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Type 1 fimbriae mediate adhesion of uropathogenic Escherichia coli to host cells. It has been hypothesized that due to their ability to uncoil under exposure to force, fimbriae can reduce fluid shear stress on the adhesin-receptor interaction by which the bacterium adheres to the surface. In this work, we develop a model that describes how the force on the adhesin-receptor interaction of a type 1 fimbria varies as a bacterium is affected by a time-dependent fluid flow mimicking in vivo conditions. The model combines in vivo hydrodynamic conditions with previously assessed biomechanical properties of the fimbriae. Numerical methods are used to solve for the motion and adhesion force under the presence of time-dependent fluid profiles. It is found that a bacterium tethered with a type 1 pilus will experience significantly reduced shear stress for moderate to high flow velocities and that the maximum stress the adhesin will experience is limited to ∼120 pN, which is sufficient to activate the conformational change of the FimH adhesin into its stronger state but also lower than the force required for breaking it under rapid loading. Our model thus supports the assumption that the type 1 fimbria shaft and the FimH adhesin-receptor interaction are optimized to each other, and that they give piliated bacteria significant advantages in rapidly changing fluidic environments.  相似文献   
The number of applications based on graphene, few-layer graphene, and nanographite is rapidly increasing. A large-scale process for production of these materials is critically needed to achieve cost-effective commercial products. Here, we present a novel process to mechanically exfoliate industrial quantities of nanographite from graphite in an aqueous environment with low energy consumption and at controlled shear conditions. This process, based on hydrodynamic tube shearing, produced nanometer-thick and micrometer-wide flakes of nanographite with a production rate exceeding 500 gh-1 with an energy consumption about 10 Whg-1. In addition, to facilitate large-area coating, we show that the nanographite can be mixed with nanofibrillated cellulose in the process to form highly conductive, robust and environmentally friendly composites. This composite has a sheet resistance below 1.75 Ω/sq and an electrical resistivity of 1.39×10-4 Ωm and may find use in several applications, from supercapacitors and batteries to printed electronics and solar cells. A batch of 100 liter was processed in less than 4 hours. The design of the process allow scaling to even larger volumes and the low energy consumption indicates a low-cost process.  相似文献   
Neuronal specification is often seen as a multistep process: earlier regulators confer broad neuronal identity and are followed by combinatorial codes specifying neuronal properties unique to specific subtypes. However, it is still unclear whether early regulators are re-deployed in subtype-specific combinatorial codes, and whether early patterning events act to restrict the developmental potential of postmitotic cells. Here, we use the differential peptidergic fate of two lineage-related peptidergic neurons in the Drosophila ventral nerve cord to show how, in a feedforward mechanism, earlier determinants become critical players in later combinatorial codes. Amongst the progeny of neuroblast 5–6 are two peptidergic neurons: one expresses FMRFamide and the other one expresses Nplp1 and the dopamine receptor DopR. We show the HLH gene collier functions at three different levels to progressively restrict neuronal identity in the 5–6 lineage. At the final step, collier is the critical combinatorial factor that differentiates two partially overlapping combinatorial codes that define FMRFamide versus Nplp1/DopR identity. Misexpression experiments reveal that both codes can activate neuropeptide gene expression in vast numbers of neurons. Despite their partially overlapping composition, we find that the codes are remarkably specific, with each code activating only the proper neuropeptide gene. These results indicate that a limited number of regulators may constitute a potent combinatorial code that dictates unique neuronal cell fate, and that such codes show a surprising disregard for many global instructive cues.  相似文献   
