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The triboelectric material properties and mechanical stability of the contact layer are vital to achieving durable triboelectric nanogenerators (TENGs) with high output performance. Herein, a novel MXene/Ecoflex nanocomposite is introduced as a promising triboelectric material because of its highly negative triboelectric properties and mechanical stability. The MXene/Ecoflex nanocomposite with a fabric-based waterproof TENG (FW-TENG) is fabricated and designed to universally harvest energy from various human motions as well as the natural environment (rain and wind). The fabricated FW-TENG delivers a maximum output peak power of 3.69 mW and a power density of 9.24 W m−2, respectively, at a matching load resistance of 4.5 MΩ under a frequency of 4.5 Hz and a force of 8 N. Furthermore, the applicability of this device in various products is investigated. The FW-TENG can protect against a crash caused by rainy and humid weather. An FW-TENG-based self-powered smart active device that detects motion on a carpet is demonstrated and is equipped with sleep monitoring motion sensors. The FW-TENG not only has self-powered benefits and excellent mechanical amenability but is also exceptionally reliable and stable against water intrusion, which are important characteristics to realize next-generation wearable/portable technologies.  相似文献   
The perilla seed bugs, Nysius plebeius Distant and Nysius hidakai Nakatani, are emerging pests of perilla crop in Korea. Here, we investigated the life-history variables of N. plebeius and N. hidakai on five commonly grown crop seeds: perilla [Perilla frutescens (L.) Britt.], sesame (Sesamum indicum L.), sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.)], proso millet (Panicum miliaceum L.) and foxtail millet (Setaria italic L.). Bug oviposition, total developmental period, adult emergence, adult longevity and adult weight of both Nysius species were determined in both choice and no-choice tests. The oviposition and development periods of N. plebeius and N. hidakai varied significantly among seed species. The most preferred seed species for oviposition were perilla seeds, followed by sesame, sorghum and foxtail millet, whereas proso millet seeds were the least preferred. The bugs development period was faster in perilla seeds, with higher adult emergence, greater adult longevity and heavier adult weight. The higher oviposition preference and faster development with longer longevity of both Nysius species on perilla seeds is probably due to the physicochemical and nutritional attributes of the seeds. This information may enable the exploration of resistant genetic materials and chemical traits associated with seeds for breeding programme. Further, the outcomes of this study are discussed in terms of bug's behavioural response to crop seeds and management strategy of Nysius species as alternative to chemical management.  相似文献   
1. The consequences of symbiont transmission strategies are better understood than their adaptive causes. 2. Feather mites are permanent ectosymbionts of birds assumed to be transmitted mainly vertically from parents to offspring. The transmission of Proctophyllodes doleophyes Gaud (Astigmata, Proctophyllodidae) was studied in two European populations of pied flycatchers, Ficedula hypoleuca Pallas (Passeriformes, Muscicapidae). 3. The vertical transmission of this mite species is demonstrated here with an acaricide experiment. This study also compared (for two distant populations during 4 years) patterns in reductions in mite intensity in adult birds, from egg incubation to chick‐rearing periods, with the predictions of three hypotheses on how host survival prospects and mite intraspecific competition might drive feather mites' transmission strategy. 4. The results are in agreement with previous studies and show that feather mites transmit massively from parents to chicks. 5. The magnitude of the transmission was closer to that predicted by the hypothesis based on intraspecific competition, while a bet‐hedging strategy is also partially supported.  相似文献   
The development of antimicrobial drug resistance has encouraged scientists to develop alternate methods to combat infectious pathogens associated with dental diseases. Therefore, it is of interest to predict interactions for catechin (a plant derived compound) with protein targets in the red complex pathogens using computer aided network tools. However, in vitro and in vivo studies are warranted to confirm the antimicrobial effect of catechin (gallocatechin, epicatechin, epigallactocatechin (EGC) and gallolyl catechins) on the dental pathogens.  相似文献   
Abstract.  1. A major, and largely unexplored, uncertainty in projecting the impact of climate change on biodiversity is the consequence of altered interspecific interactions, for example between parasitoids and their hosts. The present study investigated parasitism in the Brown Argus butterfly, Aricia agestis ; a species that has expanded northward in Britain during the last 30  years in association with climate warming.
2.  Aricia agestis larvae suffered lower mortality from parasitoids in newly colonised areas compared with long-established populations. This result was consistent over four consecutive generations (2 years) when comparing one population of each type, and also when several populations within the historical and recently colonised range of the species were compared within a single year. Thus, A. agestis appears to be partially escaping from parasitism as it expands northwards.
