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Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry - Hypoglycemia is a detrimental complication of rigorous management of type 1 diabetes mellitus. Moderate hypoglycemia (MH) preconditioning of male rats...  相似文献   
Verticillium wilt (VW) is a fungal disease that causes severe yield losses in alfalfa. The most effective method to control the disease is through the development and use of resistant varieties. The identification of marker loci linked to VW resistance can facilitate breeding for disease‐resistant alfalfa. In the present investigation, we applied an integrated framework of genome‐wide association with genotyping‐by‐sequencing (GBS) to identify VW resistance loci in a panel of elite alfalfa breeding lines. Phenotyping was performed by manual inoculation of the pathogen to healthy seedlings, and scoring for disease resistance was carried out according to the standard test of the North America Alfalfa Improvement Conference (NAAIC). Marker–trait association by linkage disequilibrium identified 10 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers significantly associated with VW resistance. Alignment of the SNP marker sequences to the M. truncatula genome revealed multiple quantitative trait loci (QTLs). Three, two, one and five markers were located on chromosomes 5, 6, 7 and 8, respectively. Resistance loci found on chromosomes 7 and 8 in the present study co‐localized with the QTLs reported previously. A pairwise alignment (blastn ) using the flanking sequences of the resistance loci against the M. truncatula genome identified potential candidate genes with putative disease resistance function. With further investigation, these markers may be implemented into breeding programmes using marker‐assisted selection, ultimately leading to improved VW resistance in alfalfa.  相似文献   
Recent studies have revealed high local diversity and endemism in groundwaters, and showed that species with large ranges are extremely rare. One of such species is the cave shrimp Troglocaris anophthalmus from the Dinaric Karst on the western Balkan Peninsula, apparently uniform across a range of more than 500 kilometres. As such it contradicts the paradigm that subterranean organisms form localized, long-term stable populations that cannot disperse over long distances. We tested it for possible cryptic diversity and/or unexpected evolutionary processes, analysing mitochondrial (COI, 16S rRNA) and nuclear (ITS2) genes of 232 specimens from the entire range. The results of an array of phylogeographical procedures congruently suggested that the picture of a widespread, continuously distributed and homogenous T. anophthalmus was wrong. The taxon is composed of four or possibly five monophyletic, geographically defined phylogroups that meet several species delimitation criteria, two of them showing evidence of biological reproductive isolation in sympatry. COI genetic distances between phylogroups turned out to be a poor predictor, as they were much lower than the sometimes suggested crustacean threshold value of 0.16 substitutions per site. Most results confirmed the nondispersal hypothesis of subterranean fauna, but the southern Adriatic phylogroup displayed a paradoxical pattern of recent dispersal across 300 kilometres of hydrographically fragmented karst terrain. We suggest a model of migration under extreme water-level conditions, when flooded poljes could act as stepping-stones. In the north of the range (Slovenia), the results confirmed the existence of a zone of unique biogeographical conflict, where surface fauna is concordant with the current watershed, and subterranean fauna is not.  相似文献   
It is well established that the humoral immune response can generate antibodies to many different antigens. The antibody diversity required to achieve this is believed to be substantial. However, the extent to which the immune repertoire can generate structural diversity against a single target antigen has never been addressed. Here, we have used phage display to demonstrate the extraordinary capacity of the human antibody repertoire. Over 1000 antibodies, all different in amino acid sequence, were generated to a single protein, B-lymphocyte stimulator (BLyS™ protein). This is a highly diverse panel of antibodies as exemplified by the extensive heavy and light chain germline usage: 42/49 functional heavy chain germlines and 19/33 Vλ and 13/35 Vκ light chain germlines were all represented in the panel of antibodies. Moreover, a high level of sequence diversity was observed in the VH CDR3 domains of these antibodies, with 568 different amino acid sequences identified. Thus we have demonstrated that specific recognition of a single antigen can be achieved from many different VDJ combinations, illustrating the remarkable problem-solving ability of the human immune repertoire. When studied in a biochemical assay, around 500 (40%) of these antibodies inhibited the binding of BLyS to its receptors on B-cell lines. The most potent antibodies inhibited BLyS binding with sub-nanomolar IC50 values and with sub-nanomolar affinities. Such antibodies provide excellent choices as candidates for the treatment of BLyS-associated autoimmune diseases.  相似文献   
