gC-1, is a potent inhibitor of two important biological functions of gC-1: its binding to cell surface heparan sulfate and its binding to the receptor for complement factor C3b. Here, we have analyzed a B1C1-resistant HSV- 1 variant (HSV-12762/B1C1B4.2), obtained after passage of wild type HSV- 1 (HSV-12762) in the presence of high concentrations of B1C1. The transport of newly synthesized mutant gC-1 to the cell surface was comparable to that of wild type glycoprotein, but no binding of surface- associated mutant gC-1 to B1C1 was detected. However, mutant and wild type gC-1 bound equally well to other site II Mabs. Attachment of wild type but not mutant virus was inhibited by B1C1. Sequencing of the mutant gC-1 gene revealed only one nucleotide change, resulting in replacement of Thr150 by an Ile, in turn destroying an N-glycosylation site at Asn148. Loss of one complex type N-linked glycan was confirmed by endoglycosidase digestion and subsequent SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Circular dichroism analysis of purified gC-1 from cells infected with mutant or wild type virus did not reveal any difference in secondary structure between mutant and wild type gC-1. It was not possible to obtain a B1C1-resistant phenotype by nucleotide- directed mutagenesis of gC-1 where Asn148 was changed to a glutamine. These data demonstrated that the threonine of the glycosylation site and not the N-linked glycan in itself was essential for B1C1 binding   相似文献   
Owing to the use of porphyrins in photodynamic therapy for the treatment of malignant tumors, and the preferential interaction of lectins with tumor cells, studies on lectin-porphyrin interaction are of significant interest. In this study, the interaction of several free-base and metalloporphyrins with Momordica charantia (bitter gourd) lectin (MCL) was investigated by absorption spectroscopy. Difference absorption spectra revealed that significant changes occur in the Soret band region of the porphyrins on binding to MCL. These changes were monitored to obtain association constants (Ka) and stoichiometry of binding. The tetrameric MCL binds four porphyrin molecules, and the stoichiometry was unaffected by the presence of the specific sugar, lactose. In addition, the agglutination activity of MCL was unaffected by the presence of the porphyrins used in this study, clearly indicating that porphyrin and carbohydrate ligands bind at different sites. Both cationic and anionic porphyrins bind to the lectin with comparable affinity (Ka =10(3)-10(5) m(-1)). The thermodynamic parameters associated with the interaction of several porphyrins, obtained from the temperature dependence of the Ka values, were found to be in the range: DeltaH degrees = -98.1 to -54.4 kJ.mol(-1) and DeltaS degrees =-243.9 to -90.8 J.mol(-1).K(-1). These results indicate that porphyrin binding to MCL is governed by enthalpic forces and that the contribution from binding entropy is negative. Enthalpy-entropy compensation was observed in the interaction of different porphyrins with MCL, underscoring the role of water structure in the overall binding process. Analysis of CD spectra of MCL indicates that this protein contains about 13%alpha-helix, 36%beta-sheet, 21%beta-turn, and the rest unordered structures. Binding of porphyrins does not significantly alter the secondary and tertiary structures of MCL.  相似文献   
目前几乎所有有机化学品和塑料是从原油和天然气中生产的, 而生物技术的应用使得利用可再生资源进行大规模化工生产成为可能。以下主要综述了白色生物技术, 即利用细菌、酵母或酶将可发酵糖转化为特定的化学产品的技术。白色生物技术极大节省了不可再生能源的消耗, 减少了温室气体的排放。在有利条件下, 如果化工生产中相关技术有了发展并且可以成功以木质纤维素为原料, 那么到2050年不可再生能源的消耗将减少将近2/3 (67%)。欧洲(EU-25)地区的分析表明, 白色生物技术相关的用地在未来几年的欧洲不会受到制约, 尤其是有大量闲置资源的东欧。另外, 虽然原则上可以在白色生物技术中使用自然的细菌和酶, 但是很多专家认为, 利用经遗传改造生物体(GMO)可以达到高产量、高浓度、高效率, 这对实现经济活力是必要的。值得注意的是, 目前并不是所有的重组基因和其他物种间的相互作用所带来的后果都可预见, 因此化工生产释放的GMOs的安全失活和处理非常重要, 但是如果采取足够的预防措施, 在白色生物技术中应用GMOs的风险是可以控制的。我们认为, 生物生产过程的技术突破、下游生产过程的控制、化石燃料的高价格、可发酵糖的低价获得是生物质化学产业发展中的关键因素, 这4个因素及其他伴随策略是发展整体白色生物技术的要求。  相似文献   
Cotton transgenics for resistance against cotton leaf curl disease using antisense movement protein gene (AV2) were developed in an Indian variety (F846) via Agrobacterium-mediated transformation using the protocol developed previously. A binary vector pPZP carrying the antisense AV2 (350 bp) gene along with the nptII gene was used. Transgenic nature of the putative transgenics was confirmed by molecular analysis. Shoots were induced on selection medium and subcultured on rooting medium containing IBA and 75 mg l–1 kanamycin. Transgenic plants were recovered in 12–16 weeks from the time of gene transfer to establishment in pots. Preliminary analysis of the field-established plantlets was conducted by PCR. T1 plants were obtained from T0 seeds, the presence of the AV2 and nptIIgenes in the transgenic plants was verified by PCR and integration of T-DNA with AV2 into the plant genome of putative transgenics was further confirmed by Southern blot analysis. Several T1 lines were maintained in the greenhouse. Progeny analysis of these plants by PCR analysis showed a classical Mendelian pattern of inheritance.  相似文献   
