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Demographic and phenological traits compose the basic elements of an insect's life-history strategy in a seasonal environment. An insect's long-term fitness depends on its ability to exploit favorable conditions, to avoid unfavorable conditions, and to convert from one life style to the other. For the pitcher-plant mosquito, Wyeomyia smithii, we show that genetic variation exists in both development time (a demographic trait) and critical photoperiod (a phenological trait) in six populations spanning much of the species' geographical range. During the northward range expansion of W. smithii in North America, these traits have evolved independently under strong directional and stabilizing selection. The correlated response in critical photoperiod to divergent selection on development time reveals significantly positive genetic correlations in five populations and a negative correlation in one population. The positive correlations form a genetically coordinated phenotype: faster developing individuals use a shorter photoperiodic switch point and are able to exploit the late favorable season; slower developing individuals use a longer photoperiodic switch point and are able to avoid extending development into the unfavorable season. This genetic coordination of demography and phenology has not, however, prevented their independent evolution. We propose that evolutionary flexibility in W. smithii may arise in part from the reorganization of their genetic architecture following repeated founder events during their northward invasion of North America.  相似文献   
Nisin is a bacteriocin with a broad antibacterial spectrum including strains of Listeria monocytogenes . Populations of L. monocytogenes , however, frequently contain spontaneous nisin-resistant mutants. When a culture of L. monocytogenes Scott A was exposed to nisin concentrations between 10 and 500 IU ml−1, the initial decrease in viable numbers was followed by regrowth of survivors to nisin. Nisin-resistant mutants of L. monocytogenes Scott A were isolated after a single exposure to nisin at 100 IU ml−1 and were shown to be sensitive to the non-nisin bacteriocins, sakacin A and enterocin B, produced by Lactobacillus sake Lb 706 and Enterococcus faecium BFE 900, respectively. The regrowth of L. monocytogenes Scott A following the initial decrease due to exposure to nisin was prevented by nisin-resistant Lact. sake Lb 706–1a and to a somewhat lesser extent, by Ent. faecium BFE 900–6a. Listerial cells surviving nisin action were thus inhibited by the bacteriocin-producing strains that might be used as starter or protective cultures in foods. Growth of a nisin-resistant mutant of L. monocytogenes Scott A (Li3) was also suppressed by the bacteriocinogenic cultures. Use of nisin in combination with a starter culture producing a non-nisin antilisterial bacteriocin may therefore prevent the emergence of nisin-resistant mutants of L. monocytogenes .  相似文献   
Life-history theory relies heavily on the hypothesis that genetic tradeoffs among the components of fitness constrain their independent evolution and joint maximization. Herein we show that selection on preadult development time in the pitcher-plant mosquito, Wyeomyia smithii, leads to a correlated response in cohort mean generation time but no correlated response in survivorship, fecundity, or cohort replacement rate. Lines selected for fast development achieve a higher capacity for increase (rc) than lines selected for slow development, independently of larval density. These results imply that tradeoffs due to underlying antagonistic pleiotropy affecting growth, development, survivorship, and reproduction are not necessary constraints to life-history evolution. Previous work with W. smithii has shown a positive genetic correlation between development time and a general, genetically coordinated diapause syndrome. We propose that the observed nontradeoffs among the components of rc may be subsumed into an even more fundamental tradeoff between performance during the summer generations and synchronization of development and reproduction with the changing seasons. Consequently, critical tests of genetic tradeoffs as a constraint to the independent evolution or simultaneous optimization of fitness components may need to consider the seasonal context.  相似文献   
Summary The insect fauna of water-filled tree holes in southern Britain consists primarily of the mosquitoes Aedes geniculatus, Anopheles plumbeus, Culex torrentium, and a benthic detritivorous fauna that includes primarily the scirtid beetle Prionocyphon serricornis and the chironomid midge Metriocnemus martinii. Culex torrentium has been documented only relatively recently in tree holes but all three species of mosquitoes partition the resource in space and time. When mosquito larvae were forced to coexist in natural tree holes at limiting densities and at higher than natural levels of interspecific encounter, there was no evidence that Aedes geniculatus or Anopheles plumbeus affected pupation success, pupal weight, or development time of the other or that either Aedes geniculatus or C. torrentium affected the survivorship, pupation success, pupal weight, and biomass yield of the other. When A. geniculatus at limiting densities were forced in natural tree holes to live without or to coexist with natural or twice natural densities of P. serricornis and M. martinii, the presence, absence, or superabundance of the benthic insects did not affect pupation success or pupal weight of A. geniculatus; development time of A. geniculatus was faster when a superabundance of the benthic fauna was present. Effects of the benthic fauna on A. geniculatus are slight and the only significant interaction is facilitative, not competitive. The pattern of habitat segregation among treehole mosquitoes in southern Britain is characteristic of their respective genera and we propose that this pattern is more likely (but not certain) to have arisen through a process of independent evolution than through competitively driven niche shifts among already coexisting species.  相似文献   