Mangroves have been identified as blue carbon ecosystems that are natural carbon sinks. In Bangladesh, the establishment of mangrove plantations for coastal protection has occurred since the 1960s, but the plantations may also be a sustainable pathway to enhance carbon sequestration, which can help Bangladesh meet its greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction targets, contributing to climate change mitigation. As a part of its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) under the Paris Agreement 2016, Bangladesh is committed to limiting the GHG emissions through the expansion of mangrove plantations, but the level of carbon removal that could be achieved through the establishment of plantations has not yet been estimated. The mean ecosystem carbon stock of 5–42 years aged (average age: 25.5 years) mangrove plantations was 190.1 (±30.3) Mg C ha−1, with ecosystem carbon stocks varying regionally. The biomass carbon stock was 60.3 (±5.6) Mg C ha−1 and the soil carbon stock was 129.8 (±24.8) Mg C ha−1 in the top 1 m of which 43.9 Mg C ha−1 was added to the soil after plantation establishment. Plantations at age 5 to 42 years achieved 52% of the mean ecosystem carbon stock calculated for the reference site (Sundarbans natural mangroves). Since 1966, the 28,000 ha of established plantations to the east of the Sundarbans have accumulated approximately 76,607 Mg C year−1 sequestration in biomass and 37,542 Mg C year−1 sequestration in soils, totaling 114,149 Mg C year−1. Continuation of the current plantation success rate would sequester an additional 664,850 Mg C by 2030, which is 4.4% of Bangladesh's 2030 GHG reduction target from all sectors described in its NDC, however, plantations for climate change mitigation would be most effective 20 years after establishment. Higher levels of investment in mangrove plantations and higher plantation establishment success could contribute up to 2,098,093 Mg C to blue carbon sequestration and climate change mitigation in Bangladesh by 2030.  相似文献   
The structure of the transition state for folding/unfolding of the immunophilin FKBP12 has been characterised using a combination of protein engineering techniques, unfolding kinetics, and molecular dynamics simulations. A total of 34 mutations were made at sites throughout the protein to probe the extent of secondary and tertiary structure in the transition state. The transition state for folding is compact compared with the unfolded state, with an approximately 30 % increase in the native solvent-accessible surface area. All of the interactions are substantially weaker in the transition state, as probed by both experiment and molecular dynamics simulations. In contrast to some other proteins of this size, no element of structure is fully formed in the transition state; instead, the transition state is similar to that found for smaller, single-domain proteins, such as chymotrypsin inhibitor 2 and the SH3 domain from alpha-spectrin. For FKBP12, the central three strands of the beta-sheet, beta-strand 2, beta-strand 4 and beta-strand 5, comprise the most structured region of the transition state. In particular Val101, which is one of the most highly buried residues and located in the middle of the central beta-strand, makes approximately 60 % of its native interactions. The outer beta-strands and the ends of the central beta-strands are formed to a lesser degree. The short alpha-helix is largely unstructured in the transition state, as are the loops. The data are consistent with a nucleation-condensation model of folding, the nucleus of which is formed by side-chains within beta-strands 2, 4 and 5, and the C terminus of the alpha-helix. The precise residues involved in the nucleus differ in the two simulated transition state ensembles, but the interacting regions of the protein are conserved. These residues are distant in the primary sequence, demonstrating the importance of tertiary interactions in the transition state. The two independently derived transition state ensembles are structurally similar, which is consistent with a Bronsted analysis confirming that the transition state is an ensemble of states close in structure.  相似文献   
Stomach contents were identified from 206 Antarctic starry skate (Amblyraja georgiana) that were collected during three groundfish surveys (September 2007, April 2008 and January 2009) at South Georgia, Southern Ocean. The diet of A. georgiana varied with skate size and between years. Preferred prey included fish (particularly for larger individuals) and Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba, as well as amphipods, polychaetes and other benthic fauna. The skate A. georgiana appears to be an opportunistic predator, and the clear presence of Antarctic krill in this demersal predator’s diet may indicate a benthic habit of this euphausiid species, which has hitherto mainly been considered as occupying a purely pelagic niche.  相似文献   
Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) biosensor formats using gold nanoparticle or protein signal amplification for the sensitive assay of small molecules were developed using progesterone as a model compound. Progesterone was immobilized to a dextran surface in the Biacore biosensor through in situ covalent immobilization using an oligoethylene glycol linker attached to the 4 position of the steroid. This surface produced stable antibody binding for in excess of 1100 assay cycles. Using this surface, assays were developed for progesterone using 10- and 20-nm gold-streptavidin labels attached to biotinylated monoclonal antibody in both label prebinding and sequential binding formats. Prelabeling formats gave no signal enhancement but produced assays with limits of detection of 143 pg/ml, compared with approximately 1 ng/ml in previous studies. Sequential binding formats gave signal enhancements of 2.2-fold over the monoclonal antibody and a limit of detection of 23.1 pg/ml. It was found that secondary antibody labeling gave 8.1-fold signal enhancements and a limit of detection of 20.1 pg/ml, whereas use of secondary antibody-25 nm gold complexes provided more signal enhancement (13-fold) and a further improvement in limit of detection of 8.6 pg/ml.  相似文献   
Repeat proteins are ubiquitous and are involved in a myriad of essential processes. They are typically non-globular structures that act as diverse scaffolds for the mediation of protein-protein interactions. These excitingly different structures, which arise from tandem arrays of a repeated structural motif, have generated significant interest with respect to protein engineering and design. Recent advances have been made in the design and characterisation of repeat proteins. The highlights include re-engineering of binding specificity, quantitative models of repeat protein stability and kinetic studies of repeat protein folding.  相似文献   
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