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We compared movement patterns and rhythms of activity of a top predator, the Iberian lynx Lynx pardinus, a mesopredator, the red fox Vulpes vulpes, and their shared principal prey, the rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus, in relation to moon phases. Because the three species are mostly nocturnal and crepuscular, we hypothesized that the shared prey would reduce its activity at most risky moon phases (i.e. during the brightest nights), but that fox, an intraguild prey of lynx, would avoid lynx activity peaks at the same time. Rabbits generally moved further from their core areas on darkest nights (i.e. new moon), using direct movements which minimize predation risk. Though rabbits responded to the increased predation risk by reducing their activity during the full moon, this response may require several days, and the moon effect we observed on the rabbits had, therefore, a temporal gap. Lynx activity patterns may be at least partially mirroring rabbit activity: around new moons, when rabbits moved furthest and were more active, lynxes reduced their travelling distances and their movements were concentrated in the core areas of their home ranges, which generally correspond to areas of high density of rabbits. Red foxes were more active during the darkest nights, when both the conditions for rabbit hunting were the best and lynxes moved less. On the one hand, foxes increased their activity when rabbits were further from their core areas and moved with more discrete displacements; on the other hand, fox activity in relation to the moon seemed to reduce dangerous encounters with its intraguild predator.  相似文献   

We have recently shown that rest-activity circadian rhythm significantly differed in women with Binge Eating Disorder (BED) compared to the Ctrl group. In details, patients with BED exhibited significantly reduced levels of MESOR and Amplitude with respect to the Ctrl group. In addition, in this previous study, the results of the actigraphic sleep monitoring provided no evidence of differences in sleep parameters between the two groups. We expanded the original sample obtaining a total of 28 volunteered women, 14 BED women, and 14 Ctrl. We recorded in all 28 participants a 5-day actigraphic monitoring to detect the rhythmometric parameters, interdaily stability, intradaily variability, L5, M10, and sleep parameters. During the study, BED’s women group kept an individual multidisciplinary therapy lasting five weekly days, from Monday to Friday, consisting in cognitive-behavioral therapy and nutritional program, administered in outpatient care from 8:00 a.m. at 5:00 p.m. The combination of both our previous and current study supports the conclusion that the sleep quality of the BED group is significantly better compared to Ctrl. The non-parametric indexes showed how interdaily stability, significantly correlated to sleep efficiency, was higher in BED group compared to the Ctrl group, indicating a better synchronization of rest-activity circadian rhythm. In conclusion, the maintenance of a regular lifestyle, such as imposed by the multidisciplinary therapy, is important to avoid alterations in the sleep-wake cycle, particularly in patients with eating disorders.  相似文献   
Lake Monger (Perth, Western Australia) is a highly eutrophic lake, characterised by very low species richness of macrophytes with the dominance of Potamogeton crispus. Mesocosm experiments were performed using water and plants collected from the lake to determine the effects of vegetation decay on the phosphorus (P) concentrations in the overlying waters. After 2 weeks of experimental incubation of mesocosms with and without re-oxygenation, P concentrations in the water column were significantly higher, showing a quite similar effect of P. crispus on the phosphorus release in different mesocosms. The results of our study provide clear evidence that the P concentrations in overlying waters mainly depend upon the plant P content and developmental stage. Although many sources contribute to the nutrient load of Lake Monger, macrophyte harvesting, prior to its senescence, might constitute a significant in-lake measure for reducing the internal P load.  相似文献   
Molecular Biology Reports - Benign metastasizing leiomyoma (BML) is a rare disease characterized by extrauterine benign leiomyomatosis in patients with a previous or concomitant history of uterine...  相似文献   