Parallel crosses between each of two southern (ancestral) and one northern (derived) population of the pitcher-plant mosquito, Wyeomyia smithii, were made to determine the genetic components of population divergence in critical photoperiod, a phenological trait that measures adaptation to seasonality along a climatic gradient. Joint scaling tests were used to analyze means and variances of first- and second-generation hybrids in order to determine whether nonadditive genetic variance, especially epistatic variance, contributed to divergence in critical photoperiod. In both crosses, digenic epistatic effects were highly significant, indicating that genetic divergence cannot have resulted solely from differences in additively acting loci. For one cross that could be tested directly for such effects, higher order epistasis and/or linkage did not contribute to the divergence of critical photoperiod between the constituent populations.  相似文献   
A modified decarboxylase assay medium (DCA medium) was used for studying the production of biogenic amines by Leuconostoc oenos DSM 20252 and two strains of Lactobacillus buchneri (Lb14 and St2A). The DCA medium contained histidine, lysine, ornithine and tyrosine as precursors of the respective biogenic amines. Under the experimental conditions both strains of Lact. buchneri produced > 90% of the maximum amount of histamine within 24 h. Only tyramine was produced by Leuc. oenos DSM 20252. accountine for 88% of the maximum theoretical amount within 24 h.  相似文献   
We examined the necessity of alpha-gustducin, a G protein alpha-subunit expressed in taste cells, to taste-mediated licking responses of mice to sapid stimuli. To this end, we measured licking responses of alpha-gustducin knock-out (Gus-/-) mice and heterozygotic littermate controls (Gus+/-) to a variety of 'bitter', 'umami', 'sweet', 'salty' and 'sour' taste stimuli. All previous studies of how Gus-/- mice ingest taste stimuli have used long-term (i.e. 48 h) preference tests, which may be confounded by post-ingestive and/or experiential effects of the taste stimuli. We minimized these confounds by using a brief-access taste test, which quantifies immediate lick responses to extremely small volumes of sapid solutions. We found that deleting alpha-gustducin (i) dramatically reduced the aversiveness of a diverse range of 'bitter' taste stimuli; (ii) moderately decreased appetitive licking to low and intermediate concentrations of an 'umami' taste stimulus (monosodium glutamate in the presence of 100 microM amiloride), but virtually eliminated the normal aversion to high concentrations of the same taste stimulus; (iii) slightly decreased appetitive licking to 'sweet' taste stimuli; and (iv) modestly reduced the aversiveness of high, but not low or intermediate, concentrations of NaCl. There was no significant effect of deleting alpha-gustducin on licking responses to NH4Cl or HCl.  相似文献   
Expression of the circadian rhythm gene timeless was investigated in the pitcher-plant mosquito, Wyeomyia smithii (Coq.), and was found to vary with time of day, instar of diapause, and latitude of origin. The temporal pattern of timeless expression differed between the two diapausing instars and was significantly higher in southern (38-40 degrees N) than in northern (50 degrees N) populations, when diapausing instar was held constant. Expression of timeless is therefore both developmentally and evolutionarily variable. This result provides the first example of a latitudinal difference in the expression of timeless, suggesting that, along with evidence from other insects, timeless has the potential to affect photoperiodic response and its adaptive evolution in temperate seasonal environments.  相似文献   
Photoperiodic time measurement regulating larval diapause in the pitcher-plant mosquito, Wyeomyia smithii, varies in a close relationship with latitude. The critical photoperiod mediating the maintenance and termination of diapause is positively correlated with latitude (r 2 = 0.977) among six populations from southern (30–31° N), intermediate (40° N), and northern (46–49° N) latitudes in North America. The developmental response to unnaturally short and to unnaturally long photoperiods declines with increasing latitude, so that longer critical photoperiods are associated with a downward rather than a lateral shift in the photoperiodic response curve. Exotic light and dark cycles of varying period (T) with a short (10 h) photophase and a scotophase ranging from 14 (T = 24) to 62 (T = 72) h, reveal two geographic patterns: a decline in perturbability of the photoperiodic clock with increasing latitude, and no change with latitude in the 21-h period of rising and falling development with increasing T. These results show (1) that there is a rhythmic component to photoperiodic time measurement in W. smithii, (2) that the period of this rhythm is about 21 h in all populations, and (3) that more northern populations show decreasing responsiveness to photoperiod and increasing stability against perturbation by exotic period lengths (T > 24). Previous studies on W.␣smithii indicate that this single temperate species of a tropical and subtropical genus has evolved from south to north. We therefore conclude that the evolution of increasing critical photoperiod in W. smithii during its adaptive radiation into North America has more likely involved the amplitude and not the period of the underlying circadian pacemaker. Received: 22 July 1996 / Accepted: 30 September 1996  相似文献   
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