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Reconstituted parenteral solutions of three surface-active anti-infective small-molecule drugs and solutions of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS, a model surfactant) were studied to quantify the impact of sample preparation and handling on particle counts. Turbidimetry and light obscuration profiles were recorded as a function of agitation and shearing with and without the introduction of foam into the solutions. SDS solutions at concentrations above the critical micelle concentration (CMC) show significantly greater sensitivity to shear and foam presence than SDS solution below the CMC: Values of >10 μm particles increased 8 fold over control (an unsheared sample) in the micellar solution vs. 4 fold particle count increase over control at a sub-micellar concentration. An even more significant increase in the ratio of particle count in sheared/unsheared solution is seen for >25 μm unit counts, due to the increased interference of foam with the measurement. Two commercial products, injection formulations of teicoplanin and cefotaxime sodium, as well as an investigational compound 1, showed an increase in scattering as a function of foam production. The impact of foaming was significant, resulting in an increase of turbidity and light obscuration measurements in all solutions. The results illustrate some of the challenges that are inherent to optically clear, homogeneous pharmaceutical injections containing compounds which have a tendency toward self-association and surfactant-like behavior.  相似文献   
Cilia and flagella are complex, microtubule (MT)-filled cell organelles of which the structure is evolutionarily conserved from protistan cells to mammalian sperm and the size is regulated. The best-established model for flagellar length (FL) control is set by the balance of continuous MT assembly and disassembly occurring at the flagellar tip. Because steady-state assembly of tubulin onto the distal end of the flagellum requires intraflagellar transport (IFT)--a bidirectional movement of large protein complexes that occurs within the flagellum--FL control must rely upon the regulation of IFT. This does not preclude that other pathways might "directly" affect MT assembly and disassembly. Now, among the superfamily of kinesins, family-13 (MCAK/KIF2) members exhibit a MT-depolymerizing activity responsible for their essential functions in mitosis. Here we present a novel family-13 kinesin from the flagellated protozoan parasite Leishmania major, that localizes essentially to the flagellum, and whose overexpression produces flagellar shortening and knockdown yields long flagella. Using negative mutants, we demonstrate that this phenotype is linked with the MT-binding and -depolymerizing activity of this kinesin. This is the first report of an effector protein involved in FL control through a direct action in MT dynamics, thus this finding complements the assembly-disassembly model.  相似文献   
A new genus of a deep-sea ascomycete with one new species, Alisea longicolla, is described based on analyses of 18S and 28S rDNA sequences and morphological characters. A. longicolla was found together with Oceanitis scuticella, on small twigs and sugar cane debris trawled from the bottom of the Pacific Ocean off Vanuatu Islands. Molecular and morphological characters indicate that both fungi are members of Halosphaeriaceae. Within this family, O. scuticella is phylogenetically related to Ascosalsum and shares similar ascospore morphology and appendage ontogeny. The genus Ascosalsum is considered congeneric with Oceanitis and Ascosalsum cincinnatulum, Ascosalsum unicaudatum and Ascosalsum viscidulum are transferred to Oceanitis, an earlier generic name.  相似文献   
The trafficking of ionotropic glutamate receptors to and from synaptic sites is regulated by proteins that interact with their cytoplasmic C-terminal domain. Profilin IIa (PfnIIa), an actin-binding protein expressed in the brain and recruited to synapses in an activity-dependent manner, was shown previously to interact with the C-terminal domain of the GluK2b subunit splice variant of kainate receptors (KARs). Here, we characterize this interaction and examine the role of PfnIIa in the regulation of KAR trafficking. PfnIIa directly and specifically binds to the C-terminal domain of GluK2b through a diproline motif. Expression of PfnIIa in transfected COS-7 cells and in cultured hippocampal neurons from PfnII-deficient mice decreases the level of extracellular of homomeric GluK2b as well as heteromeric GluK2a/GluK2b KARs. Our data suggest a novel mechanism by which PfnIIa exerts a dual role on the trafficking of KARs, by a generic inhibition of clathrin-mediated endocytosis through its interaction with dynamin-1, and by controlling KARs exocytosis through a direct and specific interaction with GluK2b.  相似文献   
The ability of non-ionic methoxyethylphosphoramidate (PNHME) alpha-oligodeoxynucleotides (ODNs), alpha dT(15) and alpha dCT dodecamer, to form triplexes with their double-stranded DNA targets was evaluated. Thermal stability of the formed complexes was studied by UV thermal denaturation and the data showed that these PNHME alpha-ODNs formed much more stable triplexes than phosphodiester (PO) beta-ODNs did (Delta Tm = + 20 degrees C for alpha dCT PNHME). In addition, FTIR spectroscopy was used to determine the base pairing and the strand orientations of the triplexes formed by alpha dT(15) PNHME compared to phosphodiester ODNs with beta or alpha anomeric configuration. While beta dT(15) PO failed to form a triplex with a long beta dA(n) x beta dT(n) duplex, the Tm of the Hoogsteen part of the triplex formed by alpha dT(15) PNHME reached 40 degrees C. Moreover alpha dT(15) PNHME displaced the beta dT(15) strand of a shorter beta dA(15) x beta dT(15) duplex. The alpha dCT PNHME and alpha dT(15) PNHME third strands were found antiparallel in contrast to alpha dT(15) PO which is parallel to the purine strand of their duplex target. The uniform preferential Hoogsteen pairing of the nucleotides alpha dT and alpha dC combining both replacements might contribute to the improve stability of the triplexes.  相似文献   