Marine mammals have been subject to heavy anthropogenic pressure by direct killing and chemical pollution all over the world. Most studies of contamination and biomarker responses in marine mammals have been conducted using animals killed by hunting out of a total of 12 cetacean species studied, 45 of the specimens were obtained by sacrificing the animal; out of a total of eight pinniped species studied, 40 of the specimens were obtained by killing. The development of a series of non destructive techniques to evaluate biomarker responses and residue levels is recommended for the hazard assessment and conservation of endangered species of marine mammals. Here we review the current status of the non destructive biomarker approach in marine mammals, describing the biological materials available for non destructive tests in stranded brain, liver, blood, skin, subcutaneous blubber, muscle and fur and free ranging animals blood, skin biopsy, fur and faeces and the respective biomarker techniques mixed function oxidase activity and DNA damage in skin biopsy samples; porphyrins in faeces and fur; esterases, porphyrins, clinical biochemical parameter, vitamin A and micronuclei in blood samples. Residue analysis can be carried out in the various biological materials. We also report the results of applying this methodological approach to cetaceans minke whale Balaenoptera acutorostrata, fin whale-- Balaenoptera physalus, beluga whale-- Delphinapterus leucas, short finned pilot whale-- Globicephala macrorhynchus, harbour porpoise -- Phocoena phocoena, Rissos dolphin-- Risso s Grampus griseus, Dall s porpoise-- Phocoenoides dalli dalli, melon headed whale-- Peponocephala electra, bottlenose dolphin -- Tursiops truncatus, striped dolphin-- Stenella coeruleoalba, spinner dolphin-- Stenella longirostris, killer whale-- Orcinus orca and pinnipeds northern fur seal- Callorhinus ursinus, hooded seal-- Cystophora cristata, grey seal-- Halichoerus grypus, harbour seal-- Phoca vitulina, ringed seal-- Phoca hispida, harp seal-- Phoca groenlandica, ribbon seal-- Phoca fasciata, largha seal- Phoca largha, southern sea lion-- Otaria flavescens in field studies for prognostic and diagnostic purposes.  相似文献   
Summary The P2X7 nucleotide receptor is an ATP-gated ion channel that plays an important role in bone cell function. Here, we investigated the effects of L-tyrosine derivatives 1–3 as potent P2X7 antagonists on human primary osteoclasts. We found that the level of expression of P2X7 receptor increased after treatment with the derivatives 1–3, together with the induction of high levels of apoptosis. This effect is associated with activation of caspase-3 and inhibition of expression of IL-6. Interestingly, no pro-apoptotic effect of compounds 1–3 was found on human osteoblasts. Our results suggest that the development of specific P2X7 receptor antagonists may be considered a useful tool to modulate apoptosis of human osteoclasts. Since bone loss due to osteoclast-mediated resorption represents one of the major unsolved problem in osteopenic disorders, the identification of molecules able to induce apoptosis of osteoclasts is of great interest for the development of novel therapeutic strategies.  相似文献   
New single-chain (type 1) ribosome-inactivating proteins (RIPs) were isolated from the seeds of Basella rubra L. (two proteins) and from the leaves of Bougainvillea spectabilis Willd. (one protein). These RIPs inhibit protein synthesis both in a cell-free system, with an IC50 (concentration causing 50% inhibition) in the 10−10 M range, and by various cell lines, with IC50s in the 10−8–10−6 M range. All three RIPs released adenine not only from rat liver ribosomes but also from Escherichia coli rRNA, polyadenylic acid, herring sperm DNA, and artichoke mottled crinkle virus (AMCV) genomic RNA, thus being polynucleotide:adenosine glycosidases. The proteins from Basella rubra had toxicity to mice similar to that of most type 1 RIPs (Barbieri et al., 1993, Biochim Biophys Acta 1154: 237–282) with an LD50 (concentration that is 50% lethal) ≤ 8 mg · kg−1 body weight, whilst the RIP from Bougainvillea spectabilis had an LD50 >32 mg · kg−1. The N-terminal sequence of the two RIPs from Basella rubra had 80–93% identity, whereas it differed from the sequence of the RIP from Bougainvillea spectabilis. When tested with antibodies against various RIPs, the RIPs from Basella gave some cross-reactivity with sera against dianthin 32, and weak cross-reactivity with momordin I and momorcochin-S, whilst the RIP from Bougainvillea did not cross-react with any antiserum tested. An RIP from Basella rubra and one from Bougainvillea spectabilis were tested for antiviral activity, and both inhibited infection of Nicotiana benthamiana by AMCV. Received: 5 March 1997 / Accepted: 27 May 1997  相似文献   
