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A study was conducted to identify suitable arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi for inoculation of Bambusa bambos and Dendrocalamus strictus at nursery stage for increasing growth and productivity. Twelve AM species, isolated from bamboo and other common trees of Bundelkhand were used for inoculations. In B. bambos, total dry weight and phosphorus (P) uptake were significantly increased by all studied fungi and shoot length was increased by eight AM inoculants. Maximum mycorrhizal dependency (MD) was recorded for Acaulospora scrobiculata (44.2%), followed by Glomus cerebriforme (41.6%) and G. intraradix (41.0%). In D. strictus, all tested AM inoculants significantly increased shoot length, dry shoot weight and P uptake, except Glomus 1. Dry root weight was significantly increased by only two inoculants namely, G. cerebriforme and G. etunicatum. Total dry weight was significantly increased by eight AM fungi. Maximum MD was recorded for G. cerebriforme (62.9%), followed by G. diaphanum (55.0%) and G. etunicatum (51.3%). Thus, the results showed that utilization of effective AM fungi can enhance the productivity of bamboo in the region.  相似文献   
Present study attempts in revealing taxonomic and functional diversity of microorganism from petroleum muck using metagenomics approach. Using Ion Torrent Personal Genome Machine, total of 249 Mb raw data were obtained which was analysed using MG-RAST platform. The taxonomic analysis revealed predominance of Proteobacteria with Gammaproteobacteria as major class and Pseudomonas stutzeri as most abundant organism. Several enzymes involved in aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbon degradation through both aerobic and anaerobic routes and proteins related to stress response were also present. Comparison of our metagenome with the existing metagenomes from oil-contaminated sites and wastewater treatment plant indicated uniqueness of this metagenome taxonomically and functionally. Based on these results a hypothetical community model showing survival and syntrophy of microorganisms in hydrocarbon-rich environment is proposed. Validation of the metagenome data was done in three tiers by validating major OTUs by isolating oil-degrading microbes, confirmation of key genes responsible for hydrocarbon degradation by Sanger sequencing and studying functional dynamics for degradation of the hydrocarbons by the muck meta-community using GC–MS.  相似文献   
De novo designed peptide based super secondary structures are expected to provide scaffolds for the incorporation of functional sites as in proteins. Self-association of peptide helices of similar screw sense, mediated by weak interactions, has been probed by the crystal structure determination of two closely related peptides: Ac-Gly1-Ala2-Delta Phe3-Leu4-Val5-DeltaPhe6-Leu7-Val8-DeltaPhe9-Ala10-Gly11-NH2 (I) and Ac-Gly1-Ala2-DeltaPhe3-Leu4-Ala5-DeltaPhe6-Leu7-Ala8-DeltaPhe9-Ala10-Gly11-NH2 (II). The crystal structures determined to atomic resolution and refined to R factors 8.12 and 4.01%, respectively, reveal right-handed 3(10)-helical conformations for both peptides. CD has also revealed the preferential formation of right-handed 3(10)-helical conformations for both molecules. Our aim was to critically analyze the packing of the helices in the solid state with a view to elicit clues for the design of super secondary structural motifs such as two, three, and four helical bundles based on helix-helix interactions. An important finding is that a packing motif could be identified common to both the structures, in which a given peptide helix is surrounded by six other helices reminiscent of transmembrane seven helical bundles. The outer helices are oriented either parallel or antiparallel to the central helix. The helices interact laterally through a combination of N--H...O, C--H...O, and C--H...pi hydrogen bonds. Layers of interacting leucine residues are seen in both peptide crystal structures. The packing of the peptide helices in the solid state appears to provide valuable leads for the design of super secondary structural modules such as two, three, or four helix bundles by connecting adjacent antiparallel helices through suitable linkers such as tetraglycine segments.  相似文献   
Literature shows that various molecular cascades are activated by stress, UV rays and pollutants leading to wrinkle formation of the skin. These cascades start from five types of receptors (EGFR, PDGFR, PAFR, IL1R, TNFRB) and terminate with the production of matrix metalloproteinase's, which degrades collagen leading to wrinkle formation. Signaling pathway leading to wrinkle formation showed that c-jun is involved in these cascades. Therefore, c-jun is the preferential choice for inhibition to reduce the intensity of collagen degradation. Hence, the 3D structure of c-jun was modeled using segment based homology modeling by MODELLER 9v5. Evaluation of the constructed model was done by PROCHECK, WHAT CHECK and through RMSD/RMSF calculations. Ligands for the inhibitory sites were designed using LIGANDSCOUT. The interaction study of ligand and receptor was performed by AUTODOCK. A library of analogues was constructed for three known inhibitory sites. The receptor-analogue study was performed using the software MOLEGRO Virtual Docker. The analogues constructed from the designed novel reference ligands showed good binding with the receptor binding sites. It should be noted that these predicted data should be validated using suitable assays for further consideration.  相似文献   
Cellular processes are regulated by interaction of various proteins i.e. multiprotein complexes and absences of these interactions are often the cause of disorder or disease. Such type of protein interactions are of great interest for drug designing. In host­parasite diseases like Tuberculosis, non-homologous proteins as drug target are first preference. Most potent drug target can be identifying among large number of non-homologous protein through protein interaction network analysis. Drug target should be those non-homologous protein which is associated with maximum number of functional proteins i.e. has highest number of interactants, so that maximum harm can be caused to pathogen only. In present work, Protein Interaction Network Analysis Tool (PINAT) has been developed to identification of potential protein interaction for drug target identification. PINAT is standalone, GUI application software made for protein-protein interaction (PPI) analysis and network building by using co­evolutionary profile. PINAT is very useful for large data PPI study with easiest handling among available softwares. PINAT provides excellent facilities for the assembly of data for network building with visual presentation of the results and interaction score. The software is written in JAVA and provides reliability through transparency with user.


