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A unique nanostructure of 3D and vertically aligned and interconnected porous carbon nanosheets (3D‐VCNs) is demonstrated by a simple carbonization of agar. The key feature of 3D‐VCNs is that they possess numerous 3D channels with macrovoids and mesopores, leading to high surface area of 1750 m2 g?1, which play an important role in loading large amount of sulfur, while vertically aligned microporous carbon nanosheets act as the multilayered physical barrier against polysulfides anions and prevent their dissolution in the electrolyte due to strong adsorption during cycling process. As a result, the 3D hybrid (3D‐S‐VCNs) infiltered with 68.3 wt% sulfur exhibits a high and stable reversible capacity of 844 mAh g?1 at the current density of 837 mA g?1 with excellent Coulombic efficiency ≈100%, capacity retention of ≈80.3% over 300 cycles, and good rate ability (the reversible capacity of 738 mAh g?1 at the high current density of 3340 mA g?1). The present work highlights the vital role of the introduction of 3D carbon nanosheets with macrovoids and mesopores in enhancing the performance of LSBs.  相似文献   
ObjectiveMaize is an important crop for fodder, food and feed industry. The present study explores the plant-microbe interactions as alternative eco-friendly sustainable strategies to enhance the crop yield.MethodologyBacterial diversity was studied in the rhizosphere of maize by culture-dependent and culture-independent techniques by soil sampling, extraction of DNA, amplification of gene of interest, cloning of desired fragment and library construction.ResultsCulturable bacteria were identified as Achromobacter, Agrobacterium, Azospirillum, Bacillus, Brevibacillus, Bosea, Enterobacter, Microbacterium, Pseudomonas, Rhodococcus, Stenotrophomonas and Xanthomonas genera. For culture-independent approach, clone library of 16S ribosomal RNA gene was assembled and 100 randomly selected clones were sequenced. Majority of the sequences were related to Firmicutes (17%), Acidobacteria (16%), Actinobacteria (17%), Alpha-Proteobacteria (7%), Delta-proteobacteria (4.2%) and Gemmatimonadetes (4.2%) However, some of the sequences (30%) were novel that showed no homologies to phyla of cultured bacteria in the database. Diversity of diazotrophic bacteria in the rhizosphere investigated by analysis of PCR-amplified nifH gene sequence that revealed abundance of sequences belonging to genera Azoarcus (25%), Aeromonas (10%), Pseudomonas (10%). The diazotrophic genera Azotobacter, Agrobacterium and Zoogloea related nifH sequences were also detected but no sequence related to Azospirillum was found showing biasness of the growth medium rather than relative abundance of diazotrophs in the rhizosphere.ConclusionThe study provides a foundation for future research on focussed isolation of the Azoarcus and other diazotrophs found in higher abundance in the rhizosphere.  相似文献   
ObjectivePhosphorous is an essential micronutrient of plants and involved in critical biological functions. In nature, phosphorous is mostly present in immobilized inorganic mineral and in the fixed organic form including phytic acid and phosphoesteric compounds. However, the bioavailability of bound phosphorous could be enhanced by the use of phosphate solubilizing microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi. The phytases are widespread in an environment and have been isolated from different sources comprising bacteria and fungi.MethodologyIn current studies, we show the successful use of gamma rays and EMS (Ethyl Methane Sulphonate) mutagenesis for enhanced activity of phytases in a fungal strain Sporotrichum thermophile.ResultsWe report an improved strain ST2 that could produce a clear halo zone around the colony, up to 24 mm. The maximum enzymatic activity was found of 382 U/mL on pH 5.5. However, the phytase activity was improved to 387 U/ml at 45 °C. We also report that the mutants produced through EMS showed the greater potential for phytase production.ConclusionThe current study highlights the potential of EMS mutagenesis for strain improvement over physical mutagens.  相似文献   
