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In vitro binding of Hoechst 33258 to the promoter region of human c-myc, d(GG GGAGGG TGG GGA GGG TGG GGA AGG TGG GG) which forms G-quadruplex, both in vitro and in vivo in the presence of metal ions, was investigated by equilibrium absorption, fluorescence, and kinetic surface plasmon resonance methods. Hypochromic effect in UV absorption spectra and blue shift in fluorescence emission maxima of Hoechst in the presence of quadruplex revealed that Hoechst binds to the quadruplex. Analysis of UV and fluorescence titration data revealed that Hoechst binds to quadruplex with binding affinity of the order of 10(6). Anisotropy measurements and higher lifetime obtained from time-resolved decay experiments revealed that quadruplex-bound Hoechst is rotationally restricted in a less polar environment than the bulk buffer medium. From surface plasmon resonance studies, we obtained kinetic association (k(a)) and dissociation (k(d)) of 1.23+/-0.04 x 10(5)M(-1)s(-1) and 0.686+/-0.009 s(-1), respectively. As Hoechst is known to bind A-T-rich region of duplex DNA, here we propose the likelihood of Hoechst interacting with the AAGGT loop of the quadruplex.  相似文献   
Gollapalli DR  Maiti P  Rando RR 《Biochemistry》2003,42(40):11824-11830
RPE65 is a major protein of unknown function found associated with the retinyl pigment epithelial (RPE) membranes [Hamel, C. P., Tsilou, E., Pfeffer, B. A., Hooks, J. J., Detrick, B., and Redmond, T. M. (1993) J. Biol. Chem. 268, 15751-15757; Bavik, C. O., Levy, F., Hellman, U., Wernstedt, C., and Eriksson, U. (1993) J. Biol. Chem. 268, 20540-20546]. RPE65 knockouts fail to synthesize 11-cis-retinal, the chromophore of rhodopsin, and accumulate all-trans-retinyl esters in the RPE. Previous studies have also shown that RPE65 is specifically labeled with all-trans-retinyl ester based affinity labeling agents, suggesting a retinyl ester binding role for the protein. In the present work, we show that purified RPE65 binds all-trans-retinyl palmitate (tRP) with a K(D) = 20 pM. These quantitative experiments are performed by measuring the quenching of RPE65 fluorescence by added tRP. The binding for tRP is highly specific because 11-cis-retinyl palmitate binds with a K(D) = 14 nM, 11-cis-retinol binds with a K(D) = 3.8 nM, and all-trans-retinol (vitamin A) binds with a K(D) = 10.8 nM. This stereospecificity for tRP is to be compared to the binding of retinoids to BSA, where virtually no discrimination is found in the binding of the same retinoids. This work provides further evidence that RPE65 functions by binding to and mobilizing the highly hydrophobic all-trans-retinyl esters, allowing them to enter the visual cycle.  相似文献   
Duttaroy A  Paul A  Kundu M  Belton A 《Genetics》2003,165(4):2295-2299
A null mutation for the Sod2 gene, Sod2n283, was obtained in Drosophila melanogaster. Homozygous Sod2 null (Sodn283/Sodn283) adult flies survive up to 24 hr following eclosion, a phenotype reminiscent of mice, where Sod2-/- progeny suffer neonatal lethality. Sodn283/+ heterozygotes are sensitive to oxidative stress induced by paraquat treatment.  相似文献   
Sanguinarine exhibits pH dependent structural equilibrium between iminium form (structure I) and alkanolamine form (structure II) with a pKa of 7.4 as revealed from spectrophotometric titration. The titration data show that the compound exists almost exclusively as structure I and structure II in the pH range 1 to 6 and 8.5 to 11, respectively. The interaction of structure I and structure II to several B-form natural and synthetic double and single stranded DNAs has been studied by spectrophotometric, spectrofluorimetric and circular dichroic measurements in buffers of pH 5.2 and pH 10.4 where the physicochemical properties of DNA remain in B-form structure. The results show that structure I bind strongly to all B-form DNA structures showing typical hypochromism and bathochromism of the alkaloid's absorption maximum, quenching of steady-state fluorescence intensity and perturbations in circular dichroic spectrum. The structure II does not bind to DNA, but in presence of large amount of DNA significant population of structure I is generated, which binds to DNA and forms a structure I-DNA intercalated complex. The nature and magnitude of the spectral pattern are very much dependent on the structure as well as base composition of each DNA. The generation of the structure I from structure II is significantly affected by increasing ionic strength of the medium. The conversion of structure II to structure I in presence of high concentration of DNA in solution is explained through formation of a binding equilibrium process between structure II and structure I-DNA intercalated complex.  相似文献   
