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We used (31)P-magnetic resonance spectroscopy to study proton buffering in finger flexor muscles of eight healthy men (25-45 yr), during brief (18-s) voluntary finger flexion exercise (0.67-Hz contraction at 10% maximum voluntary contraction; 50/50 duty cycle) and 180-s recovery. Phosphocreatine (PCr) concentration fell 19 +/- 2% during exercise and then recovered with half time = 0.24 +/- 0.01 min. Cell pH rose by 0.058 +/- 0.003 units during exercise as a result of H(+) consumption by PCr splitting, which (assuming no lactate production or H(+) efflux) implies a plausible non-P(i) buffer capacity of 20 +/- 3 mmol. l intracellular water(-1). pH unit(-1). There was thus no evidence of significant glycogenolysis to lactate during exercise. Analysis of PCr kinetics as a classic linear response suggests that oxidative ATP synthesis reached 48 +/- 2% of ATP demand by the end of exercise; the rest was met by PCr splitting. Postexercise pH recovery was faster than predicted, suggesting "excess proton" production, with a peak value of 0.6 +/- 0.2 mmol/l intracellular water at 0.45 min of recovery, which might be due to, e.g., proton influx driven by cellular alkalinization, or a small glycolytic contribution to PCr resynthesis in recovery.  相似文献   
Genome sequencing revealed an extreme AT-rich genome and a profusion of asparagine repeats associated with low complexity regions (LCRs) in proteins of the malarial parasite Plasmodium falciparum. Despite their abundance, the function of these LCRs remains unclear. Because they occur in almost all families of plasmodial proteins, the occurrence of LCRs cannot be associated with any specific metabolic pathway; yet their accumulation must have given selective advantages to the parasite. Translation of these asparagine-rich LCRs demands extraordinarily high amounts of asparaginylated tRNAAsn. However, unlike other organisms, Plasmodium codon bias is not correlated to tRNA gene copy number. Here, we studied tRNAAsn accumulation as well as the catalytic capacities of the asparaginyl-tRNA synthetase of the parasite in vitro. We observed that asparaginylation in this parasite can be considered standard, which is expected to limit the availability of asparaginylated tRNAAsn in the cell and, in turn, slow down the ribosomal translation rate when decoding asparagine repeats. This observation strengthens our earlier hypothesis considering that asparagine rich sequences act as “tRNA sponges” and help cotranslational folding of parasite proteins. However, it also raises many questions about the mechanistic aspects of the synthesis of asparagine repeats and about their implications in the global control of protein expression throughout Plasmodium life cycle.  相似文献   
Ammonia and Elphidium collected in the Kiel Fjord for the present study were first identified on morphological bases as Ammonia beccarii (Linné, 1758) and Elphidium excavatum (Terquem, 1876). Phylogenetic analyses based on partial SSU rDNA and LSU rDNA sequences show that Ammonia specimens sampled in the Kiel Fjord belong to the phylotype T6, which has a disjunct distribution (Wadden and Baltic Seas/China and Japan) and has been identified as Ammonia aomoriensis (Asano, 1951). Partial SSU rDNA sequence analyses indicate that Elphidium specimens from the Kiel Fjord belong to the clade E. excavatum, confirming the morphological identification. This clade can be further divided in three subclades. Kiel Fjord Elphidium belong to two of these subclades and were identified morphologically as the subspecies E. excavatum excavatum (Terquem, 1876) and E. e. clavatum Cushman, 1930.  相似文献   
PKH dyes were initially developed by Horan et al. to provide appropriate probes for in vitro and in vivo cell tracking. It has been reported for many cell types that PKH bind irreversibly to the cell membrane without significantly affecting cell growth. Thus, these probes provide an opportunity for long-term cell monitoring and the identification of cells of interest among a heterogeneous cell population. An important feature is that upon cell division, the probe is partitioned equally between each daughter cell, making it possible to quantify tell fluorescence by flow cytometry. In this situation. the flow cytometric study of PKH67 characteristics shows that this probe does not affect the main cell-functions such as viability or proliferation. Moreover, the intracellular distribution of PKH67 is demonstrated by following its kinetics of internalization by confocal microscopy. These results present PKH67 as a probe suitable for dynamic analysis of cell proliferation as well as the study of intracellular localization and membrane recycling mechanisms.  相似文献   
Respiration is an oxidation-reduction process in which the electronflux through the respiratory electron transfer system (ETS)is sustained by the action of different dehydrogenases. Theseenzymes, as parts of the ETS, oxidize natural substrates (succinate,NADH and NADPH) of the cells and use the reducing equivalentsto activate ATP synthesis. We studied the relative contributionof the three main dehydrogenases to the overall ETh activityin some marine organisms. Each organism was analysed for thecombined and separate activities of NADH, NADPH and succinatedehydrogenases. The ETS activity was measured as the abilityof each organism to reduce the tetrazolium salt, INT, when suppliedwith their natural substrates. The results showed that (i) NADHdehydrogenase was generally the most active dehydrogenase inprokaryotic and eukaryotic cells; (ii) INT does not fully collectreducing equivalents from succinate through the succinate dehydrogenase;and (iii) the sum of the activities measured separately exceedsthe combined activity when the three enzymes are measured together.We suggest that competition of the individual dehydrogenasesfor a common limiting electron acceptor, ubiquinone, may explainthese observations.  相似文献   
