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A small number of stress-responsive genes, such as those of the mitochondrial F1F0-ATP synthase complex, are encoded by both the nucleus and mitochondria. The regulatory mechanism of these joint products is mysterious. The expression of 6-kDa subunit (MtATP6), a relatively uncharacterized nucleus-encoded subunit of F0 part, was measured during salinity stress in salt-tolerant and salt-sensitive cultivated wheat genotypes, as well as in the wild wheat genotypes, Triticum and Aegilops using qRT-PCR. The MtATP6 expression was suddenly induced 3 h after NaCl treatment in all genotypes, indicating an early inducible stress-responsive behavior. Promoter analysis showed that the MtATP6 promoter includes cis-acting elements such as ABRE, MYC, MYB, GTLs, and W-boxes, suggesting a role for this gene in abscisic acid-mediated signaling, energy metabolism, and stress response. It seems that 6-kDa subunit, as an early response gene and nuclear regulatory factor, translocates to mitochondria and completes the F1F0-ATP synthase complex to enhance ATP production and maintain ion homeostasis under stress conditions. These communications between nucleus and mitochondria are required for inducing mitochondrial responses to stress pathways. Dual targeting of 6-kDa subunit may comprise as a mean of inter-organelle communication and save energy for the cell. Interestingly, MtATP6 showed higher and longer expression in the salt-tolerant wheat and the wild genotypes compared to the salt-sensitive genotype. Apparently, salt-sensitive genotypes have lower ATP production efficiency and weaker energy management than wild genotypes; a stress tolerance mechanism that has not been transferred to cultivated genotypes.  相似文献   
In retinal neuroprostheses, spatial interaction between electric fields from various electrodes – electric crosstalk – may occur in multielectrode arrays during simultaneous stimulation of the retina. Depending on the electrode design and placement, this crosstalk can either enhance or degrade the functional characteristics of a visual prosthesis. To optimize the device performance, a balance must be satisfied between the constructive interference of crosstalk on dynamic range and power consumption and its negative effect on artificial visual acuity. In the present computational modeling study, we have examined the trade-off in these positive and negative effects using a range of currently available electrode array configurations, compared to a recently proposed stimulation strategy – the quasi monopolar (QMP) configuration – in which the return current is shared between local bipolar guards and a distant monopolar electrode. We evaluate the performance of the QMP configuration with respect to the implantation site and electrode geometry parameters. Our simulation results demonstrate that the beneficial effects of QMP are only significant at electrode-to-cell distances greater than the electrode dimensions. Possessing a relatively lower activation threshold, QMP was found to be superior to the bipolar configuration in terms of providing a relatively higher visual acuity. However, the threshold for QMP was more sensitive to the topological location of the electrode in the array, which may need to be considered when programming the manner in which electrode are simultaneously activated. This drawback can be offset with a wider dynamic range and lower power consumption of QMP. Furthermore, the ratio of monopolar return current to total return can be used to adjust the functional performance of QMP for a given implantation site and electrode parameters. We conclude that the QMP configuration can be used to improve visual information-to-stimulation mapping in a visual prosthesis, while maintaining low power consumption.  相似文献   
Mycopathologia - Fungi of the genus Fusarium are well known as major plant pathogens but also cause a broad spectrum of human infections. Sixty-three clinical isolates, collected during...  相似文献   
In recent years, grapevine trunk diseases have gained growing attentions due to worldwide incidence of the disease. In a survey on fungal agents associated with grapevine trunk diseases in northern Iran, wood samples were collected from grapevines having the symptoms of declination. Isolation was made using routine plant pathology methods. A coelomycetous fungus with appendage-bearing conidia was recovered from symptomatic tissues. Based on morphological and cultural characteristics, the causal agent of the disease was identified as Truncatella angustata. The identity of the species was further confirmed by sequence data of internal transcribed spacer-rDNA region. A phylogeny inferred using sequence data obtained in this study, together with the sequences from GenBank, clustered our isolates together with T. angustata known from other host plant species. Pathogenicity tests performed on detached shoots of grapevines led to the same symptoms as observed in field conditions. This is first study on the pathogenicity of T. angustata on grapevine in Iran and first report on the occurrence of T. angustata on grapevine in Iran.  相似文献   
Interestingly pharmaceutical sciences are using nanoparticles (NPs) to design and develop nanomaterials-based drugs. However, up to recently, it has not been well realized that NPs themselves may impose risks to the biological systems. In this study, the interaction of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) with tau protein and SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cell line, as potential nervous system models, was examined with a range of techniques including intrinsic fluorescence spectroscopy, circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy, 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-Yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay, and acridine orange/ethidium bromide (AO/EB) dual staining method. Fluorescence study showed that AgNPs with a diameter of around 10–20 nm spontaneously form a static complex with tau protein via hydrogen bonds and van der Waals interactions. CD experiment revealed that AgNPs did not change the random coil structure of tau protein. Moreover, AgNPs showed to induce SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cell mortality through fragmentation of DNA which is a key feature of apoptosis. In conclusion, AgNPs may induce slight changes on the tau protein structure. Also, the concentration of AgNPs is the main factor which influences their cytotoxicity. Since, all adverse effects of NPs are not well detected, so probably additional more specific testing would be needed.  相似文献   

Ce travail a pour objectif l’étude de quelques aspects bio-écologiques de la cochenille violette, Parlatoria oleae Colvée 1880, bio-agresseur des cultures de l’Olivier en régions arides. Le suivi du cycle biologique ainsi que la démo-écologie de ce ravageur ont été réalisés grâce à des dénombrements périodiques des populations sur les différents organes de l’arbre (méthodes de Vasseur &; Schvester) de décembre 2010 à décembre 2011 dans la région d’Ain Touta (nord-est algérien). L’espèce y a montré deux générations par an : une génération printanière se développant entre avril et juillet et une génération automnale évoluant entre août et octobre. La ponte débuta en avril et s’échelonna jusqu‘à la fin septembre. L’exposition nord est la plus favorable à cette diaspine qui y trouve des conditions microclimatiques optimales pour son développement. La ponte moyenne est de 8 à 9 ?ufs par femelle. L’analyse statistique de l’effet des conditions climatiques étudiées (températures minimale, maximale et moyenne ; précipitations, gelée et indice d’aridité De Martone) sur les effectifs des différents stades, montre une grande variabilité d’un stade à un autre. L’analyse statistique établie révèle également que les effectifs de l’espèce présentent des variations très hautement significatives selon l’orientation dans l’arbre d’olive colonisé.  相似文献   
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