Temperature acclimation in poikilotherms entails metabolic rearrangements provided by variations in enzyme properties. However, in most cases the underlying molecular mechanisms that result in structural changes in the enzymes are obscure. This study reports that acclimation to low (5 degrees C) and high (18 degrees C) temperatures leads to differential expression of alternative forms of the LDH-A gene in white skeletal muscle of weatherfish, Misgurnus fossilis. Two isoforms of LDH-A mRNA were isolated and characterized: a short isoform (= 1332 bp) and a long isoform ( = 1550 bp), which both have 5'-UTRs and ORFs of the same length (333 amino acid residues), but differ in the length of the 3'-UTR. In addition, these two mRNAs have 44 nucleotide point mismatches of an irregular pattern along the complete sequence, resulting in three amino acid mismatches (Gly214Val; Val304Ile and Asp312Glu) between protein products from the short and long mRNA forms, correspondingly LDH-A(alpha) and LDH-A(beta) subunits. It is expected that the beta-subunit is more aliphatic due to the properties of the mismatched amino acids and therefore sterically more restricted. According to molecular modelling of M. fossilis LDH-A, the Val304Ile mismatch is located in the subunit contact area of the tetramer, whereas the remaining two mismatches surround the contact area; this is expected to manifest in the kinetic and thermodynamic properties of the assembled tetramer. In warm-acclimated fish the relative expression between alpha and beta isoforms of the LDH-A mRNA is around 5 : 1, whereas in cold-acclimated fish expression of is reduced almost to zero. This indicates that at low temperature the pool of total tetrameric LDH-A is more homogeneous in terms of alpha/beta-subunit composition. The temperature acclimation pattern of proportional pooling of subunits with different kinetic and thermodynamic properties of the tetrameric enzyme may result in fine-tuning of the properties of skeletal LDH-A, which is in line with previously observed kinetic and thermodynamic differences between 'cold' and 'warm' LDH-A purified from weatherfish. Also, an irregular pattern of nucleotide mismatches indicates that these mRNAs are the products of two independently evolving genes, i.e. paralogues. Karyotype analysis has confirmed that the experimental population of M. fossilis is tetraploid (2n = 100), therefore gene duplication, possibly through tetraploidy, may contribute to the adaptability towards temperature variation.  相似文献   
BackgroundSchool free fruit and vegetable (FFV) policies are used to promote healthy dietary habits and tackle obesity; however, our understanding of their effects on weight outcomes is limited. We assess the effect of a nationwide FFV policy on childhood and adolescent weight status and explore heterogeneity by sex and socioeconomic position.Methods and findingsThis study used a quasi-natural experimental design. Between 2007 and 2014, Norwegian combined schools (grades 1–10, age 6 to 16 years) were obligated to provide FFVs while elementary schools (grades 1–7) were not. We used 4 nationwide studies (n = 11,215 children) from the Norwegian Growth Cohort with longitudinal or cross-sectional anthropometric data up to age 8.5 and 13 years to capture variation in FFV exposure. Outcomes were body mass index standard deviation score (BMISDS), overweight and obesity (OW/OB), waist circumference (WC), and weight to height ratio (WtHR) at age 8.5 years, and BMISDS and OW/OB at age 13 years. Analyses included longitudinal models of the pre- and post-exposure trajectories to estimate the policy effect. The participation rate in each cohort was >80%, and in most analyses <4% were excluded due to missing data. Estimates were adjusted for region, population density, and parental education. In pooled models additionally adjusted for pre-exposure BMISDS, there was little evidence of any benefit or unintended consequence from 1–2.5 years of exposure to the FFV policy on BMISDS, OW/OB, WC, or WtHR in either sex. For example, boys exposed to the FFV policy had a 0.05 higher BMISDS (95% CI: −0.04, 0.14), a 1.20-fold higher odds of OW/OB (95% CI: 0.86, 1.66) and a 0.3 cm bigger WC (95% CI: −0.3, 0.8); while exposed girls had a 0.04 higher BMISDS (95% CI: −0.04, 0.13), a 1.03 fold higher odds of OW/OB (95% CI: 0.75, 1.39), and a 0-cm difference in WC (95% CI: −0.6, 0.6). There was evidence of heterogeneity in the policy effect estimates at 8.5 years across cohorts and socioeconomic position; however, these results were inconsistent with other comparisons. Analysis at age 13 years, after 4 years of policy exposure, also showed little evidence of an effect on BMISDS or OW/OB. The main limitations of this study are the potential for residual confounding and exposure misclassification, despite efforts to minimize their impact on conclusions.ConclusionsIn this study we observed little evidence that the Norwegian nationwide FFV policy had any notable beneficial effect or unintended consequence on weight status among Norwegian children and adolescents.

