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In winter seasons, wild sika deer (Cervus nippon yesoensis) inhabiting the Shiretoko Peninsula of Hokkaido Island, Japan, mainly graze woody materials (bark and twigs, etc.) as their feed source. Most of the tree species that they feed upon contain a high level of hydrolysable tannins within the inner bark. Tannins generally lead to low protein digestion and nutrient loss to these herbivorous mammals due to tannization of proteins. In winter months, it is speculated that wild sika deer develop a mechanism to degrade the tannins which are contained in their feed sources, but rumen fluid obtained from sika deer in winter months did not exhibit any ability to degrade tannins in liquid culture medium. However, constant degradation of hydrolysable tannin was observed when Ca-alginate gel beads were used for microbial immobilization and culturing. The gel beads that had been impregnated with 0.6×104 fold-diluted rumen fluid of sika deer in winter and pre-incubated for 24 h under anaerobic conditions supplemented with a 1.5 g/L sugar were reacted with 5 g/L tannic acid solution. Under these conditions, the immobilized rumen bacteria grown in the macrogel beads effectively hydrolyzed tannic acid to release gallic acid monomers. Major bacterial colonies emerging in the Ca-alginate gel beads were identified as Streptococcus macedonicus and this bacterium (EC-D140) was regarded as the most likely candidate as the tannin-degrading bacterium.  相似文献   
Annual changes in testicular development and occurrence of parasperm were investigated using 2-year-old male fourspine sculpins Cottus kazika, based on the histological observation of testes. The male reproductive organ of fourspine sculpins comprised a pair of testes and a sperm duct that functioned as a sperm-storage organ. Male maturity was divided into the following periods: spermatogonial proliferation period (September), early spermatogenic period (October), mid-spermatogenic period (November), late spermatogenic period (December and January), functional maturation period (February and March), and recovery period (April to August). Spermatogenesis rapidly progressed from October to January and continued until the functional maturation period. Parasperm formation, which is known in some cottidae species, was observed in fourspine sculpins. Testicular regression of cultured fourspine sculpins progressed slowly during the recovery period when residual parasperm and empty spaces occupied the testis. The parasperm were immotile and oval and slightly concave on one side; additionally, they stained strongly with hematoxylin and PAS. Seminal lobules of the testis were filled with parasperm during the spawning period; in contrast, the sperm duct was filled with eusperm. These findings were observed in both cultured and wild fish. In this study, the functions of parasperm with regard to reproduction in fourspine sculpins are discussed.  相似文献   
An isoflavone 5-O-methyltransferase was partially purified from the roots of yellow lupin (Lupinus luteus) by fractional precipitation with ammonium sulfate, followed by gel filtration and ion-exchange chromatography using a fast-protein liquid chromatography system. This enzyme, which was purified 810-fold, catalyzed position-specific methylation of the 5-hydroxyl group of a number of substituted isoflavones. The methyltransferase had a pH optimum of 7 in phosphate buffer, an apparent pI of 5.2, a molecular weight of 55,000, no requirement for Mg2+, and was inhibited by various SH-group reagents. Substrate interaction kinetics of the isoflavonoid substrate and S-adenosyl-L-methionine gave converging lines which were consistent with a sequential bireactant binding mechanism. Furthermore, product inhibition studies showed competitive inhibition between S-adenosyl-L-methionine and S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine and noncompetitive inhibition between the isoflavone and either S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine or the 5-O-methylisoflavone. The kinetic patterns obtained were consistent with an ordered bi bi mechanism, where S-adenosyl-L-methionine is the first substrate to bind to the enzyme and S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine is the final product released. The physiological role of this enzyme is discussed in relation to the biosynthesis of 5-O-methylisoflavones of this tissue.  相似文献   
A human fetal bronchial epithelial cell line (HFBE) grew in an undifferentiated pattern under conventional culture conditions. Despite a somewhat fibroblastic shape the cells maintained immunoreactivity to cytokeratin, carcinoembryonic antigen and epithelial membrane antigen. When grown on a collagen gel in a growth-hormone-supplemented medium, their spindle shape became more conspicuous. With an additional supplement of vitamin A (6 micrograms/ml), most of the cells underwent differentiation by producing many bright inclusion bodies which proved to be strongly positive with periodic acid-Schiff and weakly positive with alcian blue staining. Electron microscopy revealed a well-developed rough endoplasmic reticulum, an enlarged Golgi apparatus and many highly electron-dense secretory granules resembling those of Clara cells. Biochemical analysis demonstrated that HFBE cells cultured on collagen gel with vitamin A secreted hyaluronic acid and neutral glycoproteins containing mainly N-linked glycoproteins whose glycans