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Active form of Notch imposes T cell fate in human progenitor cells   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
The crucial role of Notch signaling in cell fate decisions in hematopoietic lineage and T lymphocyte development has been well established in mice. Overexpression of the intracellular domain of Notch mediates signal transduction of the protein. By retroviral transduction of this constitutively active truncated intracellular domain in human CD34+ umbilical cord blood progenitor cells, we were able to show that, in coculture with the stromal MS-5 cell line, depending on the cytokines added, the differentiation toward CD19+ B lymphocytes was blocked, the differentiation toward CD14+ monocytes was inhibited, and the differentiation toward CD56+ NK cells was favored. The number of CD7+cyCD3+ cells, a phenotype similar to T/NK progenitor cells, was also markedly increased. In fetal thymus organ culture, transduced CD34+ progenitor cells from umbilical cord blood cells or from thymus consistently generated more TCR-gammadelta T cells, whereas the other T cell subpopulations were largely unaffected. Interestingly, when injected in vivo in SCID-nonobese diabetic mice, the transduced cells generated ectopically human CD4+CD8+ TCR-alphabeta cells in the bone marrow, cells that are normally only present in the thymus, and lacked B cell differentiation potential. Our results show unequivocally that, in human, Notch signaling inhibits the monocyte and B cell fate, promotes the T cell fate, and alters the normal T cell differentiation pathway compatible with a pretumoral state.  相似文献   
Malolactic fermentation (MLF) is carried out by Oenococcus oeni under very harsh conditions. This paper shows that stress compounds in wine such as SO(2), fatty acids and copper have an inhibitory effect on cell growth and MLF duration, and relates this effect to an inhibition of ATPase activity. Of the stress compounds, SO(2) and dodecanoic acid had the strongest effect, decreasing the ATPase specific activity to 37% and 58%, respectively. It can be concluded that ATPase is a good indicator of the physiological state of the cells and their ability to lead MLF.  相似文献   
The dynamics of collective decision making is not yet well understood. Its practical relevance however can be of utmost importance, as experienced by people who lost their fortunes in turbulent moments of financial markets. In this paper we show how spontaneous collective “moods” or “biases” emerge dynamically among human participants playing a trading game in a simple model of the stock market. Applying theory and computer simulations to the experimental data generated by humans, we are able to predict the onset of such moments before they actually happen.  相似文献   
Aphidius ervi (Hymenoptera, Braconidae) is an endophagous parasitoid of various aphid species, including Acyrthosiphon pisum (Homoptera, Aphididae), the model host used in the present study. Parasitized hosts show a marked increase of their nutritional suitability for the developing parasitoid larvae. This alteration of the biochemical and metabolic profile is due to a castration process mediated by the combined action of the venom, injected at the oviposition, and of the teratocytes, cells deriving from the dissociation of the embryonic membrane. Teratocytes produce and release in the host haemocoel two parasitism-specific proteins, which are of crucial importance for the development of their sister larvae. One of the proteins is a fatty acid binding protein (Ae-FABP), which shows a high affinity for C14-C18 saturated fatty acids (FAs) and for oleic and arachidonic acids. To better define the possible nutritional role of this protein, we have studied its immunolocalization profile in vivo and the impact on FA uptake by the epidermal and midgut epithelia of A. ervi larvae. During the exponential growth of A. ervi larvae, Ae-FABP is distributed around discrete lipid particles, which are abundantly present in the haemocoel of parasitized host aphids and in the midgut lumen of parasitoid larvae. Moreover, a strong immunodetection signal is evident on the surface of the two larval epithelia involved in nutrient absorption: the parasitoid midgut epithelium and the external epidermal layer. These two epithelia can effectively absorb radiolabelled myristic acid, but the FA transport rates are not affected by the presence in the medium of Ae-FABP. The protein appears to act essentially as a vector in the host haemolymph, transferring FAs from the digestion sites of host lipids to the growing parasitoid larvae. These data indicate that the proteins produced by A. ervi teratocytes may play complementary roles in the nutritional exploitation of the host.  相似文献   
Summary Lathyrus sylvestris is a pioneer legume often found in disturbed habitats. Mainly reproduced through vegetative propagation, this clonal species presents a system of ramets that remain connected for several years. The existence of carbon transfer among ramets within a clone has been studied using 14C in situ. Assimilate translocation from primary to secondary ramets was observed in all clones when the primary ramet was exposed to 14CO2. The amount of transfer ranged from trace up to 90% of the total 14C incorporated. However, in only half of the clones there was consistent enrichment of the secondary ramet (5 to 89%) suggesting that interramets transfer of carbon may be facultative. Furthermore, when significant export occurred from the primary ramet, it was always principally towards only one ramet even when the clone included more than one. The transfer of 14C from secondary to primary ramets was shown to be significant only when photosynthesis of the latter was decreased by shading. In this case import of carbon was never more than 60% of the incorporated 14C.No correlation was found between age or size of the ramets and the intensity of transfer. The shading effect let suppose that transfers are mainly driven by carbon limitation due to changing environmental conditions and not to the state of ramet maturity. The adaptative advantage of such facultative physiological integration between ramets of a clone is discussed.  相似文献   
Upon toxic metal stress numerous defence mechanisms have been induced, including the synthesis of metal-binding ligands and plant hormones or plant growth regulators in plants. As several elements in the promoter region of the heavy metal-responsive genes can be activated by plant hormones and growth regulators, understanding and revealing possible and special relationships between these regulator compounds and the metal chelator phytochelatins, which are in the first line of heavy metal defence mechanism is of great important. Phytochelatins are synthetized from glutathione and have a structure of [(γ-Glu-Cys)n]-Gly, where n is the number of repetition of the (γ-Glu-Cys) units. Evidences for the role of PCs in heavy metal tolerance are very strong; however, little information is available on how plant growth regulators influence the phytochelatin synthesis at molecular or even gene expression level. In the present review we provide an overview of the role and synthesis of phytochelatins in metal-tolerance mechanism from a new point of view, i.e. their relation to the plant growth regulator molecules, with special regard also on those cases, when close direct relationship exists because of the partly overlapped synthesis pathways of plant growth regulators and glutathione/phytochelatins.  相似文献   
