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Barnes CW  Szabo LJ  May G  Groth JV 《Mycologia》2004,96(6):1236-1244
Little is known about the population mating behavior of the smut fungus Ustilago maydis DC (Corda). To determine the amount of inbreeding that occurs in local U. maydis populations, two cornfields were sampled, one in North America (NA) at Le Sueur, Minnesota, and one in South America (SA) at Tarariras, Uruguay. These fields were chosen because of their geographic isolation and host management differences. Inbreeding coefficients (F(is)) were calculated using data derived from amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers. Mean F(is) values estimated for both the NA (-0.08), and the SA (-0.02) populations statistically are not different from zero. The results of this study demonstrate that the U. maydis population structure in both cornfields results predominately from out-crossing and suggests that teliospores infrequently act as single infection units. The genetic differentiation between populations was high (F(st) = 0.25).  相似文献   
Ethylene responses in plants are mediated by a small family of membrane integral receptors including the ETR1 gene product which are similar to the two-component bacterial histidine kinase regulators. Detailed biochemical and structural analysis of the ethylene-receptor family was hampered by the scarce amount of pure protein. Here, we report the construction, expression, and single-step purification of the ETR1 receptor protein from Arabidopsis thaliana in a bacterial expression system. The DNA fragment encoding the mature ETR1 receptor protein was subcloned into the pET15b expression vector and highly expressed in derivatives C41(DE3) and C43(DE3) of the Escherichia coli strain BL21(DE3). The recombinant protein was solubilised from the bacterial cells using mild non-denaturing detergents and purified to homogeneity by Ni-NTA affinity chromatography, yielding approximately 2-3 mg pure protein per litre of cells. The molecular mass of the purified protein was estimated to be 78 kDa by SDS-PAGE. The expression and purification of recombinant ETR1 reported here provide a basis for detailed functional and structural studies of the receptor protein, which might help to understand signal perception and signal transduction of the phytohormone ethylene on the molecular level.  相似文献   
The Charadriiformes is a large and diverse order of shorebirds currently classified into 19 families, including morphologically aberrant forms that are of uncertain phylogenetic placement within non-passerine birds in general. Recent attempts using morphological characters have failed to recover a well-supported phylogeny depicting higher level relationships within Charadriiformes and the limits to the order, primarily because of inconsistency and homoplasy in these data. Moreover, these trees are incongruent with the relationships presented in the DNA hybridization tapestry of, including the location of the root and the branching order of major clades within the shorebirds. To help clarify this systematic confusion we therefore sequenced the large RAG-1 nuclear exon (2850 bp) from 36 species representing 17 families of shorebirds for which DNA was available. Trees built with maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood or Bayesian methods are topologically identical and fully resolved, with high support at basal nodes. This further attests to the phylogenetic utility of the RAG-1 sequences at higher taxonomic levels within birds. The RAG-1 tree is topologically similar to the DNA hybridization tree in depicting three major subordinal clades of shorebirds, the Charadrii (thick-knees, sheathbills, plovers, oystercatchers, and allies), Scolopaci (sandpipers and jacanas) and the Lari (coursers, pratincoles, gulls, terns, skimmers, and skuas). However, the basal split in the RAG-1 tree is between Charadrii and (Scolopaci+Lari), whereas in the DNA hybridization tree Scolopaci is the sister group to the (Charadrii+Lari). Thus in both of these DNA-based trees the Alcidae (auks, murres, and allies) are not basal among shorebirds as hypothesized in morphological trees, but instead are placed as a tip clade within Lari. The enigmatic buttonquails (Turnicidae), variously hypothesized as being allied to either the Galliformes, Gruiformes, or Charadriiformes, are shown to be a basal lineage in the more conventional Lari clade. Divergence times estimated with rate-smoothing methods and minimum time constraints imposed at nodes with key fossils suggest that Charadriiformes originated in Gondwanaland.  相似文献   
