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Dawid Moroń Piotr Skórka Magdalena Lenda El?bieta Ro?ej-Pabijan Marta Wantuch Joanna Kajzer-Bonk Waldemar Celary ?ukasz Emil Mielczarek Piotr Tryjanowski 《PloS one》2014,9(7)
Pollinating insect populations, essential for maintaining wild plant diversity and agricultural productivity, rely on (semi)natural habitats. An increasing human population is encroaching upon and deteriorating pollinator habitats. Thus the population persistence of pollinating insects and their associated ecosystem services may depend upon on man-made novel habitats; however, their importance for ecosystem services is barely understood. We tested if man-made infrastructure (railway embankments) in an agricultural landscape establishes novel habitats that support large populations of pollinators (bees, butterflies, hoverflies) when compared to typical habitats for these insects, i.e., semi-natural grasslands. We also identified key environmental factors affecting the species richness and abundance of pollinators on embankments. Species richness and abundance of bees and butterflies were higher for railway embankments than for grasslands. The occurrence of bare (non-vegetated) ground on embankments positively affected bee species richness and abundance, but negatively affected butterfly populations. Species richness and abundance of butterflies positively depended on species richness of native plants on embankments, whereas bee species richness was positively affected by species richness of non-native flowering plants. The density of shrubs on embankments negatively affected the number of bee species and their abundance. Bee and hoverfly species richness were positively related to wood cover in a landscape surrounding embankments. This is the first study showing that railway embankments constitute valuable habitat for the conservation of pollinators in farmland. Specific conservation strategies involving embankments should focus on preventing habitat deterioration due to encroachment of dense shrubs and maintaining grassland vegetation with patches of bare ground. 相似文献
Selectivity among NO, CO, and O? is crucial for the physiological function of most heme proteins. Although there is a million-fold variation in equilibrium dissociation constants (K(D)), the ratios for NO:CO:O? binding stay roughly the same, 1:~10(3):~10(6), when the proximal ligand is a histidine and the distal site is apolar. For these proteins, there is a "sliding scale rule" for plots of log(K(D)) versus ligand type that allows predictions of K(D) values if one or two are missing. The predicted K(D) for binding of O?to Ns H-NOX coincides with the value determined experimentally at high pressures. Active site hydrogen bond donors break the rule and selectively increase O? affinity with little effect on CO and NO binding. Strong field proximal ligands such as thiolate, tyrosinate, and imidazolate exert a "leveling" effect on ligand binding affinity. The reported picomolar K(D) for binding of NO to sGC deviates even more dramatically from the sliding scale rule, showing a NO:CO K(D) ratio of 1:~10(8). This deviation is explained by a complex, multistep process, in which an initial low-affinity hexacoordinate NO complex with a measured K(D) of ≈54 nM, matching that predicted from the sliding scale rule, is formed initially and then is converted to a high-affinity pentacoordinate complex. This multistep six-coordinate to five-coordinate mechanism appears to be common to all NO sensors that exclude O? binding to capture a lower level of cellular NO and prevent its consumption by dioxygenation. 相似文献
Jamille Karina Coelho Correa Emil José Hernández-Ruz Marcos Tobias de Santana Miglionico Lúcio André Viana 《Systematic parasitology》2018,95(2-3):319-324
A new coccidian species of the genus Isospora Schneider 1881 (Apicomplexa, Eimeriidae) is reported from a single specimen of chelid turtle, Platemys platycephala (Schneider, 1792), obtained in a flooded area of the Amazonian municipality of Altamira, in Pará State, northern Brazil. The oöcysts of Isospora platemysi n. sp. are subspheroidal, 19.0–24.0 × 22.5–18.5 (22.6 × 20.8) µm in size [length/width ratio 1.0–1.1 (1.1)], with a colourless wall, 1.0–1.9 (1.4) wide, with two smooth layers; polar granule is present, oöcyst residuum and micropyle are both absent. The sporocyst is ovoidal, 10.0–12.1 × 8.0–10.0 (11.0 × 9.1) µm [length/width ratio 1.1–1.3 (1.2), with a knob-like Stieda body. Sub-Stieda body is present, rounded irregular-trapezoidal; para-Stieda body is absent. Sporocyst residuum is dispersed and composed of granules of differing sizes. This is only the fifth record of Isospora in chelonians, and the first report of a coccidian parasite of the genus Platemys. 相似文献
Thomsen MS Wernberg T Engelen AH Tuya F Vanderklift MA Holmer M McGlathery KJ Arenas F Kotta J Silliman BR 《PloS one》2012,7(1):e28595
Seagrasses are important habitat-formers and ecosystem engineers that are under threat from bloom-forming seaweeds. These seaweeds have been suggested to outcompete the seagrasses, particularly when facilitated by eutrophication, causing regime shifts where green meadows and clear waters are replaced with unstable sediments, turbid waters, hypoxia, and poor habitat conditions for fishes and invertebrates. Understanding the situations under which seaweeds impact seagrasses on local patch scales can help proactive management and prevent losses at greater scales. Here, we provide a quantitative review of available published manipulative experiments (all conducted at the patch-scale), to test which attributes of seaweeds and seagrasses (e.g., their abundances, sizes, morphology, taxonomy, attachment type, or origin) influence impacts. Weighted and unweighted meta-analyses (Hedges d metric) of 59 experiments showed generally high variability in attribute-impact relationships. Our main significant findings were that (a) abundant seaweeds had stronger negative impacts on seagrasses than sparse seaweeds, (b) unattached and epiphytic seaweeds had stronger impacts than 'rooted' seaweeds, and (c) small seagrass species were more susceptible than larger species. Findings (a) and (c) were rather intuitive. It was more surprising that 'rooted' seaweeds had comparatively small impacts, particularly given that this category included the infamous invasive Caulerpa species. This result may reflect that seaweed biomass and/or shading and metabolic by-products like anoxia and sulphides could be lower for rooted seaweeds. In conclusion, our results represent simple and robust first-order generalities about seaweed impacts on seagrasses. This review also documented a limited number of primary studies. We therefore identified major knowledge gaps that need to be addressed before general predictive models on seaweed-seagrass interactions can be build, in order to effectively protect seagrass habitats from detrimental competition from seaweeds. 相似文献