The Rimicaris exoculata dominates the megafauna of some of the Mid Atlantic ridge hydrothermal vent sites. This species harbors a rich community of bacterial epibionts inside its gill chamber. Literature data indicate that a single 16S rRNA phylotype dominates this epibiotic community, and is assumed to be a sulfide-oxidizing bacteria. However attempts of cultivation were not successful and did not allow to confirm it. The aim of our study was to test the hypothesis of sulfide oxidation in the gill chamber, by a multidisciplinary approach, using in vivo experiments at in situ pressure in the presence of sulfide, microscopic observations and a molecular survey. Morphology of microorganisms, before and after treatment, was analyzed to test the effect of sulfide depletion and re-exposure. Our observations, as well as molecular data indicate a wider diversity than previously described for this shrimp's epibiotic community. We observed occurrence of bacterial intracellular sulfur- and iron-enriched granules and some methanotrophic-like bacteria cells for the first time. Genes that are characteristic of methane-oxidizing (pmoA) and sulfide-oxidizing (APS) bacteria were identified. These results suggest that three metabolic types (iron, sulfide and methane oxidation) may co-occur within the epibiont community associated with Rimicaris exoculata. As this shrimp colonizes chemically contrasted environments, the relative abundance of each metabolic type could vary according to the local availability of reduced compounds.  相似文献   
Bacteria synthesize a wide range of intracellular submicrometer-sized inorganic precipitates of diverse chemical compositions and structures, called biominerals. Their occurrences, functions and ultrastructures are not yet fully described despite great advances in our knowledge of microbial diversity. Here, we report bacteria inhabiting the sediments and water column of the permanently stratified ferruginous Lake Pavin, that have the peculiarity to biomineralize both intracellular magnetic particles and calcium carbonate granules. Based on an ultrastructural characterization using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and synchrotron-based scanning transmission X-ray microscopy (STXM), we showed that the calcium carbonate granules are amorphous and contained within membrane-delimited vesicles. Single-cell sorting, correlative fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and molecular typing of populations inhabiting sediments affiliated these bacteria to a new genus of the Alphaproteobacteria. The partially assembled genome sequence of a representative isolate revealed an atypical structure of the magnetosome gene cluster while geochemical analyses indicate that calcium carbonate production is an active process that costs energy to the cell to maintain an environment suitable for their formation. This discovery further expands the diversity of organisms capable of intracellular Ca-carbonate biomineralization. If the role of such biomineralization is still unclear, cell behaviour suggests that it may participate to cell motility in aquatic habitats as magnetite biomineralization does.Subject terms: Phylogenetics, Biodiversity, Biogeochemistry, Water microbiology  相似文献   
In the pathogenic bacterium Bacillus anthracis, virulence requires induced expression of the anthrax toxin and capsule genes. Elevated CO2/bicarbonate levels, an indicator of the host environment, provide a signal ex vivo to increase expression of virulence factors, but the mechanism underlying induction and its relevance in vivo are unknown. We identified a previously uncharacterized ABC transporter (BAS2714-12) similar to bicarbonate transporters in photosynthetic cyanobacteria, which is essential to the bicarbonate induction of virulence gene expression. Deletion of the genes for the transporter abolished induction of toxin gene expression and strongly decreased the rate of bicarbonate uptake ex vivo, demonstrating that the BAS2714-12 locus encodes a bicarbonate ABC transporter. The bicarbonate transporter deletion strain was avirulent in the A/J mouse model of infection. Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, which prevent the interconversion of CO2 and bicarbonate, significantly affected toxin expression only in the absence of bicarbonate or the bicarbonate transporter, suggesting that carbonic anhydrase activity is not essential to virulence factor induction and that bicarbonate, and not CO2, is the signal essential for virulence induction. The identification of this novel bicarbonate transporter essential to virulence of B. anthracis may be of relevance to other pathogens, such as Streptococcus pyogenes, Escherichia coli, Borrelia burgdorferi, and Vibrio cholera that regulate virulence factor expression in response to CO2/bicarbonate, and suggests it may be a target for antibacterial intervention.  相似文献   
The search for early Earth biological activity is hindered by the scarcity of the rock record. The very few exposed sedimentary rocks have all been affected by secondary processes such as metamorphism and weathering, which might have distorted morphological microfossils and biogenic minerals beyond recognition and have altered organic matter to kerogen. The search for biological activity in such rocks therefore relies entirely on chemical, molecular or isotopic indicators. A powerful tool used for this purpose is the stable isotope signature of elements related to life (C, N, S, Fe). It provides key informations not only on the metabolic pathways operating at the time of the sediment deposition, but more globally on the biogeochemical cycling of these elements and thus on the Earth's surface evolution. Here, we review the basis of stable isotope biogeochemistry for these isotopic systems. Rather than an exhaustive approach, we address some examples to illustrate how they can be used as biosignatures of early life and as proxies for its environment, while keeping in mind what their limitations are. We then focus on the covariations among these isotopic systems during the Archean time period to show that they convey important information both on the evolution of the redox state of the terrestrial surface reservoirs and on co-occurring ecosystems in the Archean.  相似文献   
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