The aim of the current study was to investigate lithium action on adrenomedullary and adrenocortical functions and on serum ionic balance in rats. Three age-groups of male rats (juvenile: 30 days, adult: 100 days and aged: 3 years) were used. Each age-group of animal was exposed to short- (10 days) and long-term (25 days) treatments with lithium. Each age-group of rat received lithium at a dose 2mEq/kg body weight daily for 10 and 25 days. Each daily dose (2mEq) was divided equally into half (1 mEq) and each half was injected intraperitoneally twice (at 9 am and 9 pm) for both the durations of experiments. Control animals received physiological saline for similar duration of experiments. Thirty animals were used for each age-group and they were divided equally into 6 groups with 5 each. After termination of all the experiments rats were sacrificed and, adrenal glands were quickly dissected out and processed for epinephrine, norepinephrine and corticosterone estimations and, 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3 beta-HSDH) activity of the adrenal gland. Blood was drawn from the heart of each rat and, serum was collected and stored at -20 degrees C until assayed for lithium, calcium, sodium, potassium and corticosterone concentrations. The findings revealed that lithium in both short- and long-term treatments was maintained well within the therapeutic range (0.3-0.8 mEq/l) in all the age-groups of rats. This alkali metal caused depletions of both epinephrine and norepinephrine concentrations from adrenal glands, and elevations of corticosterone in both adrenal and blood serum of each age-group of rat (juvenile, adult and aged). Additionally adrenal 3beta-HSDH activity was also increased in all the age-groups of rats irrespective of duration of the treatments. Short-term treatment of lithium elevated only serum K+ level in juvenile and adult rats and, Ca+ level only in adult animals. Significant elevations of serum K+ and Ca+ levels were observed following long-term treatments of lithium in all the age group of rats. No significant change in serum Na+ level was recorded after lithium treatment, irrespective of duration of treatments, in any age-group of rats. The findings suggest that lithium action, in respect of adrenomedullary and adrenocortical functions and, serum ionic balance, may not be largely related to the age-group of rats and that, lithium acts on adrenomedullary activity probably by stimulating the release mechanism of epinephrine and norepinephrine from the adrenal gland of rats, but stimulates adrenocortical activity by stimulating both synthesis (including 3 beta-HSDH activity) and release of corticorterone. Simultaneously, lithium disturbs normal ionic balance by elevating K+ and Ca+ levels in all the age-group of rats. Thus, the antimanic drug certainly disturbs both adrenomedullary and adrenocortical functions and, serum ionic balance in all the age-group of rats.  相似文献   
The oviduct of the Indian fresh water soft-shelled turtle Lissemys punctata punctata was examined throughout the year under light and scanning electron microscopes to determine the location, histomorphological characteristics, and function of sperm storage structure, as well as their changes at different phases of the seasonal reproductive cycle. Sperm storage structures in the form of tubules were observed in the wall of isthmus throughout the year. These tubules developed either by folding or fusion of the oviductal mucosal folds and were lined by both ciliated and nonciliated epithelial cells. The height and secretory activities of the epithelia were markedly high during the breeding phase (August to September) but low in the nonbreeding phase (October to June). A few short tubules lined by cuboidal epithelium appear in the wall of infundibulum only during the breeding phase. Following mating (May), inseminated sperm were stored within the tubules of isthmus up to the pre-ovulatory stage (August). Thereafter, sperm associated with PAS-positive materials secreted from the epithelium (referred to as a carrier matrix) moved forward to the infundibulum and were stored within the storage tubules of the infundibulum for a short time. Subsequently, sperm evacuated the storage tubules and entered the oviductal lumen to fertilize the subsequently ovulated eggs during or prior to ovulation. The isthmus-tubules become shorter and narrower in the regressive phase (October to November) and remained so until the early preparatory phase (April). Sperm release might have been stimulated by estrogen secreted from the ovarian follicles of pre-ovulatory turtles. Stored sperm not utilized for fertilization remained viable not less than six months in the present turtle species.  相似文献   
Maiti T  Das S  Maitra U 《Gene》2000,244(1-2):109-118
Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5 (eIF5) interacts with the 40S ribosomal initiation complex (40S.eIF3.AUG.Met-tRNA(f).eIF2.GTP) to promote the hydrolysis of bound GTP. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, eIF5, a protein of 45346Da, is encoded by a single-copy essential gene, TIF5. In this paper, we have isolated a temperature-sensitive S. cerevisiae strain, TMY5-1, by replacing the wild-type chromosomal copy of TIF5 with one mutagenized in vitro. The mutant yeast cells rapidly cease protein synthesis when grown under non-permissive conditions, lose polyribosomes and accumulate free 80S ribosomes. Further characterization of mutant eIF5 showed that the mutant protein, expressed in Escherichia coli, is defective both in its interaction with eIF2 as well as in mediating the hydrolysis of GTP bound to the 40S initiation complex and consequently in the formation of the 80S initiation complex. Additionally, the availability of a yeast strain containing temperature-sensitive mutation in the eIF5 gene allowed us to construct a cell-free translation system that was dependent on exogenously added eIF5 for translation of mRNAs in vitro.  相似文献   