3. Reduced parasitism occurred despite the fact that several of the parasitoid species associated with A. agestis were already present in the newly colonised areas, supported predominantly by an alternative host species, the Common Blue butterfly, Polyommatus icarus .
4. As the species expand their distributions into areas of increased climatic suitability, invasion fronts may escape from natural enemies, enhancing rates of range expansion. The results suggest that the decoupling of interspecific interactions may allow some species to exploit a wider range of environments and to do so more rapidly than previously thought possible.  相似文献   
Bean bug, Riptortus pedestris (Fabricius) (Heteroptera: Alydidae), is an economically important pest of soybean and tree fruit. Behavioral responses of R. pedestris to olfactory cues from insecticide‐treated foliage were assessed in a Y‐tube olfactometer. Ten insecticides were applied to kidney bean plants at the recommended dosage, and then bug avoidance was assessed at 0, 3, 5, 7 and 13 days after treatment (DAT). Each bug was allowed 5 min to choose one of the olfactometer's arms. Even though the degree of avoidance was variable to the insecticides tested, bean bugs significantly avoided the insecticide‐treated leaf. The pyrethroid bifenthrin was the most avoided of the insecticides tested. In all treatments, avoidance decreased as DAT increased. Also, the movement speed was higher to the untreated leaf than to the insecticide‐treated leaf. The degree of avoidance was positively correlated to the vapor pressure of the chemical; this finding implies the interaction of the treated chemicals and plant volatiles may be used as cues for bean bug selection of the host‐plant.  相似文献   
Hypocotyl growth occurs as a result of an interaction between environmental factors and endogenous phytohormones. In Arabidopsis, high temperature promotes auxin synthesis to increase hypocotyl growth. We previously showed that exogenously provided auxin stimulates expression of the brassinosteroid (BR) biosynthetic gene DWARF4. To determine whether temperature-induced hypocotyl elongation depends on BR biosynthesis, we examined the morphological responses to high temperature and the expression pattern of DWF4pro:GUS in different genetic backgrounds, which are as follows: Ws-2 wild-type, iaa19/msg2, bri1-5, and dwf7-1. In contrast to the wild-type, growth of the three genotypes at 29°C did not significantly increase hypocotyl length; whereas, with the exception of iaa19/msg2, the roots were elongated. These results confirm that BR biosynthesis and signaling pathways are required for hypocotyl growth at high temperature. Furthermore, a GUS histochemical assay revealed that a temperature of 29°C greatly increased DWF4pro:GUS expression in the shoot and root tips compared to a temperature of 22°C. Quantitative measurements of GUS activity in DWF4pro:GUS revealed that growth at 29°C is similar to the level of growth after addition of 100 nM IAA to the medium. Our results suggest that temperature-dependent synthesis of free auxin stimulates BR biosynthesis, particularly via the key biosynthetic gene DWF4, and that the BRs thus synthesized are involved in hypocotyl growth at high temperature.  相似文献   
Plant growth-stimulating hormones brassinosteroids (BRs) function via interactions with other hormones. However, the mechanism of these interactions remains to be elucidated. The unique phenotypes of brassinosteroid insensitive2/dwarf12-D (bin2/dwf12-D) mutants, such as twisted inflorescences and leaves, suggested that BIN2, a negative regulator of BR signaling, may be involved in auxin signaling. Furthermore, previously, we showed that auxin stimulates DWF4 expression. To determine the possible role of BIN2/DWF12 in Auxin signaling, we measured DWARF4pro:GUS activity through both GUS histochemical staining and in vivo GUS assay. We found that the GUS activity in the bin2/dwarf12-1D background dramatically increased relative to control. In addition, the number of lateral roots (LR) in bin2/dwf12-1D was greater than wild type, and the optimal concentration for auxin-mediated lateral root induction was lower in bin2/dwf12-1D; these findings suggest that BIN2 plays a positive role in auxin signaling. In contrast, ABA repressed both DWF4pro:GUS expression and lateral root development. However, the degree of repression was lower in bin2/dwf12-1D background, suggesting that BIN2 plays a role in ABA-mediated DWF4pro:GUS expression and subsequently in lateral root development, too. Therefore, it is likely that BIN2 plays a role of signal integrator for multiple hormones, such as BRs, auxin, and ABA.  相似文献   
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