Rembeck K Alsiö A Christensen PB Färkkilä M Langeland N Buhl MR Pedersen C Mørch K Westin J Lindh M Hellstrand K Norkrans G Lagging M 《PloS one》2012,7(1):e29370
Background and Aims
Recently, several genome-wide association studies have revealed that single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in proximity to IL28B predict spontaneous clearance of HCV infection as well as outcome following peginterferon and ribavirin therapy among HCV genotype 1 infected patients. The present study aimed to evaluate the impact of IL28B SNP variability on liver histology in the context of a phase III treatment trial (NORDynamIC) for treatment-naïve patients with chronic HCV genotype 2 or 3 infection, where pretreatment liver biopsies were mandatory.Methods
Three hundred and thirty-nine Caucasian patients had samples available for IL28B genotyping (rs12979860) of whom 314 had pretreatment liver biopsies that were evaluated using the Ishak protocol, allowing for detailed grading and staging of liver histopathology.Results
IL28B CCrs12979860 genotype in HCV genotype 3 infected patients was associated with higher ALT levels (p<0.0001), higher AST to platelet ratio index (APRI; p = 0.001), and higher baseline viral load (p<0.0001) as compared to patients with the CT or TT genotypes. Additionally the CCrs12979860 genotype entailed more pronounced portal inflammation (p = 0.02) and steatosis (p = 0.03). None of these associations were noted among HCV genotype 2 infected patients.Conclusion
This study shows that the CCrs12979860 SNP is associated with more pronounced liver histopathology in patients chronically infected with HCV genotype 3, which may be secondary to higher viral load. The finding that IL28B variability did not impact on liver pathology or viral load among genotype 2 infected patients implies that IL28B may differentially regulate the course of genotype 2 and 3 infection. 相似文献27.
Karel Nejedlý Marek Kwinkowski Grazyna Galazka Jan Klysik Emil Paleček 《Journal of biomolecular structure & dynamics》2013,31(3):467-478
Abstract It has been shown for the first time that conformational junction between contiguous right- handed B and left-handed Z segments can be recognized by a chemical probe. Plasmid pRW751 containing (dC-dG)13 and (dC-dG)16 blocks was treated with osmium tetroxide, pyridine (a reagent known to be single-strand selective) at physiological ionic conditions (0.1 and 0.2 M NaCl) and neutral pH. Mapping of the osmium binding sites by restriction enzyme digestion followed by nuclease SI cleavage has revealed selective binding of osmium at, or near to, the end of the (dC-dG)n segments proximal to the 95 bp lac sequence. The junction of the shorter (dC-dG)13 segment was modified to a substantially greater extent than that of the longer segment. Partial inhibition of DNA cleavage by BamHI was observed at the restriction sites neighbouring to the both (dC-dG)n segments as a result of DNA modification by osmium tetroxide. The site-selective modification occurred only in supercoiled and not in relaxed molecules. Differences in the sensitivity of the B/Z junctions in pRW751 to the osmium tetroxide were explained by different structural features of these junctions. 相似文献
Katja Paul Minli Wang Emil Mladenov Alena Bencsik-Theilen Theresa Bednar Wenqi Wu Hiroshi Arakawa George Iliakis 《PloS one》2013,8(3)
Biochemical and genetic studies suggest that vertebrates remove double-strand breaks (DSBs) from their genomes predominantly by two non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) pathways. While canonical NHEJ depends on the well characterized activities of DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK) and LIG4/XRCC4/XLF complexes, the activities and the mechanisms of the alternative, backup NHEJ are less well characterized. Notably, the contribution of LIG1 to alternative NHEJ remains conjectural and although biochemical, cytogenetic and genetic experiments implicate LIG3, this contribution has not been formally demonstrated. Here, we take advantage of the powerful genetics of the DT40 chicken B-cell system to delineate the roles of LIG1 and LIG3 in alternative NHEJ. Our results expand the functions of LIG1 to alternative NHEJ and demonstrate a remarkable ability for LIG3 to backup DSB repair by NHEJ in addition to its essential function in the mitochondria. Together with results on DNA replication, these observations uncover a remarkable and previously unappreciated functional flexibility and interchangeability between LIG1 and LIG3. 相似文献
Summary Saruplase — a recombinant single-chain urokinase-type plasminogen activator was identified immunohistochemically in normal rat tissue after intravenous administration by means of a polyclonal antibody. For this purpose, rat tissues were fixed in various ways (liquid nitrogen, ethanol, formaldehyd solution). Saruplase could be detected by the PAP method, streptavidinbiotin system and indirect immunofluorescence in the kidney (proximal tubule), liver (hepatocytes, Kupffer cells) and spleen (reticular cells). Saruplase was not localized in the rat endothelium. It is discussed that the ratspecific receptors for urokinase-type plasminogen activator on endothelial cells cannot bind Saruplase due to the extreme species specificity. 相似文献