were of a complex type. A monoclonal antibody (SEC-41) generated against the neutral glycoproteins detected a glycoprotein of approximately 52 kDa in the spent culture medium of differentiated HFBE cells. This antibody also reacted with the intracytoplasmic secretory granules in these cells. When tested on frozen sections of lung tissue, the immunohistochemical reactivity of the SEC-41 antibody was confined to Clara cells, some type II pneumocytes in the adult lung, and respiratory epithelial cells in the fetal lung. Moreover, this antibody could detect secretory glycoprotein in broncho-alveolar lavages from two patients. This paper clearly demonstrates that cells derived from human fetal bronchial epithelium can be cultivated in an undifferentiated precursor state and, under appropriate culture conditions, can be stimulated to undergo differentiation into a Clara cell type.  相似文献   
Avian heads are characterized as having two extensive air-filled systems lined with epithelia; the paranasal and paratympanic sinuses. Many diverticula derived from the paratympanic sinus system are known to reticulate with each other to form a single merged pneumatic space within the adult braincase. However, the development of these complex branching and reticulating epithelia has not been examined in detail. In this study, we describe the comprehensive developmental pattern of the paratympanic sinus and its associated soft tissues in a model bird, Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica). The data are derived from three-dimensional reconstructions based on histological sections and soft tissue enhanced micro-CT data. Those data provide the foundation of the complex hierarchical developmental pattern of the paratympanic sinus system. Moreover, associations with other tissues help establish key morphologies that identify each pneumatic entity. This study clarifies the developmental relationships of the ventral portions of the paratympanic sinus system, the siphoneal diverticulum and marginal sinus, based on the ligaments associated with the Eustachian tube. In addition, detailed histological pneumatic morphologies reveal hitherto unknown epithelial diversity, which may be indicative of equally complex developmental processes. We use the pneumatization of the quadrate as an example to support a close relationship with vascular growth and pneumatic epithelia invasion into ossified bone. We confirm pneumatic diverticula never enter into cartilages, possibly due to the absence of vasculature in these tissues. Lastly, we use the concept of a morphogenetic tree as a tool to help present the complex developmental pattern of the paratympanic sinus system and apply it toward inferring pneumatic morphologies in a nonavian theropod braincase.  相似文献   
Two mucin-type glycopeptides that suppressed the productionof pisatin, a phytoalexin of pea, were purified from a pea pathogen,Mycosphaerella pinodes. The structures of Supprescin A (Mr,452) and Supprescin B (Mr, 959) were determined by an analysisof amino acid sequences and 13C- and 1H-NMR. (Received April 22, 1992; Accepted June 16, 1992)  相似文献   
Synaptosome-associated protein of 25 kDa (SNAP-25) has beenshown to play an important role inCa2+-dependent exocytosis inneurons and endocrine cells. During fertilization, sperm-egg fusioninduces cytosolic Ca2+mobilization and subsequentlyCa2+-dependent cortical granule(CG) exocytosis in eggs. However, it is not yet clear whether SNAP-25is involved in this process. In this study, we determined theexpression and function of SNAP-25 in mouse eggs. mRNA and SNAP-25 weredetected in metaphase II (MII) mouse eggs by RT-PCR and immunoblotanalysis, respectively. Next, to determine the function of SNAP-25, weevaluated the change in CG exocytosis with a membrane dye,tetramethylammonium-1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene, after microinjectionof a botulinum neurotoxin A (BoNT/A), which selectively cleaves SNAP-25in MII eggs. Sperm-induced CG exocytosis was significantly inhibited inthe BoNT/A-treated eggs. The inhibition was attenuated by coinjectionof SNAP-25. These results suggest that SNAP-25 may be involved inCa2+-dependent CG exocytosisduring fertilization in mouse eggs.

Structural studies have been carried out on the O-specific fraction from the lipopolysaccharide of Pseudomonas aeruginosa NCTC 8505, Habs serotype 03. The O-specific polysaccharide has a tetrasaccharide repeating-unit containing residues of L-rhamnose (Rha), 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-D-glucose (GlcNAc), 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-L-galacturonic acid (GalNAcA), and 2,4-diacetamido-2,4,6-trideoxy-D-glucose (BacNAc2). The following structure has been assigned to the repeating-unit: leads to 3)Rhap(beta 1 leads to 6)GlcpNAc(alpha 1 leads to 4)GalpNAcA(alpha 1 leads to 3)BacpNAc2(alpha 1 leads to. The parent lipopolysaccharide is a mixture of S, R, and SR species, and its high phosphorus content is partly due to the presence of triphosphate residues, as found for other lipopolysaccharides from P. aeruginosa. In addition to phosphorus, heptose, a 3-deoxyoctulosonic acid, and amide-bound alanine, the core oligosaccharide contains glucose, rhamnose, and galactosamine (molar proportions 3:1:1). The rhamnose and part of the glucose are present as unsubstituted pyranoside residues: other glucose residues are 6-substituted.  相似文献   
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