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In this study, we investigated changes in resting state networks (RSNs) in patients with gliomas located in the left hemisphere and its relation to cognitive function. We hypothesized that long distance connection, especially between hemispheres, would be affected by the presence of the tumor. We further hypothesized that these changes would correlate with, or reflect cognitive changes observed in patients with gliomas. Resting state functional MRI datasets from 12 patients and 12 healthy controls were used in the analysis. The tumor’s effect on three well-known RSNs including the default mode network (DMN), executive control network (ECN), and salience network (SN) identified using independent component analysis were investigated using dual regression analysis. Scores of neuropsychometric testing (WAIS-III and WMS-R) were also compared. Compared to the healthy control group, the patient group showed significant decrease in functional connectivity in the right angular gyrus/inferior parietal lobe of the ventral DMN and in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex of the left ECN, whereas a significant increase in connectivity in the right ECN was observed in the right parietal lobe. Changes in connectivity in the right ECN correlated with spatial memory, while that on the left ECN correlated with attention. Connectivity changes in the ventral DMN correlated with attention, working memory, full IQ, and verbal IQ measures. Although the tumors were localized in the left side of the brain, changes in connectivity were observed in the contralateral side. Moreover, these changes correlated with some aspects of cognitive function indicating that patients with gliomas may undergo cognitive changes even in the absence of or before the onset of major symptoms. Evaluation of resting state networks could be helpful in advancing our hodological understanding of brain function in glioma cases.  相似文献   
O-Methyltransferase I catalyzes both the conversion of demethylsterigmatocystin to sterigmatocystin and the conversion of dihydrodemethylsterigmatocystin to dihydrosterigmatocystin during aflatoxin biosynthesis. In this study, both genomic cloning and cDNA cloning of the gene encoding O-methyltransferase I were accomplished by using PCR strategies, such as conventional PCR based on the N-terminal amino acid sequence of the purified enzyme, 5' and 3' rapid amplification of cDNA ends PCR, and thermal asymmetric interlaced PCR (TAIL-PCR), and genes were sequenced by using Aspergillus parasiticus NIAH-26. A comparison of the genomic sequences with the cDNA of the dmtA region revealed that the coding region is interrupted by three short introns. The cDNA of the dmtA gene is 1,373 bp long and encodes a 386-amino-acid protein with a deduced molecular weight of 43,023, which is consistent with the molecular weight of the protein determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The C-terminal half of the deduced protein exhibits 76.3% identity with the coding region of the Aspergillus nidulans StcP protein, whereas the N-terminal half of dmtA exhibits 73.0% identity with the 5' flanking region of the stcP gene, suggesting that translation of the stcP gene may start at a site upstream from methionine that is different from the site that has been suggested previously. Also, an examination of the 5' and 3' flanking regions of the dmtA gene in which TAIL-PCR was used demonstrated that the dmtA gene is located in the aflatoxin biosynthesis cluster between (and in the same orientation as) the omtA and ord-2 genes. Northern blotting revealed that expression of the dmtA gene is influenced by both medium composition and culture temperature and that the pattern correlates with the patterns observed for other genes in the aflatoxin gene cluster. Furthermore, Southern blotting and PCR analyses of the dmtA gene showed that a dmtA homolog is present in Aspergillus oryzae SYS-2.  相似文献   
Responses of the plasma membrane to low temperatures   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The plasma membrane is considered to be the primary site of injury when plant cells are subjected to extracellular freezing. In order for plants or plant cells to acquire freezing tolerance, it is, thus, necessary that the plasma membrane increases its cryostability during freeze-thaw excursion. During cold acclimation both under natural and artificial conditions, there are compositional, structural and functional changes occurring in the plasma membrane, many, if not all, of which ultimately contribute to increased stability of the plasma membrane under freezing conditions. In addition, changes in the cytosol or intracellular compartments also affect the cryobehaviour of the plasma membrane during freeze-induced dehydration. Although many alterations occurring during cold acclimation influence the cryobehaviour of the plasma membrane comprehensively, recent advances in functional genomics approaches provide interesting information on the function of specific proteins for plasma membrane behaviour under freezing conditions.  相似文献   
Abstract: Effects of acute and chronic morphine treatment on the expression of diazepam binding inhibitor (DBI) mRNA in the mouse brain were examined. Cerebral DBI mRNA expression significantly increased in morphine-dependent mice, and this increase is more remarkable in morphine-withdrawn mice, whereas a single administration of morphine (50 mg/kg) produced no changes in the expression. Simultaneous administration of naloxone (3 mg/kg) with morphine completely abolished the increase in cerebral DBI mRNA expression observed in morphine-dependent and -withdrawn mice. These results indicate that a chronic functional interaction between morphine and opioid receptors has a critical role in increases in DBI mRNA expression.  相似文献   
Ayu Plecoglossus altivelis were experimentally infected with Flavobacterium psychrophilum, which is the causative agent of bacterial cold water disease (CWD). The fish infected by immersion usually died within an hour after they became moribund. The blood volume and haematocrit values of moribund fish were low, while those values of many infected fish that were not moribund were in the range of controls. Most of the affected fish in the immersion-infected groups had ulcerative lesions on their lower jaw. No histological evidence of haemolysis was observed. These results suggest that rapid bleeding occurred through ulcerative lesions, probably causing hypoxia which killed the fish. Ulcerative lesions developed on the dorsal skin when this area had been slightly abraded artificially prior to immersion challenge. Histologically, F. psychrophilum was initially found on the skin that had microscopic injuries, but not on normal skin. The bacterium then entered the dermis and migrated through connective tissues. The lesions subsequently expanded into the underlying musculature through the myosepta, developed necrotic myositis and formed externally open ulcers. Only in later stages of infection did mild lesions develop in the internal organs and the gill, probably caused by the bacterium migrating through blood vessels. This suggests that infection with CWD through the gill or digestive tract is unlikely. Virtually no open lesions were found in ayu challenged by intramuscular injections except at the injection sites. The results suggest that skin injuries are major portals of entry for F. psychrophilum in ayu, and the bacterium has affinity for collagenous connective tissues.  相似文献   