The emu (Dromaius novaehollandiae) occupies most regions of the Australian continent and in recent times has been farmed for meat, oil, and leather. Very little is known about the genetic structure of natural or farmed populations of these birds. We report a preliminary study of genetic variation in emus undertaken by typing birds from five farms and two natural populations at five polymorphic microsatellite loci. Genetic diversity was high for all populations and there was little evidence of inbreeding, with most populations conforming to Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium for most loci. Significant heterozygote deficiencies at one locus in a number of populations were detected and may indicate the presence of null alleles. Comparisons of allele frequencies showed little evidence of genetic differentiation either among farmed populations or between farmed and natural populations.  相似文献   
DNA replication in higher eukaryotes requires activation of a Cdk2 kinase by Cdc25A, a labile phosphatase subject to further destabilization upon genotoxic stress. We describe a distinct, markedly stable form of Cdc25A, which plays a previously unrecognized role in mitosis. Mitotic stabilization of Cdc25A reflects its phosphorylation on Ser17 and Ser115 by cyclin B-Cdk1, modifications required to uncouple Cdc25A from its ubiquitin-proteasome-mediated turnover. Cdc25A binds and activates cyclin B-Cdk1, accelerates cell division when overexpressed, and its downregulation by RNA interference (RNAi) delays mitotic entry. DNA damage-induced G(2) arrest, in contrast, is accompanied by proteasome-dependent destruction of Cdc25A, and ectopic Cdc25A abrogates the G(2) checkpoint. Thus, phosphorylation-mediated switches among three differentially stable forms ensure distinct thresholds, and thereby distinct roles for Cdc25A in multiple cell cycle transitions and checkpoints.  相似文献   
Wood from three different plants of the Celastraceae growing in their natural habitats in Brazil (Maytenus aquifolia Mart.) and South Africa [Putterlickia retrospinosa van Wyk and Mostert, P. verrucosa (E. Meyer ex Sonder) Szyszyl.] was established as a source of endophytic bacteria using a medium selective for actinomycetes. Two isolates were identified as Streptomyces setonii and S. sampsonii whereas two others were not assignable to any of the known Streptomyces species. They were preliminarily named Streptomyces Q21 and Streptomyces MaB-QuH-8. The latter strain produces a new chloropyrrol and chlorinated anthracyclinone. The chloropyrrol showed high activity against a series of multiresistent bacteria and mycobacteria.  相似文献   
The reduced fragment of pancreatic trypsin inhibitor lacking the six C-terminal residues, which is produced by cyanogen bromide cleavage, formed a seemingly random mixture of disulphide bonds under refolding conditions where normal pancreatic trypsin inhibitor refolds correctly and quantitatively. This illustrates the importance of the C-terminal residues in folding of the normal protein, the uniqueness of the normal folded conformation, and the apparently central role in protein folding of long-range interactions between residues distant in the primary structure.The intact polypeptide chain of reduced pancreatic trypsin inhibitor in which the methionine residue normally at position 52 had been converted to homoserine refolded slightly less readily than the normal reduced compound. This was observed to be due to an altered spectrum of single-disulphide intermediates: the normally predominant intermediate with the 30–51 disulphide bond was less stable by about 0.8 kcal/mol relative to the other normal single-disulphide intermediates. The other steps in refolding appeared to be normal, although the refolded protein was observed to be susceptible to an unexplained reaction with iodoacetate.  相似文献   
The central event in the pathogenesis of prion diseases is a profound conformational change of the prion protein (PrP) from an alpha-helical (PrP(C)) to a beta-sheet-rich isoform (PrP(Sc)). The elucidation of the mechanism of conformational transition has been complicated by the challenge of collecting high-resolution biophysical data on the relatively insoluble aggregation-prone PrP(Sc) isoform. In an attempt to facilitate the structural analysis of PrP(Sc), a redacted chimeric mouse-hamster PrP of 106 amino acids (MHM2 PrP106) with two deletions (Delta23-88 and Delta141-176) was expressed and purified from Escherichia coli. PrP106 retains the ability to support PrP(Sc) formation in transgenic mice, implying that it contains all regions of PrP that are necessary for the conformational transition into the pathogenic isoform [Supattapone, S., et al. (1999) Cell 96, 869-878]. Unstructured at low concentrations, recombinant