The present study evaluates the groundwater quality for drinking and agricultural purposes and determines physicochemical characteristics of groundwater in the Sistan and Baluchistan province in Iran. In order to investigate the water quality, sampling was done in 654 open dug wells, the chemical parameters were analyzed, and water quality index was determined. In this regard, Langelier saturation index (LSI), Ryznar Stability index (RSI), Puckorius scaling index (PSI), Larson–Skold index (LS), and Aggressiveness index (AI) were considered to determine water suitability for industrial purposes. Finally, the analytical results were taken to generate the numerical spatial distribution of the parameters using the geographic information system (GIS) environment. According to the results, water sources were less corrosive based on AI and PSI, low and light corrosion according to RSI, and corrosion according to the Larsson–Sckold index. The results of the drinking water quality index showed that 1.2% shared extraction wells were classified as excellent, 52.1% as good, 39% as poor, 6% as very poor, and 1.7% as unsuitable for drinking purpose classes. In addition, irrigating water quality index illustrated that 19.9% and 80.1% wells were placed in the “excellent” and “Good” classes, respectively. Also, the quality of water in this study was categorized as brackish.  相似文献   
The evolution of petroleum‐derived polymers is one of the crowning accomplishments of the past century. Although the significant economic gains from this industrial model of resource utilization are achieved, the environmental impacts are fatal. One of the principles of sustainable development is to replace such polymers with potential alternatives derived from renewable materials. Biopolymers derived from natural resources afford a new, versatile, environmentally benign feedstock that could exhibit closed‐loop life cycles as part of a future material's industrial ecology. However, the solubility and processability of biopolymer materials provoke a serious bottleneck owing to their dense networks of inter ‐ and intramolecular bondings and structural heterogeneity. Recently, ionic liquids (ILs) have emerged as promising green solvents and acquired augmented appreciation for their peerless power of biopolymer processing. Among the fourteen principle of green chemistry, the two key elements encourage the exploitation of renewable raw materials by using environmentally benign solvents that cover in dissolution of biopolymers using ILs. This mini review represents a brief overview of the comprehensive ILs assisted extraction and processing of various biopolymeric materials for value‐added applications.  相似文献   
Optimized plant-microbe bioremediation processes in which the plant initiates the metabolism of xenobiotics and releases the metabolites in the rhizosphere to be further degraded by the rhizobacteria is a promising alternative to restore contaminated sites in situ. However, such processes require that plants produce the metabolites that bacteria can readily oxidize. The biphenyl dioxygenase is the first enzyme of the bacterial catabolic pathway involved in the degradation of polychlorinated biphenyls. This enzyme consists of three components: the two sub-unit oxygenase (BphAE) containing a Rieske-type iron-sulfur cluster and a mononuclear iron center, the Rieske-type ferredoxin (BphF), and the FAD-containing ferredoxin reductase (BphG). In this work, based on analyses with Nicotiana benthamiana plants transiently expressing the biphenyl dioxygenase genes from Burkholderia xenovorans LB400 and transgenic Nicotiana tabacum plants transformed with each of these four genes, we have shown that each of the three biphenyl dioxygenase components can be produced individually as active protein in tobacco plants. Therefore, when BphAE, BphF, and BphG purified from plant were used to catalyze the oxygenation of 4-chlorobiphenyl, detectable amounts of 2,3-dihydro-2, 3-dihydroxy-4'-chlorobiphenyl were produced. This suggests that creating transgenic plants expressing simultaneously all four genes required to produce active biphenyl dioxygenase is feasible.  相似文献   
Protein domains are conserved and functionally independent structures that play an important role in interactions among related proteins. Domain-domain interactions have been recently used to predict protein-protein interactions (PPI). In general, the interaction probability of a pair of domains is scored using a trained scoring function. Satisfying a threshold, the protein pairs carrying those domains are regarded as "interacting". In this study, the signature contents of proteins were utilized to predict PPI pairs in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Caenorhabditis elegans, and Homo sapiens. Similarity between protein signature patterns was scored and PPI predictions were drawn based on the binary similarity scoring function. Results show that the true positive rate of prediction by the proposed approach is approximately 32% higher than that using the maximum likelihood estimation method when compared with a test set, resulting in 22% increase in the area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve. When proteins containing one or two signatures were removed, the sensitivity of the predicted PPI pairs increased significantly. The predicted PPI pairs are on average 11 times more likely to interact than the random selection at a confidence level of 0.95, and on average 4 times better than those predicted by either phylogenetic profiling or gene expression profiling.  相似文献   