Bacterial translation initiation factor IF2 was localized on the ribosome by rRNA cleavage using free Cu(II):1,10-orthophenanthroline. The results indicated proximity of IF2 to helix 89, to the sarcin-ricin loop and to helices 43 and 44, which constitute the "L11/thiostrepton" stem-loops of 23S rRNA. These findings prompted an investigation of the L11 contribution to IF2 activity and a re-examination of the controversial issue of the effect on IF2 functions of thiostrepton, a peptide antibiotic known primarily as a powerful inhibitor of translocation. Ribosomes lacking L11 were found to have wild-type capacity to bind IF2 but a strongly reduced ability to elicit its GTPase activity. We found that thiostrepton caused a faster recycling of this factor on and off the 70S ribosomes and 50S subunits, which in turn resulted in an increased rate of the multiple turnover IF2-dependent GTPase. Although thiostrepton did not inhibit the P-site binding of fMet-tRNA, the A-site binding of the EF-Tu-GTP-Phe-tRNA or the activity of the ribosomal peptidyl transferase center (as measured by the formation of fMet-puromycin), it severely inhibited IF2-dependent initiation dipeptide formation. This inhibition can probably be traced back to a thiostrepton-induced distortion of the ribosomal-binding site of IF2, which leads to a non-productive interaction between the ribosome and the aminoacyl-tRNA substrates of the peptidyl transferase reaction. Overall, our data indicate that the translation initiation function of IF2 is as sensitive as the translocation function of EF-G to thiostrepton inhibition.  相似文献   
The vesicular soluble N‐ethylmaleimide‐sensitive factor attachment protein receptor (SNARE) tetanus neurotoxin‐insensitive vesicle‐associated membrane protein (TI‐VAMP/VAMP7) was previously shown to mediate an exocytic pathway involved in neurite growth, but its regulation is still largely unknown. Here we show that TI‐VAMP interacts with the Vps9 domain and ankyrin‐repeat‐containing protein (Varp), a guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) of the small GTPase Rab21, through a specific domain herein called the interacting domain (ID). Varp, TI‐VAMP and Rab21 co‐localize in the perinuclear region of differentiating hippocampal neurons and transiently in transport vesicles in the shaft of neurites. Silencing the expression of Varp by RNA interference or expressing ID or a form of Varp deprived of its Vps9 domain impairs neurite growth. Furthermore, the mutant form of Rab21, defective in GTP hydrolysis, enhances neurite growth. We conclude that Varp is a positive regulator of neurite growth through both its GEF activity and its interaction with TI‐VAMP.  相似文献   
Nonomuraea sp. ATCC 39727 belongs to the Streptosporangiaceae family of filamentous actinomycetes. This microorganism produces the teicoplanin-like glycopeptide A40926, which is the starting material for the synthesis of the second-generation glycopeptide dalbavancin. Notwithstanding the strain’s pharmaceutical relevance, the lack or poor efficiency of genetic tools to manipulate Nonomuraea sp. ATCC 39727 has hampered strain and product improvement. Here we report the development of gene transfer systems based on protoplast transformation and intergeneric conjugation from Escherichia coli. Efficiency of transformation and conjugation, followed by site specific or homologous recombination with the Nonomuraea sp. genome, were determined using the integrative plasmid pSET152 (5.7 kb), and the Supercos1 derivative cosmid A40ΔY (30 kb). To our knowledge, this is the first report of the transformation of protoplasts of Nonomuraea sp. ATCC 39727, even though the improved procedure for intergeneric conjugation makes it the method of choice for introducing large segments of DNA into Nonomuraea sp. ATCC 39727.  相似文献   
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