unglycosylated PrP106 (rPrP106) undergoes a concentration-dependent conformational transition to a beta-sheet-rich form. Following the conformational transition, rPrP106 possesses properties similar to those of PrP(Sc)106, such as high beta-sheet content, defined tertiary structure, resistance to limited digestion by proteinase K, and high thermodynamic stability. In GdnHCl-induced denaturation studies, a single cooperative conformational transition between the unstructured monomer and the assembled beta-oligomer was observed. After proteinase K digestion, the oligomers retain an intact core with unusually high beta-sheet content (>80%). Using mass spectrometry, we discovered that the region of residues 134-215 of rPrP106 is protected from proteinase K digestion and possesses a solvent-independent propensity to adopt a beta-sheet-rich conformation. In contrast to the PrP(Sc)106 purified from the brains of neurologically impaired animals, multimeric beta-rPrP106 remains soluble, providing opportunities for detailed structural studies.  相似文献   
The photoaffinity phosphate analogue 4-azido-2 nitrophenyl phosphate (ANPP) was shown previously (Pougeois, R., Lauquin, G. J.-M., and Vignais, P. V. (1983) Biochemistry 22, 1241-1245) to bind covalently and specifically to a single catalytic site on one of the three beta-subunits of the isolated chloroplast coupling factor 1 (CF(1)). Modification by ANPP strongly inhibited ATP hydrolysis activity. In this study, we examined labeling of membrane-bound CF(1) by ANPP by exposing thylakoid membranes to increasing concentrations of the reagent. ANPP exhibited saturable binding to two sites on CF(1), one on the beta-subunit and one on the alpha-subunit. Labeling by ANPP resulted in the complete inhibition of both ATP synthesis and ATP hydrolysis by the membrane-bound enzyme. Labeling of both sites by ANPP was reduced by more than 80% in the presence of P(i) (> or = 10 mM) and ATP (> or = 0.5 mM). ADP was less effective in competing with ANPP for binding, giving a maximum of approximately 35% inhibition at concentrations > or = 2 mM. ANPP-labeled tryptic peptides of the alpha-subunit were isolated and sequenced. The majority of the probe was contained in three peptides corresponding to residues Gln(173) to Arg(216), Gly(217) to Arg(253), and His(256) to Arg(272) of the alpha-subunit. In the mitochondrial F(1) (Abrahams, J. P., Leslie, A. G. W., Lutter, R., and Walker, J. E. (1994) Nature 370, 621-628), all three analogous peptides are located within the nucleotide binding pocket and within close proximity to the gamma-phosphate binding site. The data indicate, however, that the azidophenyl group of bound ANPP is oriented at approximately 180 degrees in the opposite direction to the adenine binding site with reference to the phosphate binding site on the alpha-subunit. The study has confirmed that ANPP is a bona fide phosphate analogue and suggests that it specifically targets the gamma-phosphate binding site within the nucleotide binding pockets on the alpha- and beta-subunits of CF(1). The study also indicates that in the resting state of the chloroplast F(1)-F(0) complex both the alpha- and beta-subunits are structurally asymmetric.  相似文献   
Sequencing of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae nuclear and mitochondrial genomes provided a new background for studies on the evolution of the genomes. In this study, mitochondrial genomes of a number of Saccharomyces yeasts were mapped by restriction enzyme analysis, the orders of the genes were determined, and two of the genes were sequenced. The genome organization, i.e., the size, presence of intergenic sequences, and gene order, as well as polymorphism within the coding regions, indicate that Saccharomyces mtDNA molecules are dynamic structures and have undergone numerous changes during their evolution. Since the separation and sexual isolation of different yeast lineages, the coding parts have been accumulating point mutations, presumably in a linear manner with the passage of time. However, the accumulation of other changes may not have been a simple function of time. Larger mtDNA molecules belonging to Saccharomyces sensu stricto yeasts have acquired extensive intergenic sequences, including guanosine-cytosine-rich clusters, and apparently have rearranged the gene order at higher rates than smaller mtDNAs belonging to the Saccharomyces sensu lato yeasts. While within the sensu stricto group transposition has been a predominant mechanism for the creation of novel gene orders, the sensu lato yeasts could have used both transposition- and inversion-based mechanisms.  相似文献   
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