Hamid A  Wani NA  Rana S  Vaiphei K  Mahmood A  Kaur J 《The FEBS journal》2007,274(24):6317-6328
Folate plays a critical role in maintaining normal metabolic, energy, differentiation and growth status of all mammalian cells. The intestinal folate uptake is tightly and diversely regulated, and disturbances in folate homeostasis are observed in alcoholism, attributable, in part, to intestinal malabsorption of folate. The aim of this study was to delineate the regulatory mechanisms of folate transport in intestinal absorptive epithelia in order to obtain insights into folate malabsorption in a rat model of alcoholism. The rats were fed 1 g.kg(-1) body weight of ethanol daily for 3 months. A reduced uptake of [(3)H]folic acid in intestinal brush border membrane was observed over the course of ethanol administration for 3 months. Folate transport exhibited saturable kinetics and the decreased intestinal brush border membrane folate transport in chronic alcoholism was associated with an increased K(m) value and a low V(max) value. Importantly, the lower intestinal [(3)H]folic acid uptake in ethanol-fed rats was observed in all cell fractions corresponding to villus tip, mid-villus and crypt base. RT-PCR analysis for reduced folate carrier, the major folate transporter, revealed that reduced folate carrier mRNA levels were decreased in jejunal tissue derived from ethanol-fed rats. Parallel changes were observed in reduced folate carrier protein levels in brush border membrane along the entire crypt-villus axis. In addition, immunohistochemical staining for reduced folate carrier protein showed that, in alcoholic conditions, deranged reduced folate carrier localization was observed along the entire crypt-villus axis, with a more prominent effect in differentiating crypt base stem cells. These changes in functional activity of the membrane transport system were not caused by a general loss of intestinal architecture, and hence can be attributed to the specific effect of ethanol ingestion on the folate transport system. The low folate uptake activity observed in ethanol-fed rats was found to be associated with decreased serum and red blood cell folate levels, which might explain the observed jejunal genomic hypomethylation. These findings offer possible mechanistic insights into folate malabsorption during alcoholism.  相似文献   
The hexose monophosphate (HMP) shunt acts as an essential component of cellular metabolism in maintaining carbon homeostasis. The HMP shunt comprises two phases viz. oxidative and nonoxidative, which provide different intermediates for the synthesis of biomolecules like nucleotides, DNA, RNA, amino acids, and so forth; reducing molecules for anabolism and detoxifying the reactive oxygen species during oxidative stress. The HMP shunt is significantly important in the liver, adipose tissue, erythrocytes, adrenal glands, lactating mammary glands and testes. We have researched the articles related to the HMP pathway, its metabolites and disorders related to its metabolic abnormalities. The literature for this paper was taken typically from a personal database, the Cochrane database of systemic reviews, PubMed publications, biochemistry textbooks, and electronic journals uptil date on the hexose monophosphate shunt. The HMP shunt is a tightly controlled metabolic pathway, which is also interconnected with other metabolic pathways in the body like glycolysis, gluconeogenesis, and glucuronic acid depending upon the metabolic needs of the body and depending upon the biochemical demand. The HMP shunt plays a significant role in NADPH2 formation and in pentose sugars that are biosynthetic precursors of nucleic acids and amino acids. Cells can be protected from highly reactive oxygen species by NADPH 2. Deficiency in the hexose monophosphate pathway is linked to numerous disorders. Furthermore, it was also reported that this metabolic pathway could act as a therapeutic target to treat different types of cancers, so treatments at the molecular level could be planned by limiting the synthesis of biomolecules required for proliferating cells provided by the HMP shunt, hence, more experiments still could be carried out to find additional discoveries.  相似文献   
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