PINAT is available at www.manit.ac.in/pinat  相似文献   
A protocol for in vitro propagation was developed for Viola pilosa, a plant of immense medicinal value. To start with in vitro propagation, the sterilized explants (buds) were cultured on MS basal medium supplemented with various concentrations of growth regulators. One of the medium compositions MS basal + 0.5 mg/l BA + 0.5 mg/l TDZ + 0.5 mg/l GA3 gave best results for in vitro shoot bud establishment. Although the problem of shoot vitrification occurred on this medium but this was overcome by transferring the vitrified shoots on MS medium supplemented with 1 mg/l BA and 0.25 mg/l Kn. The same medium was found to be the best medium for further in vitro shoot multiplication. 100 % root induction from in vitro grown shoots was obtained on half strength MS medium supplemented with 1 mg/l IBA. In vitro formed plantlets were hardened and transferred to soil with 83 % survival. Additionally, conservation of in vitro multiplying shoots was also attempted using two different approaches namely slowing down the growth at low temperature and cryopreservation following vitrification. At low temperature retrieval rate was better at 10 °C than at 4 °C after conservation of in vitro multiplying shoots. In cryopreservation–vitrification studies, the vitrified shoot buds gave maximum retrieval of 41.66 % when they were precooled at 4 °C, while only 16.66 % vitrified shoots were retrieved from those precooled at 10 °C. Genetic stability of the in vitro grown plants was analysed by RAPD and ISSR markers which indicated no somaclonal variation among in vitro grown plants demonstrating the feasibility of using the protocol without any adverse genetical effects.  相似文献   
Fission yeast and budding yeast are the two distantly related species with common ancestors. Various studies have shown significant differences in metabolic networks and regulatory networks. Cell cycle regulatory proteins in both species have differences in structural as well as in functional organization. Orthologous proteins in cell cycle regulatory protein networks seem to play contemporary role in both species during the evolution but little is known about non-orthologous proteins. Here, we used system biology approach to compare topological parameters of orthologous and non-orthologous proteins to find their contributions during the evolution to make an efficient cell cycle regulation. Observed results have shown a significant role of non-orthologous proteins in fission yeast in maintaining the efficiency of cell cycle regulation with less number of proteins as compared to budding yeast.  相似文献   
Hepatitis E virus (HEV) causes acute hepatitis in many parts of the world including Asia, Africa and Latin America. Though self-limiting in normal individuals, it results in ~30% mortality in infected pregnant women. It has also been reported to cause acute and chronic hepatitis in organ transplant patients. Of the seven viral genotypes, genotype-1 virus infects humans and is a major public health concern in South Asian countries. Sporadic cases of genotype-3 and 4 infection in human and animals such as pigs, deer, mongeese have been reported primarily from industrialized countries. Genotype-5, 6 and 7 viruses are known to infect animals such as wild boar and camel, respectively. Genotype-3 and 4 viruses have been successfully propagated in the laboratory in mammalian cell culture. However, genotype-1 virus replicates poorly in mammalian cell culture and no other efficient model exists to study its life cycle. Here, we report that endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress promotes genotype-1 HEV replication by inducing cap-independent, internal initiation mediated translation of a novel viral protein (named ORF4). Importantly, ORF4 expression and stimulatory effect of ER stress inducers on viral replication is specific to genotype-1. ORF4 protein sequence is mostly conserved among genotype-1 HEV isolates and ORF4 specific antibodies were detected in genotype-1 HEV patient serum. ORF4 interacted with multiple viral and host proteins and assembled a protein complex consisting of viral helicase, RNA dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp), X, host eEF1α1 (eukaryotic elongation factor 1 isoform-1) and tubulinβ. In association with eEF1α1, ORF4 stimulated viral RdRp activity. Furthermore, human hepatoma cells that stably express ORF4 or engineered proteasome resistant ORF4 mutant genome permitted enhanced viral replication. These findings reveal a positive role of ER stress in promoting genotype-1 HEV replication and pave the way towards development of an efficient model of the virus.  相似文献   
Rapid advances in genomic tools for use in ecological contexts and non‐model systems allow unprecedented insight into interactions that occur beyond direct observation. We developed an approach that couples microbial forensics with molecular dietary analysis to identify species interactions and scavenging by invasive rats on native and introduced birds in Hawaii. First, we characterized bacterial signatures of bird carcass decay by conducting 16S rRNA high‐throughput sequencing on chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus) tissues collected over an 11‐day decomposition study in natural Hawaiian habitats. Second, we determined if field‐collected invasive black rats (Rattus rattus; n = 51, stomach and fecal samples) had consumed birds using molecular diet analysis with two independent PCR assays (mitochondrial Cytochrome Oxidase I and Cytochrome b genes) and Sanger sequencing. Third, we characterized the gut microbiome of the same rats using 16S rRNA high‐throughput sequencing and identified 15 bacterial taxa that were (a) detected only in rats that consumed birds (n = 20/51) and (b) were indicative of decaying tissue in the chicken decomposition experiment. We found that 18% of rats (n = 9/51) likely consumed birds as carrion by the presence of bacterial biomarkers of decayed tissue in their gut microbiome. One species of native bird (Myadestes obscurus) and three introduced bird species (Lophura leucomelanos, Meleagris gallopavo, Zosterops japonicus) were detected in the rats’ diets, with individuals from these species (except L. nycthemera) likely consumed through scavenging. Bacterial biomarkers of bird carcass decay can persist through rat digestion and may serve as biomarkers of scavenging. Our approach can be used to reveal trophic interactions that are challenging to measure through direct observation.  相似文献   
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