From among a cohort of 65,553 men aged 30–84 in Karunagappally Taluk, Kerala, India, 52 hypopharyngeal cancer cases and 85 laryngeal cancer cases were identified by the Karunagappally Cancer Registry during the period between 1990 and 2009.


We conduct Poisson regression analysis of grouped data, taking into account age and education.


This study showed that the incidence rates of cancers of the hypopharynx and the larynx were strongly related to the number of bidis smoked a day (P<0.001 for both hypopharyngeal and laryngeal cancers) and duration of bidi smoking (P=0.009; P<0.001). Laryngeal cancer risk was significantly increased by bidi smoking (P<0.001), cigarette smoking (P=0.013) and regular alcohol use (P=0.005).


The present study, the first cohort study to examine the association of hypopharyngeal and laryngeal cancer incidence rates with bidi smoking in South Asia, clearly showed dose–response relationships between those cancer risks and bidi smoking; larger amounts of bidi smoked a day and longer durations of bidi smoking increased the incidence rates of those cancers. Tobacco chewing was found not related to the risk of hypopharynx or larynx cancer.  相似文献   
Using highly cationic polyethleneimine, alteration of glomerular anionic sites were evaluated ultrastructurally in two types of rat glomerulonephritis (GN); chronic serum sickness GN and heterologous (passive) or autologous (active) Heymann's GN. Daily i.v. injections of egg white lysozyme in physiologic saline into presensitized rats led to the formation of numerous mesangial and subepithelial deposits. In the non-proteinuric period in which immune deposits were localized predominantly in the mesangium, anionic sites of the laminae rarae and the epithelial cell coat were clearly observed. In the subsequent proteinuric period in which numerous subepithelial deposits were superimposed, a broad loss of anionic sites in the epithelial cell coat was seen. Splitting and focal loss of anionic sites on the lamina rara externa adjacent to the subepithelial deposits were commonly observed both in passive and active Heymann's GN and in lysozyme GN. These findings indicate that the subepithelial deposits are closely involved in the development of proteinuria by injuring the anionic sites, especially those on lamina rare externa of the glomerular basement membrane.  相似文献   
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