Directed evolution of cellobiose utilization in Escherichia coli K12   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The cellobiose catabolic system of Escherichia coli K12 is being used to study the role of cryptic genes in evolution of new functions. Escherichia coli does not use beta-glucoside sugars; however, mutations in several loci can activate the cryptic bgl operon and permit growth on the beta-glucoside sugars arbutin and salicin. Such Bgl+ mutants do not use cellobiose, which is the most common beta-glucoside in nature. We have isolated a Cel+ (cellobiose-utilizing) mutant from a Bgl+ mutant of E. coli K12. The Cel+ mutant grows well on cellobiose, arbutin, and salicin. Genes for utilization of these beta-glucosides are located at 37.8 min on the E. coli map. The genes of the bgl operon are not involved in cellobiose utilization. Introduction of a deletion covering bgl does not affect the ability to utilize cellobiose, arbutin, or salicin, indicating that the new Cel+ genes provide all three functions. Spontaneous cellobiose negative mutants also become arbutin and salicin negative. Analysis of beta-glucoside positive revertants of these mutants indicates that there are separate loci for utilization of each of the beta-glucoside sugars. The genes are closely linked and may be activated from a single locus. A fourth gene at an unknown location increases the growth rate on cellobiose. The cel genes constitute a second cryptic system for beta-glucoside utilization in E. coli K12.   相似文献   
The ER-Golgi intermediate compartment (ERGIC) is an organelle through which cargo proteins pass and are being transferred by either anterograde or retrograde transport between the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and the Golgi apparatus. We examined the effect of 80 different kinase inhibitors on ERGIC morphology and found that rottlerin, a PKCδ inhibitor, induced the dispersion of the perinuclear ERGIC into punctate structures. Rottlerin also delayed anterograde transport of vesicular stomatitis virus G protein (VSVG) from the ER to the Golgi and retrograde transport of cholera toxin from cell surface to the ER via the Golgi. RNA interference revealed that knockdown of PKCδ or ε resulted in the dispersion of the ERGIC, but unexpectedly did not inhibit VSVG and cholera toxin transport. We also found that rottlerin depolarized the mitochondrial membrane potential, as does carbonylcyanide-p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone (FCCP), an uncoupler, and demonstrated that a decrease in the intracellular adenosine triphosphate (ATP) levels by rottlerin might underlie the block in transports. These results suggest that PKCδ and ε specifically regulate the morphology of the ERGIC and that the maintenance of ERGIC structure is not necessarily required for anterograde and retrograde transports.  相似文献   
Tumor progression alters the composition and physical properties of the extracellular matrix. Particularly, increased matrix stiffness has profound effects on tumor growth and metastasis. While endothelial cells are key players in cancer progression, the influence of tumor stiffness on the endothelium and the impact on metastasis is unknown. Through quantitative mass spectrometry, we find that the matricellular protein CCN1/CYR61 is highly regulated by stiffness in endothelial cells. We show that stiffness‐induced CCN1 activates β‐catenin nuclear translocation and signaling and that this contributes to upregulate N‐cadherin levels on the surface of the endothelium, in vitro. This facilitates N‐cadherin‐dependent cancer cell–endothelium interaction. Using intravital imaging, we show that knockout of Ccn1 in endothelial cells inhibits melanoma cancer cell binding to the blood vessels, a critical step in cancer cell transit through the vasculature to metastasize. Targeting stiffness‐induced changes in the vasculature, such as CCN1, is therefore a potential yet unappreciated mechanism to impair metastasis.  相似文献   
Nine thraustochytrid strains isolated from subtropical mangroves were screened for their eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) production potential in a glucose yeast extract medium. Their ability to utilize okara (soymilk residue) for growth and EPA and DHA production was also evaluated. EPA yield was low in most strains, while DHA level was high on glucose yeast extract medium, producing 28.1–41.1% of total fatty acids, for all strains, with the exception of Ulkenia sp. KF13. The DHA yield of Schizochytrium mangrovei strains ranged from 747.7 to 2778.9 mg/l after 52 h of fermentation at 25°C. All strains utilized okara as a substrate for growth, but DHA yield was lower when compared with fermentation in a glucose yeast extract medium. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology (2001) 27, 199–202. Received 11 December 2000/ Accepted in revised form 29 June 2001  相似文献   
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