Like the muscle protein Titin, proteins of the ubiquitin family exhibit a parallel strand arrangement, but otherwise having a distinctly different fold and not involved in an obvious load‐bearing function, exhibit high resistance to mechanical unfolding. We have applied all‐atom molecular dynamics simulation technique in implicit solvent to present a deep insight into the force‐induced unfolding pathway of three proteins—ubiquitin, NEDD8, and SUMO‐2—all having almost similar structural features. Two intermediates evolve in the unfolding pathway of each of the three proteins. The first intermediate, which has already been identified in case of ubiquitin by earlier simulation results, is similar for ubiquitin and NEDD8, but different in SUMO‐2. We have found a new intermediate with β3–β4 hairpin and some residual α‐helical character; and this intermediate is common for all the three proteins. Thus, proteins of the ubiquitin family pass through a well‐defined conformation in their force‐induced unfolding pathway. Reason behind the higher mechanical stability of the proteins with parallel strand structures like Titin has also been identified. Proteins 2009. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Aggregation of the amyloid beta (Abeta) peptide yields both fibrillar precipitates and soluble oligomers, and is associated with Alzheimer's disease (AD). In vitro, Cu(2+) and Zn(2+) strongly bind Abeta and promote its precipitation. However, less is known about their interactions with the soluble oligomers, which are thought to be the major toxic species responsible for AD. Using fluorescence correlation spectroscopy to resolve the various soluble species of Abeta, we show that low concentrations of Cu(2+) (1 microM) and Zn(2+) (4 microM) selectively eliminate the oligomeric population (within approximately 2h), while Mg(2+) displays a similar effect at a higher concentration (60 microM). This uncovers a new aspect of Abeta-metal ion interactions, as precipitation is not substantially altered at these low metal ion concentrations. Our results suggest that physiological concentrations of Cu(2+) and Zn(2+) can critically alter the stability of the toxic Abeta oligomers and can potentially control the course of neurodegeneration.  相似文献   
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the characteristics of the circadian rest‐activity rhythm of cancer patients. Thirty‐one in‐patients, consisting of 19 males and 12 females, were randomly selected from the Regional Cancer Center, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Raipur, India. The rest‐activity rhythm was studied non‐invasively by wrist actigraphy, and compared with 35 age‐matched apparently healthy subjects (22 males and 13 females). All subjects wore an Actiwatch (AW64, Mini Mitter Co. Inc., USA) for at least 4–7 consecutive days. Fifteen‐second epoch length was selected for gathering actigraphy data. In addition, several sleep parameters, such as time in bed, assumed sleep, actual sleep time, actual wake time, sleep efficiency, sleep latency, sleep bouts, wake bouts, and fragmentation index, were also recorded. Data were analyzed using several statistical techniques, such as cosinor rhythmometry, spectral analysis, ANOVA, Duncan's multiple‐range test, and t‐test. Dichotomy index (I<O) and autocorrelation coefficient (r24) were also computed. The results validated a statistically significant circadian rhythm in rest‐activity with a prominent period of 24 h for most cancer patients and control subjects. Results of this study further revealed that cancer patients do experience a drastic alteration in the circadian rest‐activity rhythm parameters. Both the dichotomy index and r24 declined in the group of cancer patients. The occurrence of the peak (acrophase, Ø) of the rest‐activity rhythm was earlier (p<0.001) in cancer patients than age‐ and gender‐matched control subjects. Results of sleep parameters revealed that cancer patients spent longer time in bed, had longer assumed and actual sleep durations, and a greater number of sleep and wake bouts compared to control subjects. Further, nap frequency, total nap duration, average nap, and total nap duration per 1 h awake span were statistically significantly higher in cancer patients than control subjects. In conclusion, the results of the present study document the disruption of the circadian rhythm in rest‐activity of cancer in‐patients, with a dampening of amplitude, lowering of mean level of activity, and phase advancement. These alterations of the circadian rhythm characteristics could be attributed to disease, irrespective of variability due to gender, sites of cancer, and timings of therapies. These results might help in designing patient‐specific chronotherapeutic protocols.  相似文献   
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