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Biological Trace Element Research - The kinetic reaction for changes in some essential mineral contents (iron, zinc, calcium, sodium, and copper) of silver carp canned in sunflower oil, soybean...  相似文献   
Despite an increased awareness of biofilm formation by pathogens and the role of biofilms in human infections, the potential role of environmental biofilms as an intermediate stage in the host-to-host cycle is poorly described. To initiate infection, pathogens in biofilms on inanimate environmental surfaces must detach from the biofilm and be transmitted to a susceptible individual in numbers large enough to constitute an infectious dose. Additionally, while detachment has been recognized as a discrete event in the biofilm lifestyle, it has not been studied to the same extent as biofilm development or biofilm physiology. Successful integration of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain PA01 expressing green fluorescent protein (PA01GFP), employed here as a surrogate pathogen, into multispecies biofilm communities isolated and enriched from sink drains in public washrooms and a hospital intensive care unit is described. Confocal laser scanning microscopy indicated that PA01GFP cells were most frequently located in the deeper layers of the biofilm, near the attachment surface, when introduced into continuous flow cells before or at the same time as the multispecies drain communities. A more random integration pattern was observed when PA01GFP was introduced into established multispecies biofilms. Significant numbers of single PA01GFP cells were continuously released from the biofilms to the bulk liquid environment, regardless of the order of introduction into the flow cell. Challenging the multispecies biofilms containing PA01GFP with sub-lethal concentrations of an antibiotic, chelating agent and shear forces that typically prevail at distances away from the point of treatment showed that environmental biofilms provide a suitable habitat where pathogens are maintained and protected, and from where they are continuously released.  相似文献   
Anthrax toxin is the dominant virulence factor of Bacillus anthracis and drugs blocking its action could therefore have therapeutic benefit. Three recent papers suggest new ways to inhibit the toxin. Identification of the cell surface toxin receptor could lead to the design of binding competitors and receptor decoys. Determination of the crystal structure of the lethal factor protease will facilitate ongoing efforts to develop protease inhibitors as therapies. Finally, the susceptibility of certain inbred mice to anthrax lethal toxin was associated with mutations in the kinesin-like protein Kif1C, a discovery that could help to explain how anthrax toxin kills animals.  相似文献   
Anthrax lethal toxin (LT) rapidly kills macrophages from certain mouse strains in a mechanism dependent on the breakdown of unknown protein(s) by the proteasome, formation of the Nalp1b (NLRP1b) inflammasome and subsequent activation of caspase‐1. We report that heat‐shocking LT‐sensitive macrophages rapidly protects them against cytolysis by inhibiting caspase‐1 activation without upstream effects on LT endocytosis or cleavage of the toxin's known cytosolic substrates (mitogen‐activated protein kinases). Heat shock protection against LT occurred through a mechanism independent of de novo protein synthesis, HSP90 activity, p38 activation or proteasome inhibition and was downstream of mitogen‐activated protein kinase cleavage and degradation of an unknown substrate by the proteasome. The heat shock inhibition of LT‐mediated caspase‐1 activation was not specific to the Nalp1b (NLRP1b) inflammasome, as heat shock also inhibited Nalp3 (NLRP3) inflammasome‐mediated caspase‐1 activation in macrophages. We found that heat shock induced pro‐caspase‐1 association with a large cellular complex that could prevent its activation. Additionally, while heat‐shocking recombinant caspase‐1 did not affect its activity in vitro, lysates from heat‐shocked cells completely inhibited recombinant active caspase‐1 activity. Our results suggest that heat shock inhibition of active caspase‐1 can occur independently of an inflammasome platform, through a titratable factor present within intact, functioning heat‐shocked cells.  相似文献   
Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is a unique aggressive tumor and mostly develops in the brain, while rarely spreading out of the central nervous system. It is associated with a high mortality rate; despite tremendous efforts having been made for effective therapy, tumor recurrence occurs with high prevalence. To elucidate the mechanisms that lead to new drug discovery, animal models of tumor progression is one of the oldest and most beneficial approaches to not only investigating the aggressive nature of the tumor, but also improving preclinical research. It is also a useful tool for predicting novel therapies' effectiveness as well as side effects. However, there are concerns that must be considered, such as the heterogeneity of tumor, biological properties, pharma dynamic, and anatomic shapes of the models, which have to be similar to humans as much as possible. Although several methods and various species have been used for this approach, the real recapitulation of the human tumor has been left under discussion. The GBM model, which has been verified in this study, has been established by using the Rat C6 cell line. By exploiting bioinformatic tools, the similarities between aberrant gene expression and pathways have been predicted. In this regard, 610 common genes and a number of pathways have been detected. Moreover, while magnetic resonance imaging analysis enables us to compare tumor features between these two specious, pathological findings provides most of the human GBM characteristics. Therefore, the present study provides genomics, pathologic, and imaging evidence for showing the similarities between human and rat GBM models.  相似文献   
Nanomaterials are gaining enormous interests due to their novel applications that have been explored nearly in every field of our contemporary society. In this scenario, preparations of nanomaterials following green routes have attracted widespread attention in terms of sustainable, reliable, and environmentally friendly practices to produce diverse nanostructures. In this review, we summarize the fundamental processes and mechanisms of green synthesis approaches of TiO2 nanoparticles (NPs). We explore the role of plants and microbes as natural bioresources to prepare TiO2 NPs. Particularly, focus has been made to explore the potential of TiO2-based nanomaterials to design a variety of sensing platforms by exploiting the photocatalysis efficiency under the influence of a light source. These types of sensing are of massive importance for monitoring environmental pollution and therefore for inventing advanced strategies to remediate hazardous pollutants and offer a clean environment.  相似文献   
Recently, we demonstrated that intrahippocampal infusion of the cyclo-oxygenase (COX)-2-specific inhibitor celecoxib impaired spatial memory retention in the Morris water maze. In the present work, we investigated the effects of nicotine, infused in the rat dorsal hippocampus several minutes after infusion of celecoxib, on memory retention in the Morris water maze. Rats were trained for 3 days; each day included two blocks, and each block contained four trials. Test trials were conducted 48 h after surgery. As expected, bilateral intrahippocampal infusion of celecoxib (19 microg/side; 0.1 m) increased escape latency and travel distance in rats, indicating significant impairment of spatial memory retention. We also examined the effects of bilateral infusion of nicotine (0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 microg/side) on memory retention. Infusion of 1 microg nicotine significantly decreased escape latency and travel distance but not swimming speed, compared with controls, suggesting memory retention enhancement by nicotine at this concentration. In separate experiments, bilateral infusion of nicotine, infused 5 min after 0.1 m (19 microg/side) celecoxib infusion, was associated with escape latency, travel distance and swimming speed profiles very similar to those in control animals. Brain tissue sections from several of these animals were subjected to immunohistochemical staining analysis with anti-COX-2 antibodies. Quantification analysis by optical density measurements showed that the celecoxib infusion reduced the immunoreactivity of COX-2-containing neurons in the CA1 area of the hippocampus compared with controls, although this reduction was not significant. However, infusion of a combination of celecoxib and nicotine significantly increased this immunoreactivity compared with levels in control and celecoxib-infused groups. These results suggest that nicotine prevented or reversed the adverse effects of celecoxib on spatial memory retention and protected or restored the immunostaining pattern of COX-2 neurons in the rat dorsal hippocampus.  相似文献   