Bente Øvrebø and colleagues assess whether a nationwide free school fruit and vegetable policy was associated with weight outcomes in children and early adolescents in Norway.  相似文献   
Understanding the mechanism of cadmium (Cd) accumulation in plants is important to help reduce its potential toxicity to both plants and humans through dietary and environmental exposure. Here, we report on a study to uncover the genetic basis underlying natural variation in Cd accumulation in a world-wide collection of 349 wild collected Arabidopsis thaliana accessions. We identified a 4-fold variation (0.5-2 μg Cd g(-1) dry weight) in leaf Cd accumulation when these accessions were grown in a controlled common garden. By combining genome-wide association mapping, linkage mapping in an experimental F2 population, and transgenic complementation, we reveal that HMA3 is the sole major locus responsible for the variation in leaf Cd accumulation we observe in this diverse population of A. thaliana accessions. Analysis of the predicted amino acid sequence of HMA3 from 149 A. thaliana accessions reveals the existence of 10 major natural protein haplotypes. Association of these haplotypes with leaf Cd accumulation and genetics complementation experiments indicate that 5 of these haplotypes are active and 5 are inactive, and that elevated leaf Cd accumulation is associated with the reduced function of HMA3 caused by a nonsense mutation and polymorphisms that change two specific amino acids.  相似文献   
Accumulating evidence suggest that the pyridine nucleotide NAD has far wider biological functions than its classical role in energy metabolism. NAD is used by hundreds of enzymes that catalyze substrate oxidation and, as such, it plays a key role in various biological processes such as aging, cell death, and oxidative stress. It has been suggested that changes in the ratio of free cytosolic [NAD+]/[NADH] reflects metabolic alterations leading to, or correlating with, pathological states. We have designed an isotopically labeled metabolic bioprobe of free cytosolic [NAD+]/[NADH] by combining a magnetic enhancement technique (hyperpolarization) with cellular glycolytic activity. The bioprobe reports free cytosolic [NAD+]/[NADH] ratios based on dynamically measured in-cell [pyruvate]/[lactate] ratios. We demonstrate its utility in breast and prostate cancer cells. The free cytosolic [NAD+]/[NADH] ratio determined in prostate cancer cells was 4 times higher than in breast cancer cells. This higher ratio reflects a distinct metabolic phenotype of prostate cancer cells consistent with previously reported alterations in the energy metabolism of these cells. As a reporter on free cytosolic [NAD+]/[NADH] ratio, the bioprobe will enable better understanding of the origin of diverse pathological states of the cell as well as monitor cellular consequences of diseases and/or treatments.  相似文献   
Arid soils in Egypt display large variability in solute transport properties, causing problems in soil management. To characterize this variability, dye infiltration experiments were conducted on four plots representing three main soil types in northeastern Egypt. The plots represented both cultivated and uncultivated land use. The observed dye patterns displayed a large variability and especially the clay soils indicated a high degree of preferential flow. The loamy sand and sandy soils displayed a more uniform dye distribution indicating more homogeneous soil properties. The observed dye patterns were modeled using a diffusion limited aggregation (DLA) model. The DLA is a random walk model where model parameters can be optimized using genetic algorithms (GA). The DLA model reproduced the observed dye patterns for all soils in an excellent way. The best fit was obtained with a specific combination of directional random walk probabilities Pu, Pd, Pr, and Pl for each plot (correlation 0.97–0.99). To account for soil layers with different hydraulic properties a two layer DLA model was developed. For all plots the Pu (upward random walk probability) was higher for the upper more homogeneous soil layer. The overall results showed that spatial variability resulting from solute transport for the investigated soils can be modeled using a DLA approach.  相似文献   
Legumain, an asparaginyl endopeptidase, is up-regulated in tumour and tumour-associated cells, and is linked to the processing of cathepsin B, L, and proMMP-2. Although legumain is mainly localized to the endosomal/lysosomal compartments, legumain has been reported to be localized extracellularly in the tumour microenvironment and associated with extracellular matrix and cell surfaces. The most potent endogenous inhibitor of legumain is cystatin E/M, which is a secreted protein synthesised with an export signal. Therefore, we investigated the cellular interplay between legumain and cystatin E/M. As a cell model, HEK293 cells were transfected with legumain cDNA, cystatin E/M cDNA, or both, and over-expressing monoclonal cell lines were selected (termed M38L, M4C, and M3CL, respectively). Secretion of prolegumain from M38L cells was inhibited by treatment with brefeldin A, whereas bafilomycin A1 enhanced the secretion. Cellular processing of prolegumain to the 46 and 36 kDa enzymatically active forms was reduced by treatment with either substance alone. M38L cells showed increased, but M4C cells decreased, cathepsin L processing suggesting a crucial involvement of legumain activity. Furthermore, we observed internalization of cystatin E/M and subsequently decreased intracellular legumain activity. Also, prolegumain was shown to internalize followed by increased intracellular legumain processing and activation. In addition, in M4C cells incomplete processing of the internalized prolegumain was observed, as well as nuclear localized cystatin E/M. Furthermore, auto-activation of secreted prolegumain was inhibited by cystatin E/M, which for the first time shows a regulatory role of cystatin E/M in controlling both intra- and extracellular legumain activity.  相似文献   
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