The mitochondrial NAD pool is particularly important for the maintenance of vital cellular functions. Although at least in some fungi and plants, mitochondrial NAD is imported from the cytosol by carrier proteins, in mammals, the mechanism of how this organellar pool is generated has remained obscure. A transporter mediating NAD import into mammalian mitochondria has not been identified. In contrast, human recombinant NMNAT3 localizes to the mitochondrial matrix and is able to catalyze NAD+ biosynthesis in vitro. However, whether the endogenous NMNAT3 protein is functionally effective at generating NAD+ in mitochondria of intact human cells still remains to be demonstrated. To modulate mitochondrial NAD+ content, we have expressed plant and yeast mitochondrial NAD+ carriers in human cells and observed a profound increase in mitochondrial NAD+. None of the closest human homologs of these carriers had any detectable effect on mitochondrial NAD+ content. Surprisingly, constitutive redistribution of NAD+ from the cytosol to the mitochondria by stable expression of the Arabidopsis thaliana mitochondrial NAD+ transporter NDT2 in HEK293 cells resulted in dramatic growth retardation and a metabolic shift from oxidative phosphorylation to glycolysis, despite the elevated mitochondrial NAD+ levels. These results suggest that a mitochondrial NAD+ transporter, similar to the known one from A. thaliana, is likely absent and could even be harmful in human cells. We provide further support for the alternative possibility, namely intramitochondrial NAD+ synthesis, by demonstrating the presence of endogenous NMNAT3 in the mitochondria of human cells.  相似文献   
The allosteric transition of threonine-sensitive aspartokinase I-homoserine dehydrogenase I from Escherichia coli has been studied by time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy. Fluorescence decay can be resolved into 2 distinct classes of tryptophan emitters: a fast component, with a lifetime of about 1.5 ns; and a slow component, with a lifetime of about 4.5 ns. The fluorescence properties of the slow component are modified by the allosteric transition. In the T-form of the enzyme stabilized by threonine, the lifetime of the slow component is longer, with a red-shifted spectrum; its accessibility to quenching by acrylamide becomes slightly higher without any decrease of fluorescence anisotropy. These results indicate a change in polarity of the slow component environment. The quaternary structure change associated with the allosteric transition probably involves global movements of structural domains without leading to any local mobility on the nanosecond time-scale. We suggest that the slow component corresponds to the unique tryptophan of the buried kinase domain.  相似文献   
We introduce optogenetic investigation of neurotransmission (OptIoN) for time-resolved and quantitative assessment of synaptic function via behavioral and electrophysiological analyses. We photo-triggered release of acetylcholine or gamma-aminobutyric acid at Caenorhabditis elegans neuromuscular junctions using targeted expression of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Channelrhodopsin-2. In intact Channelrhodopsin-2 transgenic worms, photostimulation instantly induced body elongation (for gamma-aminobutyric acid) or contraction (for acetylcholine), which we analyzed acutely, or during sustained activation with automated image analysis, to assess synaptic efficacy. In dissected worms, photostimulation evoked neurotransmitter-specific postsynaptic currents that could be triggered repeatedly and at various frequencies. Light-evoked behaviors and postsynaptic currents were significantly (P 相似文献   
Polyunsaturated fatty acids have been reported to enhance the cytotoxic activity of several anticancer drugs. In the present study, we observed that doxorubicin chemosensitization of breast cancer cell lines by docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, a long-chain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid) was cell-line selective, affecting MDA-MB-231 and MCF-7 dox (a doxorubicin-resistant cell line) but not the parental MCF-7 cell line. DHA supplementation led to an increase in membrane phospholipid DHA level, but did not induce changes in intracellular [(14)C]doxorubicin accumulation. In MDA-MB-231, doxorubicin efficacy enhancement by DHA was linked to an increase in malondialdehyde level, a final product of lipid peroxidation. DHA elicited by itself a 3.7-fold malondialdehyde level increase, additive to that induced by doxorubicin. Addition of doxorubicin to DHA further increased the glutathione level, indicative of the generation of an oxidative stress. In contrast to MDA-MB-231, doxorubicin did not increase the malondialdehyde level in MCF-7, although DHA induced lipid peroxidation. Therefore in MCF-7, lipid peroxidation induced by DHA itself was not sufficient to trigger an oxidative stress and to subsequently increase sensitivity to doxorubicin. These data indicate that the differential effect of DHA among cells on drug toxicity results from a differential oxidative response to doxorubicin. Chemosensitization through fatty acids appears as a new promising adjuvant therapeutic paradigm, since omega-3 fatty acids are physiological molecules found in food and are nontoxic in vivo.  相似文献   
Molecular toolbox for studying diatom biology in Phaeodactylum tricornutum   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Research into diatom biology has now entered the post-genomics era, following the recent completion of the Thalassiosira pseudonana and Phaeodactylum tricornutum whole genome sequences and the establishment of Expressed Sequence Tag (EST) databases. The thorough exploitation of these resources will require the development of molecular tools to analyze and modulate the function of diatom genes in vivo. Towards this objective, we report here the identification of several reference genes that can be used as internal standards for gene expression studies by quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) in P. tricornutum cells grown over a diel cycle. In addition, we describe a series of diatom expression vectors based on Invitrogen Gateway technology for high-throughput protein tagging and overexpression studies in P. tricornutum. We demonstrate the utility of the diatom Destination vectors for determining the subcellular localization of a protein of interest and for immunodetection. The availability of these new resources significantly enriches the molecular toolbox for P. tricornutum and provides the diatom research community with well defined high-throughput methods for the analysis of diatom genes and proteins in vivo.  相似文献   
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