Pancreatic cancer is both common and highly lethal and therefore new biomarkers or potential targets for treatment are needed. Loss of BRCA associated protein-1 (BAP1) expression has been found in up to a quarter of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinomas. Given the close anatomical relationship between intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma and pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma, we therefore sought to investigate the frequency of loss of BAP1 expression in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma.


The records of the department of Anatomical Pathology Royal North Shore Hospital, Sydney, Australia, were searched for cases of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma diagnosed between 1992 and 2014 with material available in archived formalin fixed paraffin embedded tissue blocks. Immunohistochemistry for BAP1 was performed on tissue microarray sections and if staining was equivocal or negative it was confirmed on whole sections. Negative staining for BAP1 was defined as loss of expression in all neoplastic nuclei, with preserved expression in non-neoplastic cells which acted as an internal positive control.


Loss of BAP1 expression was found in only 1 of 306 (0.33%) pancreatic ductal adenocarcinomas. This case was confirmed to demonstrate diffuse loss of expression throughout all neoplastic cells in multiple blocks, consistent with BAP1 loss being an early clonal event. All other cases demonstrated positive expression of BAP1.


We conclude that, in contrast to intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma, loss of expression of BAP1 occurs very rarely in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. Therefore BAP1 inactivation is unlikely to be a frequent driver abnormality in pancreatic adenocarcinoma.  相似文献   
Treating metastasis has been challenging due to tumors complexity and heterogeneity. This complexity is partly related to the crosstalk between tumor and its microenvironment. Endothelial cells -the building blocks of tumor vasculature- have been shown to have additional roles in cancer progression than angiogenesis and supplying oxygen and nutrients. Here, we show an alternative role for endothelial cells in supporting breast cancer growth and spreading independent of their vascular functions. Using endothelial cells and breast cancer cell lines MDA-MB231 and MCF-7, we developed co-culture systems to study the influence of tumor endothelium on breast tumor development by both in vitro and in vivo approaches. Our results demonstrated that endothelial cells conferred survival advantage to tumor cells under complete starvation and enriched the CD44HighCD24Low/- stem cell population in tumor cells. Moreover, endothelial cells enhanced the pro-metastatic potential of breast cancer cells. The in vitro and in vivo results concordantly confirmed a role for endothelial Jagged1 to promote breast tumor through notch activation. Here, we propose a role for endothelial cells in enhancing breast cancer progression, stemness, and pro-metastatic traits through a perfusion-independent manner. Our findings may be beneficial in developing novel therapeutic approaches.  相似文献   
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