High salinity is one of the major environmental factors limiting the productivity of crop species worldwide. Improving the stress tolerance of cultivated plants and thus increasing crop yields in an environmentally friendly way is a crucial task in agriculture. In the present work the ability of a new derivative, S-methylmethionine-salicylate (MMS), to improve the salt tolerance of wheat plants was tested parallel with its related compounds salicylic acid and S-methylmethionine. The results show that while these compounds are harmful at relatively high concentration (0.5 mM), they may provide protection against high salinity at lower (0.1 mM) concentration. This was confirmed by gas exchange, chlorophyll content and chlorophyll-a fluorescence induction measurements. While osmotic adjustment probably plays a critical role in the improved salt tolerance, neither Na or K transport from the roots to the shoots nor proline synthesis are the main factors in the tolerance induced by the compounds tested. MMS, S-methylmethionine and Na-salicylate had different effects on flavonol biosynthesis. It was also shown that salt treatment had a substantial influence on the SA metabolism in wheat roots and leaves. Present results suggest that the investigated compounds can be used to improve salt tolerance in plants.  相似文献   
Molluscs are invertebrates of great relevance for economy, environment and public health. The numerous studies on molluscan immunity and physiology registered an impressive variability of circulating hemocytes. This study is focused on the first characterization of the circulating hemocytes of the freshwater gastropod Pomacea canaliculata, a model for several eco-toxicological and parasitological researches.Flow cytometry analysis identified two populations of hemocytes on the basis of differences in size and internal organization. The first population contains small and agranular cells. The second one displays major size and a more articulated internal organization. Light microscopy evidenced two principal morphologies, categorized as Group I (small) and II (large) hemocytes. Group I hemocytes present the characteristics of blast-like cells, with an agranular and basophilic cytoplasm. Group I hemocytes can adhere onto a glass surface but seem unable to phagocytize heat-inactivated Escherichia coli. The majority of Group II hemocytes displays an agranular cytoplasm, while a minority presents numerous granules. Agranular cytoplasm may be basophilic or acidophilic. Granules are positive to neutral red staining and therefore acidic. Independently from their morphology, Group II hemocytes are able to adhere and to engulf heat-inactivated E. coli. Transmission electron microscopy analysis clearly distinguished between agranular and granular hemocytes and highlighted the electron dense content of the granules. After hemolymph collection, time-course analysis indicated that the Group II hemocytes are subjected to an evident dynamism with changes in the percentage of agranular and granular hemocytes. The ability of circulating hemocytes to quickly modify their morphology and stainability suggests that P. canaliculata is endowed with highly dynamic hemocyte populations able to cope with rapid environmental changes as well as fast growing pathogens.  相似文献   
Understanding the impact of fisheries on the commercial fish stocks requires detailed catch statistics and data on the dynamics of fleet and catch effort, at least before industrial fishing started. Most time-series on the fleet dynamics start after the 1980s, at times when major changes in fleet characteristics had already taken place. In the present paper, the results of the integration of data on fleet size (from 1830), tonnage (from 1842) and engine power (kW, from 1912) of the Belgian sea fisheries fleet are presented. The decrease in fleet size and changes in overall tonnage and engine power since the beginning of the reconstructed time-series, are quantified. The data show that the decrease in fleet size (?85 %) and in overall engine power (?5 %) was compensated by an increase in average tonnage per vessel (×10 increase) and in average engine power per vessel (×6 increase). The overall fishing effort of the fleet expressed as the total number of days spent at sea has decreased by approximately ?84 % between 1938 and 2010, while the average amount of fish landed per day per vessel (1,000 kg in 2008–2010) has at least doubled in the same period. The data reconstruction provides a unique view on the dynamics in the sea fisheries fleet of Belgium over 180 years and the political and social events associated to these changes.  相似文献   
Increased prevalence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria has become a major threat to the health sector worldwide due to their virulence, limited therapeutic options and distribution in both hospital and community settings. Discovery and development of new agents to combat antibiotic-resistant bacteria is thus needed. This study therefore aimed to evaluate the ability of bovine lactoferrin (LF), peptides from two antimicrobial domains lactoferricin B (LFcin17-30) and lactoferrampin (LFampin265-284) and a chimeric construct (LFchimera) containing both peptides, as potential bactericidal agents against clinical isolates of antibiotic-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. Results in kinetics of growth show that LF chimera and peptides inhibited the growth of both bacterial species. By confocal microscopy and flow cytometry it was observed that LF and FITC-labeled peptides are able to interact with these bacteria and cause membrane permeabilization, as monitored by propidium iodide staining, these effects were decreased by preincubation with lipopolysaccharide in E. coli. By electron microscopy, a clear cellular damage was observed in bacteria after treatments with LFchimera and peptides, suggesting that interaction and membrane disruption are probably involved as a mechanism of action. In conclusion, results show that LFchimera, LF and peptides have potential as bactericidal agents in the antibiotic-resistant strains of S. aureus and E. coli and also the work strongly suggest that LFcin17-30 and LFampin265-284 acts synergistically with antibiotics against multidrug resistant EPEC and MRSA in vitro.  相似文献   
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